Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday February 18,2011

Ryan can't understand how Annie is hiding with noi money .Greens says she's smart she has plan she's probably commiting robbereis to jesse and Ryan,Tad says they should fake Cara's death Griff can sign it.Amanda lies that she was buying shoes when she was informing Imigration
Kendall talks to binky of Reese and Gabby.she says Gabby ahs Zach's smile only she uses it more.Kendall says her dreams are Zach trying to tell her something
She tells Binky she was robbed.
Woman meets ricky says he will amke sure kendall doesn't sell casinos theywill find proof about their theft from company .Opal sees rev ricky asks why he's out here with bag filled arms.
Ricky says hello Opal. she says they have problem he reaches for Gun.then she says you were suppose to come talk to me and erica about Kendall.
Ricky says go in peace to waomen.
ricky promises to be there for Kendall Opal says she is aspecial girl.ricky says he knows that.
Kendall says she can't help holding on she hasn't be able to sell casinos yet she will and then give money to Griffin.
Binky starts crying Kendall is worried about her as Marissa comes in to meet Binca .You're meeting with marissa are you getting divorced asks Kendall waht's going on.
She talked to reese we are getting divorced
Ryan says she was in my apartment but where was she bfore or after that. check surveillance cameras.Greenlee says she would have gone through park.Jesse says they have cameras in park.
Ryan asks her to stay with spike as he goes out.
Amanda says she lsot it with cara when she saw ring.She screamed and yelled.
Jake apologises.Amanda says don't apologise.Amanda says she says she says she's moving on but i beleive in our future .
Tad says he is twice as smart as David they can pull this off.Griff asks what if it all goes wrong?He is trying to prtoecther she says he needs to stop holding on so tight.Griff thanks Tad says idea might work
Amnda says she hopes cara gets everything she wants
Bikly says she was putting off inevitable Kendall blames herself for pressuring Binks to talk to Reese
Reese said it was over.Kendall says she loves binks.Ricky says sorry I'm interrupting as binky hugs him thanks him for loking afte big sis.
He says it's his pleasure.

Greenlee says Emma is coming back she'll call you.She gives him awatch for wedding present says its' a promise Emma will be back.
Ricky asks if all is okay with bianca he offers to lsiten when he hears her marriage has ended.Ricky offers to leave if she wants to rest.Kendall says she can handle griff.Ricky offers her a personally catered meal for him and Kendall he says she can't say no.Ricky says he should get out before Dr,Castillo coems back
Griff checks Opla says she has heart of ayoung woman.HShe heard what he did for Kendall shae says bonds two people.Palmer and me we.Kendall's my patient interrupts Griff
Jake says you have idea.Tad says ther on board cara and Griff we're going to killher.
Cara tells amnda something she jsut found out.You've decided tostay for good what I would like is your feet leaving town.
Kendall says you think Griff is interested in me?I haven't given off signals Ilove Zach.Ricky says anyone that keeps you alive longer is ahero in my book
You were talkinga bout me says griff ilike that as Ricky leaves
Kendall sks if she's ready to go home
Greenle says every second that ticks off that wathc is one second closer to Emma
Amnda overhears Tad asking about death cerifcate.Tad tells Cara is in danger Tad sys we hsave ot fake her death i need you in on it to protect her.Amnda says oh my god I had no idea.Tad asys Jake won't be inovolved amnda worries that if they find her they'll kill her and it will be her fault,
Jake says this is nutty but Tad can do anything .He says he had no idea that she was in this much danger.there burying Carolyn finn
Jesse comes in with picture of annie and David in park.Ryan says David's a SOB
Marissa discusses divorce she says sometimes messy with child inovlved.she could fight for the children.
Kendall says she apolgises for being so difficult I bet you'll be gald to get rid of me.You are dfinitely apain so are you says Griff.He says you won't completely get rid of me
amnda cals back and says it was all mistake but it's too alte.Cara says he can't work for Doctors without borders again
Tad wants to get news into Mexico.
immigration officers come in and arrest Cara for fraud.

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