Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tuesday March 29,2011

JR takes Marissa over to see Bianca so she can deliver some big news regarding her custody case. JR promises AJ that they will be a family again.

After Colby invites Asher to sit and join her he assumes that she is the one who bought him for the auction date. When she says it really wasn’t her, Asher suggests they still have the date but Colby insists she can’t because he isn’t Damon. Caleb swears to his son he didn’t set up the date and Asher believes him. Alone, Colby tells her online viewers that she doesn’t want to risk loving again.

Caleb admits his feelings to Erica but she claims to not feel the same and asks him to stop. Erica lashes out but Caleb says he will wait for her. After Erica interrupts a fun moment between Krystal and Jack, she warns Krystal that she’s wasting her time trying to move in on Jack. Erica says she wants to get married tonight.

Jesse takes Angie to the Justice of the Peace Parlor where they got married and they envision how it used to be. Angie feels a contraction but claims she’s fine, until another pain hits and she realizes something is wrong.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday March 24, 2011

She bids on Ricky instead.
Marissa leaves Caleb and Erica alone at ConFusion. Bianca and Jack join them and announce Jack will be part of the charity auction. Erica thinks it's a great idea because where will come in at the end and outbid everyone.

Amanda suggests JR get involved in the charity auction at the mansion and then runs off to meet with Jake. Marissa shows up and learns AJ isn't there like he's supposed to be. JR apologizes to her about the mess with Annie and for being selfish. He tells her she's right. His problem is wanting what he can't have. He wants to be grateful to things that are special to him instead of trashing them. He wants her to admit things were great with them for a while. She agrees, but then runs out.

In the hospital hallway, Ricky continues to try and make Kendall doubt Griffin regarding the hospital drugs.

Jake meets with Cara and Griffin in a hospital room. He expresses his frustration over trying to get bachelors to be in the auction and asks Cara to lead the charge on it. He runs out as Griffin suggests she do it.

Amanda finds Jake at the hospital desk and asks if he's ready for their big date. He is too busy and has to pass. She plays it off like it works out for her as well and leaves.

Cara runs into Ricky in the hallway and asks him to be part of the charity auction. He agrees saying it's part of his civic duty.

Ricky tells Diana in the park that he will be part of the charity auction. He needs to speed up the process with Kendall and thinks having her bid on him is part of that. Diana expresses her concern, or jealousy, as Ricky sees it. He reminds Diana they were never serious. That's not what they were about. She wonders what he and Kendall are about. He responds, "The future."

Kendall meets with Griffin in another hospital room and questions him about the drugs he's taking from the hospital. He reminds her they are antibiotics for people who need them. She asks if he's taking other drugs as well. He doesn't think they should talk about it there, but tells her if he had the money he wouldn't have to do it this way. He thinks the ends justify the means since lives are being saved.

Kendall later sees Cara working on the auction and learns Griffin is taking part. Kendall probes Cara about her brother and why he's so closed off. Cara gets a page and has to leave. Kendall wonders if she could be wrong about Griffin and makes a bid on him. Griffin happens by and realizes what she's doing. She tells him she's making a bid and intends to win. She wants to thank him for saving her and notes it would be nice to spend an evening together. She thinks it could be an interesting night. After they've left, Caleb finds Erica in front of the bachelor board. He admits he never thought he'd enjoy spending time with her. She thinks he's confusing his feelings about his son with her. She suggests they meet tomorrow night at her house to further discuss it. Erica calls Jack to push back their date tomorrow a couple of hours.

Griffin runs into Cara again in the hospital hallway. He's uncomfortable having Kendall bid on him and gives his sister money to outbid her. After Griffin goes home, Cara decides not to outbid Kendall because Griffin needs a little push. She bids on Ricky instead.

Griffin heads home and searches Diana's name online.

Marissa returns to ConFusion and talks to Bianca about JR. Marissa tells her friend JR wants her back. She doesn't think she can go back to that place though. She then tells Bianca she got a few calls from the press to interview her about gay divorce. They talk about relationships and Bianca says they both need to wait until the right person comes along.

Kendall tells Bianca at home that she bid on Griffin in the auction. She calls it a fact-finding mission.

Amanda returns to the mansion to work with JR. He tells her Cara called to recruit him for the auction. He relays that Cara told him she always gets her man when she sets her mind to it. Amanda looks concerned, which JR notices. She says she is there to work, not talk about her personal life. She again suggests the auction could be good PR for him. JR isn't so interested in what it could do for his company, but for him personally. He says he has a project for her. He declares he wants his family back, so he tells Amanda to sign him up for the auction and for her to talk Marissa into bidding on him

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday March 23, 2011

Once Erica has left Krystal's, Jack and Caleb engage in some posturing. Jack asks Caleb to realize the game is over because Erica is about to be his wife. Caleb exits and Jack tells Krystal he and Erica have set a date. She congratulates him, but asks why he's taking a swing at Caleb if he's already got the girl. Jack just wants Caleb to know it's time to cash in his chips and leave the table. Krystal tells him he's won so he doesn’t need to kick dirt in the guy's face. They move on to discussing her situation living with Tad and his new wife. She recounts her failed love life and declares she's done with love. Jack responds that would be a shame. He bolsters her spirits about dating and then invites her to the wedding. She thanks him for giving her a little hope.

Marissa and Bianca visit Kendall at Fusion. Kendall throws all of her support behind Bianca in her custody battle. She wants to spend the day with her little sister, but Bianca tells her she and Marissa have it covered. Erica later stops by to see Kendall, who tells her about Reese's request for full custody. Erica of course gets her Kane claws out and then tells Kendall she and Jack have set a date. Excited, Kendall announces it to the office. Erica wishes she hadn't done that because she wanted to keep it quiet and intimate since it is their second wedding. Kendall hugs her mother to express her joy over her settling down with the love of her life and the man she's meant to be with. Erica smiles, but doesn't look so confident
A beat up Griffin comes to the hospital and has Cara check him out as Tad sits nearby. Cara discovers he has two cracked ribs and Griffin explains that he tried to meet with Zach's casino partners, but before he could see Diana, her men roughed him up. Tad thinks this means they have something to hide. Cara is worried for her brother, but he says if Kendall is in danger, he won't let a couple of goons scare him awayWhen Cara can't get through to her brother, she leaves and asks Tad to talk some sense into him. Tad orders Griffin not to do this on his own anymore. Cara returns with Kendall, who wonders what happened to Griffin. Griffin makes up a story about a mishap on a date. He wonders why she's there and she says she wants to help with the charity auction. Kendall knows he's lying about what happened to him and discovers his bruised ribs. Cara and Tad leave and as Kendall and Griffin talk, Ricky happens by. Griffin tells Kendall an ex-boyfriend of the girl he took out beat him up. Kendall leaves and runs into Ricky who tells her the drug dealer his kids have been dealing with were beat up, but managed to hut the man, who was in a suit.

Elsewhere, Tad promises a worried Cara that he will do a better job of trying to protect his new brother-in-law.

Marissa and Bianca head to the park. Marissa wants Bianca to let out her frustrations concerning what Reese is doing and engages her in a snowball fight. After a few throws, Bianca asks if they will win the custody battle. Marissa promises.
Erica heads home and meets with Opal. She tells her she and Jack set a wedding date. Erica's face falls a bit as Opal gushes about the wedding. Opal thinks her telling Jack about the kiss with Caleb lit a fire under his behind. Bianca walks in and hears Erica discussing the kiss. Bianca questions Erica about it. Erica insists the kiss was nothing and Caleb means nothing. Bianca then learns a wedding date has been set. She's thrilled, but Erica wants to talk about Bianca. She declares there is no way Reese will get custody of the kids. She says the girls will be at her wedding as flower girls. Opal thinks that's one thing they can check of the to-do list. Opal brings up the guest list, which won't include Caleb. Erica interjects she will take care of the guest list. Erica then leaves for a meeting regarding Cortlandt. Bianca asks if the kiss between Erica and Caleb bothers Opal as much as it bothers her.
Marissa finds Caleb having a drink at ConFusion. She asks for his advice on Bianca's divorce settlement and custody suit. She tells him what Jack's advice was and Caleb gets snarky. She asks him what's up and he tells her Erica is getting married, which means she won't be able to do what needs to be done with Cortlandt. He admits he doesn't want to do it without her. He also admits Erica makes him feel, "So damned alive," as Erica walks in and hears.

