Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday December 3,2010

Annie is happy to wake in Jr's arms but relaity hits when AJ calls and Annie knows it's all an illusion. Poor little AJ had a bad dream about Grandpa David. Annie wished that she could wake up with JR every day. JR assured her that it didn't have to end for them.Jr says he will work on Marissa so she won't worry about AJ and then he and Annie can be together
Annie was thrilled because their meetings had been a success. JR was grateful for Annie's help, but it was clear that he was concerned about AJ. Annie realized that JR was eager to get home, but JR argued that they had time to spend together. Annie didn't see the point, since they couldn't be open about their relationship because of the custody battle between Marissa and JR. JR reluctantly agreed.

After Annie and JR returned to Pine Valley, Annie picked up Emma and then took her to Krystal's. Emma noticed how happy Annie seemed. Annie's smile brightened as she explained that she was hopeful more than anything else.
Colby finds Asher in his shorts since he was exercising in the east wing. Colby is feeling the distance between her and Damon and fights with him over the time he spend saway from her wroking.Colby is fighting her feelings about Asher.

Colby insisted on setting some ground rules. Asher suspected that it was because of the kiss that they had shared, but Colby denied it. She reminded Asher that Damon was his friend and her boyfriend. She was adamant that if she went to dinner or worked out with anyone, it would be with Damon, not Asher. Asher thought that they were friends.

Colby assured him that they were, but she didn't think that they had to spend all of their time together. Colby reminded Asher that it had been JR's idea for Asher to live at the mansion, not hers. Asher assured her that he had received her message loud and clear. Later, Asher bumped into AJ on the staircase just after AJ had spoken to JR. AJ was in a cheerful mood because JR had promised to buy him a rocket ship.

After AJ left, Asher sat down on one of the steps to reflect on the close moments that he had shared with Colby. A smile spread across Asher's face as called out to Colby on his way to the parlor. Asher stopped short when entered the parlor to find Colby and Damon in a heated kiss. Asher became increasingly uncomfortable as he watched Damon being affectionate with Colby. After Asher excused himself, Damon started to comment on Asher's obvious reaction to finding them together, but Colby didn't want to talk about Asher.

Colby wanted to focus on herself and Damon. Damon explained that he couldn't stay because he had to meet Liza at the courthouse to drop off some paperwork. Colby resented that Damon always seemed to be working. Damon reminded Colby how important it was for him to have two jobs. Colby confessed that she believed that Liza was trying to keep them apart by loading Damon down with work.

Damon promised that he would try to make more time for Colby, but he admitted that he felt as if everything had finally gotten on track for him. Colby apologized for her fit of temper and then assured him that everything was fine. Damon confided that he liked that she missed him. After Damon left, Colby appeared worried.

At Wildwind, Bianca was upset to learn that Caleb had decided to step down from representing Erica. Caleb was confident that Jackson would be able to defend Erica. Bianca reminded Caleb that Jack didn't have his license, so she wanted Caleb to agree to remain Erica's attorney until Jack could practice law again. Marissa stood in the doorway, listening to the conversation. Caleb was curious what Marissa was staring at.

Marissa admitted that she hadn't realized how busy Caleb had become since arriving in Pine Valley. Bianca agreed that there were a lot of people counting on Caleb. Caleb reluctantly admitted that he had stayed in town because he liked the burgers at Krystal's and he was fond of Bianca and Marissa. Bianca and Marissa were delighted by the admission. They relentlessly teased Caleb about his gruff reputation and the impression that he didn't like children, even though it was clear that the kids loved him.

Marissa excused herself when her phone rang. Bianca wondered if Caleb had talked to Asher. Caleb didn't see why it mattered, but Bianca pointed out that they had been discussing Caleb's reasons for staying in Pine Valley. Caleb complained that Asher didn't want to talk to him. Bianca realized that she didn't know the whole story behind what had happened between Caleb and Asher's mother, but she suspected that Caleb could tell Asher about Sonia without tainting her memory.

Bianca sensed that Caleb had loved Sonia, despite the mistakes that she had made with Adam. She thought that Asher realized that there might be more to Caleb and Sonia's relationship because Asher had remained in town after he had confronted Caleb. Bianca left Caleb to ponder her words. A short time later, Marissa returned to the living room. Marissa revealed that one of their contacts in Washington, DC, had called to let her know that JR and Annie were in town to talk to some lobbyists.

Marissa couldn't believe how different JR was from the man that she had first met. Marissa then surprised Caleb by requesting some time off, so that she could visit David. Marissa smiled when Caleb didn't object; she confessed that she had been let down by a lot of men, but not all of them. Caleb was touched by the compliment. Later, Marissa showed up at the hospital to visit David.

Marissa was startled to find a police officer standing outside of David's room. The police officer explained that he was there in the event that David woke up. The police officer realized that it couldn't be easy to be David's daughter. "You have no idea," Marissa answered. Meanwhile, JR rounded a corner, but quickly ducked out of sight when he saw Marissa talking to the police officer.

Elsewhere at the hospital, Erica spotted a reporter interviewing Liza. The reporter questioned Liza's competence as a district attorney. Liza became defensive as she vowed to seek justice for David's shooting. Erica was about to interrupt the interview, when Jack quickly pulled Erica away. Erica demanded to know why Jack had stopped her from confronting Liza.

