Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday March 15 ,2011

Ryan returns home to Greenlee after checking on a lead on Emma and spending some time with Spike. He brings up Madison's baby drama and then heads out to see her. Greenlee wants to go with him, but she has to deal with the Fusion mess.
Scott brings Madison pastries at home and asks if she's okay about Ryan knowing about the baby. He also wonders if she will tell Ryan that Greenlee knew about it. Before she can answer, Ryan knocks on the door. He gives her a number to call if Emma reaches out to her again. Ryan surveys the studio apartment and offers to help her if she wants more space. Madison assures him she's fine and leaves for work. Ryan questions Scott on the lie he and Madison were perpetrating, asking what's in it for him. Scott explains he was just trying to do a good thing for Madison. Ryan thinks Madison doesn't need him anymore and points out this is not the best situation to raise a child in. Scott reminds Ryan he has Emma to worry about right now.

Griffin checks out Kendall at the hospital and deems she's fine. Kendall tells him she is going to work and will not obsess about Zach's letter, as Griffin hides it.

Kendall walks into work and Greenlee tells her about an idea for an organic line for pregnant women. Kendall loves the idea and thinks they should include Madison. Greenlee thinks they should use someone else and tells her Madison is pregnant with Ryan's baby. Madison arrives for work and Kendall tells her Greenlee came up with the natural products for babies and expected mothers. Madison's mouth hangs open for a bit and then tells Kendall it was her idea. Greenlee tells her the idea belongs to Fusion – not her. Kendall thinks they all have a lot to contribute and Greenlee states Madison has a lot to learn about the business. Madison thinks Greenlee is just manipulating things, which Kendall questions. Greenlee admits she knew about the baby for months. Kendall is incensed but offers Greenlee her support. Greenlee also agrees that Madison deserves a chance at the company.

JR sends Asher on an errand, as Colby comes downstairs. She tells her brother she is going to the office to see if she can help out with the PR department. JR thinks she's created enough of a nightmare for that department. They argue about her video and Colby walks away.

After Ryan leaves Scott's place, JR stops by. He says he wants the family back together and offers to have him and Madison move into the mansion. Scott admits the baby isn't his. JR says Scott can still move in by himself. Scott thinks JR just wants Marissa to start coming by to see him. Madison returns home and Scott turns JR down. Madison tells Scott Greenlee made her project director, but then asks what JR was doing there. He tells her JR invited him back at the mansion, but he prefers it there.

Greenlee and Kendall return home to Ryan and learn his latest lead on Emma fell through. Kendall offers her support and encouragement with both Emma and Madison's baby.

Kendall finds Griffin in the park and accuses him of following her. She knows he's being protective, but it's time to let it go. He agrees and she thanks him. She walks away and Griffin pulls out the letter. He says it's not her health he's worried about now.

Erica summons Caleb to her house to talk business, but he wonders if they should be working from her home. She assures him Jack knows they are solid, so it's fine. Asher stops by with paperwork on the transfer of the company from JR. Caleb tells Asher JR is using him to send him a message: "I own your son." Asher doesn't want a lecture on his life choices and leaves. Erica tries to talk to him about it, but Caleb just wants to get down to work. Erica discovers the box JR sent over is just a bunch of pages that aren't even numbered. She's had it with Junior and leaves to talk to him.

Erica storms into the mansion looking for JR. Colby tells her he's gone, so Erica issues a warning for Colby to give to her brother. Colby notes Erica always comes out on top and thinks she can learn something from her. Colby asks what her secret it. Erica tells her she has to own her successes and never apologize for who she is. She has to believe in herself or no one else will. Once alone, Asher walks in the room and tells it would be cool if she posted another video because her fans just want to hear someone speak the truth. Asher leaves and Colby posts another video where she promises not to wimp out on calling people out on their behavior, as Asher secretly observes.
After Erica returns home, she tells Caleb Colby is the key to getting through to Asher.

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