Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday September 30,2010

Greenlee is sticking to the story she found the digitalis on her hotel room floor.Are we really going to continue with this boring story?
The mouse that roared Marissa claims that Jr doesn't know who h is dealing with as she is suing for AJ.I hope Jr skewers her she's lying this is all
about revenge not AJ!
Take and do some research the DA can't just barge in whilealawyer is talking to his client!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday September 29,2010

Aw that's so sweet that all the cops want to help out and drive Angie around and do chores for her.
Well Annie got you there didn't she Jr you didn't expect her to drop her towel!LOL sheis basically saying look all you want you'll never get.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday September 28,2010

oh boy Randi's faceoff against Madison who she thinks is moving in on Frankie!
Asher is a psycho he unplugged Caleb's phone and is holding a wrench angrily going to hit Daddy again.
Marissa is lightening into Greenlee for the letter she says it was everything she wanted to hear but she also was mad Greenlee was insisting he killed himself.
Madison is talking about the Jenny /Jesse friendship with Randi saying her friendship with Frankie is the same Randi's not buying it.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Tuesday September 27, 2010

oh dear because of Jr.s recent behaviour Marissa is prepared to believe that J.R. Sent Asher to cosh Caleb.And now she wants to sue for full custody
Poor Annie is trying to make Jake and Amanda her married friends so she and Scott can have someone else to talk with but she's finding conversation difficult.Love how everyone just gets to go see the prisoners at the police station.Asher is Caleb's son big whoop like we didn't see that coming!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday September 24,2010

So Angie is off to her Doctor's appointment and Jesse's there for her.I love that.
Ryan is ranting about David's suicide!
Tad is questioning Greenlee about the letters gee Tad do you think she wrote them I do!Haha he got her to admit it!
I am so bored with the who called David story.
Okay I'm loving Tad and Angie and his teasing her and then his comment about the sonogram picture.That poor thing that baby looks like Jesse.
Oh and now Jesse is arresting Greenlee because stupid Greenlee left the vial in the glove box of her car.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday September 23, 2010

Love that Tad supported his son Damon and told him that Damon Martin was good enough for anyone.Jr is being a real jerk considerring all Tad has ever given him .He should be helping his "brother"out!
I knew it Greenlee wrote those letters .That's why she wants Kendall to convince everyone those letters are real.
Kendall doing 250 hours of Community Service is funny!She needs to do time for her actions she can't keep breaking the law!
Asher is a thug!I'm not happy about that.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday September 22, 2010

I like that Binca nad Kendall are comforting nad helping Marissa both had difficult estrangements and know how it is be estranged from a parent,Kendall is well aware after finding out Daddy dearest was a rapist.Kendall telling Marissa to throw the lamp is a good idea she has to get out all her mad.And then inviting her back to wildwind for primeal screaming on the grounds.
Damnon deciding to get his GED it's about time if he wants tostay with colby he has to offer her more than a waiter.
Annie seemed to be keeping an eye on both the business aspect of Chndler and Asjher with Colby.She didn't seem to trust him the smart woman!
Jr seeing that Annie is behind Scott's push for power.
Tad reaching out to Liza to get help for Kendall was sweet since Kendall is in around about way his neice!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday September 21,2010

David killed himself? I could see him doing that but I'd like tot hink he's faking his death with the help of that coroner!
Ugh stop it writers stop propping up Rylee by destroying other characters .Now you have Tad saying that Ignorance is biss that Ryan has a strong moral compass and he'd have to turn you in.
Can you be more obvious that Greenlee planted the letters Greenlee won't fool anyone with that David wrote letters.He's not the type!He might write to Marissa but that's the only one. and maybe AJ
And a secret drawer Greenlee shouldn't have pointed out you should have let Jesse find it then be surprised!
Good grief I'm bored writers do you have any ideas that don't involve RYle Rylee Rylee.How mant times must we say RYlee doesn't work never has and we are tired of all the characters being changed to prop up RYlee because you the writers like them.Most viewers don't like Rylee and never have simply for the reason that the you the writers are in love with them so much so that no other characters matter!!!!!

Okay writers all give you that one:Tad saying he will beg Liza for Kendall so she doesn't go to jail was nice!Especailly because it remembers the convuluted family tie there.Erica was Tad's SIL. so Kendall is kinda of his niece!
Overall I give todays show a D-

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday September 20,2010

Oh dear Ryan said under hypnosis someone should get rid of David!Kendall is an idiot she gets arrested escaping bail?Think of your children you idiot!Ilike how Brot let Angie pour the juice fore herself so she spilled it don't cry or pilled milk it tkaes time to adjust!You're not superwoman Angie!
Why do the writer make all the women on the show so helpless just once I'd like to hear one of them say what do you think I'm a mindless bimbo and I need help get lost to this neanderthals that rush to the rescue!
Writers i don't car that ryna may still love Greenlee that`s so boring and continuining to push that down the viewers throats to support your own desire writers is alienating Viewers how many times do we have to tell you that Ryan+Greenlee = fewer viewers and you prop them up by destroying every character around them case in point Kendall she`s nothing but a Rylee prop but Kendall was always more than that.It`s time to cut that stroyline that pairing Rylee they make Ryan and other characters unbearable to watch!
I give todays show a E.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday September 17,2010

