Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday January 13,2011

Scott plays chess and is threatened by a guard who tells him to clean it up. Scott has a phone he got from somewhere a violation of rules.He calls Greenlee because he's wrried Greenlee says she can't come and he says not agood idea.
Nat and Brot talk about stalkout where they got together.Randi goes over to Madison. Scott sent her a letter.Randi asks why he can't phone her and she tells him he's in prison
Mayor blanco threatens jesse becasue he's not at work.
Annie opens the door and accidently hits Marissa and knocks her out. she panics.she answers the door to Marissa .
Pierson is angling for Jesse's job. and kissing up to Blanco.
Madison says Scott was stuck between a rock and a hard palce as she defends him.Brot and Nat have to leave for work.
Amnda dunps on annie says she's calling to much fuelling the fames that sren't thereabout Cara.
Greenlee says why should she testify Scott says he won't get otu if she doesn't she says it will raise questionshe says with ryan.He promises to keep Madison away from Ryan he's all ready working on it.
Randi can't beleive Madison will work for Kendall.
Scott deamnds through many texts that Greenlee come now or forget the whole thing.Greenlee claims she needs to go see suppliers as she leaves Ryan and Amanda and Jake.
an nie fakes abrekin to get herself out of this jam.
Ryan gets areport that it was accidental how Zach died.
Scott says his parole hearing is tomorrow and he needs Greenlee to testify on her behalf.Annie waits until Jr gets there and sets off the alarm.Jr asks who did this .Jr tells the nanny to lock herself and aj in the room
Annie watches.
RyaN TALKS TO MADison and says he wants to be careful if the partners killed Zach.
Brot and Natalia come as Jr tends Marissa.Jr says he wwlked into aburgular her purse and bracelet is gone.Annie says oh god what happened what can I do?
Aj is upset.Aj doesn't want her to go
Angie tells Jesse iris out toget him go cover trouble spots with her.Jesse finds out about breakin at Chandlers and stakeout ending.
NATALIA interrogates Annie who says she'lll get Jake.
Greenlee says she wants to show Madison she'll be happy on her own.
Scott says but you'll be here though for parole hering she doesn't answer.
Annie says she'll do a press release as Jake tends marissa .
Amanda wants to know why she called Amnda .Amanda says she's calling her to much.
Amnda says annie should lay off panicked phone calls.
Jake wants Marissa to go to hospital she won't Jr says she's staying there tonight.
Brot and natalia are off shift in five minutes asthey go back to stakeout guy jokes they should stay all night. Brott waits and then says he did
Greenlee tells Ryna she saw Scott.
Madison comes to see her.Scott says he's getting out tomorrow
Mad says she doesn't know why she came. she's nervous.He says he doesn't carw what people think.He says it's more important what people feela bout themselves.he says he enjoyed seeing her, and wants to start new chapter she's a survivor.
Scott says we have annie in common joking.
He needs tips in starting over.He says nothing she says would make him think less iof her she tells him she's pregnant he's shocked.
Brot wants to make love but Natalia is balking becasue she's avirgin as he calls her his gift.she leaves
Madison is emabarssed she said that Scott says he wants to get to know her anyway.Scott asks her who knows and he says to himself her knows who does greenlee,
Greenlee says she thought about stuart so she offered him ajob at the hsopital and testify tomorrow .She claims she ahd asecon=d chnce so she could pay things forward by doing this for scott.
Ryan says he has to go to cali on business but he'll got o parole hearing with her.
Amanda is talking about marissa and says there's somethingoff about it amateurs Jr says surprise ski in the alps is off because MARISSA got hurt then he goes and to marissa.

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