Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday April 30,2010

First of all happy birthday to my dear departed Grandmother Olive who hooked me on AMC!Happy 105th!Gone but never forgotten!
Tad is lloking for Damon he can't find him hasn't seen him since yeaterday.Colby says she knows Damon is your son.He says who told you she's says mom.David is breakfasting with Liza.shewant to know hat he wants he wants info on Madison!Madison gets call about Credit debt in fuison and hears someone Janet? she's taking petty cash.Busted by Randi! Jake and amnda are fussying over Trevors nails.Jakeassya he has to got to work andJake assy Natalia will be htere soon but Jake doesn't like that.Amanda says obssesive fan was cheero shehasn't got emails since Jake yelled!Janet is in the closet spying on them!Jake says guy is not giving uphe's angry and smart!don't take chances!Stick with the law and hang tight you need guard!the un terrified him it could ghappen some maniac could take amnda away.Amanda says she could get fired!And she likes carreer!Brto meets Natalia says sorry officer closen desrved it says Brot!Natalia wants to make it up to him .Waht did you have in mine.She gives hims teps to apeal.He says stop.He doesn't want to appeal .Beng a cop not for him.
David why do you want to know about Madison?asks Liza
David says she always falls on her feet and he's protecting Greenlee's interests
Liza doesn't beleive him why do you want dirt!Madison claims she was borrowing money for lunch.Randi says you are suppose to fill out withdrawal slip otherwise it's stealing
Damon is talking to the shrink.he asks about parents.Damon is upset that Tad is his dada and didn't tell him.He says all they've ever done was lie.
Tad asks Colby if Damon knows Colby says she wouldn't tell!Tad says that dipstick is his dad it was their responsibility!His mom can't be bothered to see him!Colby says
Tad says he wanted Hillary's permission but he's going ahead.Colby says he will be shocked and angry but he will be glad to know that tool isn't his Dad.
Tad's worried this will send him over the edge.Colby says the longer this goes on the worse it will be!
Tad hopes to find him at the shrink but he wants Colby to come with him.Jr comes in and asks what Tad is doing here.Tad tells Jr about his son!
Damon comes out to colby who asks him how it went .He says he'll get aroot canal!He says it's court ordered and he doesn't have achoice.she tells him Tad is looking for him!Colby told her mom it wasn't his booze.Damon is quizing her but she doesn't tell.
He wants to know if she'll tell him he's leaving amd.Jr says damon miller is your son?
Jr says how do you feel?Tad says he is telling him.Jr says he won't take it well he's nto the most stable teen.Jr offers to help!He says some guys have all the luck I'v prayed so many times that I was.Tad says you are my son just as much as any of the others !your my son.
Tad wants to know how JR is he says annie away from his dad was art of the paln and Tad asks JR what have you done?
Natalia is upset about Brot quitting he says its' time to try something else!Brot says you don't know anything about me and you don't want to know!Brot's really depressed Natalia has to go to Amanda's
Tad says oh no you don't walk away i'worried about my eldest!Annie no devoted to your dad that's ashock says TAd.Tad says what have you done waht did Marissa says!
How can you keep this from your wife.Things got out of control.Tad says Adam is gone was it worth it.He says yes .If I hurt Marissa I can't forgive myself.Tad assays someone will get hurt.David jokes that hewants to bed Madison !No questions I'll get info!She was gambling drinking .Dad is piece of wwork.Liza said she would have lsot.Madison had something on him!David says breakfast is on him!
Damon says you'll do anything to get rid of me to Liza
amnda says threestroy later Trevors asleep.Jake claimshe's not letting her go to work because it's not safe.If Natalia can't be there he will.Amanda says one day not putting life on hold for one stupid jerk!Natalia tells Amanda that Brot is upset he got suspended.He threw it back in her face.she doesn't understand why hewants to quit.Something is wrong!amnda sys she is straightening up before the babysitter gets here.Amnda says she will not be locked up!Trevor starts screaming!
Go track Brot down go for it says Amanda .Natalia asks outloud Can this day get any worse.Randi says therewas amoment you almost had me fooled Madiosn but you're totally flaking.and now I catch you stealing money.somethings up and it reminds me of old Madiosn.Look at facts.We will do an audit of he money what wil Greenlee and Erica think of that.
Damon sauys he doesn't believe Liza his money wouldn't screw up.Her whle life is about my dad and his needs,You made up bogus story so she'd run away back off and quit lying!He is your father and God help you youare jsut like him says Liza!
Tad says don't know what you did hope it doesn't come rashing sorund your ears sometimes everything isn't enough.He's sorry Adam is gone .Dixie would no t be ahamed you can't lose your father either of us!
Colby asks if they are okay.Colby says Damon was weird he seemed mad and bolted.
Therapy ?Something more?
Tad asks where her mother is Liza tells Damon not to get in her face about colby waht hsesacrificed.Yuor dad for waht fifteen minutes.I won't remeber this town in fifteen year,.I will do anything to keep himawa from you.Tad ahs known for along time her's your dad Stay away from Colby,
Madison begs randi not to skewer her what is this about .Randi says I know exactly what you are capable of as David overhears!
Colby says this sucks Damon is going to find out whhole life is alie!
JR says sorry howa re you you need your dad.I am not going away!Then he threatens her hir.
Liza says Tad took DNA test he is your dad I'm not lying!wahy don't you ask him yourself.
Madison says a lotof drama over petty cash why? You commited murder and tried to pin on me!says Randi
Amanda finds no Natalia she's unconscious in closet and Amanda says alone at last as Janet looks on and smiles!And Amanda watches TV!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday April 29,2010

