Monday, February 28, 2011

Friday February 25,2011

Greenlee leaves the house to see Kendal and ryan hears Jr talking to annie he rushes over there.the dummy tells jr hje bugged his house.Marissa who had been berating Jr about Aj admits she's the one that did it.
JR says he was going to call Ryan while on the way to the airport. He thinks he's the only one Annie trusts so he wants to do this his way. Ryan agrees, but demands to go with him. JR says fine, but wonders how he knew Annie called. Ryan tells him he bugged his house and Marissa returns to reveal she gave Ryan access to do so. JR is annoyed, but tells them Annie is in Canada.
He's got the jet fueled and ready to go.

Kendall gets upset while reading Zach's letter at home. She tells Ricky she thinks her husband was murdered. She assumes Zach knew someone wanted him dead or else he wouldn't have written the letter. Ricky wants her to relax and to put the letter down, but all she wants is to find out who murdered her husband. She reads something about a threat and his casino partners, as Spike and Ian walk in. Greenlee also stops by and Kendall starts to tell her about the letter, but the boys get rambunctious. Greenlee offers to take them to the park for a little while, but Kendall thinks she should be with Ryan. As Ricky tries to wrangle the kids, he slyly pockets Zach's letter. Greenlee takes the kids for their nap, as Ricky helps Kendall clean up. She can't find Zach's letter, but Ricky all of a sudden produces it after stealing a page from it. Greenlee gets a call from Ryan and leaves. She steps outside and calls Griffin to ask him to check on Kendall because she just went through Zach's things and is unsettled. Griffin agrees to stop by. Back inside, Ricky tells Kendall whatever she finds out in the letter, he is there for her. As she reads the letter out loud, she notices Ricky typing on his phone. He explains he was making plans to meet with a parishioner. Kendall then realizes a page from the letter is missing and goes to see if one of the boys took it. Ricky continues to re-type the missing portion of the letter on his phone and sends it to Kendall's printer. He adds the rewritten page in with the letter and hides in a couch cushion. Kendall returns and continues to frantically look for the letter. She finally finds it and tells Ricky to meet with his parishioner, but thanks him for being there for her before he leaves. As Kendall rereads the letter, Griffin drops by. He tells her Greenlee is worried so he wants to check her out. He takes her blood pressure, which is a little elevated, but nothing to worry about. He asks about the letter and she tells him it could change everything. She reads the rewritten portion, which she realizes is different than what she read before. She tells Griffin something is very wrong.

Ricky meets with Diane in the park. He reads the real letter Zach wrote which includes a list of people he implicates. The list includes Diana's name. The proof is in a special place, which Ricky vows to find.
Ryan, Greenlee and JR arrive at the hotel Annie is staying at. JR checks with the hotel clerk who says Annie will be back in a few minutes.
At the hospital, Scott finds Madison who signed up for a sleep study for the cash. He tells her he's doing the same thing. He worries about her being pregnant, but she assures him two doctors told her it was safe. He continues to try and dissuade her from doing it, but Madison reminds him she is broke, so what's her alternative? He suggests she move in with him. He also gives her a payment schedule he helped set up with billing for her medical bills. He says with what she'll be saving, she will be able to afford her half of the rent. He assures her there will be no "monkey business" and they will be just roomies. She agrees and points out he needs her help as much as she needs his. Scott and Madison run into Marissa, who learns they are moving in together and having a baby. She is stunned as they tell her they are just taking things one step at a time. Marissa congratulates Scott and then leaves.

Scott helps Madison move into his place. He tells her she can have the bed because she's "with child." She feels bad, but he insists he is fine with the couch. She wonders where she will put all her boxes. She ultimately decides she doesn’t need all her stuff, but Scott wants her to keep the box with her old things from when she was a kid. Scott promises her he won't be in a studio for long. He will do whatever it takes to get his life back on track. As they talk about how much their lives have changed, Emma calls Madison to tell her Annie said they couldn't stay at the hotel. She explains Annie instructed her not to call Ryan, but she didn’t say she couldn't call Madison. Emma hangs up when Annie returns to the car. Madison calls Ryan to tell him Emma called and said they weren't staying at the hotel anymore.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday February 24,2011

Liza doesn't believe that Cara and Tad are engaged he tells her there is no joke no conspiracy.
Cara agrees non convincingly.takes call Liza said he's lying she knwos ehern he is.
Amanda defends Jake to Griif who accuse her of trying to get rid of cara
Erica lets cleaning woman into Kendall Rev Ricky is searching there and hides.
cleaning woman calls erica onher fooling around with mountain amn when she has Jack says she hated Erica's show Erica fires her she asks for autograph
Ryan says they found box with Zach's name onit a small metal lock box.he sending to Kendall
Tad says she's acting jealous because he has ayoung beautiful woman.liza not buying it.
Tad says she's not your average spicy tomato and she gets him good and bad.
She makes him feel good about himeslf.Cara says she ahs to go to hospital he kisses her goodbye.
Amnda apologises for blaming everything on cara to Griff Jake says it was that imigration guy.He can't prove anything we stick to story.Jake says person should pay for calling amnda begs him to let it go,He says it is eating away at him. Jake guesses
Amanda admits she did it.
Erica thanks Ryan for taking care of box arrival for kendal and warnignher.
Erica says she's not sure kendall should go home Erica says she'll take her home
Ricky talk to cohort says he will protect them find proof Zach had .She says he is not minister LOL that means Rylee isn't married
Cara leaves after joking about parts of tad's body.Liza says she is afeisty thing she says if she wasn't so concerned about colby she ask more
Jake says we are not doing this here as Mrs.Taylor goes into surgery.
Erica calls caleb again gets no answer
Erica says she's concerned that Kendall is going to be upset to rev ricky
Rev ricky says it is bad idea for her to be alone he'll be there for opening of box.
Griff is worried that she's not up to opening box he says if too much bail or symptoms of distress she'll call
Kendall says he will cry and then realize she still has lots even he made lst.Griff says he's upset about cara but won't talk .Kendall says spill he says she's getting amrried to TAd.Kendall says Tad is one of the good guys
Griff says wheelchair outside .She thanks him calls him griff.Rev ricky says he will take her home Kendall says mom I'm fine.Erica says call me if you need anything.
Jake says she doesn't trust him.she says she doesn't trust Cara.she says she heard her say she wanted to get back with him.
She didn't know.
Amnda says he's keeping things from her.She would never have called them .Amnda says she made mistake to protect marriage she is sorry. she is afraid he won't forgive her
Griff asks how first day as engaged woman.she calls her mom and tells her.
Griff says mom will have choice words for Cara.Griff says he has nothing to be sorry about
Erica says Caleb do I need to pin cellphone to your shirt Housekeeper gives her drink
Kendall comes home Ricky offers to get water.she says no
Griff says she's luckyto be surrounded by people who love you.He hired own investigator to look into crash wow says ricky as Box arrives
Guy asks if she's Mrs.Zach slater.Kendall says yes sits down.
ricky offers to open.kendall wants to do it herself.
amnda says she's sorry nad jake says he is sorry too and walks away...
Cara knocks on Tad's door.Cara says amnda thisnks heis pyraih she hates what I did to my family tad says he could do alot worse then be married to cara she's not rntirelunattractive
Bartender says you aren't drinking you are a drunk aren't you are meeting that mountain guy.Erica says she is resigning Jack is making you
She says she's going to get her fired
Kendall says this is love letter she wrote him she reads letter made out to darling wife in the event of his untimely death.

Wednesday February 23,2011

Amanda meets with Agent Trumble at ConFusion. She tells him turning Cara in was a misunderstanding. She urges him not to deport Cara because she is getting married. He says even if it started out as a misunderstanding, it's legit because Cara is an illegal alien and they can't stop what's been put in motion. He leaves, as Jake approaches. She tries to explain why she was with Trumble, saying she was just trying to help.

At the Martin home, Tad tells Opal and Krystal about his wedding plans. They don't like the idea, but Tad defends his decision. He asks them to go along with it and help them pretend the marriage is real.

Over at the hospital, Cara has to defend the wedding plans to her brother, as Tad joins them. Griffin thanks him for what he's doing, but conveys his disdain. Griffin grills Tad on Cara's likes and dislikes, trying to prove a point, but Cara tells him they don't have time for this. Griffin reminds them it's not a game and if they mess up in front of anyone it's over. Tad assures Griffin he will do everything he can to protect Cara. He asks for his blessing and Griffin gives it. Griffin walks away and Tad suggests to Cara they meet up later to fill in the blanks on each other. Tad leaves as Jake enters. Jake wonders if Cara knows what she's doing by marrying Tad. She assures him she is okay with it because she has to be. Griffin walks by and sees them. After Cara is gone, Griffin tells Jake he can't have any more moments with Cara like that. He has to deal with Cara marrying Tad. He also declares he called immigration and learned that someone turned Cara in, as Amanda listens from around the corner.

At Krystal's Jack and Erica fight. He expresses his doubts over whether or not they will actually get married, but he doesn’t want to be the one to call it off. He wants her to do it, noting her relationship with Caleb. Erica tells him there's nothing between them, but points out he spends an awful lot of time with Krystal, who walks up to meet with Jack. Jack kisses Erica on the forehead and says they will talk later. In a booth, Krystal confides in Jack that she's taking Tad's news harder than she should. Jack asks if she loves him. Krystal admits not like that anymore, but everything will change now. She says she's scared of being alone. Jack tells her you can be with someone and still feel alone. Krystal chuckles, wondering how that's supposed to help her.

