Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tuesday February 23, 2011

Colby discovers the truth, Tad and Cara share their news, and Ryan gets a lead.

Madison gets her bill from the hospital and is stunned by how much she has to pay out of pocket.

Elsewhere in the hospital, Greenlee shows Marissa the photo of David with Annie in order to convince her David was behind Annie's disappearance. It works and Greenlee asks her to talk to David so they can find Emma. Marissa promises to get the truth and leaves. Scott finds Greenlee and tells her how ironic it is that Ryan is searching for one child while not being aware of another he is about to have. Scott leaves and Madison approaches her boss. She asks if she can pick up more hours at Fusion.
She shows her the bill, which is so high because her doctor is out of her network. Greenlee suggests she turn to Scott because he seems to really care about her. Madison tells her not to try and find a replacement man for her. Greenlee tells her she can work as much overtime as she wants. Scott returns to Madison after Greenlee has left. Because he files the insurance submissions he knows she has to pay a lot and offers to be her advocate with the insurance company. She accepts and they leave together.

Back at his place Scott calls the insurance company on Madison's behalf as she falls asleep on his bed.

David gets a call from Annie while he's walking in the park. He says he told her to go to the cabin and asks where she is. Ryan walks up, revealing it was a set up. He demands to know where his daughter is. David plays it off, but Ryan tells him the woman he helped tried to kill Marissa. He fills a stunned David in on what Annie recently did to his daughter. Ryan tells David he will make sure Marissa finds out that he is helping the woman who left her to die. Marissa shows up and tells David to tell Ryan what he knows or else she will turn him in. David insists he thought Annie was taking Emma on vacation. He says they are in a cabin in Vermont. Ryan walks away to call Jesse, as Marissa lashes out at David. He tries to defend himself, but Marissa tells him she's done and stalks off. Ryan snidely tells David it looks like he lost his daughter too. The only difference is Ryan is getting his back.

Ryan meets Greenlee at the hospital and says Annie left the cabin before the cops showed up. He's hoping she calls JR because they will be ready.

Marissa lets Ryan and Greenlee into the mansion while JR is out. Ryan plants a bug in case Annie calls JR's cell phone and not the tapped landline. Greenlee tells Marissa she's sorry about David, but Marissa responds that she's not.

As Liza urges her daughter to forget Damon at ConFusion, Colby wonders why her break up has her so upset. Liza covers with talk of love for her daughter and not wanting her to get hurt by Damon. She also mentions her and her mother's past and how tumultuous things were between them. Colby leaves, but looks confused.

Colby heads to Krystal's to find Tad, but sees Opal instead. She tells her she's unsettled about Liza, especially since she brought up her and Marian's relationship. Opal can't believe Liza would bring that up and marvels over how a mother could sleep with her daughter's boyfriend. Colby's face falls as she starts to realize what could have happened.

Colby returns to Fusion to confront Liza. She says she knows Marian slept with Tad all those years ago and asks if Liza slept with her boyfriend. Liza tries to evade, but an emotional Colby sees through it. She cries, as Liza can't deny it, which David happens by and sees. Colby runs out and Liza tries to run after her, but David stops her. She tells him she's lost her daughter for good and David embraces her.

As Cara is about to be taken from her hotel room Tad enters and says they are engaged. Cara tries to stop him, but Tad rattles on about their relationship, trying to convince the feds of it. Cara eventually goes along with it and pulls out her ring from her marriage to Jake to prove it. Once the feds are gone, Tad calls Jake and tells him he and Cara will be right over because they have something important to discuss.

Amanda wrings her hands over what she's done, as Tad and Cara stop by the Martin home. They explain to her and Jake that they are engaged in order to keep Cara in the country. Jake seems
rattled by the idea and isn't sure this is the best idea. He asks if they can live the lie for three years. Cara says if she is to stay alive this is the best option. Tad asks if Jake is onboard. He dryly says, "Sure. Welcome to the family." Amanda offers her congratulations and Tad retorts, "Thanks for your support." Jake and Amandaleave, as Tad and Cara discuss their new situation. Cara promises to make it as easy as possible for him. Tad knows he's not the Martin she wanted to end up with, but it will keep her safe.

Jake and Amanda head to the hospital. She asks if he is okay. He assures her he is, but worries about her because she wanted Cara out of town. A guilt ridden Amanda says all that matters is that she's safe. Jake calls his wife amazing.

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