Jack says all his appetties are satisfied .Erica and he were busy and she doesn't want to talk about it shesays it can never happen again !Madison begs Ryan not to fire her.Greenlee tells David she asked Madiosn to change.Paul says he's taking Damon home get his things you smug little punk!Damon says like hell you are!Chero says this is for you as he holds out aun at Amnda it's fake but looks real!It's a propeller(prop) for photo shot for Natalia!Jakea sks if he's the psycho that its harrassing his wife.Erica say we end it here.How can you be fine with this? Looka t the time it was fun when erica says that .Greenlee says Ryna is her past you are my present to David!we made love and it was incredible says Greenlee she's ll get there to say I love you she needs time she says!Ryan says he's not going to fire her.
Madiosn looks like death warmed over!she fell asleep on job!She says shewas spoled kid to spoiled wife as she gets text from Greenlee!she ahs to pick up stuff.Ryan says he will reschedule so she gets hours.He picks up letter she dropped.
He called Colby the school tramp.Damon says he can't leve town becaus he has probation.My son has no disorder he is lazy and he calls Colby a tart!Damon says let's talk outside.You don't know what she's done for me .Life is one big party he says he's worthess piece of crap maybe your mother will get it now!I hate you says Damon.It wil take convincing to make her forgetyou!You are no son of mine says Paul!
Tad asks what the hell is wrong with him. I worked really hard to know that boy there is areason for his behaviour.Damon wants to stay her knock up some girls and got to jail I don't care.No phone calls no advice leave us alone says Miller!Who is he tosay Tad can't talk to hllary.
Opal asks what's wrong with Erica she tells Opal thye spent night together.Opal says it's great that they are bak together.Opal says don't throw away a good thing!
Jakea asks why he's texting his wife and sending emails coming at Chero!Chero says your wife is not a star she's wasting film Chero quits no loss says Jake.Amanda says carreer over!As Amanda fan sends text/email!
maybe you're right says Amnda he realizes we were on to him and he logged off.amnda fan has been watching through think you are so clever how could you think I would hurt Amnda i would never upset my beloved I will watch from a far Amanda fan!
Opla says she would give anything for one day with Palmer!she really loved him.when i think how close I cam eto miss all that if I hadn't listened to you i was foolish I'm glad I listened.don't miss the boat and don't come crying to me when you realize you've lost Jack.Erica says it's not the same she knows what she's doing!Tad comes in looking for Damon.He teels mama she's a grandmom that Damon is his son!rystal has been organizing his office he saks if he's paying hr enough.she says she loves organizing and it's taking her mind off of Adam leaving and Marissa alone with Annie!
Ryan saks for help for Madison who'ds kicked out and being sued by landlord he wants to pay landlord!Madiosn is going to pick up layouts she says she forgot to turn on her phoine.Greenlee says fusion at war no turning off phone always be available.David comes in and asks why she's lying to Greenlee about other job after Greenlee leaves
Tad is asking how to makeDamaon understand that he didn't know she says just be there and love him.Damona nd Colby are lying on the grass in the park .She took some beeer and asks if tad will notice.she says to freedom.H says he can't drink on those meds!Colby wants to know how he can be so calm .He ahs no right totreat him like that his mother his fahter should be ther for thm.She's happy for Adam but she's wrooied he's not getting his medical check-ups her rock is gone.He kept all together.She worried everyone will break p.shewants all sheloves in one palce and hppy she wants that for him too.His dad ais so mean.Damon says he is fine he's with Colby!Colby says home doesn't seem to home.Liza asks waht the hell they are doing
David won't tell she has strong work effort .He claims he'll smooth thewaters make Ryan treats you right he says! Jack and Krystal were joking around about the file system wehn Erica comes in and says Oought shewas makin amistakea nd maybe Jack was over Palmer either and that's what they slept together.Jack says everything is fine he's fine with her decision which ticks off Erica!LOLer
Amanda is annoyed and doesn't want to change her life Natalia says a stalker stoled 20 years of her Dad's life take it serious!
Liza is yelling at Damon for underage drinking he says there is a history of drinking in her family.Damon has had enough and he leves.she calls him apunk ass loser.Liza yells and ssy he is not her firend he just wants to get her in bed he's going to break your heart like his fahter broke mine!OOPs Damon heard!
Krystal says yo are tryin gto do right but things are getting out of hand .She dosen't want him to go through what she did with Marissa!He's going totell Damon that's he's his father.Liza says theonly reason he's been so nice is becasue he is his fahter.Greenlee says she gve you a sobstory and you fell for it Ryan says it had nothing to do with you!David is looking up alla bout Madiosn to protect greenlee smart man.Erica says Greenlee will always come between her and Jack.Erica won't be torn it's over shesays!
Nataliasays she didn't mean to freak out Amanda .amnda wants to be alone Natali says she can' leave her alone .shewait in the squad car an dkeep an eye in the distnce lock the door she says as Amanda complies!someone is watching her!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday April 28,2010

