Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday August 3, 2010- My David Rant

Dear Writers

I am angry yes I am! I'm angry at what you've done to my beloved show All My Children.You get an actor of Vincent Irizarry's(David) calibre who gives his all in every scene despite your atrocious writing he makes us symapathize with the villian.We feel his pain deeply as he falls for Greenlee and begs her not to hurt him.He begs her not to tell him she loves him if she doesn't and Greenlee insists she loves him.We see David do what he always does when confronted with an obstacle(Greenlee's defection) he fights back the only way he's been taught manipulation.Greenlee is no angel she did cook the books she begged David to do that.So I really can find no sympathy for her.She wanted to hurt everyone when she came back.She made her bed now she can lie in it.This is the way you the writers wrote it and the actors played it.So why should I feel different about Greenlee?

So Vincent's contract is up does that mean the character had to die? No with a wink and a nod to the viewers they could have shown us that David is alive well and leaving in some foreign land laughing at the aftermath of his plan with his daughter Babe alive and amnesiac at his side.We would then miss David but hope that some day he could come back.However it seems that is not your plan and in having David die we all lose.

Given that there are fewer actors of the calibre of Vincent where does that leave All My Children?A soap needs a villian so everyone else looks better.There are no actors on the canvas at present that could carry the villian role so well.
I can see the writing on the wall or should I say the script.The writers know we like Radison and instead of embracing the super couple they could be they are going to destroy Madison by having her be David's killer.I hope I'm wrong but it always seems the writers just don't listen to the viewers when it comes to Rylee.They've decided they are a super couple,that everyone loves them and that therefore if the viewers like someone else with Ryan the whole show has to be shuffled to prop Rylee.All my children viewers are loyal.We sat through Charles Pratt Jr.Storylines hoping and waiting patiently.
But even our patience can come to an end when storylines aren't given the time or the creativity that the viewers deserve.Or when the writers persist in totally ignoring what doesn't work.

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