Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tuesday November 9, 2010

Erica is wearing a slinky silk dress for a new conference how inappropraite but in the next scene that she couldn't possibly have time to change she's wearing an appropriate purple dress someone didn't check the contunuity of that scene. Erica and Jack have it out for her selling their private life to the press for Caleb.
Asher calls Caleb out on killing his mother.Asher says he didn't even deny it nad attacks him Jr rescues Asher and take him back to hospital.
Greenlee apologises to her Dad putting up Jack's radar.She says thanks and hse loves him she'll nevr forget what he did to protect her.
ZAch and the boys eat ice cream at Krystals' .The boys talk away about ice cream so cute.Liza warns ZAch that Kendall better stay inside the lines and not help Greenlee.Zach tells her not to threaten Kendall in front of his boys
And that Kendall loves her Family and friends. Liza is burning bridges fast!
Ohhh Liza is listening in and she suspects Greenlee is on the lam. Kendall volunteered to drive them with her kids in the car oops Zach heard .Kendall you hvae some splaining to do!

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