Liza demands that Damon talk with her!H doesn't want to talk but she gets in his face.She told him to stay away from her daughter waylaying him outside the shrinks office when he's all ready upset!brot punched the cop that ut up the pictures of Natalia naked .Natalia tells him to leav it so he won't get in trouble Jesse says it's too Late!oh dear!He suspends Brot!Scott and colby are talking she says all the men seem to have ahuge weak spot for annie.Scott says he fell for it but not anymore!Colby says Annie won't keep her mouth shut if she can't get her way. she will if shewants to survive her.Jr says no one wants you here!annie says possession is 9 tenths of the law Adam abandonned her there's no real proof of her and Jr so she's stayiing and sueing for more money!she used to think there was something wrong with her that everybody didn'twant her but money will make up for that!she says she can get Chandler mansion be nice to me !Jake reads I'm sorry I took your ring and now thatI've worn it I feel closer to you from Amanda's stalker!As Amanda looks horrified!she asks waht to do.Jakesays you might have to quit this is getting scary.Jake says call police! Amnda fan has all these pics of Amanda and her family!Brot is upset that he is getting suspended .Jesse says this is not the way to do it!angie asks if Natalia is okay.Tad asks what is going on Liza says she will let him handle it the fact that sesaw him kissing Colby but any relationship between Colby and Damon is no start!don't push me on it.Tad asks how the shrink was he asks what happens as Damon flips up about the questions.Walking all around the office.300 bucks an hour for that.Tad says I don't have totell you how important this is while Damon continues to rant!Damon says save it this is all screwed up.Scott tells Caolby how hard he's been working to keep the company together between JR's cancer and Adam's heart problems!he wants help from JR.Adam was the glue.Jr is stepping up colby says he will.Jr has to pul himself together now.r says hewon't let her back in his bed to Annie.she says it's the best sex ever whatever it was won't happena gain.Annie says you've never madlove to her like that.she won't blackmail him bck into her bed he'll remeber and he'll come willingly!He won't be able to stay away!
Colby says she's suppose to meet Damon for tutoring but they need her!Scott says go have un be her age enjoy colege and pushy boys as he hugs her as she says she needs her dad and misses him Scott is really steppng up.Annie says Scott I'm so glad you'e here hugs him as Marissa walks in as she's sayin if itwasn't for you Emma and I would be out on the street!er to leavMarrissa looks puzzled is she catching on?
Natalia says let me call my dad to Brot he says don't bother!he tlls her to leave it.she feesl bad.She says she's never seen him so mad!
amnda and Jake go to poilce station!Jake says this stalker has been everywhere at Fusion.Jake says waht dowe do Jesse says nothreats but you can't be to careful.Natalia can be your bodyguard!Jakesays meeting for fans will draw in stalker and then they can arrest!
Tad says he's left 10 messages no answer from Hillary!Angie sees him freaking out.angie says 10 more she'll call back.Tad says parents don't care?He gets message from her she's coming tosee Damon!Colby says how are you at fractions.He makes a joke.
Colby tells him how to do it.Colby says your paying attention see he says it's easy to pay attention to her because she's beautiful!
Annie says she was thanking scott for all his helpa nd then thanks Marissa again.
annie says she doesn't know how she's going to support herself and Emma .she apprecaites what Marissa has done so she thought she pick emma and aj up from school and give Marissa a break!Marissa says tha'ssweet but he has a palydate with friend .She wants to say hello to husband!Marissa tells Jr that no AJ doesn't really have a playdate but she'lls et one up annie isn't stable enough to watch both shesays!Annie says thanks to scot and he says don't thank him!
Natalia is bugging Brot about Iraq~she teles him thank-you for him taking care of that guy.she says she knows you're trying to help him out/.Her phone rings.Jesse wants her to do ajob.Brot wanted to know if Jesse wanted to know where he is!he didn't!
Jesse believes that Amanda fan is coming to fan club meeting!Angie is freaking out about board meeting no one told her about!chief of staff must be notified abouta ll.Liza was there she talks about board meeting on phone oh dear Angie's going to yell now.shewants to know waht's going on.Liza says I can't tell you lawas prohibit.This better into involve David hayward says!
Damon is telling colby what he thinks when he is thinking.Colby mentions brwn eyes and blue eyes inheritance.and Damon worries about Stuart!He orries stuart has ADD too!He says his dad and him are really differnt he doesn'twant staurt to be like him.Damon's dad Paul miller answers the door to tad Hilary is in Ohio.He tells Tad to leave Hillary alone.He says Hillary doesn't talk to him about TAd .Waht makes you think you have the right to assume parental responsibilities gee maybe becasueyou wre reachable and Damon needs someone!Damon says he wrote colby a song.He says he's sing voice isn't great!Colby loves the idea.
Annie wants to know why everyone is so mean!Scott says becasue she manipulates.She says she's not playing him!He says it was compassion for marissa and aj nother.Marissa says d you think less of me for teling awhite lie?He says he's kind and giivng.What happened to Brooke she runs away with your Dad a married man.something feels off says Marissa!
angie says she needs to know if the board meeting had anything to do with David!does hewant his job back as chief!Liza says she sleeps well with herbal tea.Angie says he got out old year books .Somethings never change you want peopleto think you are differnt but you have changed.Yuowere viciousirl back then if you sink into the muck with david you'll never get back up.Is that waht you really want?you judging me?hmm says Liza snarkily.angieasks if he's after his old job Lizasays no.
Tad says he hates to hink about what would have happened to Damon if he hadn't been there for Damon.considering you went to europe.Damon stepdad says the constant harrassment made them come back you've upset Hilalry and I don't wnat her upset he says!sorry but Damon is upset .It's ruining Hillary's life she's fragile she can't take this stress have no idea what he's done to her!Having achild out of wedlock trying to make ends meet dropping out of schol does any of this sound familiar to you?Tad says did you ever stop to think that maybe he was having trouble becasue his parents weren't there for him?
He says how dare you?lay that on me and hilalry the eforts we've made the anguish Tad says sorry one of the reasons he wanted to get in touch was to let her know that Damon has been diagnosised with ADD! Paul knows excatly what that is.Maybe it's not his fault!so what's the problem!he's fighting it.Tad says he'll take him when Paul demands tosee his son but he'll stay with him.Damon is going on about his Colby song!
Colby says it's beautiful!Colby says she feels bad about everything.Damonsasy she so much more thana soiled little rich girl and he'll listen to her troubles.she says she feels left behind .Her house feels empty.He says when you don't feel like being there come over here.He kisses her.Marissa wants to know if Scott had an affair with Annie.Jr says no he' honorable.Jr says his family warps him he doesn'twant them to be tainted by his family.He is afraid .Marrissa says it won't .Natlaia begs her dad to interced with IA on Brot's behalf.they are interrupted by Jake who comes in to find Amanda's stalker.Jesse says let professionals handle it!Jake brings up Satin Slayer.Paul comes to Tad's to meet with Damon.Tad cautions benefit of doubt.Paul says he doesn't ned childrearing tips form tad.Tad says oh God as they catch them kissing.Paul says great watching to Tad .Then he says to Damon you all ready have one illegitimate child you shooting for two.Damon says Colby meet my Dad!
Marissa says they can make it though anything together Annie spies on Jr and Marissa making love.Amanda comes in to her fan club meeting!Fan comes in demands pic with Amanda!Jesse says no one comes up and less he says so as someone else snesks up!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday April 27,2010