Opal meets with Erica at Confusion. Erica shares Jack's concerns about Caleb and their wedding, so Opal encourages her friend to do what she has to in order to prove she loves Jack. Opal suggests she move on from Caleb, pointing out even Palmer would think she's done the job he's asked of her. After Opal has left, Erica calls Caleb because she has something important to tell him.

Liza tries to explain to Colby how she ended up in bed with Damon, while at the mansion. She breaks down as she tries to convey how sick they both felt afterwards. Colby still doesn't understand, so Liza rambles on about how she never wanted to be like her mother, but she turned out exactly like her. Colby says she's not her mother anymore. She orders her to leave and says she never wants to speak to her again. After Colby slams the door in Liza's face, Asher walks downstairs. He offers to listen to her and Colby chokes out that Damon slept with her mom. She breaks down in his arms, but then he says he has to tell her something. She can't take any more and says not today.

Liza races over to Tad's and tells him Colby found out and hates her. Tad thinks she just needs to give it some time and things will settle down. Liza doesn’t think so because she still can't look at her own mother without thinking about what she did. Tad tries to reassure her it will get better, but Liza just breaks down because she knows Colby won't ever forgive her. Opal walks in and is not pleased to see her son with Liza. She drops the news of the wedding and leaves, as Cara walks in. Tad introduces Liza to his fiancée, as Liza's jaw drops.

Tuesday February 23, 2011

Colby discovers the truth, Tad and Cara share their news, and Ryan gets a lead.

Madison gets her bill from the hospital and is stunned by how much she has to pay out of pocket.

Elsewhere in the hospital, Greenlee shows Marissa the photo of David with Annie in order to convince her David was behind Annie's disappearance. It works and Greenlee asks her to talk to David so they can find Emma. Marissa promises to get the truth and leaves. Scott finds Greenlee and tells her how ironic it is that Ryan is searching for one child while not being aware of another he is about to have. Scott leaves and Madison approaches her boss. She asks if she can pick up more hours at Fusion.
She shows her the bill, which is so high because her doctor is out of her network. Greenlee suggests she turn to Scott because he seems to really care about her. Madison tells her not to try and find a replacement man for her. Greenlee tells her she can work as much overtime as she wants. Scott returns to Madison after Greenlee has left. Because he files the insurance submissions he knows she has to pay a lot and offers to be her advocate with the insurance company. She accepts and they leave together.

Back at his place Scott calls the insurance company on Madison's behalf as she falls asleep on his bed.

David gets a call from Annie while he's walking in the park. He says he told her to go to the cabin and asks where she is. Ryan walks up, revealing it was a set up. He demands to know where his daughter is. David plays it off, but Ryan tells him the woman he helped tried to kill Marissa. He fills a stunned David in on what Annie recently did to his daughter. Ryan tells David he will make sure Marissa finds out that he is helping the woman who left her to die. Marissa shows up and tells David to tell Ryan what he knows or else she will turn him in. David insists he thought Annie was taking Emma on vacation. He says they are in a cabin in Vermont. Ryan walks away to call Jesse, as Marissa lashes out at David. He tries to defend himself, but Marissa tells him she's done and stalks off. Ryan snidely tells David it looks like he lost his daughter too. The only difference is Ryan is getting his back.

Ryan meets Greenlee at the hospital and says Annie left the cabin before the cops showed up. He's hoping she calls JR because they will be ready.

Marissa lets Ryan and Greenlee into the mansion while JR is out. Ryan plants a bug in case Annie calls JR's cell phone and not the tapped landline. Greenlee tells Marissa she's sorry about David, but Marissa responds that she's not.

As Liza urges her daughter to forget Damon at ConFusion, Colby wonders why her break up has her so upset. Liza covers with talk of love for her daughter and not wanting her to get hurt by Damon. She also mentions her and her mother's past and how tumultuous things were between them. Colby leaves, but looks confused.

Colby heads to Krystal's to find Tad, but sees Opal instead. She tells her she's unsettled about Liza, especially since she brought up her and Marian's relationship. Opal can't believe Liza would bring that up and marvels over how a mother could sleep with her daughter's boyfriend. Colby's face falls as she starts to realize what could have happened.

Colby returns to Fusion to confront Liza. She says she knows Marian slept with Tad all those years ago and asks if Liza slept with her boyfriend. Liza tries to evade, but an emotional Colby sees through it. She cries, as Liza can't deny it, which David happens by and sees. Colby runs out and Liza tries to run after her, but David stops her. She tells him she's lost her daughter for good and David embraces her.

As Cara is about to be taken from her hotel room Tad enters and says they are engaged. Cara tries to stop him, but Tad rattles on about their relationship, trying to convince the feds of it. Cara eventually goes along with it and pulls out her ring from her marriage to Jake to prove it. Once the feds are gone, Tad calls Jake and tells him he and Cara will be right over because they have something important to discuss.

Amanda wrings her hands over what she's done, as Tad and Cara stop by the Martin home. They explain to her and Jake that they are engaged in order to keep Cara in the country. Jake seems
rattled by the idea and isn't sure this is the best idea. He asks if they can live the lie for three years. Cara says if she is to stay alive this is the best option. Tad asks if Jake is onboard. He dryly says, "Sure. Welcome to the family." Amanda offers her congratulations and Tad retorts, "Thanks for your support." Jake and Amandaleave, as Tad and Cara discuss their new situation. Cara promises to make it as easy as possible for him. Tad knows he's not the Martin she wanted to end up with, but it will keep her safe.

Jake and Amanda head to the hospital. She asks if he is okay. He assures her he is, but worries about her because she wanted Cara out of town. A guilt ridden Amanda says all that matters is that she's safe. Jake calls his wife amazing.

Monday February 22,2011

At home Ryan looks at the video of David and says that it’s obvious he’s involved in Emma’s disappearance. Greenlee asks Jesse to arrest David right away. Jesse says it’s too early. He’s not sure David knew Annie was going to kidnap Emma. Ryan is sure David knows something. Jesse says he’s on it and leaves.
Marissa talks to David at Krystal’s. He asks for her help and asks her to believe in him. He wants her to be by his side and wants to prove to her that he can really be a good man. She warns him about playing her. He thinks he could do some volunteer work while he’s waiting to be reinstated. Greens, Ryan and Jesse walk into the restaurant. Jesse asks to talk to David. Marissa leaves the table. David tells Jesse that he heard about Emma being missing. He asks if they have any news. Greenlee says that perhaps he’ll tell them! He says they need proof to connect him to Emma’s disappearance. He says he can’t help them, wishes them luck on their search and leaves. Ryan wants to apply pressure to David. Jesse leaves and Ryan says that David will lead them right to Emma.

JR and Asher talk at the mansion. JR wants hourly updates from him about the situation. Colby joins them and has a chilly attitude. She asks JR if he’s ever looked in the eyes of Annie when she’s lost it. She blames JR and his ego for all of this. JR claims it was all a mistake. She yells at him and says he’s dating a psychopath. She says he can’t head the family because he hurts people. He says he’s apologized, Annie will get the help she needs and everything will work out. She doesn’t buy it and leaves the room. Marissa arrives at the mansion and tells JR that her eyes are wide open. They argue and he asks her to sit down. He wants her to move into the mansion. She asks if he’s out of his mind. He plays the AJ card. She says the place is toxic and she will never move back in. She leaves him standing. JR tells Asher to make his own reality. He’s sure Colby will forgive him and Marissa will move back into the house.

At the hospital the Feds arrest Cara while Amanda overhears everything. They read her the Miranda Rights. Jake tries to explain. They say that they’re going to deport her and say that passport fraud is a serious charge. He says they shouldn’t piss off the authorities because if they send her to México before they’re ready, she’ll be dead. Jake advises Cara to be quiet and wait for a lawyer to arrive. The Feds lead Cara away. Tad sees Amanda and explains the situation. She says it’s all her fault. Tad says it’s his fault. Amanda explains that she wanted Cara out of her life. She admits she called the police. Amanda feels terrible. He says if the wrong people find Cara, she’ll end up dead. Tad’s mouth hangs open while she says she wanted to protect her marriage. She asks how she can help. He says she’s done enough and leaves her. Greenlee sees Marissa. Marissa claims David has changed. Greenlee says Marissa must listen to her.

Jake and Jackson arrive at the police station and Jack asks the police to bring him up to speed. They leave Jake and Cara alone. Jake assures her that everything be fine. She tells him that the situation has moved beyond an immigration issue. They think she’s a terrorist. The Feds read her the charges. Cara admits to Jake that she’s a cancer survivor. As a child she was very sick and almost died. Because of this experience she became a doctor and joined Doctors without Borders but she eventually had to go into hiding. Jake assures the cops that they will clear her name. He explains to Turnbull that they have to keep her under humanitarian grounds or else she’ll be murdered. Cara tells the story about a drug cartel shoot-out, how she was operating on a little boy and how she was knew who was responsible for the murders. Jake is angry at the officials and argues on her behalf. Jackson pulls him aside, then assures him that he will do everything he can. Jake tells Cara that he’ll get her out of this mess. They get a call from the judge. They’re going to have a chance to plead their cases. They put her in handcuffs. Tad walks in and says, “Take your hands off my fiancé!”

While walking somewhere Colby’s phone rings. It’s Damon. He asks if she’s okay. He wants to try again. He misses her. She says her cell battery is dying and she hangs up.

