Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday Dcember 28,2010

Erica goes to Wildwind, where she is surprised to find Caleb alone and working on Christmas Eve. Caleb says he had left a message for Asher, but hadn't heard back. Erica urged him to stop fighting the Christmas spirit. Caleb says that Asher doesn't like him .Eric urges him to keep reaching out to his son.Erica tells Caleb that she had been only 14 when Kendall had been born and that Kendall had been conceived when Erica had been raped. Erica recalled that like Asher, Kendall had arrived in Pine Valley to seek revenge against the parent who had abandoned her. Caleb says truth is complicated Erica says love is simple.

Caleb claimed not to know anything about Asher and didn't feel that his relationship with his son was simple. Erica pointed out that Asher didn't know much about Caleb either, so they were equally in the dark. Erica remembered that it had taken a long time for her to embrace Kendall, and she wished that someone had given her a reality check at the time. Caleb says Erica amazing then he says go be with your family for Christmas.

At the Chandler's Asher turns off holiday music and sits sad and quiet Colby coems in and says she's never been able to sleep o nChristmas eve. Asher wants her to stay and keep him company. She gives him a gift.
Asher doesn't want to accept but opens it to find a new pair of gray sneakers, which she explained would match most of his wardrobe.
Colby showed him a credit card she got from her dad. She confesses that she'd rather have her dad, but Asher said he'd rather have the cash and playfully reaches for the card.

Colby awkwardly changes the subject to Asher's father and asked whether Asher had called Caleb back. Asher claims not to care about Caleb, but Colby knows better. Opal called, and Colby agreed to help volunteer at the hospital that evening. Colby suggested that Asher return Caleb's call, and she left. Asher looked at his cell phone, but put it away instead of dialing.

Colby checked in at the hospital and spots Caleb as he watched babies in the nursery. Colby calls Asher and tells him to come., Colby led him to where Caleb was standing. Asher protested as she left, but Caleb asked Asher to join him. Caleb looked at a crying baby and asked Asher if he'd ever seen anything like it. Asher said he hadn't. Caleb claimed that the baby reminded him of what Asher had looked like when he had been born -- premature and small, but perfect.
A surprised Asher remarked that he had believed that Caleb had simply taken off after Sonia had died. Caleb recalled that he had wanted to see Asher. When Caleb had spied Asher's hands curled in tiny fists, Caleb had thought that Asher had been tough. Caleb apologized for thinking that Asher had been better off without him. An overwhelmed Asher walked away, but Colby stopped him. She informed him that Caleb had made a large donation to the hospital's neonatal unit and showed him a sign bearing Sonia's name.

Asher told Colby that Caleb had visited him when he had been a baby and admitted that perhaps he had been wrong to think that Caleb hadn't cared about him. Later, Caleb talked to Palmer's portrait and promised that he was going to fight for his son, no matter how long it took.

Father Clarence told Kendall that his car had stalled at the end of her driveway. Kendall recalled how she and Zach had been stuck in a snowstorm the prior year, when they had found Father Clarence's chapel. At the time, Father Clarence had reminded them how important they had been to one another. She realized that he was there to help and declared that it was a night for miracles.

Kendall asked Father Clarence if he could stop the nightmare she felt that she was living. He called Zach's death a tragedy. Kendall promised she'd never take Zach for granted again if Zach returned home. She begged Father Clarence to help her the way he had in the past. She cried that she was lost without Zach. Father Clarence stated that priests could only do so much and that it was his job to counsel people. He advised Kendall to listen to her own heart. She said her heart was screaming for Zach and that she'd always love him.

Kendall started to blame herself for pushing Zach to help Ryan and Greenlee, and Father Clarence asked how Greenlee was doing. Kendall refused to talk about Greenlee. She said that she couldn't let Zach go. Father Clarence urged her to seek solace in her memories and her children. He told her to listen to Zach's message, and Kendall became confused. Father Clarence looked knowingly at Zach's journal.

Kendall crossed the room to pick up the journal and asked whether it was the message, but when she turned around, Father Clarence was gone. She sat and began to read the journal, in which Zach had written about how much Kendall and Greenlee had put into Fusion and how he had realized that it was more than just a business for them. He had labeled Fusion a safe haven where Kendall and Greenlee had always found their way.

Later, Erica arrived to see Kendall and was surprised to discover Father Clarence in Kendall's house. Erica wondered who he was, and he introduced himself. She recalled how Bianca and Kendall had said that he was very special. She watched in amazement as he touched the Christmas tree, and it lit up. He mentioned that he had read her tweets, but he considered her more than just a celebrity -- she was a caring, strong woman who would do anything to protect her loved ones. Erica wondered what he meant.

Erica apologized for being stressed, though Father Clarence acknowledged that stress was part of planning a wedding. He said that her heart was taking her to a place she had never planned to go. Erica wasn't sure what he meant, but Father Clarence assured her that her family would be all right because someone was watching over them. As he left, the lights on the tree went out, and Erica admired the brightly illuminated angel at the top of the tree.

At his penthouse, Ryan invited Jackson in and informed him that Greenlee would be home soon. Jackson and Ryan spoke about one another's wedding plans. Ryan wondered if Jackson was worried that Erica's legal woes would get in the way, but Jackson assured Ryan that Liza didn't have a case. Ryan said that they'd lost a lot in the past two years, but he was certain that they wouldn't lose any more.

A pajama-clad Emma emerged from the bedroom and asked Ryan when Santa would be there. Ryan told her that Santa wouldn't arrive until she was asleep. Jackson asked the girl what she wanted for Christmas. Emma named off a few things on her Christmas list as Ryan nodded in approval, but Ryan was shocked when Emma declared that she wanted a baby sister.