Brot is angry about something Natalia's photo spread!Jesse sees them and grimaces.Madison is fawning over them praising Chero.Jaka nd Amnda are kising at the office while Randi says get room!Damon is palying video games.Colby says the court news is good.Damon says no biggie.Colby says life suck as he says Krystal took the kids to breakfast.Annie is being sweet to JR he tels her to shut-up and she says your mad that I out played you.Annie says Adam flew off with his soul mate Brooke didn't see that one coming she threatens three times to tells Marissa!as she gloats that she stays!Liza serves divorce papers.Marissa hears that Adam is divorcing her becasue of infidelity!Colby tell Damon Dad left with Brooke.Damon says he owes her even if he has to do PSA !Damon says he only bummed becasue of arm Colby calls him on it he tells her has Attentions deficit disorder!No kiding she says.Amanda has to check her tweets Jake is worried about the weirdos.Jesse is flipping out about his daughter's nudity pictures .He says treat all officers with respect!Hewants to know where they came from?Jesse says she posed?Brot says they are artistic I guess there in the locker room everywhere.He wants to know if they are all gone.Natalia says whoever did this shewants put in alocked room with her.Jesse says then he can fire her!Amanda is mad that her missing wedding ring is on twitter!shewants Randi t be less personal.Jake got her a new ring!
Damon is uoset that he has totalk toa shrink.Colby says it's aproblem with asolution!Colby says that's why you've had problems fusing.He has totake pill s and get counselling.He says don't get to deep rememeber my attention span.He loves having her on his side!
Marissa says I'm the only one who deosn't know.Liza says he doesn't want to hurt Emma so he'll not come forward unless he has to with her cheating partner.Marissa says cheated I though you loved Adam!Scott's says he is the one she cheated with and saves JRs marriage!
Amnda loves her new ring .they kiss!she apologizes for losing original .They are make-out in public Jake wants to go homefor a quicky!Damon hasn't tried the pills yet Colby makes him take them!Never teach apig to sing!Damon says It wastes your time and irritates the pig!Damon thinks he feels strange from the pill and ts he needs toeat brains.Jesse yells then say what were you thinking naked!Natalia says she is enjoying the mony.Shewants to know what he'll do about the person who posted all the pictures.Jesse wants to know how it will impact her job!Natlia says she checked with a lawyer he can't fire.Jesse says he hates that his little girl was naked!It does not reflect on the police her family or her family!You want toget ahead Deccsioon like this can cost your carreer!The mayor will call!Angie asks where it was taken.She says hmm it's gorgeous and gives Jesse a look that says except it.Scott says he found a video recordin with them kissing.He was looking for an excuse for his growin feelings with Brooke.He and i had it out before he left and he wouldn't beleive me.Marissa says she can't wrap her head around it and leaves.Jr thanks scott who says you think I did it for you?He says he did it for aJ marisa and Emma .He knows all poor Marisa thinks there is decency in the world.Adam has given you gift not naming who so take offer Scott says!Don't hurt Marisa and your kids keep hnds off each other.whatever yourreasons thank -you says JR.Jr annie is not leaving says Scott.Angie says Jesse will punish the guilty!angie talks to Jesse by herself.Natalia is bautiful an dit's atisticly done fine line between pornography and this!She claims Cass posed in less!Don't hold so tight or Natalia will leave says Angie.Damon says the shrink will clean out his brain gives Colby redit for helping him and giving him a new strt.she offers agian to help him get GED as they kiss and Liza sees!
Amanda and Jake come in and he tweets her!Set privacy settings says Amanda.He sent pornographic message on twitter!
As they strip to make love!he undid her bra!throws bra on floor!they get under sheet on sofa!
Colby speaks to mom who asks how she is with Dad gone.she says Annie can't kill him now.Liza says she's going to put Annie away quickly and quietly.Get her to accept divorce settlement!she asks why she's with Damon!Liza says don't get to involved with him he's hovering around three strikes.Considering your track record are you the right person to lecture me on realtionships!Amnda comes back shos off ring gets package.Return address upsets amnda.Annie apologises to Marissa and she takes some blame for kissing Scott!Trust is a fragile thing Marissa says!Marissa asks if there is anything else.No says Annie!Marissa says Adam may want to wash his hand but she and Emma are welcome to stay for now.Scott says Annie needs tostay.Scott says no more hurt Annie would spin out of control if you kick out.Marissa suspects don't give her ammununition!says Scott
Amnda is worried about the fan!she tells Jake to open present!It's her rings.she's sorry she calims she wore it and feels closer to him.Natalia says she'll look back in 40 years and bemoan what time has done.angie says she won't go to far.Brot gets mad and hits someone!
Scott says he told Jr to let Annie stay to protect Marissa!Colby says that the only reason it has nothing to do with your feeling.Annie says you live a charmed life.Bone marrow Scott chiming in daddy not naming you in divorce papers!Annie refuses Jr's demand she take settlement she says it won't be that easy!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday April 26,2010

Jake kisses amnda and asks why she isn't waering her ring .shewas crying because her wedding room is missing .someone accesses th Fuion computer and the eamils to MyAmnda!Annie threatens to tell all to Marissa he says goahead.My fatherdecides whostays not me you're fighting awar that you can't win he says.Madison thansk Ryan for he new job as cocktail waitress.David and Greenlee are amking love in front of the fire.she is telling him how much he means to her he amkes her happy relley happy she says.David says she makes him happy to.Greenlee says she wants to give him her heart but needs time when he says he loves her.Davidsays that that doesn't change anything he still loves her and there together our marriage is real he says!Ryan says you don't have tons of experience given her backgorund there can be groping/!there very friendly and they take it out on you when they lose.she says her father hit her and so did her husband and they yelled .she'll smile and bring them adrink and if they are not satisfied then she'll get a bouncer.Amnda is saying she's so sorry for losingher rings.Jake says that nothing will get in the way of their love!Natalia says if she's interrupting.Amnda says we have to celebrate your great work.Amnadawants o know if she invited Brot.But chero might come she says.Natalia says he's aood guy.Amnda fan sent her apoem Roses are red violets are grey

Annie says find away to make your Dad agree.Could Marissa help sheasks Jr says no Dad will telll er.Jr offers her enough money to buy a home.Jr says take or have nothing!your choice!amnda is worried about writing to the weird fan .she says they wrote to her personal email.Natalia closed it and is trying totrace it.Jake sys you should have told me and we have to find away tostop this