At ConFusion David sees Liza. He claims how he has turned over a new leaf. Liza doesn’t buy it and goes to leave. She runs into Colby who says she just got a call from Damon. Liza tells her not to get hurt again. Colby is optimistic about them getting back together. Liza says some things never work.
At home Amanda is sitting by the fireplace as Jake comes in and tells her that he’s working to keep Cara in the country. Jake tells Amanda she’s an angel.
In the park David gets a call on his cell, sees that it’s Annie and asks where she is. Ryan comes along, shows him the cell and tells him it’s her.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday February 21,2011

Ryan blames David for Annie's disappearance
Marissa tells David Bianca is getting divorce as he asks for help remaking image.David says you signed on to be attorney I'm going to try to be agood man for you.She says just try to be better man.We can do this together
Jr is freaking out trying to find Annie
Colby blames Jr for all of this including being held by Asher
Cara is arrested and tad says don't piss them off as Amanda looks on upset.
colby says I'm lucky I'm not dead and so is Marissa and Emma's gone.You tried to run this family and you can't your too far over your head you think you can be dad but you never will.
Amnda says all cara had to dowas to tell the truth she admits she caled immigration Cara kept saying how she wanted to leave she didn't know about drug guys.Tad says she will die.
Jack takes over as her lawyer .Jack says tell all to me.
Griff is in surgery Jake says all will be fine Jack is best,
They are cllaingher terrorist says cara.
Jr says he has taken on alot so Cahndlers can succeed.colby says she loves him but no one is buying his crap what he does hurt people but he doesn't realize until it's too alte.Jr says all will work out.Colby says don't expect me to take anymore of your miscalculations,
Marissa says people won't believe you.David is going to do charity work but he needs med licence back.Saving lives is agood thing.
Ryna comes in with Jesse David says for you chief anything Mariussa offers tos stay.David says ll okay.David sayshe heard about emma's disappearance do you know where she is?
David says maybe she robbed a bank?Or jr gave her money.Greenlee asks if he gave her money to escapeRyan begs for information David sayshe knows nothing wishes him luck on search.Greenlee wants ot know why they didn't show photo.
Damon calls Colby.
Jake says terrorist? she's a doctor!
It fits the profile of a terrorist she disppeared for months trianing camp maybe.Cara says she should have told you when Jake says what?Cara says she was out of remmission and she almost died.
Tad manhandles Amnda Tad says she'll die if she's deported she'll end up with bullet in her head.
Marissa says she's helping David with his image.Jr says middle east talks would be easier.
Jr says don't forget about little amn.MARISSA saya thst's what you said when you were hiding relationship form me with annie.Jr wants what's best for AJ he says.He wants her to leave there she says are you out of mind?
Damon says he called becasue he was worried he hearda bout annie she says she doesn't know why he said we were done that's what you wanted you ended it she says .Damon says it's hard to be alo9ne out there he wants to try again.she says battery dying.
David meets liza she says she's busy as he offers dinner nice bottle of wine.She says wht will people think.She says hate to burst your bubble but not going toh appen
Ryna says he will make David crack by not teling him about picture making him think there is aduio.David is going to lead us right to Emma.
Tad says he doesn't hate amanda Jake will find out .Amnda says she will tell him.She says she said they were doing so well she lied about things story kept changing she wantd hings back to where they were.Do you want to know aht she was willing to do for him she saved his life you've done enough don't make anymore calls to feds
Cara says she was in remission but she was prisoner as achild .when she became an adult she wnet to medical school and went to DWB and went to africa.She was out in world making difference until cancer came back and she had to take time off. she wnet into hiding with brother is he an enemy of state FBi guy asks.
Jake sticks up for Cara.Jake says we shall exonerate her.FBI guy says terrorist off books.Jake says keep her on humanitarian grounds she will be killed if deported.the FBI asks whose out to get Cara she tells him that she couldn't do surgery becasue she was working on boy. salazar drug lord died.Jakc says they will file immediately.FBI says she committed crime she has to face music Jake is freaking out Jacka nd FBi objects to him.Jack says prove cara valuable and they won't deport.
Ryan says thye will follow David to annie
David says he will soon see grandson and then seeing aptients you'll see he'll be except and even welcomed by pine valley
Colby coems in crying liza goes to her.she says damon called
Marissa says yes he wants to move into palce where she was almost murdered he offers lucretia's pie.He wants to give Aj security he says he offers own wing.she says no no!!
This house is toxic she says no way she's moving in even for our son.
Amnda asks how Car is says can we talk? she tells him what she did he's madder than hell
Jr says no one can tell you what to do Colby will forgive me the company will turn around and marissa will move back in
Greenlee goes to Marissa and says if you believe David is teleling your truth listen to me.
Ryan tricks David with phone call as he says Annie you were suppose to go to
FBI guy is relaying Cara to court without Jack who he got rid of and says judge harris' court special immigration she'll be deported son he grabs her to get her up and tad says take your hands off my fiancee

Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday February 18,2011

Ryan can't understand how Annie is hiding with noi money .Greens says she's smart she has plan she's probably commiting robbereis to jesse and Ryan,Tad says they should fake Cara's death Griff can sign it.Amanda lies that she was buying shoes when she was informing Imigration
Kendall talks to binky of Reese and Gabby.she says Gabby ahs Zach's smile only she uses it more.Kendall says her dreams are Zach trying to tell her something
She tells Binky she was robbed.
Woman meets ricky says he will amke sure kendall doesn't sell casinos theywill find proof about their theft from company .Opal sees rev ricky asks why he's out here with bag filled arms.
Ricky says hello Opal. she says they have problem he reaches for Gun.then she says you were suppose to come talk to me and erica about Kendall.
Ricky says go in peace to waomen.
ricky promises to be there for Kendall Opal says she is aspecial girl.ricky says he knows that.
Kendall says she can't help holding on she hasn't be able to sell casinos yet she will and then give money to Griffin.
Binky starts crying Kendall is worried about her as Marissa comes in to meet Binca .You're meeting with marissa are you getting divorced asks Kendall waht's going on.
She talked to reese we are getting divorced
Ryan says she was in my apartment but where was she bfore or after that. check surveillance cameras.Greenlee says she would have gone through park.Jesse says they have cameras in park.
Ryan asks her to stay with spike as he goes out.
Amanda says she lsot it with cara when she saw ring.She screamed and yelled.
Jake apologises.Amanda says don't apologise.Amanda says she says she says she's moving on but i beleive in our future .
Tad says he is twice as smart as David they can pull this off.Griff asks what if it all goes wrong?He is trying to prtoecther she says he needs to stop holding on so tight.Griff thanks Tad says idea might work
Amnda says she hopes cara gets everything she wants
Bikly says she was putting off inevitable Kendall blames herself for pressuring Binks to talk to Reese
Reese said it was over.Kendall says she loves binks.Ricky says sorry I'm interrupting as binky hugs him thanks him for loking afte big sis.
He says it's his pleasure.

Greenlee says Emma is coming back she'll call you.She gives him awatch for wedding present says its' a promise Emma will be back.
Ricky asks if all is okay with bianca he offers to lsiten when he hears her marriage has ended.Ricky offers to leave if she wants to rest.Kendall says she can handle griff.Ricky offers her a personally catered meal for him and Kendall he says she can't say no.Ricky says he should get out before Dr,Castillo coems back
Griff checks Opla says she has heart of ayoung woman.HShe heard what he did for Kendall shae says bonds two people.Palmer and me we.Kendall's my patient interrupts Griff
Jake says you have idea.Tad says ther on board cara and Griff we're going to killher.
Cara tells amnda something she jsut found out.You've decided tostay for good what I would like is your feet leaving town.
Kendall says you think Griff is interested in me?I haven't given off signals Ilove Zach.Ricky says anyone that keeps you alive longer is ahero in my book
You were talkinga bout me says griff ilike that as Ricky leaves
Kendall sks if she's ready to go home
Greenle says every second that ticks off that wathc is one second closer to Emma
Amnda overhears Tad asking about death cerifcate.Tad tells Cara is in danger Tad sys we hsave ot fake her death i need you in on it to protect her.Amnda says oh my god I had no idea.Tad asys Jake won't be inovolved amnda worries that if they find her they'll kill her and it will be her fault,
Jake says this is nutty but Tad can do anything .He says he had no idea that she was in this much danger.there burying Carolyn finn
Jesse comes in with picture of annie and David in park.Ryan says David's a SOB
Marissa discusses divorce she says sometimes messy with child inovlved.she could fight for the children.
Kendall says she apolgises for being so difficult I bet you'll be gald to get rid of me.You are dfinitely apain so are you says Griff.He says you won't completely get rid of me
amnda cals back and says it was all mistake but it's too alte.Cara says he can't work for Doctors without borders again
Tad wants to get news into Mexico.
immigration officers come in and arrest Cara for fraud.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday February 17,2011

