Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday November 29,2010

Greenlee goes to see David I see no point in that action.ema wanted Madiosn to stay but she didn't.
Kendall is trying so hard to keep it together for Spike's big moment in the play.She wants Spike to have one good moment.She hides her grief from Spike as Bianca comforts her.
spike said he was thnkful for his mom his dad his brother and daddy zac who loves thanksgibving my heart just broke.Kendall says he was the best one and everyone was proud of you. she almost lost it but binky took him around to be congratulated.
Eric tries to comfort Kendall.Kendall says she wanted her boys to feel safe loved and wanted .She says she's suppose to stay strong for her children but she's a mess.Erica says you do have this in you.
Emma gave Spike her turkey bracelet?
Jack comes by to wish happy thanksgiving.Jack says it's over he's on a bus to prison.Ryan gives them time alone as he calls to make sure David is on his way to prison. but he's not he's watching Ryan
Jack told Emma he didn't know Greenlee as alittle girl.
Tad stoled the turkey and Jesse knew he told him to make it right tomorrow.
Kendall tells Spike that Daddy Zach wanted to come and he would have been proud of him but he had an accident.They cry and she hugs her son.So sad that scene.
Erica tells Kendall she was wonderful with spike.Kendall says no kid should have to go through that.Erica says you cantell them stories of Zach.Kendall thnsk her mom for being there.Erica wants her to eat but Kendall says she's too tired.Erica ofers to stay but Kendall says go be there for Jackson.
Kendall says there is no air inher house.
Tad says he gives you me the luckiest man in the world his son Damon whose disppeared Jake he's parnter in crime in the fowl crime.Losing ZAch has shown them how lucky we really are .Family friends are everything.Withthem you canget through everything.
ZAch goes out tolook for ryan on greenlee's say so.Ryan struggles with agun and David.
Tad says he struggled the last year and we wonder how we can go on we struggle we make mistakes but we hang on .This wonderful place we call p,v, happy thanksgiving!
David got the gun from Ryan but it went somewhere .Erica shoots David protecting Ryan

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