Tuesday March 22,2011

At the mansion, Colby excitedly tells JR her blog is huge and two companies want to sponsor her. She wants to give Chandler first crack though, but JR declines. He insists he cares about her and doesn't want to see everyone take advantage of their family name. JR exits to help the kids as Asher tries to smooth things over with Colby. She just gets annoyed and takes off.
David watches the video Colby posted of Liza's drunken rant on his laptop at ConFusion. Liza walks in and sees it. She's clearly upset and David offers her advice on how to delicately handle her daughter. Liza is suspicious of his motives and, recalling their kiss, tells him the two of them as a couple isn't going to happen.
Jack reluctantly leaves Erica at Krystal's as Caleb enters. He joins Erica, who wants to bring in new blood to Cortlandt Electronics. She suggests Asher, but Caleb tells her his son doesn’t want anything to do with him. She reminds him Colby is the key. Colby walks in and pitches them her blog. Erica thinks it's perfect for Cortlandt's new image. Caleb comes around and has an idea for who should head up the project. Caleb gets up to leave and Erica smugly tells him to say hello to Asher for her. After Caleb has left, Erica tells Colby this can't just be about her mother. Colby assures her she wants to talk about relationships and other things as well. She shows Erica her blog so far, as Liza walks in. After some words with Liza, Colby leaves. Liza warns Erica to stay away from her daughter, but Erica believes in Colby.
Liza returns to ConFusion and lays a juicy kiss on David. She says she won't let Erica take Colby away from her. She needs a partner who knows how to get down and dirty.
Marissa shows Jack a draft of Bianca's settlement agreement in the park. He makes some suggestions, as Bianca joins them. Marissa tells her she is expecting a call from Reese's lawyer later. Jack assures his niece she is in capable hands and then leaves. Marissa and Bianca talk about their kids birthdays and then head out to get cupcakes.
Marissa and Bianca show up at the mansion to celebrate Miranda and AJ's birthdays. Marissa brings up the call they have to take with Reese's lawyer, but Bianca says it can wait and continues to play with the kids.
Marissa and Bianca head to the park with the kids. Reese's attorney calls Marissa, who relays that Reese wants full custody of both children. Marissa declares they will fight it and bring up the fact that Reese isn't biologically related to either child. Bianca says no because she won't let JR use that argument against her some day. Marissa will worry about herself later and calls Kendall for backup.
Caleb stops by the mansion to offer Asher a job at Cortlandt working with Colby. Asher doesn't want her anywhere near the war between Caleb and JR. Caleb suggests he come onboard so he can look after her. JR walks up and says no way. Caleb wants his son to think about it and walks out. JR is charged and suggests Asher play Caleb so he can be a spy for Chandler. Asher won't get in the middle of them ever again. He declares if he goes after Caleb he will do it to his face because no one uses him.
Caleb returns to Erica and relays that Asher is not interested in working for him, but he still looks pleased. Jack also walks in and tells Erica they can have a wedding in a couple of weeks.
Jesse and Angie find Cara at the hospital working on the charity auction. Cara fills Angie in on the new scheduling she and Jake have been working on. She gives her a copy in Braille and Angie notes she and Jake make a great team, as Jake and Amanda walk up. After all the self-congratulations between Jake and Cara, an uncomfortable Amanda says she has to go to work. She leaves, as do Angie and Jesse. Cara asks about Amanda's job and Jake is clearly uneasy with it. As Jesse and Angie walk the hospital halls, Jesse suggests a Lamaze class. Angie insists she doesn’t need it and walks away from him. Cara approaches and Jesse admits he's worried about himself in the delivery room. Cara enlists Jake to talk Jesse through the process. Jake tells Jesse his own experience helping to deliver Trevor and how much love he felt for his family. Cara looks sad and then anxiously leaves the room. She literally runs into Angie as she does so and then runs down the hallway.
Amanda returns to the hospital and finds Jake. He tells her how right things are for them and how after Trevor came along they went from being a couple to being a whole family.
Angie finds Cara in a hospital room and offers to listen if she wants to talk. Cara admits she was helping a scared Jesse wrap his mind about the birthing process and how it led to her hearing Jake talk about Amanda and Trevor. She cries as she says she thought she'd be where Angie is right now having a baby. Angie assures her she has time because she's young. Cara thanks her and leaves in tears. Jesse enters and Angie kisses him and then apologizes. She feels she shut him out so that he wouldn’t worry about her. He is just freaked out because this will be the first time he'll be seeing one of his kids born. She thinks he's more worried that she won't be able to see her child born. She says they are really in this together and she needs him to be her eyes

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday March 21,2011

In his hotel room, Griffin tells Kendall she can't go to the charity function for the Miranda Center with him tonight. She leaves in a huff and then Griffin gets a call from Ricky, who disguises his voice to cancel his meeting with Diana.
Emma lashes out at Greenlee and Ryan at home. As they try to reassure her about Annie, she yells out that her Mommy told her Daddy doesn't care about her. They try to calm her down, but Emma only wants Madison. When she doesn't get her way she storms out of the room. Greenlee gets a call from Kendall asking about Emma. Ryan tells Greenlee to go to work and he will deal with Emma. Greenlee doesn't want to, but agrees after Emma calls out just for her Daddy. Greenlee leaves and Ryan says he wants to take Emma to another doctor, but she only wants Madison.
Kendall goes to Fusion and runs into Bianca who informs her the Miranda Center function was canceled. Greenlee shows up and after Bianca leaves, she tells Kendall Emma can't stand the sight of her. After Greenlee exits, Kendall summons Griffin to her office. She calls him out on lying about the fundraiser. She assumes he had a hot date and he plays along. She wonders why he didn't tell her and he says it felt uncomfortable. She's happy he's getting out and having a life. As they head to the elevator though, Kendall's look suggests she's more bothered by his date than she let on.
In their studio, Madison and Scott go over baby names, but come up empty. Frankie stops by and Scott leaves. Madison tells Frankie Ryan knows he's the father of the baby, but nothing changes. She will still raise the baby on her own. Ryan calls Madison to tell her Emma wants to see her and asks her to meet them at the hospital. Madison hangs up and Frankie notes she's still jumping when Ryan calls.
JR sits at home looking at a photo of Annie. He gets a call from Amanda, who offers to cancel their meting because of Annie. He says no and plans to meet her at ConFusion.
After Amanda gets off the phone at home, Jake learns where she's going and says it bothers him because he's protective of his hot wife. Amanda appreciates that and then heads out.
Cara is thrilled to see Tad return home after a three mile run. He then thanks her for convincing Krystal not to move out with the girls. She retorts it's nothing compared to what he's done for her. Griffin shows up and tells Tad Diana's people canceled the meeting. He says he wants to catch the casino partners by surprise, but Tad warns him against that. Once Griffin is gone, Opal finds a jubilant Tad. She points out he's got a renewed spring in his step.

Cara and Jake meet up at the hospital and she tells him Tad is running now. She also notes he is an incredible fake husband and a special guy. They get to work on a few cases together and have a few laughs along the way.
Frankie sees Scott at the hospital and brings up Ryan always pulling Madison back into his life. He then sternly adds he doesn't want to see anyone else do a tap dance on Madison's heart. Scott assures him he and Madison are cool. It's all about her baby and he doesn't want anything serious right now.
Elsewhere in the hospital, Emma and Ryan find Madison, who wonders who the father of Madison's baby is. Ryan admits he is, but lets his daughter down saying he and Madison aren't getting back together. Jake and Cara show up and Ryan talks with them privately about how angry Emma is with him. Cara and Jake leave to talk with Emma and Ryan thanks Madison for being there. After Cara returns with Emma, she overhears Jake calling the nanny to stay longer with Trevor because Amanda is not back yet.
Amanda sees JR drinking at ConFusion and assumes he's fallen off the wagon. He assures her it's a non-alcoholic drink. They talk about Annie and JR blames himself for what's happened. Amanda assures him it wasn't his fault and urges him not to blame himself. Jake shows up and says maybe he should. He tells them about seeing Emma and chastises JR for thinking he could handle Annie. Jake makes disdainful comments about their 'business meeting' and leaves. JR notes to Amanda that Jake doesn't seem too thrilled that they are working together.
Jake returns to the hospital and finds Cara looking for a gift for Tad online. She finds something perfect for him and Jake dryly observes that she has gotten to know Tad pretty well. Amanda later shows up and the Martins embrace.
Madison helps Ryan bring Emma home, which Greenlee isn't too thrilled about. Madison leaves and Greenlee pulls out Emma's princess dress. Emma seems happy, but when Ryan leaves the room, her smile fades. She says costumes are for babies an stomps out of the room.