Jack reminded Erica that Liza hadn't decided whether or not to prosecute Erica for shooting David, so it hadn't been the time to provoke an argument with Liza. Erica was furious that Liza was considering prosecuting her for trying to save Ryan's life. Liza approached Jack and Erica moments later. Jack insisted that his conversation with Erica was confidential, but Liza reminded Jack that attorney/client privilege didn't apply, since his law license had been revoked. Liza explained that she had only heard Erica and Ryan's version of things, so Liza needed to know what David had to say about the shooting.

Erica realized that Liza didn't have any solid case against her. Erica insisted that David had been armed when he had confronted Ryan and that Erica had no choice but to shoot when David had been about to shove Ryan off of the ledge of the rooftop. Liza argued that Erica could have warned David that she would shoot if he didn't back off. Liza insisted that shooting David in the back had been an act of vigilante justice.

Erica thought that the suggestion was preposterous; she had tried to save Ryan's life. Liza was confident that a jury wouldn't agree. Erica realized that Liza had already decided to prosecute her. Jack warned Liza that she would end up a laughing stock if she attempted to go to court with the case. Liza made it clear that she wasn't one of Erica's minions who could be swatted away.

After Liza left, Jack tried to comfort Erica. Erica thought that all of their troubles would be behind them when Greenlee had called to tell them that they had proof against David. Jack and Erica were frustrated that their wedding plans had been put on hold because of David's shooting. Jack decided that they should talk to Caleb about Erica's legal situation. Erica agreed, but she wanted to put it off until she could clear her head.

Jack wondered where Erica was going, but she would only tell him that she wanted to be in a place where she could focus on their wedding plans. After Erica left the hospital, she went to the rooftop where David had been shot. Moments later, Caleb walked up to her. He revealed that he had decided to leave town. Erica was stunned; she couldn't believe that Caleb would abandon her when Liza was threatening to prosecute her.

Caleb was certain that Jack could take care of Erica's legal troubles, but Erica insisted that Liza was "hellbent" on going to trial. Caleb agreed to help Erica if she told him everything that had transpired on the rooftop. According to Caleb, it was the only way that he could stop Liza. Erica agreed, so she showed Caleb where she had been standing when she had pulled the trigger. Erica became rattled as she recalled the sound of the gunshot.

Caleb continued to push Erica for details about the confrontation between David and Ryan. Erica was annoyed because she didn't think that she should be charged with a crime for trying to save a man's life. However, Erica realized that Liza was desperate to save face after the fiasco with Greenlee's trial, so Liza wouldn't stop until she had prevailed in court. Erica wondered if she should consider pleading to a lesser charge, without jail time, to spare her family the stress of a trial. Erica explained that she needed to be there for Kendall in Kendall's hour of need.

Caleb was disgusted by Erica's decision, so he started to leave. He suggested that she get a dog if she wanted someone to roll over for her. Erica argued that she couldn't put her family through a long trial when Kendall was suffering. Caleb suggested that Erica was just giving up. Erica insisted that she wasn't a quitter. "Prove it," Caleb challenged her.

At Krystal's, Bianca bumped into Asher. Asher bristled when Bianca mentioned Caleb. He vowed that Caleb wouldn't get away with what he had done. Bianca suggested that Caleb's relationship with Asher's mother might have been more complicated than Asher realized, but Asher didn't want to hear Bianca's defense of Caleb. Bianca backed down by changing the subject. She explained that she needed Asher's help with her computer.

Asher wasn't interested until Bianca agreed to make sure that Caleb wouldn't be at Wildwind and that she would arrange for Asher to have a gourmet lunch. A short time later, Asher and Bianca arrived at Wildwind. Asher complained about the cold temperatures, so Bianca suggested that he buy a coat. Asher explained that he hadn't packed one because he hadn't intended to remain in Pine Valley through the winter. Asher quickly identified the problem with Bianca's computer when he checked it.

Bianca decided to fetch Asher's lunch, while Asher worked on the computer. A short time later, Caleb arrived home to find Asher working. Asher was not pleased to see his father, so he decided to leave. Asher promised to return to fix the computer at a later date. Asher was surprised when Caleb blurted out that he had taken care of Asher's legal troubles resulting from the speeding ticket.

At ConFusion, Jack tried to dissuade Liza from prosecuting Erica. Jack believed that Liza had the potential to become an attorney general one day, if she didn't put Erica through a trial for shooting David. He was certain that the trial would end up being the death of Liza's career. Later, Damon met Liza at the courthouse to drop off some paperwork. Damon wondered if Liza truly intended to file charges against Erica.

"That's the big question," Erica noted from the doorway. Liza asked Damon to excuse them, so Damon left. Liza warned Erica that she might want to have an attorney present, but Erica insisted that she simply wanted to talk to Liza woman-to-woman and mother-to-mother. Erica realized that she stood to lose her life and family if Liza pursued the case against her. However, Erica wanted Liza to know what Liza would lose. "Or, more precisely, what I will take from you," Erica threatened.

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