Tuesday, February 23, 2010

AMC -February 22,2010

Okay so I liked Damon today he's growing on me!He could be a good aset if they build him slowly.We need to see his background !It would be nice if he's ared herring not Adm's son but Tad's byblow!I like to see that!
Liza was good again I like when she's human and not trying t hard to be overly sexy!
David and Erica = boring any chemistry they once had is gone.Erica looks like an aging beauty queen who doesn't realize those days are gone.
Tad bonding with J.R is always great !Love that Tad!
Adam been more Adam it's about time but he also has to realize being grateful to Annie means he doesn't have to stay with her just that he needs to see that she can make it on her own!
Hmm wonder when Tad will find Reyes!!
So sick of Ryan mandhnadling Greenlee and calling it love and Jake ugh !You should hate Ryan he stole your wife Gillian remember so why are you siding with him ? Even if you hate David you always careda bout Greenlee she should be under constant medical care!

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