Friday, March 4, 2011

Thursday March 3,2011

Griffin stops by Tad's looking for Cara. She's not there so he warns Tad their mother is on the way. Tad thinks he can charm her, but Griffin tells him how protective she is of Cara. She is an old school catholic, who did not approve of Jake and Cara's marriage, which she wasn't invited to, wasn't in a church and ended in divorce. Griffin is worried about the stress this is all causing Cara, noting she got sick again after she left Jake. He doesn't want that to happen again, but if it does, Tad will have to take care of her. Griffin adds that he'll be leaving soon to set up more clinics around the world, so he needs to be able to count on him to keep his sister safe. Tad promises not to let him or Cara down.
Mrs. Castillo enters Krystal's asking for Cara. Tad overhears and introduces himself to her. Tad tries to charm her, but she just sternly asks him why her daughter is marrying the brother of her no good ex-husband. She starts questioning him about his age, past marriages and children. He bumbles around trying to make his answers sound better than they are. She wonders what Jake did to crush Cara's heart. Tad assures her Jake did nothing. He adds, Jake is her past, but he is her future. He rattles off some Spanish, but she is unimpressed and maybe even a little confused.
David knocks on Ryan and Greenlee's door to tell them Annie called him. He says she sounded desperate for cash, but when he tried to find out where she was, she hung up. He thinks she will call again though. He leaves and Greenlee tells Ryan she thinks David is truly trying to help them. Ryan doesn't trust him though. Greenlee suggests they get out of there because just waiting for word is driving them crazy. She thinks they should visit Kendall.
Ricky returns to Kendall's. She tells him about Zach calling her sweetheart in the letter, which he never did when he was alive. She can't believe she didn’t notice it the first time she read it. Ricky tells her she did notice it and in fact they discussed it. Kendall doesn't think so and leaves to get the mail. Ricky answers the phone when Ryan calls. Ricky tells him Kendall is napping. Kendall returns after Ricky hangs up and realizes he was talking to Ryan. She says she wanted to tell him about the Zach situation. He tells her Ryan had a lead on Emma and he didn't want to hold him up. He then brings up the church Kendall was telling him about that meant a lot to her and Zach. He says maybe there's another place she can go to that meant a lot to them. She just wants to focus on the letter and how she can't remember telling him about the word sweetheart. He thinks it's just her medication. Kendall isn't sure, but leaves to fix it.
Trumble questions Jake and Cara at the hospital about their relationship and how they fell in love. It's awkward for both of them but then Jake recounts how horrible the Sudan was, where they met. Cara jumps in and says they found each other in a difficult place where they had to maintain sanity. She adds that she grew up though and realized that while Jake was a good man, she was too young to be married so she ran away. Trumble wonders why Jake didn’t fight for her. Jake tells him he just wanted her to be happy. Jake gets a page and declares the interview over. Tumble leaves, but not before warning them to be careful so they don’t reawaken any old feelings. Amanda finds Jake and Cara. Cara exits and Jake says they just all have to stick to the story so they can get their lives back.
Kendall races to the hospital to plead with Griffin to change her medication. He can't because he needs her to stay healthy. She gets angry thinking he's making it about himself and his track record, but he assures her he just doesn't want her to die. Cara walks in and Kendall leaves. Cara starts talking about her fake marriage, which Kendall overhears. Kendall returns to question Cara, but assures her she will keep the secret. Cara exits and Griffin thanks Kendall as well. She says it was the right thing to do, but now she needs him to cut back on her meds. He can't do that, but she can do whatever she wants. She won't take any unnecessary risks, but she needs him to trust her.
Cara returns to Tad's and longingly looks at a picture of Jake, as he walks in. He hugs her and she cries. Tad and Mrs. Castillo walk in. Cara's mother asks, "Isn't this the one you divorced?"
Madison walks into her and Scott's studio and lies on the bed. She is shocked when Scott walks out of the shower with barely a towel on. He gets dressed and points out the awkwardness of opposite sex cohabitation. She changes her shoes and then goes to her doctor's appointment.
While at the hospital, Madison gets a call from Emma, who can't say where she is. Madison then calls Ryan, who later arrives to question her about the call. Scott shows up just as the nurse arrives to take Madison and "the father" to her room for her appointment.

Greenlee meets with David in another part of the hospital. Realizing he has an ulterior motive for helping, she offers to do everything she can to get him reinstated at PVH if he assists in bringing Emma home. David says they have a deal.

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