Jr says it's a cahnce for enew start.Emma says she heard people fighting .shewants her mom know she's scared Annie goes but her aprting comment is find asolution good for all of us.Jr throws pillow!
Annie gets Emma cozy and she tells the Emmaline story!Emmaline is leaving in a castle in the land.she tells her the king was gone and the evil scorcer cast asell and the king dsipapeared as annie cries.Mariisa aks if Jr drinks!
Brooke cleared out all the alchol Marissa says that was nice of Adam to leave her for Brooke.Jr obviously feels guilty.Jr says he screwed up everything!
annie says that Adamsays he does want to be married to her anymore.Shesays Adam says his heart hurts so his heart can't be fixed so he doesn't want to bemarried anymore.They have to find a new kingsom like Queen Annabelle and Princess Emmaline!
Jr says he loves her andwants to protect her.Jrsays hewants to spend his life with her and AJ she thinks it was bad news about the cancer!
Greenlee wakes up and david's gone but find amessage.He calls her sleepyhead .Hewent to go see shareholder love David!David sits in park overwhelmed.He loves Greenlee so much drinks out of flask!
Liza aks if he is celebrating with wife problems all ready.Madiosnsays she can't
wait for job as caller calls and hsesays sh will be right there she can explain!
Natalia says this person is dangerous she can't find info on guy!
Email guy rights over and over she will not reject me she will not reject me in capital letters!
Jr says as far as he knows he's still inremission Marissa says thank god as Colby comes in and says Dad's gone.Colby says hewent with Brooke and is in no hurry to come home.Marissa doesn't understand how Adam could do thi.Marissa says that isn't what you were going to tell me.Jr says he lied hewas trying to get Annie out itwas hsi camera.He loves her.Marissa is a litte angry!
Madiosn says she ahs to fix a purchase oreder she can't afford to lose her day job.Amnda is like Jeacyln smith says Jake and talk incessantly about Charlie's Angels says hewants to be Cahrlie.Chero calls them Angels.looks at natali wants to show her pics ion his phone and takes her away.Jake says hat's rude that he didn't acknowledge her.Jakew ants to look ustairs 5years of Chrlie's angels have given him detective skills!
Liza says wow you saved you from prison cell pulled off the impossible Greenlee relaly helped.Why isn't she sitting with you?Liza wants to know isf she's going back to Ryan waht's problem?you love her but she doesn't love you back!No fakes with Greenlee you are not forcing you must have it bad!
Jake can't get in and Greenlee says thaey must have alot wrong if he'd oing that .He explains.Shouldn't you be celebrating with David and your perjury!she says you kidnapped me and David you have no right to talk!She kicks out Jake.Jake sys when you want help to leve David come to me and he'll help.Liza says you drink to drown pain when you hurt.You get angry and hurt them back says Liza.David says he can't everything he's a monster wht about ryan look all the things he's done annie went crazy Kendall leaves country and Greenlee he locks in a tower!He's not the bettter man he's not through with her he's after my wife!
Madiosn comes in finds Greenlee claims she forgot phone!Greenlee says your not working for Erica are you?
Greenlee asks what her job is Greenlee says no You can't do both.
Amnda says Charlie would be so disppointed that you din't find out!amnda goes totalk to Natalia and talks to chero!There are amsssive eamils says Jake he's worried because of the Satin slayer he wants nutjob!t him destrying fmily.Colby say waht about Marissa!Jr says annie still could Marisa let herstay and she tries to balckmail me.Colby says if shefind out dad not coming home soon then annie has the everage.Annie thanks Marissa for ltting them stay.annie says everyone wants them tostay.Marissa tells her adam left town wth Brooke and you're not alone I'll hlp you any way I can Marissa sys as anniesmiles knwingly.Greenlee is disappointed that David isn't home.
Madison still goes to casino to work !David goes to casino and spies!

some onelooooks like they have crack on computer.Jr and colby argue abou

Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday April 23,2010

Jack says Opal is going to have a quiet dinner so they should have one.Erica says the man is comingabouta yacht shewants to use for her phot shoot but he's setting up a romantic setting!are n't you the lucky one romantic and galamorus he has a good eye for that especially at night! Jack says kisses her as Greenlee comes in and says,salad anyone I lost my appetite!.David is betting at casino!Ryan is taunting him about losing his medicine licence!He later tells Greenlee he lost $50000!News travels fast says Ryan.Greenlee meets David at the casino
Adam is upset because he didn't get to Brooke in time.Colby says as soon as she lands you can call her.Adam says there is no time to waste.Brooke remebers Adam telling hr he loved her!Brooke is on the flight and the airline pilot says he has picked Paris.Brooke says April in Paris.Annie is freaking out with the poker Don't you come at me with threats I lost my marraige becasue of you!and Jr says what are you going to do kill me?Annie puts it down as he takes it and says what am I going to do?
Greenlee and are going to have a little talk Erica he says as Erica leaves the room.Wait afew minutes!He says I want my daughter back your staying married to David let's co-exist peacefully to Greenlee.She says we could stop seeing each other Jack says not going to happen he thought he would never see hr agin when she walked into the chapel at widwind!.Even though we don't like each others choices we exist We can go to renaisisance fair something alittle tenseYou''ll buy the popcorn and the drinkssays Greenlee.Done says Jack.
Adam says what were you thinking you hate Brooke to erica!He demands Erica get the pilot back NOW!!Erica says not that easy he says do it now and then he hugs her wehn she says she will and says thank-you for your help everything!He'll never forget it!Brooke is thinking about how she told Adam she loved him the first time and she proposed and their wedding!Pilot says we will be landing son.He says we have to make a quick unscheduled stop.
Annie says the things Adam said to me .she says she loves him I savd his life!I wouldn't have done that if I didn't care about him!.Brooke is the reason.
All that stuff happened before she thought of cheating Annie says.Jr says you and Scott couldn't keep your hands off each other!He abandoned me.Annie says how could you after all I did.I wish I cou ld take it back you owe me everything!You would kick me out of the only home and my daughter was happy in?We had moments Jr really true intimate moments you look me in the eye and deny it but you are lying to yourself.Colby and Adam laugh as he says Brooke is in for the surprise of her lifeshe's on the way back!

Our yacht the Outlast I was just thinking of it says Jack smiling at Erica!As she grins back!the fact that Greenlee doesn't like me doesn't give you puase asks Erica.Jack says they've come to an agreement!I don't need anyone but your permission to share time with you!
Ryna asks where David is going?Find atable with a highr limit and a better odd!Ryna says he'll raise his limits bet all he wants!Borrow from housebeleive you know my beautiful wife!I didn't think I'd see you here I thought you hired Tad to be your manager.Ryans says Tad is busy!Greenlee says she called David 50 times he says he turned phone off to concentrate anw in money to but hospital.After hearing he lost $50000.David wants to buy controlling interest in hospital. Angie is in overhead Adam
is steppng down,Palmer couldn't have picked a better time to to take his leave form this world!Greenlee says that's a little cruel laughing.David sasy you can't argue with the fact that's the kind of business quote he's use he's probaly smiling down as we speak!Shares not cheap he has assets but not cash!
I'll be your partner in controlling interest of P.V. hospital b partners on shares
says Greenlee
Madison is talking to someone on the phone who sounds like they're threatening her!
don't worry Iknow what I have to do she says.