Friday March 18,2011

Ricky presses Kendall at her house for information on the stolen drugs. Kendall seems eager to talk to him, but she ultimately says she knows nothing. She gets edgy and says she has to go.
David arrives at the hospital on a delivery from a clinic he's been volunteering at since he can't get his job back at PVH. He tells Griffin he almost had a deal with Greenlee to help him, but she backed out. He advises Griffin to not get personally involved with his patients. Griffin tells him he put in a good word for him with the board. Kendall shows up and Griffin appeals to Kendall to help support David with the hospital board. Kendall passes even after David makes references to her shooting him. David walks away and Kendall brings up Ricky's story about his teen center kids buying drugs. Griffin acts incensed she could be accusing him of dealing drugs. He laughs, but she says she just wanted to warn him in case there's an investigation. Griffin wonders if she really thought he had something to do with selling drugs to kids. She assures him she trusts him with her life.
Ricky and Diana meet at Krystal's. He thinks Griffin believes Zach was murdered, but he's working on trying to distract him by planting seeds of doubt in Kendall. Diana gets a call and learns Griffin wants to meet Zach's casino partners. She warns Ricky the seed he planted better take root – and fast.
Griffin prepares for his meeting in his hotel room. Kendall shows up and tells him she's going with him.
As Scott and Madison make out, Madison's stomach growls. After not finding any food in the apartment, they head out to eat.
Emma hides in the park, as Greenlee and Ryan realize the extent of Annie's fragile state in the hotel room. Greenlee talks to Annie, while Ryan steps outside to call the cops about Emma and to have someone call Dr. Burke at Oak Haven. Brot shows up and questions a frazzled Annie about Emma. Ryan takes off to find his daughter, as Greenlee stays behind in case Emma shows up. Ryan calls Madison to tell her Emma might contact her before they find her. Madison assures him she won't miss the call if she reaches out. Brot cuffs Annie and reads her her rights.
In the park, Scott tries to calm an anxious Madison. Ryan shows up and sees Emma's Barbie doll. He yells out for his daughter and she leaps out form behind a bush, into his arms. Emma says she's worried about her mommy, but Ryan just wants to take her home right now. Madison takes her to the car, as Ryan asks Scott for his help.
At the mansion, JR continues to try and convince Marissa to move back into the house. David shows up looking for an endorsement from JR to help get his medical license back. JR scoffs, as Scott shows up to tell them about Annie. He asks JR for Annie's commitment papers in hopes the cops won't arrest her. JR leaves with Scott to help Annie get the help she needs.
Ryan calls Greenlee, who is still at the hotel. He tells her he found Emma and she's okay. Annie gets riled up as she says she wants to talk to her daughter. She blames Greenlee for everything and Brot asks her to leave because she's making things worse. Greenlee takes off as Scott and JR arrive with the commitment papers. Scott goes in the room to talk to Annie. He tells her she needs to get well and says Dr. Burke is waiting for her at Oak Haven. The men in white coats walk in and try to sedate her when she starts to meltdown. JR races in and tells them to stop. He sits with Annie and urges her not to fight them. He assures her they all want her to be happy and healthy. Annie asks if he wants that because he loves her. He says, "Yes. Because I love you." Annie will go if he wants her to because she thinks she is being taken to their wedding. JR plays along and Annie says she'll see him at the altar. The men lead her away and Annie turns back to smile at JR. Once she's once, JR breaks down in tears.
Madison and Ryan bring Emma back to Ryan's place. He has a doctor come by to check on her and she is deemed fine. Greenlee returns to find Madison and Ryan reading to Emma. Greenlee embraces her stepdaughter and Madison leaves. Greenlee updates Ryan on Annie and Emma asks to see her mommy. Ryan says Annie is sick and has to go to the hospital. Emma wants to go to her, but Ryan says she's can't. However, he promises Annie will get the help she needs. Emma doesn't believe him and yells out that she hates him

Thursday March 17th ,20111

Griffin shows Tad and Cara Zach's letter to Kendall. Tad agrees Zach would never use the word sweetheart. Griffin explains how Kendall couldn't get over the letter but didn’t want to obsess. Cara thinks they should let Kendall get over it, but Griffin is worried about her safety and states he will be looking into it. Griffin leaves, as Krystal walks downstairs. She tells Tad and Cara she is moving out. Krystal asks for a minute alone with Tad and tells him she's trying to help him sell his marriage by leaving with the girls. Tad questions this, but Krystal reminds him they are sisters and she will not separate them. Tad won't let her break up this family. Krystal leaves and Opal enters. She tries to plead Krystal's case, but he doesn't want to miss anything in his kids' lives. He admits he didn't think through everything it would cost him by marrying Cara. Opal thinks his girls will be proud of him when they eventually learn and understand what he did for Cara. Tad jokes he will probably be dead by then.
Cara heads to Krystal's restaurant to talk to her about staying at the house. Krystal thinks it's too dangerous for everyone if they stay. Cara knows it won't be easy, but she doesn't think it's impossible. She promises to do everything in her power to help Krystal and her children. Krystal wonders if she can sell the situation to the feds. Cara truly loves being surrounded by a loving family after all her years of traveling. She thinks immigration will believe it's what she wants because it's the truth.

Krystal returns to Tad and tells him she's staying because Cara changed her mind.
Annie brings Emma to the park in Pine Valley. She tells her daughter they can't trust anyone there, but they need to get some money. Annie sees a man walk up and Emma hides. Annie approaches the man, who she thinks is Scott. Annie begs him to help her, but it turns out not to be her ex-husband. She pushes him, steals his wallet and takes off with Emma.
Madison stops by, as Ryan and Greenlee wait for word on Annie and Emma at home. Ryan offers to put Madison up at the casino, but she adamantly tells him she's happy where she is. Brot calls Ryan to tell him about the man Annie attacked, who recognized her from a photo. Ryan and Greenlee run out.

As Brot and Greenlee stand nearby, Ryan questions the guy Annie attacked. Ryan worries that if Annie sees Scott when she looks at this man, what must she see when she looks at Emma?
Annie brings Emma to the man's hotel room. Annie assures her daughter the man won't be back because he hurt his leg. Emma asks if she's okay because she thought the man looked like Scott.

Scott meets Madison at their studio. They talk about how they turned down JR and Ryan's condescending offers to live in cushier places. Emma calls Madison and says she's worried about her mother. After Madison hangs up with Emma, she calls Ryan and tells them Emma and Annie are in town at a hotel. Madison worries, but Scott assures her everything will be fine. However, he knows she is a strong independent woman, who doesn’t need anyone's help. She knows he cares and supports her, but he doesn’t control her like the other men in her life have done. She feels like they are equals. She says she really wants to kiss him. He says, "Allow me," and pulls her in for a smooch.

Ryan and Greenlee race to the hotel. Ryan kicks the door in and finds Annie. He demands to know where Emma is. She tells him she's in the shower, but Ryan can't find her. He wants to call the cops, but she panics. He promises they will figure it out together – nobody else. She starts to cry because she's scared and he vows to keep her safe. She sees Greenlee and lashes out at Ryan. As she melts down, Ryan tries to calm her down with reassurances that he will help her. He says they both want to do what's best for Emma so she needs to tell him where she is. Annie tells him she is right there hiding behind the couch. Ryan and Greenlee look concerned because Emma is not there.

At home, Kendall talks to Ricky about letting go of Zach's letter. Griffin then stops by and tells her he's going out of town and wanted to leave some contact numbers in case she needs anything. Ricky smugly assures him he'll be around if Kendall needs anything. As Griffin checks Kendall out, Ricky sees Zach's letter in Griffin's bag and snags it. Once Griffin has left, Ricky gets a fake call and tells Kendall they found out where some of the kids in his teen program are getting their drugs from – Pine Valley Hospital. He asks if she knows anything about it.
Cara finds Griffin at the hospital. She worries he's putting himself in danger to help Kendall. He feels the need to help Kendall because of her bond with Zach that defies reason. When she looks skeptical, Griffin reminds her she knows exactly what he's talking about. He says he made a promise to keep Kendall alive and he won't break it.

Wednesday March 16,2011

JR and AJ give Colby an moving photo album with a photo of the siblings on it. JR tells her it's a peace offering for coming down on her the other day. He tells her he really wants to bring the family back together and he even reached out to Scott. He wants her help, but he has to leave to find a replacement for Annie. He asks her to meet him at ConFusion in an hour.
After a run with Cara, Tad barely makes it back in the door. She gives him some water and helps him inside. He tells her he needs her to save him from the rut he's in. She wants to start with updating his sweatpants. When he says he is staying in tonight to watch a couple of games, she suggests he take her on a date instead
Jake tells Amanda at home that the hospital board doesn't want to hire Cara full time. Amanda urges him to plead her case to them and he leaves to do so.

At the hospital, Jake talks with Joe about Cara's issues with the board, who want her to apologize to the parents of the child she went off on. Jake wants to plead Cara's case and as he passionately talks her up, Joe notes she is very lucky to have him on her side.

Kendall, Bianca and Marissa play with the kids in the park. After the nanny comes to take the kids home, they grab a hotdog and bond over parenting. Kendall suggests they continue their conversation at ConFusion so she can be around people, hear some music and drink champagne.

