Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Eight Things I Could Love About AMC

As a longtime viewer of All My Children watching Pratt's stories were like hearing nails on a chalk board! None of the characters made sense and a lot of the lines seemed interchangeable from one character to another.Also you could almost see the actors dissatisfaction on their faces.So when I heard that Mr.Pratt had been replaced I allowed myself to cheer surely now my beloved show would be rescued from obscurity and nonsenical scripts.I waited with baited breath while Mr.Pratt's scripts were used up and the beginning of the scripts I was sure I'd want to see the key day I was sure I would see better focused stories!Imagine as that day grew closer and I saw some stories taking shape making AMC watchable again instead of laughable.I was overjoyed like a kid in a candy store I wanted more I wanted to taste that candy! I saw the build-up to the return of Greenlee .I could see where I thought the story should go I could see her spitting in Ryan's face marrying David and then seeing him work overtime to win her back!But instead we get not one but two foolish kidnappings!And I have to tell you Writers not only was I disappointed but I was Bored!!!Yes Bored with a capital B!I who had suffered through Pratt's foolishness had hit my wall!So Writers here is my fix for AMC:
1.Focusing on on character good or bad as the only character that seems to matter is a huge mistake.You end up alienating the vary viewers you want to keep !Cameron maybe a wonderful person( I'm sure he is) but no one person can carry an entire show!
2. Think about what you write in terms of whether this character you are writing about is good and bad in soaps there can be shades of gray, but in order for there to be shades of gray you need a good actor and good writing .Show us remorse if they've done wrong!
Ryan is a key example of this you want this character to be so universally liked that you make the viewer think you're shoving this down our throats.Every character on the show jumps to his bidding even committing crimes to do so.A real hero doesn't need others to commit crimes and should be remorseful should they do so!
A romantic hero/lead should be likeable !Once upon a time Ryan was likeable.
He was a rogue ,a conman but he was likeable that was good writing!Ryan could be likeable again maybe even rescued from the viewers hated rath if you showed him as human and remorseful and stopped his abusive attitude and tirade against those he loves and against those he opposes.Everytime he loses his temper he hits someone.That isn't man that is a child what woman or man viewers looks up to an abuser
3.Characters should grow they shouldn't stagnate .That's not to say they have to change to become unrecognizeable characters.
Erica is a an prime example of this.She doesn't have to act like 60! I'm not asking her to act older just to act like a grown-up.Call her grandchildren "MY GRANDCHILDREN" have them call her something Grandmother like.It doesn't have to be Grandma there are many names no today.G-Ma ,Nana you get the idea!And for heaven sake have her realize she's not seventeen and a beauty queen any more.It was disturbing and jarring to see her flirt with David! It didn't work for me and I know that other viewers felt the same because they told me so.
4.Focus on everyday life .That is what is working for me right now .J.r.'s relationships with all the people he loves as he fights for his life.
But it doesn't have to be life changing simple things like job woes, money troubles,child rearing(kids getting in trouble on the internet, at school)these were the kind of things that Agnes started this show and they work so use the formula and make it work.
(If the story's not working take it in another direction but do it in away that it isn't jarring to the viewers)
5.Give us some surprises(don't say they are surprises just do them viewers may figure it out but if you don't tell we won't know for sure unless you make it really obvious like Pratt's murder mystery that was no mystery to this viewer and many many others)
6.Give us a reason to root for the characters.
(ie.I'm rooting for Annie right now because she's the underdog she's been treated badly by most of the town and she isn't getting the help she needs.This is because of good writing for her and good acting on MCE part!)
7.Give us loving families .Even if they don't get along with others family comes first!
8.Make the characters consistent!Don't let them act out of character !
I really want this relationship to work out and I know you do to!
A loyal viewer!
Amelia Cambias

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