Scott shows Madison the paper about Emma's disppearance may chnge things he says.Greenlee comforts RYan who has been up all night that Annie will take care of Emma as promised.
Amnda intise Jake into bed again
Cara complains that amnda tried to rip ring off her neck alst night to Griff who says she should take off.
Kendall dreams of ZAch as Ricky sits beside her,She begs Zach not to go.She says it's like she sees Zach through the water and he wants to tell her something but she doesn't know what.she begs ricky to get her out of hospital.
Amanda says annie was acting off the night of the Chandler break in .Ryan says why didn't you call me?The ryan actually take sblame.
Jake says Ryan took off with Emma poor RYan
Cara is in grave danger these peoplea ren't happy with Cara she's amarked woamn she's in lot of trouble.
Cara says don't go in and harrass Kendall she knows what to do.
Car reads note from Kendall you're probably turning red I'll be back Ricky took her home and she's winded.
She says she has lord on her sideRicky says she's shameless.Keendall wants to see Zach things someone broke in stuff is tossed.
Heroin guns to mexico.Assuno loah fedration local sudenese goons brother put contract on her name.She can't go near Mexico or work with doctors without borders she's in danger tad says
Griffin is angry Kendall left.
Kendall is upset.Ricky asks if anything was taken.
Kendall wants to knwo if this is what he was telling her.She says before he died it was weird.
Mad wants to know how to deal with disppearence,Scott says still early days what kind of danish do you want .she says apple he doesn't have one.HJe sugggests going out and getting food then helping Ryan.she says bed was conmfortable he says teasing she's lying.
Ryan says we thought Jr could handle this big mistake.They found Marissa's car outside of town,Griiff says go back to hospital
Griff asks Rev ricky to talk to cops thanks for everythignKendall says as Griff says what she said lets go
Greenlee says she doesn't care about annie just Emma
Amnda says what horrible wasy to spend honeymoon.
Mad offers to go into office and field calls.
Greenlee thanks scott for taking Daddy title.
Ryan goes with Jesse sees car.jumps out jesse yells she could be armed
Ryan finds Emma's toy a pink elephant?
Scott tells Greenlee to thank Madison.she is someone who has been knocked down so many times.Waht does she have to do to prove that she isn't going after ryan.He wants independance.He's happy to help with that.
RYan phones tell him that thye found marissa's car.FBi is ontrail
Greenlee is going to hospital.Ryan wants to go there to and tract down Dr.Burke.Griff says okay give me hecka bout keeping you there.Kendall apologises fro upsetting him says she's a pain in the ass.She says this means alot don't stop caring.he asks why she left.
She says she wanted tosee Zach's stuff amybe there was message he wanted me to have.Greenlee interupts Griff says you won't bail.whya ren't you on honeymoon plans changed says Greenlee
Jake tells cara what Tad said.While Tad tells Griffin how dangerous these people are.Jake says if you go back you're dead.she alughs it off then says she's scared but she won't let
I'll call Doctor without borders and tell them I want to stay here she says sarcastically but Amanda overhears.
Kendall is told about emma Greenlee tells Kendall she doesn't want to know how to help him.
Kendal is worrried because somoen broke in she wants to talk to Pis Ryan
Ricky fixed everything so it looked not broke in to.DAmn him
Greenlee is mad that she hitched aride with Ricky.Greenlee says you're spending alot of time
Car is yelling that she doesn't hide.Tad tells her noise will get her killed.Tad gives Jake a passkey becasue they are worrking on jakes' place.
tad has idea on how to get rid of danger.
Scott says you're going to tell people you made ababy with aguy who just got out of prison
Ryna tells Spike Emma went on a surprise trip with her mommy and annie didn't tella nyone that's why Emma is on tv.
Tad says they want Cara dead so we will give them one.
Amnda calls the imigration people and tell them she's travelling on fradulent passport.Ricky brings her picture albumshe thanks him he says it comes with job

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday February 16,2011

Binky asks where great doc is. Kendall says he's not always here.He did get me through surgery promising me i'd survive.Binky says she was suprised he did that as he told Erica he would never do that.
Griff gives Cara chocolates valentines.she says she hurts as much as when she left Jake.
Jake gives amnda a valentine dinner etc.Amnda says Jake was tossing in turning all night what's wrong.He tells her what cara told him
Ryan demnds to knwow here Annie is.Marissa tells Ryan annie flipped out and chained Colby and Marissa ws ina tic.Ryan says if anything happens to emma it's on jr.
Asher shows Caleb how to use his phone text and email.He asks how things are with jR.Asher shows him texts she got.
Jr says he screwed up he'll find her.Jr offers to drive Marissa to hospital.
Binky wants to know if Griff offered exact words I promise you won't die.Kendall says no it was intense.Binky says mayber he really cares.Kendall changes subject reese didn't show?Kendall wants to knwo if Binky still loves Reese?
Cara says lets have fun what did you bring me as they share chocolate and Griff tries all to find carmels.Cara says she's enjoying her time with griff.she wants to knwo why Griff doesn't have hot date waiting for miss right kendall slater's heart.
Jake tells Amanda she was wearing wedding ring.He apologises for not telling amnda immediately.amnda is worried .Jake says none of it means anything Ilove you ever since I met you. Amnda wants to know how he felt.
Jake promises not to let Cara efect us. amnda does believe.
Bianca says she loves Reese.She says she talked to her this afternoon when she said she coudn't come she said it was oaky but it wasn't and the girls miss her too she's angry and scared that Reese will leave.
Kendall says tell Reese that you need to.
Griff says he's brillaint all is good Cara tease that he's in love with herbut he says he wouldn't fall in love with apteient.
Caleb is upset that the messge says Annie kidnapped Marissa tried to kill her.
Asher tells caleb he found her handcuffed.Caleb says chandler's are poison come stay with are my son.
Caleb says he knows asher is till angry but past is past canw e have realtionship junior chandler is not answer to family.Asher says jr was there for him.he'll be htere for him
Jr demnds doctor for marissa who bristles and blames him.Secret afair palying with head you shouldn't have done aany of this including lying .good palce wasn't lie.Get awy from me she says
go go!
Ryan frantically searches for emma at beach house.Jesse has all ready searched he finds picture .Greenlee says he will find her.He prays to god that he will get little girl back finds folder with story hapily ever after.
Bianca says she can't come back now please come i miss you.Reese says come back now,wait for call.Reese will call later she was in meeting
Kendall says she did right thing binky says if she doesn't call tonight it's over.
Kendall is worried about binks.
Tad is still trying to find out whose taking drugss says Jake looks like hades.Jake says he told Amanda Tad asks if some aprt of him loves Cara.Amanda demnds cara show her ring nd take it off .Cara says no
Admit it you want Jake back.Cara says she relaized she didn't ahve chance then why ell him asks amnda you wanted him tosee it or you wouldn't wear it.Cara says ring got her through and her love.Jske say he loves Amanda i started new life waht am I suppose to do with her feelings this knowledge.Tad says focus on your family keep it simple don't get pulled
Jake is wrried about drug people Tad will watch.
Asher says it iell be okay
nurse brings in valentines candy for griff lots.Kendall knows David is free says she won't go back to dark place david is safe.she saw zach in ambulance she wants to know why.Griff gives her candy she says if your asking valentine no.
Annie write evil story abvout evil witch Marissa.Greenlee says Emma will reach out to you we'll bring her home
Griff ssays think it as medicine dark chocolate aids recovery.
Kendall pokes the carmel too as Griff laughs.
Kendall reads his Valentine card and laughs at the trash trish from radiology.Admirer says we met and you ar emine.Kendall calls him dr,Mclove.
Amnda says she can't stay i won't let you do this to you admit it you want to stay for JaskeCara says she won't leave until you get clearance.Cara says you r marrieage is strong don't worry about me you have to elave with the fact you are not the only onehe ever loved
Ashje tells jr to stop with the Adam talk.Asher wants to help Jr.
Jake ws worried amnda was gone when she came back in and he said he loved her more than ever.
Kendall iss worried about griffs thefts
Tad talks to Cara who asks if she is on his enemy list and he says no she saved Jake.
Annie left message on Ryan's machine said marriage was beautiful she will protect Emma with her life nothing bad will ever happen to her.Emma says she loves Ryan.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday February 15,2011

Liza talks to David
Erica brought Reeses favourite dessert but binca says her plane was delayed.
Colby is chaffing to leave Asher says he has to keep her safe.Colby says he just wants to keep Crazy Annie safe.
Emma wants to be in her Dad's wedding picture but Annie wants her to leave
Jr rescues Marissa from Attic but she's still unconscious.Marissa says annie ttried to kill me
Emma says she wants cake Greenlee wants your dad all to herself we have to go.
Greenlee says when emma is missing she's probably playing with her make-up.Erica says who cares about Caleb.Erica says she didn't go to wedding as present to Greenlee.
Erica is upset and Jakc looks like it's nothing to him.she says I decide to go as weddding present to her and you take a date
Jack says he is having alovely drama free evening and gives bouquet to Erica who gives it to krystal saying she need sit worse.
Asher explains she only kissed him whomever Damon slept him with he slept with them.colby says he will forget her.Asher says he can't get her out of his mind he keeps wantingto kiss her he says and does so.Colby goes away.
DAvid is spotted and he says he didd his first good deal as free man.Waht goes around comes around David says.Liza is worried.Annie says bye bye pine valley as she drives to montreal. She says to emme athey are going on an adventure.
Caleb is my firend but that doesn't go both ways.
Binca says maybe he's had enough of games
Liza wants to know where her cholcoate and roses atre from david.
David says he is focused on doctor.Liza says Erica has that power but what would she do that for you.David invites Liza out unless he has something else to do she says you'll never knwo.colby and Asher play poker he asks when she complins would she rather paly solitaire.she wants to go back and ring Annie's neck.Colby suggests strip poker?
Jr and marissa are worried about AJ and Marissa calls opal and says lock up AJ.Jr calls Ryan says Annie is off keep an eye on Emma
plaBinky asks if her feelings for Caleb are the reason the wedding was postponed.
Jack thanks Krystal for food and making him laugh
David walks in to get a drink says he is trying to forget valentines day.He has no desire for revenge thAT'S NEW IMPROVED dAVID.Liza laughs
David says what you haven't changed over years .David wants to be happy he is done chase after people who have moved on.leaves
Colby is in tank and jeans she has full house.He takes off pants says he thinks she's cheating,
She wins agian two pair she thinks but he has three of a kind she takes keys complains about cold takes off
Ryan says she is obsessed with hide and seek.Greenlee has spike looking under table.
Ryan makes Greenlee sit with her bad foot.
David finds Annie and Emma.He asks what secret is.She says she wants alone trip with emma along trip.He says he won't say anything to lavery.She says they have been tricked with lies.Annie says emma is the only thing he had left she says once he hears wht he did he will take her.Annie says Ryan doesn't deserve her David says all will work out fine David going to help.
Marissa finds Jr's tie in their lovenest and is angry it's one she bought him.
Colby runs to her mom's arms and says annie is out of her mind and kidnapped Liza says she will see her safe.Colby says she is going tosee Damon.Liza says n0ot agood idea come back stay with me and think about it.Asher says huge mistake
Binca says go fix this.Erica says this is important day your wedding annic=versary this must seem like torture you'll be with her.Reese never gone on the plane.Eric asays don't worry about me as Binky says you belong together don't screw this up
Mrs Conwway picked up spike.Ryan can't find Emma.Ryan says omgod I told Jr to keep an eye on her.
Marissa say explain why tie next to lingerie.I thought she was delusional but it wasn't in her head she was with you wasn't she?
Liza berates Asher for having no shirt.Colby borrows Liza's phone Asher said convince hernot to go to Damon and I'll keep my mouth shut.Liza says lets go file charges it will take aweek she makes no promises.
Liza says she's so glad Colby is oaky.Colby says she's doing it by email she's going to la.Asher says what Damon did was nothing compared to waht she did.
Marissa says ihad agut feeling but youlied youplayed me. you said it was over but you slept with her.are you in love with her?
It was the was might lose hima ntway with what your girlfirend did she almost killed me,
annie says don't look for me i won't cause any more trouble so marrissa can't put me in a padded cell.
Krystal says Greenlee's weding was beautiful beautiful bride crazy in love precious other people don't realize that.Krystal offers cake.
Erica comes in says it was mistake for her not to go wedding and not to spend Valentines with him.Erica teases that he caught bouquet as Krystal comes out

Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday February 14,2011

Friday was a repeat of the valentine wedding of Jack and Erica from 2006

Jr fights to get home and see Annie but Brot arrests him.Jr tells Tad that he needs to get.Home
Annie says to Marissa whom she knocked out that she ruined everything annie tells Marissa that the only thing that can fix this is to get rid of her.
Jack tells Krystal the caterer has food poisioning.Jack asks for six people.Krystal says you forgot Erica he said it was mutaul decision.
Greeenlee claims she didn't know that she guessed Madison was pregnant,Ryan says it all makes sense Ryan says you are pregnant with my child?
Tad begs jesse to help him tad says he knows who was driving he will turn in who did it but he needs to do it his way please.
Jesse says you will give statement Jesse says he doesn't like it but let him go.Something goes wrong Jesse holds hima ccountable.
Tad offers to go with him he says no tad says call when done.Jesse says he is holding Tad accountable too.Marissa tells Annie gas pipe is leaking begs her to let her go.Annie says don't fight give in.Mad tells him to forget it it's not his problem.Ryna wants to know more.Mad says he knows about baby. Scott says the baby is his.Scott says not that we need to let youknow but it happened when we were released from prison it wasn't planned.Greenlee says congratualtions as Ryan says shouldn't you take it easy.she says se had cramped he wants to take her to hopsital she says go home.
Greenlee pretends to be surprised saying wow.Ryan says Madison is pregnant of course it was obvious.Annie waits for Jr Jr asks if all is okay.
She says all quiet on homefront.Jr says good as marissa whines help me ina ttic.
Jr says the breakins hit and run and what you did to colby.Annie says she doesn't wnat to hurt anyone.He says it isn't normal.she says this was suppose to be the night you proposed.Annie says she didn't want to do anything none would have happened if youloved me enough lets strt ove.Jr says the best thing you could do is help you get it back.He doesn't wnat her to do anything she dosne't want to Admot you need help and we can take it from there Everything will be just fine he says As marissa tries to get out of attic.
Greenlee claims maybe Scadison is another love story.Mad thanks for coming to her rescue.Scott said they handled it well.Mad says Greenlee all ready knew And she kept it from him? Scott says she kept it for her own sake.Mad says you can back off any time you want.
Jack runs in and scott makes her drinka glass of water,
Marissa cover nose gets old clothes to cover her face.
Annie begs him to keep him.annie says she's cared she's done some things what do we do she asks.Jr says we go to oakhaven tonight.It wasn't just marissa you wanted me committed.Jr says you need to do it yourself.
annieasks how he could do this to him me in a padded cell no freedoma nd silence.i won't go five minutes in that place is forever.Jr says he will bring Emma.It won't be white coats dragging you off.She says this is marrissa 's fault it is all her fault she is the one that needs to disppear.Jr says Annie?
Marissa tries to warp clothing around pipe.
Jack tells Greenlee that Krystal will supply food.Greenlee says he loves everyone.Ryan says to Emma where to stand with spike. Emme asks if he's nervous he says maybe a little as Spike hits music.
The minister says they are committed for real this time.Jack says everything is happening like it is suppose to.
Ryan says thye will heal this time but it won't be easy they have finally learned lesson that they are strongest when they work together.
Mad goes home with Scott to his house.Scott says this was mistake she should go to hospital she says no he makes her go to bed.She says she's straving even though she ate two hours ago.Scott offers crackers.
He says take some put in your bag frequent small portions keep equaliberam
shewants apple and lemonade so scott goes to get crispy juicy apple and leamonade.
Scott is falling for her and worries hse'll find out
Brot is going to see Natalia
Jesse says Angie is going stir crazy.tad says have avalentine long distance.Jesse can't beleive that Tad the cad is alone today.Tad calls angie sexy pretends his Jesse she laughs and he gives phone to Jesse
annie admits Marissa was there jr asks where she is.Annie says she doesn't want him to be mad just tell me I won't be madhe begs.What did you do to marisa? he asks yelling.Jr begs Annie to tell him where Marissa is he won't be mad.She says don't hate me she's upstairs in the attic.
Scott says you won't have to hide pregnany Mad responds by unbuttoning top botom of pants saying she wanted to do that for months.
Greenlee says he wasn't prepared for wht it would feel like to commit herself completely he is everything she never knew she wants her best friend her partner in crime the man she wnats to spend time with life with
him.Becasue he convinced her with a moonstone.In gimpinness and helth she will by his side she's free becasue of him she will love honour and cherish him never stop.
All that he is all that he has he honours her.This daily reminder
Mad says she feels calm now that Ryan can't find out.She can breathe easy in every possible way.Scott wishes her happy Valentines day.Greenlee ownders where the flying monkeys are that would whisk her awy Rev ricky proununces husband and wife as emma throw flowers
Krystal comes in
Jr breaks into attic.
Greenlee says Krystal should have been maid if honor.Greenlee sends emma to get make-up bag as she wants to touchup.Annie gets emma.

annie sneaks in snatches emma

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday February 10, 2010

Erica says he left the house early Jack is going to wedding go greenlee.she says she's not going to Wedding.Ryan and Greenlee are talking on phone.Ryna says it will be her perfect day.
Randi got flowers from Frankie for valentines Mad is working half a day.Randi offers to take Madison shopping for maternity clothes.Madison says he has to suck it up and be grown-up for rylee's wedding Scott says how is that working out for you.not at all says madison
Jake shows amnda rings he has for wedding reemebers cara saysing she still loves him.He says he loves her.amnda says what was your wedding like with what's her name.He says quick during war.
Annie is so excited for her valentine dinner she says as Jr opens the door to Tad.Tad asks ifhe talked to Annie yet.Tad says she nearly killed kendall and handcuffed Colby.Jr says he doesn't want her to think she is being thrown away he wants to give her valentines dinner first then get her to commit herself.
Jr says he asked annie to lie for him and she cracked tad says it is not his fault.But things may not go theway you think they will you may need plan b.Marissa sees Dixie's jewels .Annie thinks she may get ring for valentines.Marissa vision says she will not succeed he'll fin out about colby.
She gives her klipstick they made it kitchen zach's jewelery to kendall and a blue gum ball from spike.
Tad gives him commitment papers judge and Dr.Burke signed off.Tad wants to give Jr back-up but he refuses he makes Jr promise to ask for help
Madiosn says she will go it alone.
Reese is suppose to be landing soon so binky ordersdeath by choclate cake.she says she is having big family dinner and she wanst caleb to be there to meet Reese.
Ricky goes to talk to jack and erica wants to knwo there date.Erica says soon.
Madison sees bouquet can't resist picking it up as Greenlee sees.
Grrenlee asks what she was doing Madiosn says everything looks perfect have great wedding.
erica says this is just a bump and we will get pass beacasue we love each other
Have good time at wedding.
Emma is excited for wedding Scott says she looks good.Ryan says he looks good as dad in making.Scott looks for Madison
Caleb refuse big family dinner kendall kids uncle jack.binky say she is part of family hse'll invite Asher.He says he is not really as erica comes in.
Jr says he remembers when he really saw the incredible eprson she really was.Sometimes when we want something we don't stop until we get it even when people were hurt.Jr tells her she hit ambulance with kendall in it there was witness car was identified.Annie says no lets dancve,Jr says you are leading double life too much pressure.He promises nothing bad will happen to her.Police come to door.
Brot brings Jr in for questioning Jr promises to be right back he calls tad.
Annie searches for ring finds commitment papers.
Binca asks why she isn't st greenme's weding does jack understnsd.Erica says yes.Binca leaves to go get Reese
Erica thank Caleb for protecting Kendall caleb says he's thank enough.
Emma says pretty clear shiny walls are fairytale.Mad says she lost phone scott offers to call phone emma found it.Emme is on patio has phjone.
annie tries to get Jr she says marissa will not ruin it she says.Annie answers the door to Marissa .Marissa barges in says he needs to speak to jr Annie claims he's in attic.
Amanda gives Jake an album of family pics.Jake givesher akey to homeymoon suite at yacht club she says she'll be his Valentine forever and ever.
Jr says he wasn't driving brot says he will anser now.Jr says he ahs situation has to leave.Tad arrives says jr tad get me the hellout of here.
Annie shuts Marissa in attic
Caleb tells erica live happy life go get married to Jack.
Jack is excited to be giving greenlee away she says he's sorry he won't be as happy without Erica there.Madison says great emma has phone ther she'll be right back says madison.emma runs over to her gives phone as Madison gets pain in stomach.
Jack and i needed afriend erica says
Caleb says he will not be girlfirend if your ready to talk about what's really going on come see me.
Jacka sks waht greenlee did?Greenlee answered the phone to the caterer have food posioning Jakc says he will fix it.He'll see her with take out.
Marissa says what you leave me up her like colby at that beach house
think about emma you are not even Aj's real mom he divorced you becasue he
wants to be with me .she struggle with marissa knocks her out agin.Tad says cooperate.Jr says he's the only one she trusts.Brot arrests Jr when he goes to run
Madiosn saysit was jalenpino lunch as Ryan asks what going on greenle says she's pregnant.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tuesday February 9,2011