Annie tries to reason with Jr pleading her case! Annie says we know we were massive screw ups we were each other second chances.What we felt is powerful!Wow you really let Daddy Jr says shut -up Marissa(as in Marissa will hear) you're upset at yourself because you knowwhat we have is powerful you're trying to be strong but you're losing control so your lashing out because you still want me!!
You're hurt I understand that but you need to move on and I need to find my father says JR!you ned o get out of this house.You need to move on and I can't be concerned you'll come after me with a fireplace poker says jR!Face reality.I open up to you speak from my heart and you dismiss I won't be dismissed you won't treat me like apiece of garbage! says Annie as marissa comes in and asks what's the hell is going on in here?
Jr says Annie is upset because Adam left her for Brooke!Marissa hugs Annie and says you must be so devastated I'm so sorry!Annie says yes and on top of everything jR wants me out and emma to move out!marissa berates Jr saying that's wrong!
She's the reason your alive give her time to figure things out. annie ssy whatwill she say to emma.Marissa says you'll figure out she'll goget eh two of them from Tad's AJ and Emma !you'll find away.she'll tuck the kids in and give her some time to herself!you'r welcome to stay says Marissa!give Emma a kiss fom me says Annie!
Jr says don't play my wife you don't have alife her anyomore!that's not heway toget on his good side!your marriage is over mine will be over if you stay.Ae yo hat afraid? says Annie I love Marissa she can't keep walking in on us talking she'll figure it out.Annie says or not talking!
Marisa is the seetest woman I've ever known she's been nothing but nice to you she doesn't deserve this!don't hurt her Annie pleads JR!you can stay one night then your gone!I'm booking you ahotel tomorrow !Hes going to find his Dad.Annie saysthis is how it's going to work I'm going tostay as long as I want and if you don't let me I tell Marissa!

Daddy are you upset about what happened asks Colby.Adam says that's the past he's moving on as Colby says good!My future is with Brooke.I was thinking about Staurt yesterday and how he said you should grab hapiness where ever you can find it!
Brooke makes me happy!you make her happy and I can see that says Colby.I'll I want for you is in you to be happy healthy and live forever.Remember what David Hayward said you need toget rid of all the stress in your life sit under aplam tree and just
chill!Who would be better to chill with then Brooke says Ada!as long as you can bury your phone in the sand says Colby.Adam says he doesn't know where Brooke is headed but he's going to talk her into taking him along he could be gone for along time!colby ays shewants this for him but she'll miss him.He says where ever he is come to him his nickel as he anwsers call!Brooke has landed says Adam.colby cries go and be happy!Your Dad will always love you remember that Adam says wherever you are!Brooke comes in shocked and surprised to find Adam!

Erica says to the boat guy are you sure it will be okay quite a major photo shoot.The owner says Yes and that Erica has the most beautiful smile you should be the model.Jack says he couldn't agree more!
do we have adeal it's magical says Erica beautiful woman looking at the view handsome man mesemerized by view and her.Jack says let's go discuss agreement.Erica remembers her and Jack on the yacht!Jack comes back and she says she's ready to go.Jack says they ar not going anywhere.the ownr says you should have a toast to our partnership his wife will bring champagne.They are eating the food he got when they got engaged It brings back memories of her as the french maid when she sees the man's wife dressed as amid and speaking her native French!They laugh as the owner and his wife frown so they explain and they smile at them!They remember Corrin!Erica puts on the ladies apronn which Jack ties and he hug her ashe remembers!Erica says it's amiracle after all that's happened that here here.Jack says he thought Greenlee was dead.Ericasays he thought Kendall had turned her back on her family!We lost Palmer and Stuart hard to beleive .Really unbeleiveable Brooke and Adam are back together.You want to talk really classy lending them your chartered jet so they could get out of here!I don't know what Adm sees in Brooke pushiness hoiler than though attitude?I mean I don't really care but I beleive in true love and they do belong together.says Erica Destiny can not be stopped says Jack .If that's what is says Erica!personal opinons aside they overcame great obstacles to get back together but if there is one woman an incredible woman who you just can't get out of your mind yu'll do anyhting to take another shot.Erica says very wise man and very handsome.Jack continues shall we take another shot.Erica coyly leaves it ambiguious as they make out!

Madison says she has massive credit card debt will ryan hire her?Ryan says should she be working when she's a recovering gambler.Madison says what beter palce she isn't allowed t gamble and it will help witht he temptations!Hours are long how ill you fit it in with fuison which has long hours.Madiosn says she has nightmares about credit cards chasing her down the street!Ryans says he definitely doesn'twant that and gives her the job!

Adam says he couldn't let Brooke go he pulled string toget her back!Brooke says they've been through this you got my letter Adam says everything has changed he's not married anymoreThe one they agreed upon says Brooke you would not leave Annie for me!You made it clear that I was responsible for taking care of Annie and I was prepared to do that but I found Jr in bed with her!Brooke says oh my God your heart are you okay.I was shocked appaled betrayed by my wife my son.I've been so wrapped in my family the people who would do that are not family! You are family Brooke!Adam I'm touched says Brooke really but it's not the time too impulsoive .she doesn't want stress.Brooke gives him peace serentity and love!mo st important aspect in life is love nad he loves her!Brooke says not that simple.Zip it says Adam not simple you can run or fly but I'll still leave Annie and he'll still love Brooke!Promise now he says kissing her!Brooke says Adam is the most relentless perons she's ever met!Adam aid he wished he had a name for her but she's too nice.He asks where shewas going arm around her and she tells him the pilot picked Paris do you remember April in Paris she asks. Yuo flew to be with me even thouh I was coming back the necxt day .You are so relentless!He says he has been advised tosit nder aplam tree and destress.Brooke says she's surprised his heart didn'tgive out tonight after the shock he got!He's still perpendicular!Brooke undertand that.sheasks him what he will doa bout his family a divorce will take awhile he can speed that up he says and handle it!th woman I love next to me is the best thing for my heart Paris or palm tre Brooke says both we have all the time in the world.Adam ssy yes and then some as thye walk kissing and then just walk in the park!

Greenlee thankyou for investing and pulling David away from tables.Greenlee says we make a great team we will always come out on top.Greenlee has huge favor to ask.He says just ask even half his kingdom! Don't fire Angie and Jake!I have just two conditions keep Angie and Jake!They were good to me when I was in hospital.I guess it will be fun wielding pwoer over them rather then fun in the short term says Dvid.Let's agree to disagree says Greenlee about certain people!
we are about to become King and Queen of pine Valley.He''l cotrol hospital you'l control Fusion and I'll be envy of all because you are my beautiful wife I am a lucky man!David builds a fire says could be the last one of season Greenlee says she's chilly grabs blanket!love the fantasy two of us running P.V whole town burning up with jealousy.Davi says it's our relaity as they kiss!Greenlee deepens it.David says no and backs off.Greenlee says notalkign shewants tog oforward.He says be absolutely want me I want you you said ask andI getit.I want this.If you give yourself to me if we do this I want it all your heart soul your mind your body!says David I will give you all of myself in retturn are you sure.she says yes as they make love passionately.she strips his clothes off!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday April 22,2010

