Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday January 4,2011

Erica scoffs off the kiss as Caleb promises everything between them is between us. Caleb so obcviously loves her as erica thanks him for proetecting her daughter.
Ryan tells Greenlee about Kendall.Ryan worries about the kids. Greenlee says she'll go watRyan calls annie and says he needs her to take care of Emma.
Greenlee goes to Kendall's and finds Madison there.Greenlee is doing her darnedest to get rid of Madison and is not happy to find her at kendall's she offer madison job contact in NYc
Annie wants jr to go with her to Ryan's but the won't he 's worried about someone seeing him. Annie is not liking this.
Jr and Caleb meet at the bar and Jr toots his horn at him!
Annie goes to Ryan's and tells him how much she loves Jr and that she won't be tossed aside not again she's not his diry little secret.
Annie says she's is done being the other woman that's her new years resolution.
Jr tells Caleb only one of them will survive in business this year.
Madison tells Bianca she doens't wnat to leave great friends in P.V.
Ryan sees Madisonch the kids until Kendall's nanny arrives.

Griffin assures them for now Kendall is holding her own.Jack appologises to Erica. Jack says Kendall is wwhere they have to give their attention.Caleb asks Bianca how Kendall is.
Griffin won't let even reverend ricky see Kendall.Griffin is anti -religion.
Jr tells Asher that Caleb and he are enemies.
Jr tells him Marissa has promised custody Asher says you and Annie can go public he promisee not to tell anyone.
Madison says he doesn't want to leave Randi says she doesn't have to just because Greenlee wants her to
Greenlee tells spike she is his mom too when he asks.she falls asleep on the sofa with him.
Jr says that it's aholiday so there not fighting then he goes to Annie at Ryan's.Annie is happy
Bianca says Caleb told her to take care of Erica and she's worried
Erica tells Griffin he's very cute and charming but Kendall is her treasure and she has two little boys at home that need their mommmy!

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