Ryan told Emma that he thought that their family was perfect as it was. He implored her to be grateful for what she had and said he loved her and Spike. She hugged him and went off to bed. After she left, Jackson complimented Ryan on how he had handled the delicate situation. Jackson inquired whether Ryan had accepted that Greenlee was unable to bear children. Ryan assured him that Greenlee was all he needed.

Meanwhile, Greenlee begged an unconscious Madison to wake up. Greenlee reached for her phone as a groggy Madison awakened. Greenlee explained that they were in the park and that Madison had probably slipped. Madison called out for someone to help her baby, but she refused Greenlee's assistance. A determined Greenlee slowly helped Madison to her feet. Greenlee assured Madison she'd be all right.

At the hospital, a doctor informed Greenlee that Madison had sustained a mild concussion, but that Madison and the baby were fine. Greenlee entered to visit Madison, who asked how she could thank Greenlee. Greenlee asserted that she had only done what anyone would have, but Madison clarified that Greenlee wasn't just anyone.

Greenlee asked Madison why had been in the park alone at night, and Madison explained that she had needed time to think, as she had been scared and confused. Greenlee thought that Madison had already made a decision because Madison had expressed concern for her baby. Madison admitted that for the first time, she felt love for her child. Madison realized how she would have felt had she lost the baby and decided that she wanted to keep it.

Madison confessed that while she loved her baby, she was nervous about raising the child on her own. Greenlee wondered why Madison hadn't told Ryan about her pregnancy. Madison explained that it was the first time in her life that she had something that was only hers. Greenlee reminded her that her pregnancy wouldn't be a secret forever. Madison didn't want anything from Ryan and contemplated starting over someplace else.

Greenlee suggested that Madison move to New York and offered to provide enough severance from Fusion to help Madison find an apartment and a job. Madison was stunned. Greenlee told her to sleep on the offer and started to leave, but Madison blurted her acceptance. Greenlee thought Madison's decision was abrupt, but Madison was determined that Ryan not find out about her pregnancy. Greenlee stipulated that her one condition to their deal was that Ryan could never find out. Madison thought she owed Greenlee for saving her and her baby in the park. Greenlee assured Madison that she'd take care of everything, and she left.

Frankie and Randi arrived to see Madison, who declared that her fall had made her realize that she wanted to keep her baby. Later, Madison listened to her baby's heartbeat.

At Fusion, Greenlee called Ryan to inform him that she was at the office but would be leaving shortly. On her way out, Greenlee got stuck in the elevator and frantically called for help. Kendall heard the cries, but hesitated when she realized it was Greenlee trapped inside. Greenlee desperately reminded Kendall that Greenlee was claustrophobic and pleaded with Kendall to look past her anger and to act like her friend.

Kendall declared that she was leaving, but Greenlee begged her to wait. Kendall mused that she didn't know what Zach had meant, because Fusion wasn't her safe haven anymore. Greenlee freaked out about having no air, and Kendall erupted that she herself was the one being suffocated by Greenlee and Ryan. Greenlee tearfully expressed her apologies and guilt, but Kendall coldly said that Greenlee's words meant nothing. Greenlee sank to the floor in exasperation.

Kendall speculated that Greenlee would have a happy future with Ryan, while Kendall would be alone, hoping that one day she'd have a body to bury. Greenlee whimpered that she'd loved Zach, and she wished that she could take away Kendall's pain. Greenlee said that she loved Kendall and sobbed that Kendall was her best friend. Greenlee lamented that it was her own fault that she'd lost Kendall.

Greenlee wished that she had been the one who had died so that Zach would still be with Kendall. Kendall was visibly affected as Greenlee broke down in tears. Kendall admitted that she didn't want Greenlee to die. Placing her hand on the elevator door, Kendall softly said that she loved Greenlee, too.

Kendall watched as a maintenance worker opened the elevator doors. Kendall led a distraught Greenlee out of the elevator. Kendall calmed Greenlee, who felt horrible that Kendall had been forced to save her. Greenlee said again that Greenlee should have been the one who had died. Kendall urged her not to think that way and suddenly seemed to have an epiphany.

Kendall tearfully said that Greenlee hadn't caused Zach's plane to go down, and she apologized for blaming Greenlee. The women both cried as they admitted that they had missed each other, and they hugged. Kendall proclaimed that Zach had sent her there to find Greenlee, and she believed it was a Christmas miracle.

Erica arrived at Ryan's penthouse, where she ran into Jackson's arms and said that she had missed him. She professed her undying love and hugged him tight. He was surprised but pleased by her outburst. Greenlee entered and cheerfully greeted Jackson and Ryan, and even hugged Erica.

Ryan commented that Greenlee seemed very happy, and Greenlee said she had a surprise. She opened the door to reveal Kendall. Greenlee and Kendall announced that they were friends again. Kendall said that an angel had led her to reconcile with Greenlee. Erica asked if the angel had been Father Clarence, but Kendall was convinced that it had been Zach.

Jackson took Erica to the roof, and he said that he didn't want her to feel haunted because it was where she had shot David. Jackson held Erica close as they looked out at the town. She asked if he believed in angels. "Hell, I've got no choice ... I'm about to marry one," he declared. They kissed.

At home, Kendall read aloud from Zach's journal. "Our time at sea is almost over, but our time together will go on. No beginning, no end. Always," she read. She gazed knowingly at the angel on the tree.

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