Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday January 12, 2011

Amanda insuiates in her speech she wants Cara gone as she and Jake coem for trevor.She goes to meet Annie as Annie is freaking out about Jr keeping things from her and talking about Marissa.Tad talks to Damon who says he is leaving town to protectcolby as long as Liza and Tad can keep quiet.
Tad gets mad when Damon leaves throws something alamost hits Annoying Cara.Cara has to stitich his hand.
Annie is comfrted by Amanda who explains.Marissa says she has all ready signed agreement for custody as Jr touches hand and says she desrves better to Marissa Annie sees and is angry.Annie hears things that aren't happening her being dumped.
Jr thanks Marissa for being there for them despite his actions.
Jake decides he wants another child.Amanda comes home to champagne and toasdting on focusing on them and another baby.choclate fondue and strawberries.
Asher says colby doesn't want to work with himJr says his divorce is final in morning and hewants to take Annie on a trip
Marissa coems to mansion saying she picked up his copies by mistake and Annie clobbers her. thinking she ses marisa ina red neligee and lighting candles.annie thinks she killed Marissa.
Jake and Amanda make love.
Tad says he should doslike Cara more than he does but he thanks her for stitching him up.he flirts with her. Damn writers!!!Cara says she came there for meal.she says she hopes things work out with sonm here's cahnce as damon comes back.Damon apologises says he saw colby in park he owes hee face to face Tad's right.
Jr wants toknow hy she's m,ad at Damon. she tells him thatDamon walked in on them kissing.she can't do projects with Asher if she wants to amke up with Damon she says
Marissa looks at happy family pic with Jr.
Damon says Tad makes him takew responsible and only one other person does that colby but she's not here. he doesn't wnat tolose family he says. it will destroy colby that will kill him. Tad says for him to call colby.Jr leaves.
Leaving Asher and Colby .Colby blames Asher,answers the phone to Damon and is happy.TD IS HPAPY BUT WORRIED.
Cara comes back to Kendall's and stares ta her wedding rings around her neck

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