Friday, February 26, 2010

My take on AMC- February 26,2010

So Erica stoled David's keys and broke in and hears David's plan to lie to Erica and keep Fusion for Greenlee! ahh did she have to it would have been much more fun if Erica didn't know!
and poor Annie being left out again and again with J.R.Haha Annie probably matches so there J.R.Having Brooke keep being thrown in her face at every corner! This is going to be a fun battle to watch!
David not taking waht Greenlee is offering! Good He calls her his friend his partner I like the careful way he's treating her not rushing into bed!And then their toast Friends forver I love it!
Jake and Ryan scheming to put David in prison!
The J.r. scenes are so touching so real and heartbreaking I almost can't watch!Bravo Jacob Young,Bravo MEK,and David Canary!and Brittany Allen as Marissa !You're showing what great actors you all are!And then J.R. going into a coma ,scary invoking what really can happen in this situations!

Gayle is out to get David with Ryan and Jake noooo!!!More Ryan backing! She should say no! It would be more fun to see her play both Erica and David!Quit focusing on Ryan always winning have him lose for once!!!Have Greenlee find Gayle and make peace! Watch out Jake or she'll change her fixation to you! Although that might be fun too!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

AMC-February 25,2010

Another day another triumpth!Looks like AMC is on the road to recovery!
First the wedding Erica comes in Jack comes in you think oops no wedding but Greenlee stand her guns and get married!Bravo writers !
and then Adam is being Adam again not thinking of anyones needs but his own and J.r.'s!He wants Brooke and so he hires her for Tempo boss and as an after thought he says she can mentor Annie! LOL
Miguel is told to all as the son of Adam.His one night stand with the winery owner Sonya Reyes!Marissa's smirk and smile was good to see that actress is more comfortable as Marissa now and it shows She's better!
Miguel not showing up what a surpise !Not! saw that coming but it was still a good plot purpose!Then the set-up to crazy Gayle! Erica uses Gayle promises David she'll stop Gayle if he marries Greenlee !But is more worried about the lock on her office!Looking forward to see crazy Gayle and what she'll do!
Greenlee not falling for David's tricks and knowing his up to something but still sticking with him!I like this here relationship is being built on honesty!Now have him tell her the truth!
Bravo Amc Writers And thanks I'm enjoying AMC again!
Amelia Cambias
P.S. you're doing well but the one lingering thing is Ryan! Ryan cannot always be the superhero swooping in to solve all !Do all.Natalia is a computer expert that's what the writers wrote so why did it have to be Ryan that found the con?His con days are too long ago for him to have known this!Please redeem Ryan ! I used to like him I'd like to like him again, but in order for redemption he has to fail,fall and be remorseful!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

AMC-Feb 24,2010

What an improvement todays show was like fresh air!
Brooke's arrival all the hugs remembrances were amazing.
Her sparring with Annie.Her hello to Scott.Her wanting the job at bravo that Annie hopes to have! And Adam and J.r.'s reaction to her being there !wonderful!
And then the reveal that someone matches J.r. but whom?
They scences with J.R. made that much more poignant and well worth watching because Brooke was back,
Erica being Erica vowing that Greenlee will not steal Kendall's company
Jack defending his daughter!Key elements that have been missing on AMC
Ryan finally letting Greenlee go !Even though Greenlee insists she still loves Ryan to Ryan!
And then the piece de resistance Greenlee marrying David !
Todays show was wonderful keep it up writers!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Eight Things I Could Love About AMC

