Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday February 4,2011

Annie begs Jr not to break up with ehr says she only wants to hear he loves her.Colby is packing to meet Adam in Chicago.Asher is worried she'll crash and burn that Adam will not be there.Colby says he will.Asher offers to go with her she says no says she'll see when she gets back.She overhears Annie and Jr as Jr says he protected her even when he found out she knocked out Marissaq.Jr says he loves her but she doesn't believe Colby hides and Jr chases after annie whose runnign away.
Brot announces that he loves Natalia and that she is amazing.
Cara says the elevator she got sneezed on she's annoying.He says you used to joke about funny stuff Jake.Over protective and annoying
Kendall remebers she shot David she confesses to griff he says she should
stay calm.Worry about it later. Kendall is remorseful.She says she wanted to kill your mantor kill him you still want to save my life ?
Griff says he is not judge gives her sedative.She wants to know why she doesn't remeber shooting him bfore now.Kendal wnats to tell erica to quit lying to protect her.Jake says he is over protective of staff as cara says she's going tosee Kendall.She likes being treated like equal not sick.
Jake sys he doesn't know what we had over there.He would have been over protective she slips says she loves him
The hubbard's minus angie celebrate natalai's new job with brot.Brot gives her his medal to take with her to keep her safe.she says she can't he says she is bravery and courage.Keep close when he can't be there.
Griff leaves avoicemail for Erica to come see Kendall .Griff is checking on operating room.Kendall grows sleepy from meds he injects.
Jake says he understands how important it was to her. Jake remembers first flight to Africa he thought she was off like an eight yearold he says.
He says he never stopped thinking she was off.She says he makes her smile nad he's forgiven. she amkes him promise not to be overprotective as he promises he won't hover. she says she won't give him hard time.
She called him jaham!
Kendall dreams it all. she remebers mom Drinking, WAkes removes all leads etc and sleepwalks to Erica.
Annie is crying goes to beach house.Sees champagne food set up and then imagines Marissa taunting her.
she throws glasses.Jr comes in.
Jr claims all is for her.Jr says this is jsut the beginning as Annie grips him franctically and syas she'll keep him there.Annie hears something wonders if Marissa followed.
Jesse gives Natalia lots of photos and promise that you will come home when ba by sis is born.They all are happy with sister.
Agela thinks of you as daughter so you need to come home often. Hubbard love.
Kendall is gone griff is freaking out.Jake pages security Kendall is disoriented looking for mom in park.
Griff calls her phone shse says she's outside in pain cab dropped her off there.. Griff says rupture is ready to burst.
Roads are bad drivers won't go so Griff takes Cara and drives himself.
Annie says everytime they are alone Mrissa pops up.Jr says all he cares about .Jr sent up appointment with dr,Burke.He thinks they should talka bout clean up mess and have future so she's stron g come back to house talk to him.
Annie says okay if he's there .Jr kisses her.Asher calls JR about problem at work Chandler debt reconstruction .Come with me no meet me in an hour so we can make it work he states drive carefully.
Annie tires to get hold of herself as Colby walks in.
I know what you did.I know you clobbered Marissa assault and robbery and this time you are not getting away with it.
Annie calls her alittle snake you have lots more coming your way.Cops will find outJr won't let that happen.Annie says she loves Jr she says she opened door and hit her so she made it seem like bugulary.Colby says all Marissa wanted was aj and divorce.She asks how weather in crazy land was.She says the cops will be captivated as she recorded her .Annie calls her little bitch takes phone as she handcuffs Colby.Colby calls her psycho.Thar wasn't very smart now I'm going to have to figure out how to get rid of you.
Asher says colby went to see DAd Jr says his priorities are in sict with us.He will buy gift and pat on head.If I create messes i clean them up.
Jesse takes off to find Kendall.
Brot and Natalia look at all family pictures she says she wnats his picture so she cansee him everyday.
Brot says most people only see scars she saw him.shows how he used tolook.she says he was handsome but this is man I love.This is the man I will come home to every chance I get.
Jake directs to Erica's house.Griff finds her near Erica's house.
Annie says you really screwed things up for me but not know as she throws cheese to the little rat .you'll live if that's what I decide best.
Jr says he wants to help annie as Dr.Burke questions him.
annie freaks says she has phone it will be her word agaisnt him/Marissa talks to her in her head as she says you lose know pscho Jr won;t forgive you hurting colby.
They drive ambulance trying to fix Kendall.Annie drives into ambulance as she looks at Marissa imagining.

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