Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday November 22, 2010

Jesse wants to kill David again for Zach's death.Jack tries to tell Liza that David committed suicide.Off shore banka ccounts he begs for time.Liza won't balk she says forget it.
He tells Zach is dead.
Liza is upset that Zach is gone.
Ryan and Erica go to tell Kendall he's dead she's smiling she keeps repeating Zach is coming home soon make it quick.
Jesse tells Jake and Amanda .He's upset that he has to tell Angie.Tad hugs liza and says he is sorry.
Tad begs liza to wait a day.He says she can be something other than strong as she cries.He comforts.
This is heartbreaking Spike was coaching Spike night and day to be a chief in the play.And now Spike is going to write what he's thankful for some more
Kendall is yelling and denying it as they tell her Zach is dead.
Amnda says Zach was a hero he saved Jake's life.She wants to focus on what matters.
Bianca is being told Zach is dead that he didn't make it by Jack and Greenlee.
Kendall is saying Zch wouldn't do that we have thanksgiving planned a house full of people years and years of plans.She says you only found debris he wasn't there.He could be just fine.She calls Ryan cruel.youleft him there she rallies she says how could you leave him you left him.He says the coast guard says there is no survivors as she demands to to call them she demands
She says she doesn't give damn about Greenlee and verdicts yo should have searched for him not left him there.She says she is going to call him he's probbly hiding because he was helping a fugitive.she demands he calls her right away she says she loves him and so do the boys.She told them to get out.She's checking on the boys.
They tell Binky Kendall insists he's alive.Bianca says go to Greenlee go.
Alicia's (kendall's)I don't know what to do what to say how to tell the boys is making me sob buckets
Greenlee says she will remeber their perfect night in prsion she'll be fine .Ryan promises to get her free even if he has to beat a confession.She makes him promise to take care of Kendall.
Binca talks about poems and lyrics Zach wrote to Gabby and Miranda.Erica wants oa rrang all Binca says take time let it sink in.Kendall can't make it to her and Zach's bedroom.
Oh boy David just walked into the courtroom after Greenlee got convicted for life!

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