Natalia is late for her shoot as Brot calls her on modelling.Natalia yells at him that obviously it's all about him that she's modelling.Damon is getting ready for court Angie ties his tie.there are psyche evaluations.Brooke brings over tstimony but she's leaving town.Tad finds out and say where are you going any suggestions.Annie struggles clling Jr sick He kisses her nad atacks her even as Adam asks what is going on.Annie sys Jr came on to her.Annie ssys you want the truth you'll hear it from me!Annie says Jr has been coming on to her ldn't let up so sh told Jr she loved Adm he wouand Annie says she set this up to show him. He tells her to get out as he talks to JR!Jesse says Brooke where ever you go travel safe Tad stops her and says your leaving because of Adam.Tad says he doesn't care if he grows alone with a thousand cats but if adam's the one she desrves happiness.don't walk away from p.V.Tad ssy he's the best looking one joking of he poeple who love her.Tad jokes that it's always me me me with her LOL
Natalia is mad about the ambush kiss she says.she is amodel becasue shewants to be it's 5000 dolars.she says kiss uncalled for.Brot says i still ahven't heard you says don't do it again.they both say this isn't over as she goes to park.Damaon had ADHD!ngie explains to him impulsiveness can't stay still talk alot try to do all at once!
Angie says time management skills problems andthis will give you second chance and turn all negatives into positive.Judge might be more tolerant.angie offers to go with her and is happy to help him.She tells him he remind her of his brother!Angie says it's too bad her brother was diagnosed don't waste opportunity not everyone gets it!
Adam sasy he doesn't care as they yell and annie cries.Jr says he woanted to expose her for waht she is.Jr says he was trying toset her up annie showed her true colors.This is not right Adam crawling on my wife like an animal.You were having ajolly good time when iSaw you.Since when do you make decsions .Jr says since you shot your brother.Go after Brooke he wants someone to love him and appreciate him.Adam says you really really wanted to you have ring on your fingr.Adam sasy he wouldn't no how totell Marissa.Scott comes and says rough day maybe next time you'll listen.Brooke says she's going to make this count as she hugs tad godbye.He says where ever she goes lucky town.Madiosn runs into Natalia who ssy Greenlee put her in charge.Verstaility in park and she wants Natalia naked!Cheerio says clothes come off.Natalia not happy!Madioson claims no one will see Natlia says get Greenlee on phone even as Madison says she won't change her mind from this!
Brotoffers to do security!Brot hears anked fro Cheerio he asks if she's crazy.Brooke says goodbye to Brooke.She says come back for dinner sometime!angie is worried about brooke as Brooke says there's nothing she can do.angie says she has always been role model to her!Colege and medical school sexual harrasment all time she looked up to Brooke for role model.she is a brooke english cyber junkie she gets Brooke's viwes that way.She writes cheques to things she recommends you inspire me.Brooke says she'sa wonderful firend.Angie says i want to inspire you to dowaht makes you happy.Scott says your lucky AJ mariisa weren't home.your father may never forgive.Scott says deep down you thought Daddy would be grateful you saved him he would be grateful.Adam will hate you know.Brooke writes to Adam it's not easy but it's right so she's taking Erica's charter becasue she wouldn't have strength to do it she wishes adam health happiness and love as she cries wring letter!She gives to Colby for Adam.annie tries to get Adam to beleive he says he dosen'twant to tlk about Jr.she says she loves him you don't tear my son's clothes and say you love me.Adam says when did you know you fooled me.You didn't marry me for money it was scott and jR.He still doesn't get it.she did save his life.Where were you last night ?Brooke he has been acting like some love sick puppy!He calims she ahs to have someone to blame.Adam ssy it's his fault but he means it meanly!
Ae you saying you never loved me.He calims she jsut wanted her bank account and name!As Colby comes in and hesays were through!Brooke boards the plane.Scott says you think Iwante dthis to happen.Jr says scott got his way he can take control.Jr says his father will get over it.Scott says the feelings won't go away.Damon says he has ADHD.Tad begs the probation offier to help!He says no guaranties.Damon wants to know if the guy told him waht he say to judge Tad says we'll find out
Brot says he can't believe she'll do this Cheerio says come now.Brot says it's illegal public place.Cheerio says permit.Natalia wants show how private to cheerio,Damon has to have mandated thearapy!Jesse says dinner at Fsuion on me Damon says he should skip it becasue he doesn'twant to celebrate what he did.Tad says thank-you to jesse nd angie.Damon is unhappy tad is worried .Damon is feeling werid and is worried that he won't improve he'll still be a screw up.annie says what does Brooke want.Adam ssy he's leaving as colby tries to shush her he's going to brooke who loves him.annie unspirals destroying things crying!she has a poker!
Brooke is at airport thinks she see Adam but it's not just a guy with white hair!
Cherio thinks the pics are incredible that she did nude.He says she's a natural!Brot is jealous when he sees them together.angie and Jesse are in the aprk as he comforts Angie becaue she is missing brooke allready and says she's not enjoying being ana aminstrator she likes to help people .Work is to impersonal!Jess kisses her neck!
And then kisses her esneles.Tad ssy it will be lucky ans sys he is not a head case.This will help so he doesn't have to struggle.yuo're not hardwired to be a screw up.Tad ssy he is aood kid and tad cares about himDamonwants to know why it's so important!he's his friend.Tad ssy he stood in front of this jusdge when he screwed up and he remande him to the Martin's Damon ssys he is not good enough for colby.Tad ssy the whole town said hewasn't good enough for hilalry.Hesays hilalry was the finest woman he ever was.Damon says you and my mom wrecked I should give up now!Tad ssy sometimes people do things out of the gooness of theri hearts and you don't gve u on him.Annie sy adam walked out on her for brooke.Jr says who cares you slept with me my father sees you as a lying manipulative tramp.Annie says don't you dare threaten me try to throw me out I lost my marriage because of you.Colby and Adam go to airport but Brooke is gone!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Writers thank you for the Palmer Tribute

Poignant touching filled with memories for us fans!I cried I laughed and cried again!

I wish Petey could have been there to meet with his half sister and share the grief they both felt but it was sweet and I loved the tributes to such a great man thank-you!

