Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tuesday December 14, 2010

The son of Snowmagedden last weeks storm is here and the snow is coming down but we have All my children and a warm house so all is good!
At the hospital Caleb tells Erica that Kendall needs help and her because of her pillow incident.
Erica thanks him for being there for Kendall to talk to. She wants to return the favour he says she all ready has.
Kendall tells Bianca of a holiday party se wants to have but Binca doesn't think that Kendall is ready for that.Kendall also wants to work on Zach's last work the Miranda centre.binca says she will be doing that as well.Reverend ricky drops by Kendall's house.She tells him how angry she is.He tells her to break soemthing to get rid of anger.Bianca gives hr adish Greenlee and David left behind.Then Bianca takes her to find a Christmas tree for kids.Asher comes to work on computer Caleb hides upstairsand Bianca gives him a coat for Christmas present.Caleb comes down thinking he's gone but find asher instead they talk of gifts he bought Kendall's kids .Caleb says he isn't sure what to get akid who lost his father Asher says he just wanted his dad then he leaves the house.
Erica visits Kendall at home to know if she will be going after David again in the future. Kendall says she might because she doesn’t know what she will do one day to the next. Erica knows she's angry, but reminds her she can't act on those impulses and should focus on her children instead. Jack drops by and notices the tension. He asks if everything is okay and Erica says it's just fine. Jack and Erica leave, as Bianca stops by to get Kendall for Christmas tree shopping. Kendall says Spike has a stuffy nose, so she can't go.
Jack and Erica head to ConFusion, where Jack apologizes for their latest fight. He also wonders what was going on with her and Kendall. Erica says that was nothing.
Still at Krystal's, Jake recalls more of his past with Cara, as Amanda and Trevor meet him. Amanda asks if he's okay in regards to Cara and wonders why she is even there. Jake tells her she wants him to rejoin Doctors Without Borders. Amanda wonders if there is a part of his life he feels is missing and if he wants to go back. Jake tells her she put him on solid ground and that's where he wants to stay.

Amanda stops by Annie's hotel room and tells her about Cara popping up in town. Annie suggests she not take any chances with Cara.
Cara exits her hotel room and runs into Tad. They both recognize each other and Tad learns she has already seen Jake. He tells her he kind of wishes she would pack up and leave because Jake doesn't need her messing things up for him. She never meant to hurt Jake, but Tad tells her she decimated him, until he fell in love with Amanda. Cara notices Tad cut himself and offers to take a look at it. They go back in her room where she patches him up. He tells her this doesn't make up for all the crap with Jake. She says she knows. After Tad leaves, Cara recalls the moment when Jake proposed. She reveals she still has her ring that she wears on her necklace.
Tad finds Jake at the hospital and tells him Cara fixed up his hand. Tad questions his brother about his seeing his ex and Jake tries to explain the mixture of emotions he felt. Jake also admits there's a piece of him that would like to return to Doctor's Without Borders, but he loves Amanda and is over Cara. They walk the halls and see Cara with Griffin, who are acting very friendly with each other. Jake assumes they are still together and Tad says he will do some snooping around to get some answers. Jake leaves and Tad swipes Cara's purse while she talks with Griffin. He looks through her wallet and says, "You've got to be kidding."
Jake walks into ConFusion where Amanda grabs him and pulls him into a passionate kiss. She says it might not be a war zone but she will give him all the excitement he can take. Jake kisses her more passionately

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