Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday February 8, 2011

Erica stops David from being taken to jail Kendall might need him.Cara tells Jake she still lvoes him she only left to protect him from thugs just as Amanda comes in and says are youokay.
Kendall dreams of Zach won't put oxygen mask on Griff makes her says they are okay.O negative blood is ordered
Griff admits he is in serious tourble he's in lvoe with Kendall.
Kendall asks why she took the blame didn't tell.Erica says she needed to be proitected .Kendall protests she did it.Erica says you lost your husband you can't lose anything else.Kendall says it was like Zach was really there when she saw him as Ricky hears.
David is filing in papers
Reverend Ricky says he overheard that she saw Zach as nurse kicks them out.
Kendall says you don't have to pretend that's normal.
Griffin bandages Cara's head.Cara aks how he got her to trust he lies says nothing major it worked she says she's proud of him for making connection.
Cara tells him Jake saw ring.He says he told her not to waer it.she says she didn't say near enough.Griff says you can't go back.
Cara says go check on kendall.
Cara says we need to talk.Governor calls says sentence commuted.
Cara says she lied in letter. She was protecting him from mexican drug cartel.Griff took her into hiding .she saw him in everything he was in her head and heart.Jake wants to know why she came back she says she missed him and needed to see him.It was mistake because your happy in love aqnd she gets it you can't go back. Jake says he doesn't know aht he is.She says she wouldn't change it because he's safe.

Zach was trying totell her something Kendall says.Ricky says he wanted you to be strong pull through be strong for sons.
Erica wants to know something from David.Erica says if she convinces governor Brooks she needs himto promise he won't ever press charges against Kendall he says she has his word.
Griff stares at Kendall take a seat and stares at her some mroe.Jesse says he will lock up david until he meets with governor I hope Kendall feels better.
Jack is mad. Erica says things changed she's jsut as mad .waht about my daughter.did she consider the consequences?How lucky for her that she can enjoy her life says Erica.
she's not now and she amy never because of you.do you understnad what you've done,Jack says she owed him nothing you've gone to far.Lives are at risk you can't take that back.He dumpsErica cruelly.
Cara stares ta her ring as amnda brings trevor to Jake. Griff sees Kendall she says she knows his secret he cares about his patients.

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