Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday February 7,2011

Annie crashes into the ambulance carrying Kendall.
Erica is freaking out with binky and jack that Kendall left.Jr tells the doctor he beleives he pushed Annie closer to the edge.Colby struggles.
Annie panics that she casued accident but blame son ice.she tries to leave.
Griffin sees car leave.Cara is out cold but awakes .Kendall is not doing well.Ambulance won't start.Radio is dead. Cara calls on phone for help.Doors are jammed.95 over 64.then 92 over 60
guy says one spark and good by ambulance.Gasoline all over.operate now or she'll die says Griff.
Erica says she should never have left Kendall.Griff is trustworthy he wouldn't promise to save Kendall.Erica insists on going there Bianca and Caleb stop her.
Griff gives her fluids she says she prefers champagne not gin and vodka.Cara may have concussion says Griff .Jake wants Kendall's agreement.
Griff tells her they have to do operation now.Griff says he leaves for this pain meds still awke catheter samll incision. Dangerous? Griff says he done lots more difficult.
Kendall says go ahead
Colby treis to get pin to pick cuffs.
Dr.Burke asks why hethinks he is pushing Jr says his dad manipulated his mom,Dr tells him he manipulated both women.
Annie is flipping out hears Marissa say she probably killed somone she loccked up Jr's baby sis she's toast.
Kendall says she needs tosee boys if she doesn't make it tell mom to take care of boys.
Cara yells griffin she hands lights to him .They demand power from other ambulance.She amkes promise that she shot David.He says ok.
But she's not going to die he promsies you will help me do ahve his promise he won't let Kendall die.
Erica is freaking out about doing ambulance operation.Jack calls Caleb on good word for his licence says don't do anty favours
Kendall says she trsust and beleives he will save her.
They have all equipment sonogram etc.
Griff says cut heat reduces need for oxygen anyway songram is fried.
Griff says he can't do this digital uplink from hospital doc would have to be eyes Griff says he needs David to help.
Bad wether delayed transport.Jesse says he would need injunction from judge.Binca says she needs air.Jack says put her life in his hands are you crazy.Good thing you have licence again get judge to agree Caleb says.
Griff says he can't take all apina way.
Jack got it permission David says he needs toa gree first erica says give me moment.She begs him to save her.David says she refused to save him .Erica says you have my word that I will take to governor brooks.
Desperation showing .Erica asks what else he wants.Do you really expect me to save her life again.Annie coems in and says he fell on ice she left phone with colby hwo's trying to g et it.
The doctor says tell him what isn't working annie says he loved him before she was supposed to love him.Annie says she loves him she never meant to hurt anyone.Doc asks whos he hurt.She says jr...
david talks to Jake and Griffin Castille
David says he sees image directs surgery.Kendall says do surgery.
Erica and Binca bond worrying over Kendall
annie says she doesn't wnat to hurt Jr annie says we don't need outsiders Jr knows there is something going on he says he'll get rid of doctor Annie takes off says she needs timeCobly almost has phone knocks it away.
David is guiding surgery still tells what to do to save Kendall.
They put in stent anchor it.pressure is falling ballon is catching on wall get graft expanded says David.Griff says fingers frozen he's trying.
Jake offers to take over Griff says no .They expand balloon David says no time to finese jsut do it.
Colby has phone she called someone.Annie grabs phone calls Colby stupid little girl Colby called Jr with atext as Jr tells asher he's going away for few days.
Erica thanks caleb for jack's licence Jakc says kendall is out of woods
as David says it's doen over phone.
Jr remembers the cuffs and worries
Annie says you threatened to go to police i won't go there.Colby says he was leaving p.v. anyway everybody knew I was leaving town please Annie let me go,No one will know you are missing says Annie,
Binca talks to Jack he tells her to take care of mom.Caleb says he ahs two tough daughters.Erica says you have to leave you are complicvating things but you are making things difficult for me and Jakc so walk away.He's says eaiser said then done.Jesse handcuffs David
David says he will be doctor again.
Cara is still wearing wedding ring from Jake.Kendall cries says I love you.

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