Monday, March 21, 2011

Wednesday March 16,2011

JR and AJ give Colby an moving photo album with a photo of the siblings on it. JR tells her it's a peace offering for coming down on her the other day. He tells her he really wants to bring the family back together and he even reached out to Scott. He wants her help, but he has to leave to find a replacement for Annie. He asks her to meet him at ConFusion in an hour.
After a run with Cara, Tad barely makes it back in the door. She gives him some water and helps him inside. He tells her he needs her to save him from the rut he's in. She wants to start with updating his sweatpants. When he says he is staying in tonight to watch a couple of games, she suggests he take her on a date instead
Jake tells Amanda at home that the hospital board doesn't want to hire Cara full time. Amanda urges him to plead her case to them and he leaves to do so.

At the hospital, Jake talks with Joe about Cara's issues with the board, who want her to apologize to the parents of the child she went off on. Jake wants to plead Cara's case and as he passionately talks her up, Joe notes she is very lucky to have him on her side.

Kendall, Bianca and Marissa play with the kids in the park. After the nanny comes to take the kids home, they grab a hotdog and bond over parenting. Kendall suggests they continue their conversation at ConFusion so she can be around people, hear some music and drink champagne.

Liza and David meet at ConFusion where he tries to bolster her spirits about her issues with Mayor and Colby. David says he can help her keep her job with the Mayor, but he'd like her help getting his medical license back. Liza sees Tad and Cara enter. She doesn't think Tad will ever forgive her for sleeping with is son. David suggests maybe she did it in order to let him go for good. Amanda sees Tad and Cara and tells them Jake is meeting with the board about Cara. Amanda heads over to the bar, as Cara runs out to find out what's happening at the hospital. Marissa, Kendall and Bianca enter the bar. As Bianca and Kendall step away to make phone calls, JR finds Marissa and lays it on thick about how much AJ misses her. She tells him she will not be moving back so he needs to stop trying to manipulate her. A drunk Liza saddles up to Tad at the bar and accuses him of being embarrassed to be seen with her. JR finds Amanda, who says she and Jake are doing better, but she wants to get back to being really good. Colby walks in and sees her mother making a scene with Tad. Liza notices everyone staring at her, so she tells the room they better lock up their boys because she is looking for a good time. This is who she is and she won't apologize for it. She stops her slurred rant when she sees Colby. Liza tries to talk to her, but Colby runs out. JR follows his sister and David offers to take Liza home. JR returns and runs into an exiting Bianca, who warns JR not to hurt Marissa again. He then rejoins Amanda at the bar and tells her Colby didn't want to talk. He mentions he was supposed to meet with someone to interview for the PR job, but he's been stood up. They continue to talk and he offers Amanda the job, which she happily accepts.

At home, Kendall looks at a photo of Zach and says she enjoyed herself, which felt good.

Colby returns to the mansion and uploads the video of Liza's rant, which quickly becomes a hit.

David brings Liza to his room at the Yacht Club. He thinks they understand each other and should make the most of it. He then kisses her.
Back at the hospital, Jake tells his father he's better in the field than he is dealing with hospital red tape. However, he found what he was looking for and she's in Pine Valley. Cara runs up and tells them there are multiple gunshot victims and Jake walks off with her. After they tend to their patients, Joe tells Cara the Martins will stand behind her no matter what. Jake and Joe leave to talk to the board on Cara's behalf. After the meeting, Cara learns that thanks to Joe, she has been approved to work there. She is thrilled, but Joe says they now have some family business to settle. He wants assurances from Cara that she won't hurt Tad or Jake. She gives him her word and he kisses her on the forehead. Joe then leaves to meet with Tad. Jake tells Cara the condition of her working there is that she has to apologize to the family she upset. She will do that, even though she doesn’t agree with it. Jake says she has to follow the rules and if she can't, then he will let her go. They argue a bit and Cara says she will say the words she needs to say because she needs the job, but she won't compromise how she practices medicine for anyone.

Joe meets Tad at ConFusion and says he's proud of him, but he doesn’t think his marriage will end well for him and Jake. Cara returns and tells Tad she got approved by the board. Tad hugs her, but she seems to be thinking about Jake.

Jake and Amanda meet up at home where Amanda tells her husband she will be working for JR. She excitedly runs into his arms, but his mind is elsewhere.

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