Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday September 21,2010

David killed himself? I could see him doing that but I'd like tot hink he's faking his death with the help of that coroner!
Ugh stop it writers stop propping up Rylee by destroying other characters .Now you have Tad saying that Ignorance is biss that Ryan has a strong moral compass and he'd have to turn you in.
Can you be more obvious that Greenlee planted the letters Greenlee won't fool anyone with that David wrote letters.He's not the type!He might write to Marissa but that's the only one. and maybe AJ
And a secret drawer Greenlee shouldn't have pointed out you should have let Jesse find it then be surprised!
Good grief I'm bored writers do you have any ideas that don't involve RYle Rylee Rylee.How mant times must we say RYlee doesn't work never has and we are tired of all the characters being changed to prop up RYlee because you the writers like them.Most viewers don't like Rylee and never have simply for the reason that the you the writers are in love with them so much so that no other characters matter!!!!!

Okay writers all give you that one:Tad saying he will beg Liza for Kendall so she doesn't go to jail was nice!Especailly because it remembers the convuluted family tie there.Erica was Tad's SIL. so Kendall is kinda of his niece!
Overall I give todays show a D-

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