Liza and David meet at ConFusion where he tries to bolster her spirits about her issues with Mayor and Colby. David says he can help her keep her job with the Mayor, but he'd like her help getting his medical license back. Liza sees Tad and Cara enter. She doesn't think Tad will ever forgive her for sleeping with is son. David suggests maybe she did it in order to let him go for good. Amanda sees Tad and Cara and tells them Jake is meeting with the board about Cara. Amanda heads over to the bar, as Cara runs out to find out what's happening at the hospital. Marissa, Kendall and Bianca enter the bar. As Bianca and Kendall step away to make phone calls, JR finds Marissa and lays it on thick about how much AJ misses her. She tells him she will not be moving back so he needs to stop trying to manipulate her. A drunk Liza saddles up to Tad at the bar and accuses him of being embarrassed to be seen with her. JR finds Amanda, who says she and Jake are doing better, but she wants to get back to being really good. Colby walks in and sees her mother making a scene with Tad. Liza notices everyone staring at her, so she tells the room they better lock up their boys because she is looking for a good time. This is who she is and she won't apologize for it. She stops her slurred rant when she sees Colby. Liza tries to talk to her, but Colby runs out. JR follows his sister and David offers to take Liza home. JR returns and runs into an exiting Bianca, who warns JR not to hurt Marissa again. He then rejoins Amanda at the bar and tells her Colby didn't want to talk. He mentions he was supposed to meet with someone to interview for the PR job, but he's been stood up. They continue to talk and he offers Amanda the job, which she happily accepts.

At home, Kendall looks at a photo of Zach and says she enjoyed herself, which felt good.

Colby returns to the mansion and uploads the video of Liza's rant, which quickly becomes a hit.

David brings Liza to his room at the Yacht Club. He thinks they understand each other and should make the most of it. He then kisses her.
Back at the hospital, Jake tells his father he's better in the field than he is dealing with hospital red tape. However, he found what he was looking for and she's in Pine Valley. Cara runs up and tells them there are multiple gunshot victims and Jake walks off with her. After they tend to their patients, Joe tells Cara the Martins will stand behind her no matter what. Jake and Joe leave to talk to the board on Cara's behalf. After the meeting, Cara learns that thanks to Joe, she has been approved to work there. She is thrilled, but Joe says they now have some family business to settle. He wants assurances from Cara that she won't hurt Tad or Jake. She gives him her word and he kisses her on the forehead. Joe then leaves to meet with Tad. Jake tells Cara the condition of her working there is that she has to apologize to the family she upset. She will do that, even though she doesn’t agree with it. Jake says she has to follow the rules and if she can't, then he will let her go. They argue a bit and Cara says she will say the words she needs to say because she needs the job, but she won't compromise how she practices medicine for anyone.

Joe meets Tad at ConFusion and says he's proud of him, but he doesn’t think his marriage will end well for him and Jake. Cara returns and tells Tad she got approved by the board. Tad hugs her, but she seems to be thinking about Jake.

Jake and Amanda meet up at home where Amanda tells her husband she will be working for JR. She excitedly runs into his arms, but his mind is elsewhere.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday March 15 ,2011

Ryan returns home to Greenlee after checking on a lead on Emma and spending some time with Spike. He brings up Madison's baby drama and then heads out to see her. Greenlee wants to go with him, but she has to deal with the Fusion mess.
Scott brings Madison pastries at home and asks if she's okay about Ryan knowing about the baby. He also wonders if she will tell Ryan that Greenlee knew about it. Before she can answer, Ryan knocks on the door. He gives her a number to call if Emma reaches out to her again. Ryan surveys the studio apartment and offers to help her if she wants more space. Madison assures him she's fine and leaves for work. Ryan questions Scott on the lie he and Madison were perpetrating, asking what's in it for him. Scott explains he was just trying to do a good thing for Madison. Ryan thinks Madison doesn't need him anymore and points out this is not the best situation to raise a child in. Scott reminds Ryan he has Emma to worry about right now.

Griffin checks out Kendall at the hospital and deems she's fine. Kendall tells him she is going to work and will not obsess about Zach's letter, as Griffin hides it.

Kendall walks into work and Greenlee tells her about an idea for an organic line for pregnant women. Kendall loves the idea and thinks they should include Madison. Greenlee thinks they should use someone else and tells her Madison is pregnant with Ryan's baby. Madison arrives for work and Kendall tells her Greenlee came up with the natural products for babies and expected mothers. Madison's mouth hangs open for a bit and then tells Kendall it was her idea. Greenlee tells her the idea belongs to Fusion – not her. Kendall thinks they all have a lot to contribute and Greenlee states Madison has a lot to learn about the business. Madison thinks Greenlee is just manipulating things, which Kendall questions. Greenlee admits she knew about the baby for months. Kendall is incensed but offers Greenlee her support. Greenlee also agrees that Madison deserves a chance at the company.

JR sends Asher on an errand, as Colby comes downstairs. She tells her brother she is going to the office to see if she can help out with the PR department. JR thinks she's created enough of a nightmare for that department. They argue about her video and Colby walks away.

After Ryan leaves Scott's place, JR stops by. He says he wants the family back together and offers to have him and Madison move into the mansion. Scott admits the baby isn't his. JR says Scott can still move in by himself. Scott thinks JR just wants Marissa to start coming by to see him. Madison returns home and Scott turns JR down. Madison tells Scott Greenlee made her project director, but then asks what JR was doing there. He tells her JR invited him back at the mansion, but he prefers it there.

Greenlee and Kendall return home to Ryan and learn his latest lead on Emma fell through. Kendall offers her support and encouragement with both Emma and Madison's baby.

Kendall finds Griffin in the park and accuses him of following her. She knows he's being protective, but it's time to let it go. He agrees and she thanks him. She walks away and Griffin pulls out the letter. He says it's not her health he's worried about now.

Erica summons Caleb to her house to talk business, but he wonders if they should be working from her home. She assures him Jack knows they are solid, so it's fine. Asher stops by with paperwork on the transfer of the company from JR. Caleb tells Asher JR is using him to send him a message: "I own your son." Asher doesn't want a lecture on his life choices and leaves. Erica tries to talk to him about it, but Caleb just wants to get down to work. Erica discovers the box JR sent over is just a bunch of pages that aren't even numbered. She's had it with Junior and leaves to talk to him.

Erica storms into the mansion looking for JR. Colby tells her he's gone, so Erica issues a warning for Colby to give to her brother. Colby notes Erica always comes out on top and thinks she can learn something from her. Colby asks what her secret it. Erica tells her she has to own her successes and never apologize for who she is. She has to believe in herself or no one else will. Once alone, Asher walks in the room and tells it would be cool if she posted another video because her fans just want to hear someone speak the truth. Asher leaves and Colby posts another video where she promises not to wimp out on calling people out on their behavior, as Asher secretly observes.
After Erica returns home, she tells Caleb Colby is the key to getting through to Asher.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday March 11,2011

Mad has pains .She better not lose baby.Ryan calls Scott about baby.Ryan wants her to rest she says she's fine.Madison says she wished she could do more ryan says madison is special to emma she'll be great mom.madison answers to Greenlee.

Tad wakes up with a bad back sleeping on sofa Cara helps him to the bed.Griff blasts Amanda for turning in his sis Jake defends but in private states to Amanda it will be hard to get Cara a perament job.Greenlee blasts Kendall for not being available the night before now Madison is with Ryan because of her .Kendall says she was caught up in Zach problems Greenlee says no excuse she had crisis she was here.Greenlee tells he more about Madison they make up after Kendall apologises.Kendall offers to go to hospital to get coffee?

Jake warns Scott never to get into computer files switch apointments agin if he does it again firing offence this is a warning.

Madison gives phone to Ryan.Ryan says he just got home.Ryan says he's worried about Madison's cramps.Greenlee says he 's worried about Emma calling.

Ricky tells Dianne not to spy on him.She warns him against loving Kendall she wants to talk about how he feels.He says in a different world..... she says we live in world where you killed her husband she offers self to him to ease burden. He says no not happening she says some day you will see you are making big mistake.Kendall looks for Griff has large espresso he says its' his favorite.

Tad and Cara argue about chores, being in character.He says he will carry her over threshold she argues bad back and ask if okay.

He comes into Jake and Amanda.Greenlee looks at Mad's ideas?Scott shows up taunts she seems ok with Ryan and Mad being together all night .Greenlee says they were just finding Emma.

Madison has more pain as Ryan takes her to hospital.

Tad still has Cara in arms he says back went out. Jake scolds.They help him to chair.Amanda says you are taking this a little far.Tad says trying to make it look good to agents parked out front.Jake wants cara to take permanent position at hospital with boards approval.she says she loves working there when he says she could work across street.She asks if Amanda was behind working across the street?.