Colby begs annie to let her go and she promises to be her friend.Annie doesn't beleive her she sent texts to people from colby.Asher wonders what's up when he gets atext saying she was in nyc she told him chicago.
Tad coems tosee Jr says his car hit ambulance cops are coming
Greenlee anad ryan are taking presents to kendall pic from boys.They postpone wedding.David calls the governor granted him a pardon.He wants her to come to cop shop.
Jake says he has to process and let it go all over agin.
Tad yells at jr when he finds out it was Annie not Jr who hit ambulance.
Scott found flaw in billing system suggestions for vending machines.
Jake asks Scott about the stolen drugs
Greenlee sees David he is making restuitution sells his half of hospital to greenlee he wants his job back.He doesn't want to be adminstrator doctor is his title.
Kendall says Griff willed her to live he made her feel safe in dark.Griff ssays she's alive because of his training.Rev Ricky comes in with flowers Griff leaves.ricky smoozes he's very forward too much so ?
Tad says Jr has to turn in annie.Jr says no its his fault let him handle it.He calls Annie who is trying to keep Colby quiet and he says he is coming over.She calims she spilt coffee on her hand as asher overhears and suspects.Annie says she is going to spend quality time with Jr aweek maybe.
she says you should have had tea I ground up sleeping pills in water.Annioeeee screams colby
Ricky is drinking abeer as Griff coems to restaurant.Griff tells him kendall ahs been through hell don't use office to hit on apttient looked that way to me.waht's it to you doc? She alsmost died yesterday i'm her docotr.Kendall is in bad palce are you taking job that's what i thought says ricky.
Scott says I have prison record that says I am criminal.Mad says he wouldn't be living in sucha terrible aprtment if he was drugdealer and looking after me and baby.she says she's not ready for Ryan to find out.
Greenlee says she's happy to see Kendall you're just too tough says Greenlee as Kendall asks about wedding.Greenlee says they are postponing.Kendall says you may run out of tomorrows go AHEAD YOU HAVE ourmine and Zach's BLESSING HAVE A BEAUTIFUL WEDDING .Mad shows up.
Greenlee says if this is business cna it wait?Madison leaves
Greenlee asks where Madiosnis she wants wedding to be perfect.Take her some place nice Greenlee says she knows it hurts.she's been there.
Kendall says she wants tone of wedding pics.she wants happily ever after she will throw huge party later.
Liza tells david his pardon is coming soon.David says he doesn't know if he'll ever be free.Scott saysyou run into people you don't want tos ee at hospitala s he comforts Madiosn who says after tomorrow he'll be married amn.spend tomorrow with me says Scott you're not working tomorrow.
how did you know that did you talk to Greenlee?
Tad talks about how life chnging big this is becasue cara still loves him and ran off to prtoect him he wnats to knwo what it means
Colby is fading out as asher finds her.
Jr tells annie to relax as Asher calls and tells what Annie did. colby yells she's crazy.
Jr says he understands all let me take care of this. Jr says it's nothing he can't handle when Anniea sks if all is okay.
Jake says cross sCott off list for drug thefts.
Tad thanks cara for looking after his baby brother.she said she would do it again
Scott says Greenlee knew we wer friends so she told she convinced you to take pity on a poor pregnant girl.Mad says taking awomen out on vd is acomittmanet Scott says he's commited to ahving good tiem with ehr.Greenlee says Ryan can't spend nightparting is such sweet sorrow he says
Kendall cries that she can't go and that Zach ios gone.
Griff comforts her offers to call Binca
David wished Greenlee well on wedding and he hopess she ends up miserable he tells Liza he has his pride he finally learned when he is beat.
Asher takes care of Annie who says something doesn't feel right as jr offers to spend day together he wants her secure and happy.Annie says that sounds wonderful.
ricky counsels Ryan to think about journey hehas taken with Greenlee and writer that for vows.As we hear Ryna's voice over about greatest love.
Handle things on your own until you ediscover strongeast when you fight together.
colby says goingto chicago won't fix anything i have to fix my life myself.Asher says we need friend or someone we can count on.
There is nothing more pwerful then hope says Ryan
Annie says this time it will be perfect.he'll marry meJr phones tad tells himhe's right annie needs help he'll try to get her to commit herself.
Madison is going to work tomorrow.We fall down and pick overselves up.
God laughs at those who makes palns here we are at last on the verge of happily ever after Ryan says

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday February 8, 2011

Erica stops David from being taken to jail Kendall might need him.Cara tells Jake she still lvoes him she only left to protect him from thugs just as Amanda comes in and says are youokay.
Kendall dreams of Zach won't put oxygen mask on Griff makes her says they are okay.O negative blood is ordered
Griff admits he is in serious tourble he's in lvoe with Kendall.
Kendall asks why she took the blame didn't tell.Erica says she needed to be proitected .Kendall protests she did it.Erica says you lost your husband you can't lose anything else.Kendall says it was like Zach was really there when she saw him as Ricky hears.
David is filing in papers
Reverend Ricky says he overheard that she saw Zach as nurse kicks them out.
Kendall says you don't have to pretend that's normal.
Griffin bandages Cara's head.Cara aks how he got her to trust he lies says nothing major it worked she says she's proud of him for making connection.
Cara tells him Jake saw ring.He says he told her not to waer it.she says she didn't say near enough.Griff says you can't go back.
Cara says go check on kendall.
Cara says we need to talk.Governor calls says sentence commuted.
Cara says she lied in letter. She was protecting him from mexican drug cartel.Griff took her into hiding .she saw him in everything he was in her head and heart.Jake wants to know why she came back she says she missed him and needed to see him.It was mistake because your happy in love aqnd she gets it you can't go back. Jake says he doesn't know aht he is.She says she wouldn't change it because he's safe.

Zach was trying totell her something Kendall says.Ricky says he wanted you to be strong pull through be strong for sons.
Erica wants to know something from David.Erica says if she convinces governor Brooks she needs himto promise he won't ever press charges against Kendall he says she has his word.
Griff stares at Kendall take a seat and stares at her some mroe.Jesse says he will lock up david until he meets with governor I hope Kendall feels better.
Jack is mad. Erica says things changed she's jsut as mad .waht about my daughter.did she consider the consequences?How lucky for her that she can enjoy her life says Erica.
she's not now and she amy never because of you understnad what you've done,Jack says she owed him nothing you've gone to far.Lives are at risk you can't take that back.He dumpsErica cruelly.
Cara stares ta her ring as amnda brings trevor to Jake. Griff sees Kendall she says she knows his secret he cares about his patients.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday February 7,2011

Annie crashes into the ambulance carrying Kendall.
Erica is freaking out with binky and jack that Kendall left.Jr tells the doctor he beleives he pushed Annie closer to the edge.Colby struggles.
Annie panics that she casued accident but blame son ice.she tries to leave.
Griffin sees car leave.Cara is out cold but awakes .Kendall is not doing well.Ambulance won't start.Radio is dead. Cara calls on phone for help.Doors are jammed.95 over 64.then 92 over 60
guy says one spark and good by ambulance.Gasoline all over.operate now or she'll die says Griff.
Erica says she should never have left Kendall.Griff is trustworthy he wouldn't promise to save Kendall.Erica insists on going there Bianca and Caleb stop her.
Griff gives her fluids she says she prefers champagne not gin and vodka.Cara may have concussion says Griff .Jake wants Kendall's agreement.
Griff tells her they have to do operation now.Griff says he leaves for this pain meds still awke catheter samll incision. Dangerous? Griff says he done lots more difficult.
Kendall says go ahead
Colby treis to get pin to pick cuffs.
Dr.Burke asks why hethinks he is pushing Jr says his dad manipulated his mom,Dr tells him he manipulated both women.
Annie is flipping out hears Marissa say she probably killed somone she loccked up Jr's baby sis she's toast.
Kendall says she needs tosee boys if she doesn't make it tell mom to take care of boys.
Cara yells griffin she hands lights to him .They demand power from other ambulance.She amkes promise that she shot David.He says ok.
But she's not going to die he promsies you will help me do ahve his promise he won't let Kendall die.
Erica is freaking out about doing ambulance operation.Jack calls Caleb on good word for his licence says don't do anty favours
Kendall says she trsust and beleives he will save her.
They have all equipment sonogram etc.
Griff says cut heat reduces need for oxygen anyway songram is fried.
Griff says he can't do this digital uplink from hospital doc would have to be eyes Griff says he needs David to help.
Bad wether delayed transport.Jesse says he would need injunction from judge.Binca says she needs air.Jack says put her life in his hands are you crazy.Good thing you have licence again get judge to agree Caleb says.
Griff says he can't take all apina way.
Jack got it permission David says he needs toa gree first erica says give me moment.She begs him to save her.David says she refused to save him .Erica says you have my word that I will take to governor brooks.
Desperation showing .Erica asks what else he wants.Do you really expect me to save her life again.Annie coems in and says he fell on ice she left phone with colby hwo's trying to g et it.
The doctor says tell him what isn't working annie says he loved him before she was supposed to love him.Annie says she loves him she never meant to hurt anyone.Doc asks whos he hurt.She says jr...
david talks to Jake and Griffin Castille
David says he sees image directs surgery.Kendall says do surgery.
Erica and Binca bond worrying over Kendall
annie says she doesn't wnat to hurt Jr annie says we don't need outsiders Jr knows there is something going on he says he'll get rid of doctor Annie takes off says she needs timeCobly almost has phone knocks it away.
David is guiding surgery still tells what to do to save Kendall.
They put in stent anchor it.pressure is falling ballon is catching on wall get graft expanded says David.Griff says fingers frozen he's trying.
Jake offers to take over Griff says no .They expand balloon David says no time to finese jsut do it.
Colby has phone she called someone.Annie grabs phone calls Colby stupid little girl Colby called Jr with atext as Jr tells asher he's going away for few days.
Erica thanks caleb for jack's licence Jakc says kendall is out of woods
as David says it's doen over phone.
Jr remembers the cuffs and worries
Annie says you threatened to go to police i won't go there.Colby says he was leaving p.v. anyway everybody knew I was leaving town please Annie let me go,No one will know you are missing says Annie,
Binca talks to Jack he tells her to take care of mom.Caleb says he ahs two tough daughters.Erica says you have to leave you are complicvating things but you are making things difficult for me and Jakc so walk away.He's says eaiser said then done.Jesse handcuffs David
David says he will be doctor again.
Cara is still wearing wedding ring from Jake.Kendall cries says I love you.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday February 4,2011