As a longtime viewer of All My Children watching Pratt's stories were like hearing nails on a chalk board! None of the characters made sense and a lot of the lines seemed interchangeable from one character to another.Also you could almost see the actors dissatisfaction on their faces.So when I heard that Mr.Pratt had been replaced I allowed myself to cheer surely now my beloved show would be rescued from obscurity and nonsenical scripts.I waited with baited breath while Mr.Pratt's scripts were used up and the beginning of the scripts I was sure I'd want to see the key day I was sure I would see better focused stories!Imagine as that day grew closer and I saw some stories taking shape making AMC watchable again instead of laughable.I was overjoyed like a kid in a candy store I wanted more I wanted to taste that candy! I saw the build-up to the return of Greenlee .I could see where I thought the story should go I could see her spitting in Ryan's face marrying David and then seeing him work overtime to win her back!But instead we get not one but two foolish kidnappings!And I have to tell you Writers not only was I disappointed but I was Bored!!!Yes Bored with a capital B!I who had suffered through Pratt's foolishness had hit my wall!So Writers here is my fix for AMC:
1.Focusing on on character good or bad as the only character that seems to matter is a huge mistake.You end up alienating the vary viewers you want to keep !Cameron maybe a wonderful person( I'm sure he is) but no one person can carry an entire show!
2. Think about what you write in terms of whether this character you are writing about is good and bad in soaps there can be shades of gray, but in order for there to be shades of gray you need a good actor and good writing .Show us remorse if they've done wrong!
Ryan is a key example of this you want this character to be so universally liked that you make the viewer think you're shoving this down our throats.Every character on the show jumps to his bidding even committing crimes to do so.A real hero doesn't need others to commit crimes and should be remorseful should they do so!
A romantic hero/lead should be likeable !Once upon a time Ryan was likeable.
He was a rogue ,a conman but he was likeable that was good writing!Ryan could be likeable again maybe even rescued from the viewers hated rath if you showed him as human and remorseful and stopped his abusive attitude and tirade against those he loves and against those he opposes.Everytime he loses his temper he hits someone.That isn't man that is a child what woman or man viewers looks up to an abuser
3.Characters should grow they shouldn't stagnate .That's not to say they have to change to become unrecognizeable characters.
Erica is a an prime example of this.She doesn't have to act like 60! I'm not asking her to act older just to act like a grown-up.Call her grandchildren "MY GRANDCHILDREN" have them call her something Grandmother like.It doesn't have to be Grandma there are many names no today.G-Ma ,Nana you get the idea!And for heaven sake have her realize she's not seventeen and a beauty queen any more.It was disturbing and jarring to see her flirt with David! It didn't work for me and I know that other viewers felt the same because they told me so.
4.Focus on everyday life .That is what is working for me right now .J.r.'s relationships with all the people he loves as he fights for his life.
But it doesn't have to be life changing simple things like job woes, money troubles,child rearing(kids getting in trouble on the internet, at school)these were the kind of things that Agnes started this show and they work so use the formula and make it work.
(If the story's not working take it in another direction but do it in away that it isn't jarring to the viewers)
5.Give us some surprises(don't say they are surprises just do them viewers may figure it out but if you don't tell we won't know for sure unless you make it really obvious like Pratt's murder mystery that was no mystery to this viewer and many many others)
6.Give us a reason to root for the characters.
(ie.I'm rooting for Annie right now because she's the underdog she's been treated badly by most of the town and she isn't getting the help she needs.This is because of good writing for her and good acting on MCE part!)
7.Give us loving families .Even if they don't get along with others family comes first!
8.Make the characters consistent!Don't let them act out of character !
I really want this relationship to work out and I know you do to!
A loyal viewer!
Amelia Cambias

AMC-February 23,2010

The David and Erica stuff was so boring.For petesake just let David go .You may have history but I don't see it anymore.All I saw was an aging washed up beauty queen trying to vamp a man way younger then her and not succeeding!Please let Erica act her age!And for goodness sake quit recycling the same old stories !
Nurse Gail should have been fun and exciting but the way you wrote it I was bored !It was just get this over with!
Angie and Frankie were at loggerheads yet again and angie took the blame for the death of that patient to protect Frankie and Frankie loses his temper and hurts his hand!like we didn't see that coming!
The J.r.Marissa and A.J. Tad scenes were fun and family like !I enjoyed them and I even enjoyed Adam being Adm again trying to get Angie to restest and even test him to match J.R.
J.R. collapsing was appropriate and poignant!
Annie begging for Bravo was touching and a good set up to where your going with the arrival of Brooke at the end !