Kendall chugs coffee obviously for Griffin pretends it's hers .He says she shouldn't drink with her heart.She says she must have confused appointment with him with root canal.He says he accepts appology that she said he over reacted.He says she wouldn't be satisfied with leaving letter there.She says it's time for all to stop she has to get on with life she wants to reach Zach and would look for it.but she needs to quit torturing self.

Scott says he doesn't understand how Greenlee could keep Mad's kids from Ryan and look for Emma.Greenlee asks if he wants to be the daddy. Scott says he wants to help Madison. Greens asks what he gets out of it.Scott says he likes Madison and wants to help and be there for her baby.He wants to make up for all mistakes it makes him feel good.Greenlee is surprised she sees Stuart in him.He says Dad set bar high he wants to be at least half man he was then he can look down through heaven's clouds proud.

Ryan calls for Doctor her doctor Dr.Cantor is not available Madison begs Ryan to stay as she's scared.,

Jake defends Amanda and says she suggested job.Tad says that realtionship A&C will need work.Tad jokes they set up a romantic night Jake sounds jealous asks how far Tad would go .Tad asks if he's asking what they did he says no.

Scott reassures Greenlee that Annie wouldn't hurt Emma.Scott asks why she calls Madison.Greenlee says Madison is lucky to have Scott around

Kendall says her boys are her heart and she can't lose another piece of Zach again but she can't do this anymore she says she was caring letter like she'd lose everything with Zach but she does not need this one throw it more.

Madison is asked how many weeks she doesn't answer Ryan says 11 weeks .Madison sends him out to find Scott then tells Doc she is further along then she said.

Tad says he slept on couch that's why he's doing gorillas in the mist this morning.Tad tells Jake they have to examine video to have charming wedding video to fool feds.Tad says I thought you came by to make peace when Jake wants to leave.Amanda offers help Cara says no some other time.Amanda wants to clear air.Amanda wants to put all behind because they are family now she want to help to adjust.Cara says cut act Jake isn't here.Amanda says she feels bad.Cara says after what you did what do you expect.

Kendall calls Greenlee after going home saysto Randi she'll be back soon.Ricky stops by house where she is she asks how he knows when to stop by.He says he has in with higher power he asks her about Griff.she asys he set Griff straight she wants to move on .He asks if she understands.She says it is hard because it was like letting go of Zach.Ricky says Zach has huge piece of heart that can't be taken away offers to help go with her to special places etc.

Griffin puts letter in pocket.Madison says ninteeen weeks as Ryan hears .Ryan guesses as he says Scott was still in prison I'm the father.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday March 10,2011

Wednesday March 9,2011

At the Martin Compound festive Mexican music plays in the background as Joe toasts the happy couple. He wishes them happiness and safety as Cara exchanges an uncomfortable look with Tad. Griffin also wishes them well albeit somberly. Krystal keeps the champagne flowing as Jake approaches Cara to apologize for Amanda's actions. He knows she wouldn't have turned Cara in had she known Cara's life was in danger. Cara appears on the verge of tears as she gives Jake a hug. Joe still has issues with Tad's faux marriage but Tad reminds him that he took a chance on a screwed up kid like Tad, so maybe this is Tad's way of paying it forward. Like Opal Joe worries that Tad is sacrificing his chance at true love, but Tad insists that boat sailed when Dixie died.

Across the room Opal cries as Ruth and Krystal console her. Aw, Opal, dry those eyes; the wedding is not real! JR invites Marissa, Krystal, Opal and the girls to spend the night at the mansion, but Marissa tells him to stop pushing. However she changes her mind when AJ admits the mansion is really lonely. Opal officially welcomes Griffin to the family and hugs him; we're surprised she doesn't try to cop a feel in the process. Tad and Cara dance goofily as Jake watches jealously. They get ready for their first dance -- the bolero -- but the stereo squeaks. How about they cut the cake instead? Jake tries to leave, but Tad asks his brother to stick around -- just a bit longer for pictures! All the photos are really cute and even Mama Castillo is smiling. Cara says good-bye to her mom and her in-laws, who are very sweet to her. After the guests have left, Tad thanks Jake, Krystal, Griffin and Opal for helping him pull this wedding off. Cara echoes the sentiment and everyone smiles except for Jake.

Meanwhile at ConFusion Amanda downs another dirty martini as Agent Trumbull joins her. Hm, why isn't she at the wedding? Amanda answers a call from Jake as she struggles not to spill her disdain for Cara to Agent Trumbull. The agent encourages Amanda to talk him, but luckily JR arrives to take Amanda home.
Jake enters his apartment to find JR giving Amanda some coffee. He tries to talk to his wife, but Amanda shuts him down. He can talk all he wants, but feelings are another thing. She knows Jake loves her, but she also suspects he still loves Cara. Those feelings won't go away overnight.

As Cara and Tad clean up, Tad notices that immigration is watching the house -- two guys in a car parked on the street. Cara playfully suggests opening the window and faking a Meg Ryan, a la the deli scene in "When Harry Met Sally," but Tad has a better idea. Let's book a honeymoon suite -- with separate beds. So Tad and Cara head to the yacht club where Tad tries to be a gentleman by hanging up a curtain to give Cara privacy. He turns on the stereo for their first dance and impresses Cara with his dorky dance moves. Cara cringes but laughs as she thanks Tad once again for saving her life.

Greenlee and Ryan meet with David at Krystal's and are surprised to learn he is volunteering at the local free clinic. Ryan tells David he has an idea to lure Annie out of hiding. She must be hurting for money and will probably contact David again. Ryan made a video appeal and sent it to TV stations. Realizing that she will probably be denied a job because she is a fugitive, Annie will be forced to contact David. All David has to do is arrange to meet Annie at a drop-off site where authorities will be waiting to apprehend her. Ryan moves off to make a phone call as Greenlee accuses David of helping them to get his medical license back. David doesn't see the harm in that as Greenlee stands and twists her ankle again. David volunteers to help, but Ryan quickly whisks Greenlee to the hospital.

Madison is disappointed that her sonogram appointment hasn't been rescheduled yet. Of course Scott can't resist charming the nurse into putting Madison into the calendar. When the nurse declines, Scott takes matters into his own hands and types Madison into today's schedule himself. Madison practically flies to the hospital and gets her sonogram where she learns her baby is a girl. Madison grabs Scott's hand. Her little girl! They both leave with matching copies of the sonogram, which Madison can't stop staring at. Scott heads to work and bumps into Greenlee, who immediately sees the sonogram photo. Ryan joins them and also sees the photo, not realizing that it's his baby that he sees.

Later Ryan and Greenlee watch the video he made on the news. He calls David, who says that Annie left him a message saying she would call back at 6pm. Ryan asks David to meet him at Ryan's penthouse where Annie calls David as Ryan and Greenlee listen.

Scott returns home where Madison busts him. She knows he scored her the appointment today! Scott admits that although the baby isn't his, he can't help but become a little attached to that little bean. Aw
JR returns to the mansion where AJ is happily playing with his mom, grandmother, and "aunts" Kathy and Jenny. JR beams as he orders the maid to open up the south wing. Maybe the house will full once again!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday March 8,2011

Cara dreams of marrying Jake.Jake is caught with Cara's rings.
In the "Man Cave," aka the basement of the Martin Compound, Opal taps Tad on the shoulder. Wakey, wakey! She notices a big grin on his face. Funny how happy he seems since his faux engagement. Tad avoids the insinuation and reminds Opal to put on a good face at the wedding.

At the Chandler mansion JR adjusts AJ's bow tie as AJ asks if his dad is happy. When JR claims he is, AJ asks why everyone seems to leave them.

At the police station Jesse is thrilled when Angie calls; good news! She is coming home! She can't fly, so Jesse volunteers himself and Frankie to come pick her up. Hubbard road trip! Later Jesse goes the Man Cave where he gives Tad a bunch of wedding favors. Angie calls to wish Tad well. Upstairs Opal gathers the children together in the kitchen as Krystal rips into JR for his dalliance with Annie. Later Krystal goes downstairs to tell Tad that she is thinking of moving out; it wouldn't look good if his ex-wife still lived him and his new wife! When Tad gets upset, Krystal assures Tad that she is still committed to raising their daughters together.

