Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday March 23, 2011

Once Erica has left Krystal's, Jack and Caleb engage in some posturing. Jack asks Caleb to realize the game is over because Erica is about to be his wife. Caleb exits and Jack tells Krystal he and Erica have set a date. She congratulates him, but asks why he's taking a swing at Caleb if he's already got the girl. Jack just wants Caleb to know it's time to cash in his chips and leave the table. Krystal tells him he's won so he doesn’t need to kick dirt in the guy's face. They move on to discussing her situation living with Tad and his new wife. She recounts her failed love life and declares she's done with love. Jack responds that would be a shame. He bolsters her spirits about dating and then invites her to the wedding. She thanks him for giving her a little hope.

Marissa and Bianca visit Kendall at Fusion. Kendall throws all of her support behind Bianca in her custody battle. She wants to spend the day with her little sister, but Bianca tells her she and Marissa have it covered. Erica later stops by to see Kendall, who tells her about Reese's request for full custody. Erica of course gets her Kane claws out and then tells Kendall she and Jack have set a date. Excited, Kendall announces it to the office. Erica wishes she hadn't done that because she wanted to keep it quiet and intimate since it is their second wedding. Kendall hugs her mother to express her joy over her settling down with the love of her life and the man she's meant to be with. Erica smiles, but doesn't look so confident
A beat up Griffin comes to the hospital and has Cara check him out as Tad sits nearby. Cara discovers he has two cracked ribs and Griffin explains that he tried to meet with Zach's casino partners, but before he could see Diana, her men roughed him up. Tad thinks this means they have something to hide. Cara is worried for her brother, but he says if Kendall is in danger, he won't let a couple of goons scare him awayWhen Cara can't get through to her brother, she leaves and asks Tad to talk some sense into him. Tad orders Griffin not to do this on his own anymore. Cara returns with Kendall, who wonders what happened to Griffin. Griffin makes up a story about a mishap on a date. He wonders why she's there and she says she wants to help with the charity auction. Kendall knows he's lying about what happened to him and discovers his bruised ribs. Cara and Tad leave and as Kendall and Griffin talk, Ricky happens by. Griffin tells Kendall an ex-boyfriend of the girl he took out beat him up. Kendall leaves and runs into Ricky who tells her the drug dealer his kids have been dealing with were beat up, but managed to hut the man, who was in a suit.

Elsewhere, Tad promises a worried Cara that he will do a better job of trying to protect his new brother-in-law.

Marissa and Bianca head to the park. Marissa wants Bianca to let out her frustrations concerning what Reese is doing and engages her in a snowball fight. After a few throws, Bianca asks if they will win the custody battle. Marissa promises.
Erica heads home and meets with Opal. She tells her she and Jack set a wedding date. Erica's face falls a bit as Opal gushes about the wedding. Opal thinks her telling Jack about the kiss with Caleb lit a fire under his behind. Bianca walks in and hears Erica discussing the kiss. Bianca questions Erica about it. Erica insists the kiss was nothing and Caleb means nothing. Bianca then learns a wedding date has been set. She's thrilled, but Erica wants to talk about Bianca. She declares there is no way Reese will get custody of the kids. She says the girls will be at her wedding as flower girls. Opal thinks that's one thing they can check of the to-do list. Opal brings up the guest list, which won't include Caleb. Erica interjects she will take care of the guest list. Erica then leaves for a meeting regarding Cortlandt. Bianca asks if the kiss between Erica and Caleb bothers Opal as much as it bothers her.
Marissa finds Caleb having a drink at ConFusion. She asks for his advice on Bianca's divorce settlement and custody suit. She tells him what Jack's advice was and Caleb gets snarky. She asks him what's up and he tells her Erica is getting married, which means she won't be able to do what needs to be done with Cortlandt. He admits he doesn't want to do it without her. He also admits Erica makes him feel, "So damned alive," as Erica walks in and hears.

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