Greenlee wanted to frame Liza?Oh dear that'sbad is Greenlee really the guilty one?
Tell Ryan for petesake what happened!is that you found the vial in his pocket.
Ryan going to do hypnosis? Can that be used against him?And what was the business of Greenlee callingher phone from his phone all about?Oh she's listening in to the PRIVATE session the psycho therapist is having with Ryan to retrieve his memories.I'm worried about Greenlee because I love her? Oh writers really really how many times must we say Rylee doesn't work?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday September 17,2010

So Caleb is from Snowshoe mountain West Virginia?
I'm bored bored bored bored writers you really are bad!
More Kendall and Greenlee.Blah blah blah!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday September 15,2010

If my posts are getting shorter it's because I'm losing patience with the writing at AMc and yes I'm starting to lose hope it will get better.
toda's show had noreal oomph just blah blah blah mourn david blah blah blah Greenlee fingers the vial gettinge her finger prints on it.Blah blah the whole town everyone but greenlee Krystal and Marissa are celebrating David's death at Krystal's .Tacky. but I almost didn't care.Angela was defending David. Krystal was defending David to Marissa saying he had a troubled childhood that was good and true using history but really AMC writers who's writing this boring crap?Are you trying to get rid of viewers?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday September 14,2010

First of all I'm sorry witers but I'm so bored with this who killed David story.Greenlee moping around is just so boring.
I liked the support for Angie that was a geniuinely nice story and caught some of my interest.
Marissa is turning into a whiny self righteous bitch not sure how I feel about that.She seems to be turning AJ against his father what gives her that right?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday September 13,2010

Loved that Greenlee confessed and that Bianca and Kendall didn't instantly forgive them.
Asher steals Caelb's schedule who the heck is he Haley's stepson Matteo?

Ghost David is better than no David but really we need David back undue your story make it that David faked his death with curare and The coroners in on it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesday September 7th,2010

mondays show was a rerun!

Unbelieveable no one as real grief for David's death. Then when we see Marissa be told they pan out and we see it through shutters. then we finally get to it but I wanted to see the intial moment.I tell you if this is all the writers reuse and David isn't dead and David is stalking it makes no sense.if it's Vanessa alittle better but I still ahte that David is dead!
I liked Angie's comment that David was someones father though.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday August 3, 2010- My David Rant

Dear Writers

I am angry yes I am! I'm angry at what you've done to my beloved show All My Children.You get an actor of Vincent Irizarry's(David) calibre who gives his all in every scene despite your atrocious writing he makes us symapathize with the villian.We feel his pain deeply as he falls for Greenlee and begs her not to hurt him.He begs her not to tell him she loves him if she doesn't and Greenlee insists she loves him.We see David do what he always does when confronted with an obstacle(Greenlee's defection) he fights back the only way he's been taught manipulation.Greenlee is no angel she did cook the books she begged David to do that.So I really can find no sympathy for her.She wanted to hurt everyone when she came back.She made her bed now she can lie in it.This is the way you the writers wrote it and the actors played it.So why should I feel different about Greenlee?

So Vincent's contract is up does that mean the character had to die? No with a wink and a nod to the viewers they could have shown us that David is alive well and leaving in some foreign land laughing at the aftermath of his plan with his daughter Babe alive and amnesiac at his side.We would then miss David but hope that some day he could come back.However it seems that is not your plan and in having David die we all lose.

Given that there are fewer actors of the calibre of Vincent where does that leave All My Children?A soap needs a villian so everyone else looks better.There are no actors on the canvas at present that could carry the villian role so well.
I can see the writing on the wall or should I say the script.The writers know we like Radison and instead of embracing the super couple they could be they are going to destroy Madison by having her be David's killer.I hope I'm wrong but it always seems the writers just don't listen to the viewers when it comes to Rylee.They've decided they are a super couple,that everyone loves them and that therefore if the viewers like someone else with Ryan the whole show has to be shuffled to prop Rylee.All my children viewers are loyal.We sat through Charles Pratt Jr.Storylines hoping and waiting patiently.
But even our patience can come to an end when storylines aren't given the time or the creativity that the viewers deserve.Or when the writers persist in totally ignoring what doesn't work.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday September 2,2010

LOL Opal called Caleb Mountain Man!
And Tad's jealous of Krystal and Caleb!
Love that Caleb bought Mimo big Gus a gorilla .
I love seeing how glued the Hubbards are still to each other Angie and Jesse still have that magic spark.That love that transcends all!
Awful dresses for the party ,why is whoever's fashion eye picks out the clothes hooked on clothes that don't suit the complexions. And don't get me started on that paper tissue look this person favours!That paper looking flower thing on Madison's dress is hideous!
Th only two dresses I like are Angie and Kendall's lovely Grecian style fits there body types perfectly.
Liza dress made me call her Wilma Flintstone LOL!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday September 1, 2010

So Maria just leaves an old medical bag at Wildwind and they use it to save Miranda? Somehow I can't see that!
Madison buys Ryan expensive cuff links what is she using for money?Cuff links with cards on it
Aw Mimo(Miranda)has stolen Caleb's gruff heart he loves her you can tell by how worried he is!
Best acting I've seen yet from Bianca's portrayer Christina!She sounded like a mother terrified for her baby girl!
David is upset now I just know that the death that I've been hearing about is David faking hs death.waht he should have done is have Ryan kidnapped and tortured..Greenlee grieving for Dead Ryan.Madison could save him.
Oh and so Caleb mentions Sonya yet again is Asher's his and Sonya's?