At the hospital Griffin interrupts Agent Trumbull interviewing Frankie about Cara. When Griffin reminds the agent that Cara is getting married today, Agent Trumbull says that just because she is getting married doesn't mean the investigation is over.
March 2011 Episode 6 of 7
First «Prev Next» Last . Tue, March 08, 2011
Season 105 | Episode 72 | Aired 03/8/11
watch this episode .Click "Like" to share this content on Facebook FacebookTwitterMyspaceEmail a Friend.At Casa Slater Cara dreams of her wedding to Jake, where he vows to make her laugh and make tamales. Cute. She wakes up with a big grin on her face as Kendall hovers over her. It's her big fake wedding day! Kendall gives Cara a necklace, explaining that Zach gave it to her. It's supposed to bring Cara good luck. Aw, how sweet. Leticia enters for a moment alone with her daughter. As she brushes Cara's hair, she tells her daughter that she wants her to be happy and hugs her. Cara insists she is fine as tears spill from her eyes. If Cara wants to convince everyone that she is happy, she better stop crying! Griffin arrives to warn Cara about Agent Trumbull and to offer to go on the lam with her -- if that is what she wants. Cara says they can't run; that would be such an insult to the Martin's. She admits Pine Valley is kinda growing on them as Kendall returns looking gorgeous.

Jake wraps Cara's ring and necklace around his hand as Amanda catches him. Jake tries to explain why he didn't get rid of it yet; the ring saved Cara's life, so he felt funny getting rid of it. As Amanda stares at Jake with big hurt eyes, Jake gets defensive. Hm, the good doctor seems to protest a bit too much. Upset Amanda bails on the wedding which of course angers Jake. As Amanda flees to the bedroom, Joe and Ruth arrive. They can't help but ask if Jake is okay with his ex-wife marrying his brother. Jake insists he is happy for Tad and admits that Amanda has been upset ever since Cara arrived in town. Amanda comes out dressed in her pajamas and lies, saying she is too sick to go the wedding, but she isn't fooling anyone.

Ruth and Joe arrive at the Martin Compound where they tease Tad about his fifth or sixth wedding. When Joe demands to know how Tad could marry his brother's ex-wife, Tad comes clean. Ruth is proud of Tad while Joe reminds Tad that this is illegal, dangerous and foolish. Tad asks his dad to trust him and heads upstairs where Jake tells him that Amanda isn't coming, which angers Tad, causing him to vent about Amanda reporting Cara to immigration.

Upstairs in the living room Marissa gets snippy with JR, who wants to talk about their wedding day. Marissa doesn't want to look back, only forward. Krystal approaches Kendall, Leticia and Griffin -- where is the bride? In the car! Or so they think. As Cara stands on the other side of the door, she overhears Tad and takes off. Uh-oh!
Meanwhile Amanda rushes around her living room, dressed to kill. We guess she decided to attend the wedding after all. She hears a knock on the door and it's Cara, who is livid. She asks Amanda how it felt to know she got Cara deported. Amanda explains she had no idea Cara's life was in danger. Cara wants to know why Amanda did it; she has everything (i.e., Jake!) Amanda says it's because Cara is still in love with Jake. Cara sneers that if Amanda really believes that, then she screwed herself because Cara will be around for the next three years!

Back at the Martin Compound the family and guests fret over Cara's absence. When Cara returns, she tells Jake that she just confronted Amanda. Jake leaves to talk to Amanda as Agent Trumbull arrives. Who put him on the guest list?

As Cara gets ready, Tad gives the kids their wedding jobs: holding the guest book and a tray of bells along with other Mexican wedding traditions, which impresses Leticia. Kendall approaches Griffin, who is trying not to freak out. She apologizes for asking if he was ever in love. Clearly he is capable of caring for others because she sees how much he loves Cara and his mom
The wedding begins.Jesse walks Leticia down the aisle, followed by Kathy and Jenny, who are the cutest bridesmaids ever. AJ brings up the rear with the rings. Griffin escorts his sister, who can't stop crying -- or looking at Jake. Tad, however, only has eyes for his bride. Hm, is Tad falling for Cara? Cara recites her vows, which are also very lovely and true. She calls Tad sweet, kind and generous, adding he has given her a home. Tad in return says he promises to honor and cherish her for as long as he will let her. Hm, notice that no one used the word "love."

Amanda walks into ConFusion where she ignores a call from Jake and orders a drink. We guess she decided to bail on the wedding in favor of getting drunk! Unfortunately Agent Trumbull sees her and tries to get info out of her.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday March 7, 2011

Cara is asked by Jake if she's really marrying Tad tomorrow.griff says if Mom can get on board then she needs to leave.Tad asks if there is anything he can do to change her mind.
Dianne says if Kendall knows she has to die.
some guy tries to pick up liza after seeing it on internet.
ricky and kendal are on yacht. Kendall says all personal stuff is gone.It's in storage.Ricky says they should check safe she says there isn't one.she says there was a space they saved things.
All jr can do is go on about how Colby is disgracing family by airing laundry.He wants to know why so public.He says you can't take it back Asher says maybe she can
Tad grabs Jesse to vouch for him.Tell Cara's mother she has nothing to worry about you are 100% behind wedding.
Jesse asks if Cara is pregnant what's going on should Ilock you upTad asks if he regrets marying Angela .Remeber how you felt when you met Angie.I was sixteen says Jesse tad says the best choices atrucklaod of missed opportuntiies .he jsut wants to go there.Tad says we don't have history like you do but it works.Is jake behind thisJesse says soemthing is n't right if cara is it though float your boat.Tad asks him to be best man.
Krystala nd Opal are getting flowers ready for wedding and Jenny ask for phone for music Krystal says sty in sight.
Krystal is worried tad is giving up too much of his future with avitual stranger.she likes what thye have but it works.Krystal is afraid she'll have to give up Martin's she says she's moving out.
Amanda spies on cara and Jake.Cara says his ring saved her.She wanted to find him and have him forgive her.Everything is differnt now though.
Amnda asks if Jake is okay with everything
Jesse says he wants to tak about wedding with Tad.Tad says jesse is sjoking as cara's mom asks
Krystal says shse is concerened about girls shew ants to tkae them and leave.
Opla says if you move out who will i share chocolate cake with .I won't like
TAd's wife half as much as I did last time.Cara heard thnsk for shower.He mother comes with griff..she says it doesn't mean she aprroves.
asher says he will scour and delete all if that's what colby wants.Jr says just do it but Assher waits for her to say she does she picks on him.
Colby freaks out at him but he's pateient says he will wipe footage if she wants.she says don't
Kendall goes to closet to check she says boys christmas presents were here but it's empty.Dianne pretends to be school nurse so she can leave and get Spike.Ricky offers to drive but he says he will close up.
Jake asys he is giving ring to kid ina ccounting who wants to propose but can't afford a ring.
Jake says Tad snores Amnda asks if he is still mad he says she wouldn't have if he made her securte so he'll show her.
colby sees others that it happened to who repsonded she says she finally stood up for herself.Colby is hapy that she has fans. she wants to do more video.
colby says she's not tkaing it down
Opal gives pretty lingerie.Cara's mom questioning two mom'sOpla speaks of Ra and why he was adopted.
Liza comes over.Cara's mom says whose that she gives them gift piece offering She says be happy together.
Kathy shows Liza video oh dear.Liza says oh my god.
Griff looks for delivery he says.Jake asks if he has seen anything suspicious drugs have gone missing.Griff ssy first wedding was mystery.
Kendall coms in as ricky is going through cushions he says he wishes she hadn't come back.
Kendall says the nurses must have gotten Spike mixed up with another child.Rickt says he lsot his phone pretends to find it.Kendall is going to bridal shower Griff comes to get her and says she wants to ztay he says no
Mrs.Castillo hears about liza and colby and how tad did the same thing Years ago as Opla goes on about colby nad her harpie mom Marion.she is shocked and appalled as cara tried to smooth it over.liza tries to call Colby.
Griff confronts Ricky for stressing Kendall
liza demands Colby take the video down. colby says no.
Cara thnks tad for steping up in a huge way.Tad' aprents are coming for wedding Tad says he thought she was somethign for sacrificing everything for soemone he loves.
Amanda and jake are naked in the living room?
Amnda puts on his shirt when he's in shower his phone rings it's Cara she hangs up.
amanda and Jake are alone at tad's and she romances him.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday March 4, 2011