AMC -February 22,2010

Okay so I liked Damon today he's growing on me!He could be a good aset if they build him slowly.We need to see his background !It would be nice if he's ared herring not Adm's son but Tad's byblow!I like to see that!
Liza was good again I like when she's human and not trying t hard to be overly sexy!
David and Erica = boring any chemistry they once had is gone.Erica looks like an aging beauty queen who doesn't realize those days are gone.
Tad bonding with J.R is always great !Love that Tad!
Adam been more Adam it's about time but he also has to realize being grateful to Annie means he doesn't have to stay with her just that he needs to see that she can make it on her own!
Hmm wonder when Tad will find Reyes!!
So sick of Ryan mandhnadling Greenlee and calling it love and Jake ugh !You should hate Ryan he stole your wife Gillian remember so why are you siding with him ? Even if you hate David you always careda bout Greenlee she should be under constant medical care!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Likes Dislikes AMC February 19,2010

What did I like about todays show February 18,2010?
I liked the family moments with the Chandlers
(Adam spending the night on the sofa to be near JR and make sure he's all right and find him donors)
I liked Krystal reaching out to Marissa because JR is sick and possibly dying
I liked Adam hiring Tad (but I felt that Tad should have guessed who this person could be but maybe you're keeping that for another day so I'll let that go! )
Miscellaneous Comments: Annie's mental illness is understandable given her prior behavour with Greenlee but I hope that Annie doesn't lose under your plan but has secret funds Adam doesn't know about given how she got nothing from her marriage to Ryan except a divorce and a trip to the looney bin!
What I didn't like about todays show February 18,2010:
I didn't like Nu-Colby ( she just doesn't seem to have the acting chops to be Colby the product of Liza and Adam!I've tried to like this actress but she doesn't seem to be able to walk and Act at the same time
Ryan and Greenlee:The Ryan and Greenlee reunion scences should have been magically and compelling!Unfortunately scenes are very bad.Ryan is coming off as a creepy kidnapping stalker and the voice Cameron is using is part of the problem as well ! He must think it's gentle and sexy but really the voice is coming off as extremely creeping and demanding! Ryan kidnaps Greenlee locks her in a room with him and when she complains she is hurt he still manhandles her? Then Greenlee says she still loves him? Do the writers stop to think before they write any of this !Everyone wants to be kidnapped manhandled and prevented from doing what they want don't they!And if you didn't recognize that was sarcasm!Learn how to write love scenes and realize the limitations of your actors!It isn't romantic to have a character who is known for violence to act this way!If they need acting help get it for them and don't write them as stalkers and manhandlers and then call them heroes!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

What's Killing the Soaps

What's Killing the Soaps-
There was an article on blog that said it was talking about what was killing Soaps but really what it did seemed to put down the actors for working in soaps here is my rebuttal to that:
What's killing the Soaps are people who scorn the soaps and don't even care to think about how much talent and intelligence it takes to portray a character most of the year .Who have to learn and memorize pages and pages of dialogue just to get in front of the camera! The actors have to portray that character in a way that captures the viewers interests even when their writers and head writers don't understand the genre!What's killing the Soaps are people who scorn them and who have never truly watched a soap or who secretly watch them just to scorn them.Many nightime people and movie stars have come from soaps and have learned valuable acting experiences because they started on soapsWhat's killing the soaps are headwriters who are hired and treat the soaps history like it never happened ,like the viewers have never watched the soap.Following the Bible of the soap is not a sin but a must !Viewers appreciate the richness of the stories that incorporate the people and the families that drew them into their "Stories .What's killing the soaps are the steadfast rules of how they monitor the ratings so they can get their add revenue.Just going to the 18 -34 years of age range for ratings is ridiculous ! People below and above those ages watch and watch via their VCR's,PVR's, DVD,Recorders and on their TV screens but the medium of television is going to the personal computer and the medium will have to move with that if it wants to survive! Their product is bought by these people!Another thing that is killing the soaps as I said is the storylines.They are alienating viewers with their refusal to follow history!One of the key things that went wrong with All My Children over the last year was they stepped away from the bible characters lines were virtually interchangeable as the characters spouted their lines!
Mr.Pratt said he liked his soaps campy but that's not what long term viewers want!They'll put up with a little camp if they must but not to the extent that Mr.Pratt took it!
If you want viewers for the soaps you give the viewers what they want to see!One thing that always keeps viewers watching are good stories stories about families,families triumph over adversity but also good times and bad!
Multigenerational stories are the type that bring viewers in!!One thing that does not is a constant bombardment of depressing story-lines something All my children suffered under Mr.Pratt's leadership! If there was a happy moment in the time he was there I don't recall it!Give the viewer something and or someone to care about!But don't change long term characters into unrecognizable people! You have a history use it to your advantage and make the viewer like them again!Recasts are tricky recasting someone who looks almost twenty years younger then the character is jarring for the viewers so you really should ease into it.Show the viewers why they should like this character by slowly introducing them to current stories! Having a character a popular a long time character come back and then act out of character alienates your viewers.So in conclusion if you want Soaps to survive writers should honor the history because then the viewers will continue to honor the Soaps!