Annie begs Jr not to break up with ehr says she only wants to hear he loves her.Colby is packing to meet Adam in Chicago.Asher is worried she'll crash and burn that Adam will not be there.Colby says he will.Asher offers to go with her she says no says she'll see when she gets back.She overhears Annie and Jr as Jr says he protected her even when he found out she knocked out Marissaq.Jr says he loves her but she doesn't believe Colby hides and Jr chases after annie whose runnign away.
Brot announces that he loves Natalia and that she is amazing.
Cara says the elevator she got sneezed on she's annoying.He says you used to joke about funny stuff Jake.Over protective and annoying
Kendall remebers she shot David she confesses to griff he says she should
stay calm.Worry about it later. Kendall is remorseful.She says she wanted to kill your mantor kill him you still want to save my life ?
Griff says he is not judge gives her sedative.She wants to know why she doesn't remeber shooting him bfore now.Kendal wnats to tell erica to quit lying to protect her.Jake says he is over protective of staff as cara says she's going tosee Kendall.She likes being treated like equal not sick.
Jake sys he doesn't know what we had over there.He would have been over protective she slips says she loves him
The hubbard's minus angie celebrate natalai's new job with brot.Brot gives her his medal to take with her to keep her safe.she says she can't he says she is bravery and courage.Keep close when he can't be there.
Griff leaves avoicemail for Erica to come see Kendall .Griff is checking on operating room.Kendall grows sleepy from meds he injects.
Jake says he understands how important it was to her. Jake remembers first flight to Africa he thought she was off like an eight yearold he says.
He says he never stopped thinking she was off.She says he makes her smile nad he's forgiven. she amkes him promise not to be overprotective as he promises he won't hover. she says she won't give him hard time.
She called him jaham!
Kendall dreams it all. she remebers mom Drinking, WAkes removes all leads etc and sleepwalks to Erica.
Annie is crying goes to beach house.Sees champagne food set up and then imagines Marissa taunting her.
she throws glasses.Jr comes in.
Jr claims all is for her.Jr says this is jsut the beginning as Annie grips him franctically and syas she'll keep him there.Annie hears something wonders if Marissa followed.
Jesse gives Natalia lots of photos and promise that you will come home when ba by sis is born.They all are happy with sister.
Agela thinks of you as daughter so you need to come home often. Hubbard love.
Kendall is gone griff is freaking out.Jake pages security Kendall is disoriented looking for mom in park.
Griff calls her phone shse says she's outside in pain cab dropped her off there.. Griff says rupture is ready to burst.
Roads are bad drivers won't go so Griff takes Cara and drives himself.
Annie says everytime they are alone Mrissa pops up.Jr says all he cares about .Jr sent up appointment with dr,Burke.He thinks they should talka bout clean up mess and have future so she's stron g come back to house talk to him.
Annie says okay if he's there .Jr kisses her.Asher calls JR about problem at work Chandler debt reconstruction .Come with me no meet me in an hour so we can make it work he states drive carefully.
Annie tires to get hold of herself as Colby walks in.
I know what you did.I know you clobbered Marissa assault and robbery and this time you are not getting away with it.
Annie calls her alittle snake you have lots more coming your way.Cops will find outJr won't let that happen.Annie says she loves Jr she says she opened door and hit her so she made it seem like bugulary.Colby says all Marissa wanted was aj and divorce.She asks how weather in crazy land was.She says the cops will be captivated as she recorded her .Annie calls her little bitch takes phone as she handcuffs Colby.Colby calls her psycho.Thar wasn't very smart now I'm going to have to figure out how to get rid of you.
Asher says colby went to see DAd Jr says his priorities are in sict with us.He will buy gift and pat on head.If I create messes i clean them up.
Jesse takes off to find Kendall.
Brot and Natalia look at all family pictures she says she wnats his picture so she cansee him everyday.
Brot says most people only see scars she saw him.shows how he used tolook.she says he was handsome but this is man I love.This is the man I will come home to every chance I get.
Jake directs to Erica's house.Griff finds her near Erica's house.
Annie says you really screwed things up for me but not know as she throws cheese to the little rat .you'll live if that's what I decide best.
Jr says he wants to help annie as Dr.Burke questions him.
annie freaks says she has phone it will be her word agaisnt him/Marissa talks to her in her head as she says you lose know pscho Jr won;t forgive you hurting colby.
They drive ambulance trying to fix Kendall.Annie drives into ambulance as she looks at Marissa imagining.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thursday February 3, 2011

annie asks if his divorce is final.annie says marissa is on way over they still have to hash out custody agreement.Jr wants to know when she will trust him
Scadison make love.Cara ws going out and bringing stuff to Griff (clothes)
Tad thanks Cara says she helped him narrow some down but asks her to find out what waterhole female workers go to.Cara will buy round of drinks nad maybe hopsital thief will spill guts.Cara asks if jake ask her to bekept away.He treats me like i'm sick.why would jake think your sickCara tells him about having luekemia when she was little.Tad say mums the word people tell me things Tad says.Eyes smile whole package raised talented eyebrwo.good on you Tad says
Kendall says excuse me for being at my best.Griff says get angry.that will save life.Erica wants to know why DAvid is still there.David taunts says he needs to see Kendall begs them to keep hima way from Kendall.Griff says where have you been Griff wants to know state of mind what puzzle i kendall talking of?
Scott backs off worried that Madison is not ready.she says she was kissing him is she too fat.He says he is loving it but he wants her to be ready.
Marissa says to jr they made mistakes on both sides
Madison got acall from sitter Sandra who0 wants to leave.Scott drives her there,
Annie is hpily telling Emma that hings are going to change happy news.Ryan wants to switch nights.He says Kendall is in hospital she says it's amazing how you care about exes except me.
Kendall says she is exhausted but she misses ZAch.Erica says if he was here he would say fight like hell.Erica says try harder i'l be here every step of the way.Erica tells Kendall to push all away and fight like hell

CaRA brings presurgery bread to carve. he eats pasta she brought
Ryan wants to know waht is wrong with her?annie askshim please to take emma please. Ryan says we will hang out tonight after all.
Marissa says she'd never seen ahouse like this she fell in love then hated it just abig show.Jr says it was aj's home.Marissa gave stuff to cops found annie's prints
Erica says jsutkeep positive thoughts.Griff asks if she's ready.Erica says promise me you won't let Kendall die,
Jack asks waht's going on Erica says if she figures out she will not make it.Griffin says you can't postpone.Griff says odds are in her favour with him operating
Griff asks what voice is saying
Scott plays with Kendall's boys as Madison asks for pizza popcorn night
Marissa says pawn broker prints are only their she thought maybe annie was behind it but she was wrong.They hug and he thanks her for everything done for him and aJ.
Madison welcomes in Emma and ryan .Ryan wants to dump off emma Madison and scott say Emma can stay.
Erica says she wished she'd told Kendall Griff says he will bring in anyone just get eye of the tiger mode.Kendall says she can't trust anyone Zach said he wouldn't leave me broke trust.
Cara brings clothes from home and pics from kids art work.CARA SAYS SHE IS EXCELLENT HANDS.Cara will see her when she wakes up she says.Cara says she is not in good palce.Griff is no better get her to trust you she needs this.
then she kissed cheek of bro.
Griffin says if trust is isssue we start somewhere.
Jr sees Annie at window and says aj must be waiting he'll pick himup at schoolMarissa says be careful with annie scissors in and crazy messages.I'm worried about you be careful she says
Jr says don't just don't when annie says she knows she's not supposed to be there.
Jr says annie jsut ruined this for them when annie strts freaking out.
Tad and cara hang out.Jack asks why David is til there
Griffin says this could send him to jail no practicing medicine he's been stealing drugs from hospital
David says he needs to see Kendall be froe he leaves Ryan says the hell you are.
Scott says wehen he was amrried to annie he got attached to Emma Madison says she did to
Annie saw Marisssa in his armshe says it was goodbye hug.Jr says he can't constsntly keep reassuring her.He says she will never understand.
Jr says he has had enough
Tad says you must have thought of death alot that has to be hard.Cara says enjoy every second
Griff says he took them for clinic who couldn't afford them he was going to fund through deal with Zach but he hasn't yet he will apy backtrusting you won't tell secret.she says she won't.Kendall tells himto schedule procedure. you keep bragain I don't wnat to be David's cellmate.Kendall hears Erica will be with her every step of way.David tries to see kendall fights with ryan Kendall remembers all.i did it not her i'm the one who shot David.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wednesday February 2,2011

it's groundhog day and all the groundhogs agree in the storm today no more winter hope the superstition is correct.