Jack says he's moving out and saying goodbye
Binca thinks Reese wants her back because Miranda and Gabby are going tosee her,binky defends her. She says she wants to talk to her wife.Bianca tells Marissa not to turn her divorce into Binky's
Cara's mom asks isn't Jake the one you divorced.Cara is tellingher mom that they are very in love.Jake says he was congratulationing Cara.Tasda sks if he can get Cara's mom anything.Griffin says Zach would not want her to risk her health to find out what happened to him.Kendall says until youlove asomeone with your heart and soul you will never know how it feels.
Erica says you are mad because caleb kissed me on New years eve.Jack says he is not walking away from us. he wants he rto make room in her life for aparnter you haven't .He's goingto pack some things
Marissa asks if that's so why is Reese doing this now she may have another agenda other than family time in Paris.
Griffin says explin it.Kendall says what Zach and I had was more than the cliche about ending sentences phone calls tickets to same things.We could read each other saving each other lives letting the person totally in we knew each other sodeeply intimately.Every instict is screaming there is a message I'm missing.Dianne is demanding ricky have clear head and find out special place,Ricky threatens to kill Griff.Rickk says most of the time he deals with dengenerated this is hard Dianne says don't get to inovlved see big picture.Dianne don't worry your pretty little head he replies.
Griff offers no pain sleep meds for one week but if you get run down you call me Griff.Griff says I hope you find what you need to know
jake and Tad tak about Cara's mom is a general.
Jake says Cara hasn't let it go.Agent trumble is on their tail.
Tad says cara will look after her mom.Cara's mom is not happy Tad's ex wife leaves there she says she sees no happiness.She came to save Cara and take her home.
Sabtuato dance
Tad wants amexican tradtiions.Jake says when they got married it did not go over well with MIL.Jake says Krystal is pissed off and yo have to lie to kids?
Cara says I'm marrrying Tad tomorrow except it.
Cara's mom says it was his fault.and you keep his ring around your neck.Tad Jake's brother is the right man? Cara says stop questioning me.
Her mom asks if tad martin is love of your life.
Kendall is surprised Griff wants her to find out what happened to Zach.Griff says he wants to help Zach he's good at solving problems.He wants to know letter.Kendall recites letter.she mentions Team slater
He mentioned his casino partners but not by name.She says he stayed away from us for awhile Griff says Kendall should go to the police.Tad warns Griff mom is here/
CAra's mom says she thought Cara's dad was agood man but he was weak,
Cara says Tad is agood man. a wonderful caring man.Cara's mom says you shouldn't get married.

Bianca says Reese's lawyer came to take the children for spring break.Jack says she needs to get a ticket then and come here.She is trying to take the kids to get custody.Jack says its' bait and switch so she can get custody.Jack tells the laywer toget lost before he charges him with kidnapping.
Ricky scares Kendall he claims he came to make sure she was okay.

Kendall claims she is going to contact her lawyers maybe even the cops as Ricky says Zach would be disappointed in her.
Reese sends a nanny and her lawyer for the kids The lawyer says all can be explained.binca wants to know why there is nanny,
Reese wants them for spring break.Bianca says no they are not going with you in french and english.
Marissa Tells Jack Bianca needs Jack's help as Jack is moving to yacht club.
Jack tells the alwyer to get lost and tells Bianca that Reese was trying to steal the kids and get all custody.Laywer says he will be in touch.bianca cries Reese is trying to take my girls.Erica says it won't happen.Marissa says I assume you'll wanmt to retain Jack.Bianca says she wants marissa Jack says if they need anything call.Erica thnaks him Jack says she's like my own daughter I'm there for her.
Ricky sneaks up on Kendall and she says she will go to laywers cops to solve Zach's murder.ricky says Zach would be disppointed Casino patners took her away from Zach she should focuss on family.Kendall tells Ricky they loved the boat but sale fell through.Kendall says she can't go to baot.Ricky says maybe you should search for message on boat remember me and be happy.They plan on going to boat.

Griff meets with his mom.She says he should find someone to love.Cars' mom comments that Jake and Cara work together
Tad says Iknow you have lots of questions but I am comitted to making her happy and safe.iknow the brother thing and the kids but your daughter and I are anew story and we are palnning on a hppy ending.
Jack coems into a bottle of chjampagne and Erica says jsut because you moved out doesn't mean you don't wnat company.Erica says he is till the same gallant amn she fell in love with and she wnats him.erica takes responsibilty and says she doesn't wnat to lsoe him ever he's her family.
Riclky and kendall go to boat.She says it feels weird without him ZAch.She says they got married on boat.
The boys were cocaptains and married us.the boys till talk about it.Ricky's phone rings Dianne asks if they found it yet the evidence he says we should have an answer very soon Mrs.Davis pretending he's talking to parishoner.
Erica begs him to come back.Jacks ays she was always big on the grand gesturesShe says she's waiting for the answer as he swoops her up in his arms.
binca explains to the children,Marissa says the second she let her gusrd down with Jr he burned her.
Cara's mom says it's happening to fast one way or another she wills top wedding.Jake congrats cara on surgery emerg appendictsCar states that hse had trouble tgelling mom she gives him back ring.Everytime she sees touches it reminds her of what they had.As Amnda overhears
Kendall rtries to find light switch as Dianne tells Ricky if she finds evidence and sees it he has to kill kendall.He says he understands.

Thursday March 3,2011

Griffin stops by Tad's looking for Cara. She's not there so he warns Tad their mother is on the way. Tad thinks he can charm her, but Griffin tells him how protective she is of Cara. She is an old school catholic, who did not approve of Jake and Cara's marriage, which she wasn't invited to, wasn't in a church and ended in divorce. Griffin is worried about the stress this is all causing Cara, noting she got sick again after she left Jake. He doesn't want that to happen again, but if it does, Tad will have to take care of her. Griffin adds that he'll be leaving soon to set up more clinics around the world, so he needs to be able to count on him to keep his sister safe. Tad promises not to let him or Cara down.
Mrs. Castillo enters Krystal's asking for Cara. Tad overhears and introduces himself to her. Tad tries to charm her, but she just sternly asks him why her daughter is marrying the brother of her no good ex-husband. She starts questioning him about his age, past marriages and children. He bumbles around trying to make his answers sound better than they are. She wonders what Jake did to crush Cara's heart. Tad assures her Jake did nothing. He adds, Jake is her past, but he is her future. He rattles off some Spanish, but she is unimpressed and maybe even a little confused.
David knocks on Ryan and Greenlee's door to tell them Annie called him. He says she sounded desperate for cash, but when he tried to find out where she was, she hung up. He thinks she will call again though. He leaves and Greenlee tells Ryan she thinks David is truly trying to help them. Ryan doesn't trust him though. Greenlee suggests they get out of there because just waiting for word is driving them crazy. She thinks they should visit Kendall.
Ricky returns to Kendall's. She tells him about Zach calling her sweetheart in the letter, which he never did when he was alive. She can't believe she didn’t notice it the first time she read it. Ricky tells her she did notice it and in fact they discussed it. Kendall doesn't think so and leaves to get the mail. Ricky answers the phone when Ryan calls. Ricky tells him Kendall is napping. Kendall returns after Ricky hangs up and realizes he was talking to Ryan. She says she wanted to tell him about the Zach situation. He tells her Ryan had a lead on Emma and he didn't want to hold him up. He then brings up the church Kendall was telling him about that meant a lot to her and Zach. He says maybe there's another place she can go to that meant a lot to them. She just wants to focus on the letter and how she can't remember telling him about the word sweetheart. He thinks it's just her medication. Kendall isn't sure, but leaves to fix it.
Trumble questions Jake and Cara at the hospital about their relationship and how they fell in love. It's awkward for both of them but then Jake recounts how horrible the Sudan was, where they met. Cara jumps in and says they found each other in a difficult place where they had to maintain sanity. She adds that she grew up though and realized that while Jake was a good man, she was too young to be married so she ran away. Trumble wonders why Jake didn’t fight for her. Jake tells him he just wanted her to be happy. Jake gets a page and declares the interview over. Tumble leaves, but not before warning them to be careful so they don’t reawaken any old feelings. Amanda finds Jake and Cara. Cara exits and Jake says they just all have to stick to the story so they can get their lives back.
Kendall races to the hospital to plead with Griffin to change her medication. He can't because he needs her to stay healthy. She gets angry thinking he's making it about himself and his track record, but he assures her he just doesn't want her to die. Cara walks in and Kendall leaves. Cara starts talking about her fake marriage, which Kendall overhears. Kendall returns to question Cara, but assures her she will keep the secret. Cara exits and Griffin thanks Kendall as well. She says it was the right thing to do, but now she needs him to cut back on her meds. He can't do that, but she can do whatever she wants. She won't take any unnecessary risks, but she needs him to trust her.
Cara returns to Tad's and longingly looks at a picture of Jake, as he walks in. He hugs her and she cries. Tad and Mrs. Castillo walk in. Cara's mother asks, "Isn't this the one you divorced?"
Madison walks into her and Scott's studio and lies on the bed. She is shocked when Scott walks out of the shower with barely a towel on. He gets dressed and points out the awkwardness of opposite sex cohabitation. She changes her shoes and then goes to her doctor's appointment.
While at the hospital, Madison gets a call from Emma, who can't say where she is. Madison then calls Ryan, who later arrives to question her about the call. Scott shows up just as the nurse arrives to take Madison and "the father" to her room for her appointment.

