Monday, February 28, 2011

Friday February 25,2011

Greenlee leaves the house to see Kendal and ryan hears Jr talking to annie he rushes over there.the dummy tells jr hje bugged his house.Marissa who had been berating Jr about Aj admits she's the one that did it.
JR says he was going to call Ryan while on the way to the airport. He thinks he's the only one Annie trusts so he wants to do this his way. Ryan agrees, but demands to go with him. JR says fine, but wonders how he knew Annie called. Ryan tells him he bugged his house and Marissa returns to reveal she gave Ryan access to do so. JR is annoyed, but tells them Annie is in Canada.
He's got the jet fueled and ready to go.

Kendall gets upset while reading Zach's letter at home. She tells Ricky she thinks her husband was murdered. She assumes Zach knew someone wanted him dead or else he wouldn't have written the letter. Ricky wants her to relax and to put the letter down, but all she wants is to find out who murdered her husband. She reads something about a threat and his casino partners, as Spike and Ian walk in. Greenlee also stops by and Kendall starts to tell her about the letter, but the boys get rambunctious. Greenlee offers to take them to the park for a little while, but Kendall thinks she should be with Ryan. As Ricky tries to wrangle the kids, he slyly pockets Zach's letter. Greenlee takes the kids for their nap, as Ricky helps Kendall clean up. She can't find Zach's letter, but Ricky all of a sudden produces it after stealing a page from it. Greenlee gets a call from Ryan and leaves. She steps outside and calls Griffin to ask him to check on Kendall because she just went through Zach's things and is unsettled. Griffin agrees to stop by. Back inside, Ricky tells Kendall whatever she finds out in the letter, he is there for her. As she reads the letter out loud, she notices Ricky typing on his phone. He explains he was making plans to meet with a parishioner. Kendall then realizes a page from the letter is missing and goes to see if one of the boys took it. Ricky continues to re-type the missing portion of the letter on his phone and sends it to Kendall's printer. He adds the rewritten page in with the letter and hides in a couch cushion. Kendall returns and continues to frantically look for the letter. She finally finds it and tells Ricky to meet with his parishioner, but thanks him for being there for her before he leaves. As Kendall rereads the letter, Griffin drops by. He tells her Greenlee is worried so he wants to check her out. He takes her blood pressure, which is a little elevated, but nothing to worry about. He asks about the letter and she tells him it could change everything. She reads the rewritten portion, which she realizes is different than what she read before. She tells Griffin something is very wrong.

Ricky meets with Diane in the park. He reads the real letter Zach wrote which includes a list of people he implicates. The list includes Diana's name. The proof is in a special place, which Ricky vows to find.
Ryan, Greenlee and JR arrive at the hotel Annie is staying at. JR checks with the hotel clerk who says Annie will be back in a few minutes.
At the hospital, Scott finds Madison who signed up for a sleep study for the cash. He tells her he's doing the same thing. He worries about her being pregnant, but she assures him two doctors told her it was safe. He continues to try and dissuade her from doing it, but Madison reminds him she is broke, so what's her alternative? He suggests she move in with him. He also gives her a payment schedule he helped set up with billing for her medical bills. He says with what she'll be saving, she will be able to afford her half of the rent. He assures her there will be no "monkey business" and they will be just roomies. She agrees and points out he needs her help as much as she needs his. Scott and Madison run into Marissa, who learns they are moving in together and having a baby. She is stunned as they tell her they are just taking things one step at a time. Marissa congratulates Scott and then leaves.

Scott helps Madison move into his place. He tells her she can have the bed because she's "with child." She feels bad, but he insists he is fine with the couch. She wonders where she will put all her boxes. She ultimately decides she doesn’t need all her stuff, but Scott wants her to keep the box with her old things from when she was a kid. Scott promises her he won't be in a studio for long. He will do whatever it takes to get his life back on track. As they talk about how much their lives have changed, Emma calls Madison to tell her Annie said they couldn't stay at the hotel. She explains Annie instructed her not to call Ryan, but she didn’t say she couldn't call Madison. Emma hangs up when Annie returns to the car. Madison calls Ryan to tell him Emma called and said they weren't staying at the hotel anymore.

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