Cara gives Tad a list of suspects annoying him. Tad calls her cute says he is lone wolf guilty see the justice.She says she can help its fun.Jake says you didn't tell her did you.Tad says she found out and wants to be scooby to his doo don't tellh er anything else.It's Ryan's bachelor party.Frankie says it's not like Ryan gives adamn.Everything is just great for you.Ryan says if you have something to say say it.
Kendall has collapsed in front of David's cell and Greenlee runs to her when she finds out she's there let alone collapsed.David begs them to let him out to save her.
Erica says I couldn't trust you when you gave away Binca at trial.
Scott gave Madison flowers. Scott covers for Madison's belly he teases she's little fat she ate a whole pint of ice cream and pizza pretzels olives mac and cheese.He offers to get her mac and cheese says he lopoks fine.She asks for some pigs in ablanket.
binca smiles at Scott.she was picking up make-up for miranda centre.Binky says he isn't RYan.she says taking well mad runs off.
Davidgets Jesse to check her breathing let him out ot save her David gets her breathing.Greenlee begs that they let David come
Scott says there is no problem covering for mad says randi was mad at frankie,
Scott says he is not worth it we have to help Madison.Madison shows up says she'll get order to go she tells Scott to back off when he asks how he is.
Ryan gets call so does Jake.
Greenlee says kendall has collapsed.Mad offers to drive
Erica explins why she thinks Kendall did it but she has forgotten,Erica wonders if now the truth will help her.David knows though and he wnats to blackmail erica and kendall.Greenlee tells Jakc by phone she can't find erica and Kendall collapsed.
Griff is mad that she blew off appointment.Cara says he is worried Griff says she has kids husbnad died i feelll I feel I should bill her.
Cara talks about bowl party he came in on.
David tells griff everything to do.
Jesse coems for David/
Madison gives coffee to Ryan as he had two beers says she gave up coffee because it was keeping her up at night.two sugars sin dashboard.Mad says kendall lost man she loves but she's finding way to move on.Ryan talks about trip to DC and wired on coffee says her awful singing would have kept him up.
Notes stars out open window?Saying clear night.
Ryan sees a shooting star.
Greenlee hurt her foot? Jack asks after it.
David saved her life says Greenlee.Griff kicks out David says he has to leave even while he protests he can take care of her.Girff wants to take care of Kendall alone.
binca says she was worreid she offended mad mad says she didn't.Greenlee says she isn't worried about Kendall.
Griff says if he had his way he'd let him but he can't let him without his licence and make him go to jail more
Jake fixes board which is right
Tad says schedule was handy but he doesn't wnat Cara at risk.Jake didn't says anything to you did he?Tad says he would prefer if you didn't.
Scott comes to ssave madison.She says take me to your place.
Rev rick says he was visiting sick parishoner heard about Kendall.
Erica is worried because Kendall was with david when she collapsed.\Griff says she has weakeness in her lower part of her arota abdominal anyerysm
We've booked Or.^0% of the time people die.
sCOTT takes Madison to his apartment it's ahuge mess newspapers clothes you name it.they make out.
Jake flips put at Tad as Cara gets mad at him for changing her assignments.
Ryan says wedding will take place
Griff says did mom sse youKendall says she hasn't .He tells her she could die.
Erica wants to express gratitude to David.Erica is saying you are the reson she collapsed he says false stories around he says nice reminder of stakes.David says I didn't say anything but not to say I won't talk to kendall is stil close by.speak to the
Cara says he is messing with assignements you took me off all infectious.
Cara complins that he is keeping her form her job that's what she.....
Scott backs off asks where it's coming from
Greenlee asks what they talked about ryan says they didn't talk about anything.
Kendall says oaky can I see kids first.He says no they have to fix now.She's terrified she'll die.
She misses Zach so much a wave that pulls her under she's fighting but nothing works she awakes up alone it's always going tobe like this.
Griff says is something more goingon do you want to live?
David says he still amnaged to get to Kendall and save her.Daeve says waht if she remebers on the way to the Or it will be quite shock to remember.Kendall says she needs Zach .Her boys need her but things float in her head like parts of a puzzle .Zach told griff she was feisty as all fight it will save your life says Griff

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday February 1, 2011

Jr asks why she has marissa's stuff that was sstolen she admits she took themerica whines she should have told kendall what she did to Caelb he reminds her she's erica Kane Jacksees them together again and is angry. Erica cries that David escaped they found him on the roof Erica wants to go to jesse with Jack,
Cara calls Kendall on her appointment she missed she calls him Griff.
they talk about David's escape.Kendall says he has been on her mind she hears erica say kendall.
David complins it is a set-up.he wants his laywer Marissa.Jesse says nothing will stop him from going to jail.David says if you know what's good for you and your daughter you'll stop this.
Brother Ricky comes Kendall offers to take his coat as he talks of church stuff but he wanted to know how her first day went.
She says it went great company is tanking but she has goal.He wnats to take heher to dinner.
Brott says fire him save their jobs
DAvid says it is all alie.his health is being comprimised coverup and deception just amatter of time before truth comes out.Erica says no matter what anyone did your going to prison want to
annie explains what happened and that she set it upo like a burgulary.Jr gets mad and she says she wanted to tell truth but no one would believe her.Marissa has been tormenting her.She called Dr.Burke he came here.Jr says he sent Dr.Burke.
DAvid says he's glad to see Marissa and she says she quit because she believes them,Poor Dave.
Kendal asks if he's asking her out and he says no just trying to make her feel better he says he should go.Kendall says where are we eating
Erica says you should check on Greenlee a call from her Dad would go along way.
Speech david made was aimed at me.Waht can I do to keep kendall safe she asks caleb.We will keep her safe.
Annie says you think i'm crazy you want me locked up and marrissa has gottten to you.
Jr says some things you have been doing have been not good.annie says it's always my fault Marissa has been provoking me.But your reactions have been extreme.Jr says if you don't get help there won't be a us.
Marissa calls all the shots you just don't want to deal with me so your pawning me on Dr.burke.If you can'd do it for yourself please do it for me.Says jr.
Brot and natalia eat lunch together.Nat went on job interview mayor doesn't run life she goeing to philadelphia 16th precinct.
Marissa doesn't beleive him he begs her to hear him he tells all sedation and ryan test he called cops.who want srevenge mroe then ryan he swaers to her truth.He promised he would play fair he wouldn't go back on word to her.David says he is not strong enough he could die.Marissa says if anything happenes to david she will sue.
david sounds hoarse.visiting hours are over?
Jack finds caleb hugging ewrica who is cared David will harm Kendall and says its over get aroom.kendall sees out Rev Ricky as they plan dinner next week.
David calls Kendall with his only phone call.
Annie calls Dr.Burke as she takes out letter opener hides in sleeve and Jr leaves.Dr.burke asks if she's ok.Nat says she'll se ehim onw eekends days off.She'll save all their jobs.Brot says he quit
Jr says he was taken care of things annie.tad says annoe doesn't understnad she's saying all kind of things to Marissa.Tad says cut her loose before she completely looses it
Erica says we have to talk he say she says nothign going on between caleb and me.He doesn't beleive it.
Peopela re alughing at him he will not be humilated pretending concern for greenlee.Erica says it was urgent that she talk to Caleb about kendall and how she shot David.
Kendall comes to see David.she wants to know what he wants
you think I can get you out of prison? Kendall asks
Tad says this is scisssors this is threats whya re you making excuses for her?She has been abandonned all her life nad that's exactly waht my dad did.Presure puts her in bad palce.Tad says you haven't been the palces she's been/
Shut up tad he is responible for Annie's spiral.He's not his dad he won't turn his back.Jesse says he stopped Brot from quitting nat says she's going to work for philly.
She was proud to serve but she'd lookat dad and know she can cut it she wants to do this for Dad
Kendall says you can use what I did in hospital to help you?
David says you should keep secret she says tell world she doesn't care
Maybe we should get mom don't here.says david
Erica doesn't tell what it has to do with Kendall he wants explanation
She tells truth Kendall shot david.I tok gun and told her to leave she doesn't remeber i'm protecting my daughter.Jake wnats to know why she didn't tell she reminds him of what he did with bianca law comes first.
Tad says marissa shouldn't have anything to do with you and annie to protect AJ.
Jr says he went to pawn shops got all.
annie lies to docotr and says it's imortant to get feelings out,the situation is difficult.Dr.Burke says tell me about you and Jr.
Nat goes on about philly.Brot wants her to change mind
She laughs about Randi throwing her on ground when she practiced handcuffs.Broken chairs pen that writes.she says she was an over ambitious knowit all.she says I fell in love.
Calb tries to get Jack's reinstatement as alawyer
Erica tells Jack Caleb found out but he says you don't trust me.
Kendall says i hope you rot and trieds to leave but she remembers all and collapses.