Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday January 31, 2011

Jr gets Dr. Burke to go see Annie but she blows him off pretends all is okay well she gets a letter opener from drawer.AJ begs them not to dovorce he got introuble at school.He says kisd said that divorced parents use kids to beat each other up.Jr and marissa promise they won't and that he will always come first before anyone.
Caleb is seated at table and Erica meets him.Jack is mad he didn't even know she was back.Kendall is remembering the shooting in parts she remembers mom calling out toher.Greenle asks her about her expression.Kendall says it's something she forgot but can't remember.she says it's about david but she doesn't know why.Greenlee says not alking about David.Greenlee shuts off kendall's phone
DAvid and ryan on roof Ryan threatens to kill him David says no more Emma spike greenlee.Ryan's testing his strength on the rooftop.David protests he's weak and under sedation.Caleb excuses his self while erica says he is handsome Erica said she just got there and was filling Caleb in on business.
Jack wants to know if she found perefct wedding dress designer.Erica promises quality time together.Erica says she finished with Caleb she'll call him before she coems home tonight love you.
Erica says it's good tosee Annie.Annie complains that the divorce isn't final why?Caleb aSKS WHAT BUSINESS IS IT OF HERS.
Erica comes to see David Jesse says he's gone she said he's dead?he went for tests and he disappeared we will find him
David begs Ryan to kill him and get it over wiht his not faking.
annie complins that she needs to knowa bout divorce if employer calls.Krystal says she doesn't like the way she's talking about marissa and stay out of my restraunt.
Annie says yes Marissa is a saintthat's what everyone says .she's the one spreading lies whenI've done nothing wrong.Annie says your food is terrible anyway wehnkrystals ays don't come back.
Erica says maybe he'll stay gone.
Jesse says as long as he's free no ones safe.Jesse wants to protect Erica.
Caleb shows up ask how it went with david she's wrried about Kendalll
Kendall and Greenlee have pedi and massage.
Greenle says remeber when you painted nails ever colour of purple looked like smurf greenlee says Nothing and no one wills tand in our way we are invincible Kendall apolgises for being mean she says let me help with wedding.
David is grasping for air but Ryan is tormenting puts break on he says he enjoyed himself.
Ryan says he didn't make tests so he'll go to prison.Ryan says they won't know he can't do anything.
annie imagines again that Marissa sicked dr,burke on her.
Jack whines thaT eRICA WAS WITH cALEB and Krystal says she wouldn't spend any time witing to come home to her.
Erica and Caleb come and tell Kendall that David is free Erica slips up and says at least he didn't come after her.why would he come after me asks Kendall puzzled.
Ryan says they'll believe you bribed someone they serveillance cameras will show nothing.Greenlee calls ryan and Ryan says Jesse will catch David.
Ryan leaves David.They'll catch you mid escape.Ryan says only way out is down.and leaves him on roof.
Krystal says Annie is ready to flip out and she's blaming Marissa.Annie si upset because I fired her.I called Dr.Burke I'm going to have her talk to him.He'll keep them up to date Jrsays
Marissa tells moma bout Aj.Dr.Burke says you didn't tell her i was coming she was reluctnat .He is concerned.
Annie says we will have a snacka t Krystals'Emma says aj was uset becasue of aj's divorce.She tells Emma donm't trust anyone.
Erica says she's worried becasue she tried to smother David.Erica says i jsut want you protected.
Erica talks wedding with Kendall she says she will ahve valentine theme at her house.Erica asks Greenlee what to get jack for Wedding gift.Erica is worried to much stress for Kendall to have wedding at her house.
Ryan comes in and Emma runs to him
David tries to get down can't opens door and Jesse asks if he's going somewhere?
Emma likes to eat here.Annie complins when Krystal kicks here out ryan asks what is going on,.
Natlaia says they can't find burgular.Gets signature for insurance.
Bracelt was from Jr when adoption came through.Jr says he would replace if he could hugs marissa goodbye/
Erica says too much stress for KendallGreenlee says chill out.Kendall says she got tecxt david is caught.Kendal says she has weird Feelings about David.
Jesse asks who helped himLavery did this he wants me out of hare for good Fianlly you beleive me ssays David. Jesse says he is a liar.Ryan says he was at work and now at krystals.Ryan's albi checks our security says he was there at cambias.David says he just wanted me here in jail before wedding.Jesse doesn't believe him David says how can I escape fom roof Helicopter comes for David Ryan thought of all.
greenlee has decide to get married at Fusion
David says it's all David they find passport and buisness card for helicopter.Jesse takes him to prison.
Krystal says annie is getting dangerous watch out.marissa says as long as it doesn't touch aj it's okay.
Jr goes to see Annie find sletter opener missing nad pic of him and aj,plus marrissa's purse and stuff.He asks where she got it?

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