Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday March 4, 2011

Jack says he's moving out and saying goodbye
Binca thinks Reese wants her back because Miranda and Gabby are going tosee her,binky defends her. She says she wants to talk to her wife.Bianca tells Marissa not to turn her divorce into Binky's
Cara's mom asks isn't Jake the one you divorced.Cara is tellingher mom that they are very in love.Jake says he was congratulationing Cara.Tasda sks if he can get Cara's mom anything.Griffin says Zach would not want her to risk her health to find out what happened to him.Kendall says until youlove asomeone with your heart and soul you will never know how it feels.
Erica says you are mad because caleb kissed me on New years eve.Jack says he is not walking away from us. he wants he rto make room in her life for aparnter you haven't .He's goingto pack some things
Marissa asks if that's so why is Reese doing this now she may have another agenda other than family time in Paris.
Griffin says explin it.Kendall says what Zach and I had was more than the cliche about ending sentences phone calls tickets to same things.We could read each other saving each other lives letting the person totally in we knew each other sodeeply intimately.Every instict is screaming there is a message I'm missing.Dianne is demanding ricky have clear head and find out special place,Ricky threatens to kill Griff.Rickk says most of the time he deals with dengenerated this is hard Dianne says don't get to inovlved see big picture.Dianne don't worry your pretty little head he replies.
Griff offers no pain sleep meds for one week but if you get run down you call me Griff.Griff says I hope you find what you need to know
jake and Tad tak about Cara's mom is a general.
Jake says Cara hasn't let it go.Agent trumble is on their tail.
Tad says cara will look after her mom.Cara's mom is not happy Tad's ex wife leaves there she says she sees no happiness.She came to save Cara and take her home.
Sabtuato dance
Tad wants amexican tradtiions.Jake says when they got married it did not go over well with MIL.Jake says Krystal is pissed off and yo have to lie to kids?
Cara says I'm marrrying Tad tomorrow except it.
Cara's mom says it was his fault.and you keep his ring around your neck.Tad Jake's brother is the right man? Cara says stop questioning me.
Her mom asks if tad martin is love of your life.
Kendall is surprised Griff wants her to find out what happened to Zach.Griff says he wants to help Zach he's good at solving problems.He wants to know letter.Kendall recites letter.she mentions Team slater
He mentioned his casino partners but not by name.She says he stayed away from us for awhile Griff says Kendall should go to the police.Tad warns Griff mom is here/
CAra's mom says she thought Cara's dad was agood man but he was weak,
Cara says Tad is agood man. a wonderful caring man.Cara's mom says you shouldn't get married.

Bianca says Reese's lawyer came to take the children for spring break.Jack says she needs to get a ticket then and come here.She is trying to take the kids to get custody.Jack says its' bait and switch so she can get custody.Jack tells the laywer toget lost before he charges him with kidnapping.
Ricky scares Kendall he claims he came to make sure she was okay.

Kendall claims she is going to contact her lawyers maybe even the cops as Ricky says Zach would be disappointed in her.
Reese sends a nanny and her lawyer for the kids The lawyer says all can be explained.binca wants to know why there is nanny,
Reese wants them for spring break.Bianca says no they are not going with you in french and english.
Marissa Tells Jack Bianca needs Jack's help as Jack is moving to yacht club.
Jack tells the alwyer to get lost and tells Bianca that Reese was trying to steal the kids and get all custody.Laywer says he will be in touch.bianca cries Reese is trying to take my girls.Erica says it won't happen.Marissa says I assume you'll wanmt to retain Jack.Bianca says she wants marissa Jack says if they need anything call.Erica thnaks him Jack says she's like my own daughter I'm there for her.
Ricky sneaks up on Kendall and she says she will go to laywers cops to solve Zach's murder.ricky says Zach would be disppointed Casino patners took her away from Zach she should focuss on family.Kendall tells Ricky they loved the boat but sale fell through.Kendall says she can't go to baot.Ricky says maybe you should search for message on boat remember me and be happy.They plan on going to boat.

Griff meets with his mom.She says he should find someone to love.Cars' mom comments that Jake and Cara work together
Tad says Iknow you have lots of questions but I am comitted to making her happy and safe.iknow the brother thing and the kids but your daughter and I are anew story and we are palnning on a hppy ending.
Jack coems into a bottle of chjampagne and Erica says jsut because you moved out doesn't mean you don't wnat company.Erica says he is till the same gallant amn she fell in love with and she wnats him.erica takes responsibilty and says she doesn't wnat to lsoe him ever he's her family.
Riclky and kendall go to boat.She says it feels weird without him ZAch.She says they got married on boat.
The boys were cocaptains and married us.the boys till talk about it.Ricky's phone rings Dianne asks if they found it yet the evidence he says we should have an answer very soon Mrs.Davis pretending he's talking to parishoner.
Erica begs him to come back.Jacks ays she was always big on the grand gesturesShe says she's waiting for the answer as he swoops her up in his arms.
binca explains to the children,Marissa says the second she let her gusrd down with Jr he burned her.
Cara's mom says it's happening to fast one way or another she wills top wedding.Jake congrats cara on surgery emerg appendictsCar states that hse had trouble tgelling mom she gives him back ring.Everytime she sees touches it reminds her of what they had.As Amnda overhears
Kendall rtries to find light switch as Dianne tells Ricky if she finds evidence and sees it he has to kill kendall.He says he understands.

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