AMC Hot Buttons

Dislikes Why:
Nu-Colby : Can't act
Slurps her words
Flips her hair
Screws up her face but just looks pained

Ryan Cameron needs acting lessons
(he has three faces bug-eyed,angry or both)
(his loving voice that he lowered was creepy and scary)
The writers make every character regardless of what he's done to
Them do anything and everything he wants including crimes
He manhandles women and calls it love
He verbally and physically abuses the wommen
He claims to love and they fawn on him
He neglects his child so he can get it on

Jake He's a hot head
He neglects his wife and child to get revenge on David + -
Tad He's always committing crimes to get David

Likes Why
TAd He's a great Dad he's there for his kids
He actally seems to work for a living

An Open Letter to Julie Hannan Carruthers -Part1

First of all let me tell you that we can see some improvements in our beloved show All My Children! Thank-you for that!
That said one of the biggest problems with the show now and in the past has been the constant touting of Ryan as a hero!The writers are responsible for our dislike of the character ! At one time Ryan was a sweet interesting character, a character we even liked to root for but that all changed when he began his manhandling of every woman who cared for him and his mental and physical abusive of them with no punishment! If you want him to be a leading man you need to :
1.Show us Ryan truly sorry for his past actions and getting therapy .Make him realize he's not perfect!
2.Don't let him win every woman he crooks his finger at turning them into mindless bimbos; have him have to really work at a relationship.
3.Get Cameron some refresher acting lessons.I like the man but the actor only has three faces mad smug and arrogant ;and it doesn't make me like his character!Is it you or Cameron responsible for this?If it's Cameron No offence I like you I really do but even the best actors need sometimes to step back and see when they are in a rut and fix it by going to acting classes!Talk to MEK he did this and he's better for it!
4..Make him spend more time with his daughter show us five seconds at the park or coloring with her and less overnights with strangers
5.And don't make all the other characters keep telling us how wonderful Ryan is .It doesn't work we're not that brainwashable!
Moving on you were quoted Ms.Carruthers as saying in SOD as saying "that the office started buzzing _you know "oh my God did you see that scene? and Oh my God I was crying in my office "And they've read it 15 times !"talking about the reunion of Greenlee and Ryan at the wedding!Personally I didn't see that and I usually cry at this kind of scenes at the drop of a hat!you also said "It's the connections that you have with the show that's so special ,when you hit it ,it reaches a place in people that not very many entertainment outlets can say they acomplish.That is true unfortunately for me and I believe a number of people who watch here on this board we didn't see this with the Greenlee and Ryan scenes!What we did see was an interesting coupling David and Greenlee which could have set up a future triangle being ruined at the altar of the past Grenlee and Ryan are the b and the end all of couples.Give us something to root for give us something exciting to watch we really have been loyal to All My Children but were tiring of seeing the same old recycled stories and the Scooby gang Gang up against David! That's just lazy writing! Think up some new things!Please and keep your job going and our show rolling!
Thanks a devoted viewer!Amelia Cambias
originally posted Februray 17,2010

AMC-Liza Bad to Good ?

I disliked the character of Nu-liza she was too young I thought.Even then I still wanted to give her a chance but they ruined this character with the sleazy behavior of NU-Liza especially that casino scene with Zach and now every chance they get she''s throwing herself at him .It was really gross seeing her draped over the casino table her panties around her ankles! (Real Liza had more self esteem then that they would have had to chase her!)As evidence her making him a stripper pole in her dance and then kissing him full on the lips on TV!That is not Liza she's too strong and would be able to manipulate without being so sleazy or obvious!She also has more warmth then this character I feel no geniune feeling from her whatsoever! a good actress could take this crappy writing and still make me like this character!
At least that's what I thought but since Mr.Pratt has left she's been come less sleazy and definitely more fun and likeable so was it the writing or the actress!I don't cringe when she's on the screen anymore!She's become a more motherlike figure to colby well still retaining that fun edge.Kudos to Jaime Luner!