Greenlee meets with David in another part of the hospital. Realizing he has an ulterior motive for helping, she offers to do everything she can to get him reinstated at PVH if he assists in bringing Emma home. David says they have a deal.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday March 2, 2011

Krystal and Opal walk in the house as Amanda and Jake help Tad and Cara take photos. They express their disdain for the marriage, but Tad pleads with them to get onboard in order to help save Cara's life. They begrudgingly agree and then Tad pulls Jake aside to tell him he needs to be believable at the wedding. However, he won't be the best man. He's got Jesse, the chief of police, for that duty, which he hopes will look good to Agent Trumble. Tad returns to the room and tells everyone to quiz him and Cara. Opal and Krystal get a little hostile, but then Jake and Amanda get into the spirit and fire off questions about each other's favorite things. Jesse comes over wondering why Tad didn't tell him he was getting married. Jesse meets Cara and is taken aback by the fact that she used to be married to Jake. He asks about the ring and Cara pulls out her band from Jake, who looks affected. After some bumbling around about how they got together, Jesse is called away and leaves. Tad thinks that went okay, but then Krystal pulls him into the other room to tell him he is insane if the thinks that went well. She thinks he's treating this whole thing like a trivia game and being careless. She worries he could go to prison and then wonders how they're going to explain it to the kids. Back in the main room, Cara thanks everyone for what they're doing for her. Opal remains disdainful and Jake and Amanda leave. Alone with Opal, Cara calls her mom. Opal says she'll be upstairs if she needs her. Tad and Krystal return to the living room to find Cara talking to Kathy and Jenny, who have returned from a playdate. Tad sits with his girls and he and Krystal tell them he is getting married. The girls are happy for him and Tad sends them upstairs to get Opal. Krystal thinks that one went pretty well and Cara thanks Krystal before she leaves for the hospital. Once alone, Krystal expresses concern about Tad putting his life on hold by marrying a woman who doesn't love him. Tad thinks the two of them did okay together, but Krystal tells him they settled. Now, he's taking it to a whole new level. Tad insists he is fine with the arrangement because his family with the Martins is the most important thing to him and Jake is part of that. Jake always made him feel like blood and that's all that matters.

After Amanda says goodbye to Jake at the hospital, he sees Agent Trumble who questions him about Tad marrying his ex-wife. Jake tells him they belong together, as Cara walks up.

Diana seeks out Griffin at the hospital. She tells him she's a writer and she's intrigued by his saving Kendall. She brings up Zach and says his and Kendall's story could make a great screenplay. She wants information from Griffin, but he's not interested in helping her.

Ricky stops by Kendall's to check up on her. He encourages her to get through her grief by talking to him about Zach. He wants to hear any memory she has of him. She tells him about the Christmas their car broke down and they met with Father Clarence, which made them appreciate everything. Ricky notes the chapel was a special place for them and assumes they went back there more than once. Kendall tells him they didn't. Griffin drops by and tells Ricky it would be better if he left. Once he's gone, Griffin checks Kendall out and determines she's okay. She explains she was telling Ricky about Zach when he came over. He thinks she should let it go for awhile, but she gets upset. He just wants to help, but she just wants to know what happened with the letter. She doesn't want to deal with this and leaves the room.

Bianca meets with Marissa at Krystal's to discus her divorce. Bianca doesn’t think custody will be an issue, because Reese hasn't been back to see the girls at all, but Marissa doesn't want her to assume anything. Marissa calls Reese's lawyer, who informs her Reese wants to visit Pine Valley to spend time with the girls so they can come to Paris with her later. Bianca thinks it will be okay, but Marissa thinks Reese might want partial custody. Marissa wants her to reject the deal, but Bianca thinks she is letting her own experience with JR get in the way. Bianca won't make this a battle and says she will call Reese herself and work it out. Bianca walks outside and overhears Ricky talking to Diana on the phone about Kendall. She questions him about it and he says he's just worried about her and was talking to a colleague. Diana walks in as Bianca leaves. Ricky tells her to leave, but she instructs him to move faster so Kendall doesn't find the documents incriminating them. Diana tells him she met with Griffin, which he thinks was was a huge risk. He adds that Griffin is an obstacle that has to be removed. Griffin walks in and sees them talking. Diana covers and then leaves. Griffin tells Ricky he's confusing Kendall and orders him to stay away from her.

Bianca visits Kendall at the house. Kendall tells her sister about the letter and that on the last page he called her sweetheart. She says Zach never called her that, so what is it doing in the letter?

Tuesday March 1st,2011

At the hospital, Amanda expresses her desire to make things right, but Jake wants her to leave it alone. She wants to tell Cara and apologize, but Jake thinks it will make it worse. Amanda promises to be the best sister-in-law to Cara, but says that Tad knows she turned Cara in. Jake leaves to take care of a patient.

Tad surprises Cara with a dinner at his house so they can get to know each other better. He calls it a first date and working dinner all rolled into one. He pours some champagne, but she feels like she's asking a lot from him. He tells her to just clink and drink. They sit down and Tad goes over all his marriages and life experiences. He talks about Dixie and admits he still talks to her. He then goes on about his kids and then tells Cara it's her turn. Cara wants to wait for the second date for that because she's not comfortable putting herself out there. He isn't either, but he wants to know the good, the bad, and the ugly about her. She talks about her childhood and Doctors Without Borders. When he asks about her romantic history, she gets uncomfortable and admits Jake was the only man in her life. He needs the details in case Agent Trumble asks, but Cara runs out, right past Jake. Tad tells his brother if Cara can't answer his questions then he has to. He asks, "Why did I fall in love with your ex-wife?" Jake tells Tad Cara was fearless and took a lot of risks. He says she was great with her patients in Doctors Without Borders and treated them all like they were family. She sang everywhere, but she was terrible. Tad notes he loved every second of it. Jake points to the moment he knew he was in love and could love Cara forever. He then brings up Amanda rating out Cara. Jake wonders why Tad didn't tell him, but says he's trying to make it okay. Tad tells him Amanda was just afraid of losing him. Jake admits a lot of memories have been stirred since Cara came to town, but he loves his wife and his ex-wife is all Tad's.

Amanda finds Cara at the hospital. She says she wants to be friends and get to know her, but Cara is tired of people asking her questions. She just wants to go somewhere and help people. Amanda tells her she can't leave because she could be killed and explains how wonderful it is to be part of the Martin family. Cara softens and thanks her. Amanda declares she really does want her to be safe.

Jake and Amanda meet up in the park. She tells him how much she wants to make this right. He says they are all trying to make it work and kisses her.

Cara returns to Tad's house and apologizes for running out. She then rattles off a list of things she likes and offers to answer any questions he has. She will even bust out a song or two if he's lucky because she's a damn fine singer. They pull out the camera so they can produce photos to the feds if need be. Jake and Amanda enter as Cara kisses Tad for the camera. Jake's face falls a bit.

Opal asks Caleb to join her at Krystal's. She lists her many attributes in the business world. She tells him she needs more than just looking after her grandbabies. She wants her hand in Palmer's legacy and tells him she will be his new partner. Caleb is confused, but Opal says she will pick up the slack now that Erica has quit.

At ConFusion, Jack tells Erica he's happy she will be quitting Cortlandt. She breaks it to him that she didn’t quit because it's too soon for her to walk away. She learns something new every day at Cortlandt. Jack wonders what she learned from kissing Caleb. Erica promises it didn’t mean anything, but to Jack it means she kept yet another secret. He tells her they are in trouble and it is not getting any better. She explains she kissed Caleb because she was vulnerable regarding Kendall. He can't get over all the secrets and wonders what chance they have. Erica thinks they have every chance and says he is the only man she loves. Krystal walks up and sees them. Jack tells Erica it seems like she's trying to hold on to Caleb and then walks over to talk to Krystal. Erica later talks with Krystal at the bar. She makes snide comments about always popping up around Jack. Krystal reminds her they are working together, but when Jack needs her the only place she will be is right by his side. They exchange catty comments until Jack returns. Krystal leaves and Erica tells him to fire Krystal immediately. Jack wonders why she thinks she can dictate who he can work with. Erica retorts he's doing the same with Caleb. He fires back that it's not about Krystal or Caleb, but that they are as far apart as two people can be. Erica urges him to trust her and that she loves him, but Jack isn't sure he can anymore.

Asher finds Colby freaking out after accidentally posting her confession online. He takes it down, but notes there were a few hits on it. He apologizes again for not telling her about Damon and Liza. She tells him to stop wasting his time on her. Damon sends Colby a message online, but she responds to him telling him to never contact her again. She tells Asher she's done with guys because she's done getting her heart broken. Colby later panics as she discovers her video went viral.