Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday September 20,2010

Oh dear Ryan said under hypnosis someone should get rid of David!Kendall is an idiot she gets arrested escaping bail?Think of your children you idiot!Ilike how Brot let Angie pour the juice fore herself so she spilled it don't cry or pilled milk it tkaes time to adjust!You're not superwoman Angie!
Why do the writer make all the women on the show so helpless just once I'd like to hear one of them say what do you think I'm a mindless bimbo and I need help get lost to this neanderthals that rush to the rescue!
Writers i don't car that ryna may still love Greenlee that`s so boring and continuining to push that down the viewers throats to support your own desire writers is alienating Viewers how many times do we have to tell you that Ryan+Greenlee = fewer viewers and you prop them up by destroying every character around them case in point Kendall she`s nothing but a Rylee prop but Kendall was always more than that.It`s time to cut that stroyline that pairing Rylee they make Ryan and other characters unbearable to watch!
I give todays show a E.

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