Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday March 8,2011

Cara dreams of marrying Jake.Jake is caught with Cara's rings.
In the "Man Cave," aka the basement of the Martin Compound, Opal taps Tad on the shoulder. Wakey, wakey! She notices a big grin on his face. Funny how happy he seems since his faux engagement. Tad avoids the insinuation and reminds Opal to put on a good face at the wedding.

At the Chandler mansion JR adjusts AJ's bow tie as AJ asks if his dad is happy. When JR claims he is, AJ asks why everyone seems to leave them.

At the police station Jesse is thrilled when Angie calls; good news! She is coming home! She can't fly, so Jesse volunteers himself and Frankie to come pick her up. Hubbard road trip! Later Jesse goes the Man Cave where he gives Tad a bunch of wedding favors. Angie calls to wish Tad well. Upstairs Opal gathers the children together in the kitchen as Krystal rips into JR for his dalliance with Annie. Later Krystal goes downstairs to tell Tad that she is thinking of moving out; it wouldn't look good if his ex-wife still lived him and his new wife! When Tad gets upset, Krystal assures Tad that she is still committed to raising their daughters together.

At the hospital Griffin interrupts Agent Trumbull interviewing Frankie about Cara. When Griffin reminds the agent that Cara is getting married today, Agent Trumbull says that just because she is getting married doesn't mean the investigation is over.
March 2011 Episode 6 of 7
First «Prev Next» Last . Tue, March 08, 2011
Season 105 | Episode 72 | Aired 03/8/11
watch this episode .Click "Like" to share this content on Facebook FacebookTwitterMyspaceEmail a Friend.At Casa Slater Cara dreams of her wedding to Jake, where he vows to make her laugh and make tamales. Cute. She wakes up with a big grin on her face as Kendall hovers over her. It's her big fake wedding day! Kendall gives Cara a necklace, explaining that Zach gave it to her. It's supposed to bring Cara good luck. Aw, how sweet. Leticia enters for a moment alone with her daughter. As she brushes Cara's hair, she tells her daughter that she wants her to be happy and hugs her. Cara insists she is fine as tears spill from her eyes. If Cara wants to convince everyone that she is happy, she better stop crying! Griffin arrives to warn Cara about Agent Trumbull and to offer to go on the lam with her -- if that is what she wants. Cara says they can't run; that would be such an insult to the Martin's. She admits Pine Valley is kinda growing on them as Kendall returns looking gorgeous.

Jake wraps Cara's ring and necklace around his hand as Amanda catches him. Jake tries to explain why he didn't get rid of it yet; the ring saved Cara's life, so he felt funny getting rid of it. As Amanda stares at Jake with big hurt eyes, Jake gets defensive. Hm, the good doctor seems to protest a bit too much. Upset Amanda bails on the wedding which of course angers Jake. As Amanda flees to the bedroom, Joe and Ruth arrive. They can't help but ask if Jake is okay with his ex-wife marrying his brother. Jake insists he is happy for Tad and admits that Amanda has been upset ever since Cara arrived in town. Amanda comes out dressed in her pajamas and lies, saying she is too sick to go the wedding, but she isn't fooling anyone.

Ruth and Joe arrive at the Martin Compound where they tease Tad about his fifth or sixth wedding. When Joe demands to know how Tad could marry his brother's ex-wife, Tad comes clean. Ruth is proud of Tad while Joe reminds Tad that this is illegal, dangerous and foolish. Tad asks his dad to trust him and heads upstairs where Jake tells him that Amanda isn't coming, which angers Tad, causing him to vent about Amanda reporting Cara to immigration.

Upstairs in the living room Marissa gets snippy with JR, who wants to talk about their wedding day. Marissa doesn't want to look back, only forward. Krystal approaches Kendall, Leticia and Griffin -- where is the bride? In the car! Or so they think. As Cara stands on the other side of the door, she overhears Tad and takes off. Uh-oh!
Meanwhile Amanda rushes around her living room, dressed to kill. We guess she decided to attend the wedding after all. She hears a knock on the door and it's Cara, who is livid. She asks Amanda how it felt to know she got Cara deported. Amanda explains she had no idea Cara's life was in danger. Cara wants to know why Amanda did it; she has everything (i.e., Jake!) Amanda says it's because Cara is still in love with Jake. Cara sneers that if Amanda really believes that, then she screwed herself because Cara will be around for the next three years!

Back at the Martin Compound the family and guests fret over Cara's absence. When Cara returns, she tells Jake that she just confronted Amanda. Jake leaves to talk to Amanda as Agent Trumbull arrives. Who put him on the guest list?

As Cara gets ready, Tad gives the kids their wedding jobs: holding the guest book and a tray of bells along with other Mexican wedding traditions, which impresses Leticia. Kendall approaches Griffin, who is trying not to freak out. She apologizes for asking if he was ever in love. Clearly he is capable of caring for others because she sees how much he loves Cara and his mom
The wedding begins.Jesse walks Leticia down the aisle, followed by Kathy and Jenny, who are the cutest bridesmaids ever. AJ brings up the rear with the rings. Griffin escorts his sister, who can't stop crying -- or looking at Jake. Tad, however, only has eyes for his bride. Hm, is Tad falling for Cara? Cara recites her vows, which are also very lovely and true. She calls Tad sweet, kind and generous, adding he has given her a home. Tad in return says he promises to honor and cherish her for as long as he will let her. Hm, notice that no one used the word "love."

Amanda walks into ConFusion where she ignores a call from Jake and orders a drink. We guess she decided to bail on the wedding in favor of getting drunk! Unfortunately Agent Trumbull sees her and tries to get info out of her.

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