Wednesday April 24,2010

Erica is at Fusion looking at Amanda's proofs amnda is nervous!Erica says Amnda is ahuge disappointment.
Angie is upset that David is free and it's in the paers she tells Jake.
David jokes the Greenlee owes him big time and she says she's going to give him an annulment.
Annie dreams that Jr asks her to marry him!
Jr is upset that uncle Palmer is gone!He's worried that Brooke and adm didn't come home!Adam says he feels wonderful because she told him she loves him.Brooke says she won't break another woman's heart.He says he loves her it's time to prove it!Marissa says there was a gathering for Palmer call there.she says you'e happy they spent the night together.
Marissa says there married they made vows.You're acting like you're dad interferring in his marriage,Her to back off he's well now and she get mad and leaves! he won't compromise her goodness he wants to make her proud he says!Adam would be willing to sacrifice anything to have her in his life but her wishes come first so he's letting her go!
David wants to know what happened to ruling the universe together owning this town he doesn'twant to be off the hook!e's happy the way thing are Greenlee says she doesn't feel the same way and he says that's oaky this is enough.He's like her to love him but he's happy they make a great team Ms.smythe.she says that's Hayward to you.
Ericassys the photos are wonderful but your not confident!she wants her tosay she's the next big thing.She has towalk this earth like you own it Erica says!be that someone.Amanda says she will she's a star to make Erica happy!
Erica is saying don't talk to fans on line.Rndi is in charge of fan mail talk to Val he knows what to do!He's handling mine for years.
It's Amanda's job to know how to walk the fine line between being available but not be at risk!
I had no idea says annie about Palmer!I should have eben with him they go back sofar.I'll never forget when I set foot here it felt like home I belong here.I chose tostay and you will make that happen!We can play on the side Marissa doesn't get you like me i'm ecitng .Yo keep things interesting says Jr.I make your blood boil says Annieand your welcome towathc like you did last night!says Annie
Adam wants to go back when they were married.The old Adam was to serve himself and you put your family first.He says you can stay for awhile she says no but she needs to know he'll take care of himself and tell his family if he needs help.He wants togeet her aroom at the yacht club she's says she ahs to do it herself.She says give her an hour and hse'll be gone.
Greenlee says Erica will really want to gouge out her eyes David says pull out the stops and beat her move the date up!
Dvid wants to celebrate tonight.He thinks he's going back to hopsital but Angie has taken him down but he doesn't knwit yet.she asks Jake and frankie to come as witnesses1
Erica is waiting for Cheerio she says he always loves her shoes!Jack comes in to see how Erica is.She thsnks him for being there for her and Opal and rememebers what Opla said bout Jack and hugs him as he asks her to lunch!the catch of the day at yacht club!
Erica says she would love to have dinner at 7pmJack says he won't be afool and ask where this is coming from!Greenlee comes in and interrupts the moment!Greenlee says he's aways glad tosee her Greenlee says he doesn't always agree with her choices.Erica says did you sleep well after attacking poor Kendall.Erica wantos t move up the deadline to amonth.Greenlee says your on.
Angie is ther einstead of the board member as she gives David aletter and ssy I know it's not your birthday she says her impact had a big impact!
State board has revoked permanently! cheers!
Adam sees Stuart and says he loves Brooke.staurt says she's wonderful!Stausrt says decide who's in your heart.Adam says it's killing him!Brooke tells Jr she left Adam in the park and she's leaving JR says you love each other dad shouldn't have said those vows he tries to stop Brooke.She's going!She says she's leaving P.V.!
Jr comes on to annie and gets her to meet him upstairs!
Brooke is the one you want and you love she's with you.He's her becasue you love me you didn't mean to shoot me.when you lvoe someone they stay wih you forever I'll always be in there!
Just like Brooke.
Brooke asks Jr totell Adam she's left on plane tonight wait till then totell him.JR bes her tostay and shesays he has his own issues with Annie be well and take care of your father.
Erica said you dind't honestly think I'd let you do it before me!Erica says they launch together victor will take FusionGreenlee has stoled Cheero for Fsuion antural.Greenlee says Fusion will be hers.Erica ssy she will be right there.Greenlee says after Erica leaves I have to win this is all I have left!
Annie is happy Brooke is leaving .she asks why Brooke is leaving town .She loves Adam Jr says Adam loves her.Yuowant me to throw away everything and what aout us says Annie s he offers her money.You want me she says!he say he dosen't he set her up!Jakewants to know where her wedding ring is and she says she took it off for shoot!Jake says David is done Angie nailed him!Jakea ssks if she heard from Amnda fan she lies and says no.david shows Greenlee he lost medical licence.Brooke meets erica in the park and asks favor for tempo.erica ssys you love Adam!Brooke wants Erica to help adam find a new editor.Erica says she can't help him find a new you!Brooke says he's married to Annie!Erica says so!Erica says Adam is her friend Brooke cries that he isn't as strong as he used to be on Erica's shoulder!
Greenlee wants to know how he can licence back.He wants to buy Pine valley hospital.Amnda's rings are missing
Brooke says sorry for crying Erica says your leaving the man you loved .Erica promises to reach out as friend and offers to do something esle.Brooke says maybe you could get acamera and put this on youtube Brooke and erica had a moment.Erica offers Brooke her paln.Brooke say thanks and tells Erica she needs Jackson.Erica ssys shut-up and take the flight.annie says what happened in Dc was real.Jr says he videoed I he has it on tape!He didn't show it becasue Marissa saw it.Annie says you're sick and attacks him they give into passionate kiss as Adam walks in!Saying what in God's name!Poor Annie JR has suceeeded in ruining her life I hope she take she takes him down!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday April 20,2010

Erica is devastated the Palmer is dead Jake consoles her says he's coming with her to Opal's!She doesn't want to accept it.Adam says Pete Cooney can't be dead to Brooke!Jake found him.Ross how can I tell him asks Adam he needs to know how can I tell him I'm sorry for his loss.I never said I wanted him dead well maybe I did but I didn't really mean it!Jake asys he took ove form his dad in Palmer's care to Angie .She seemed suprised Jake said he needed a doctor convinced him and dad !Daisy comes in and says Palmer is hee what happened Jake sys I'm sorry and Daisy understands and says not PC.Tad comes in and Opal is sitting in the dark he says he's all for being green but mom what's the matter?Palmer she says he died he's gone.Ma I'm so sorry he says he was here in P.V. he said he was tired maybe some other day to see Opal!She was waitng for the gold plated invitaiton that never came now she never will!Brooke says this won't happen to Adam he has years ahead of him if he takes care,Adam says Pete Cooney's dead and I make it about me!Brooke says Palmer would have done the same thing!You were alike self made anything for family .I raised his son and that mand didn't deserve the truth says Adam.Palmer drove you to succeed!says Brooke Palmer stoled my company says Adam but I have everything I ever wanted he says remembering Brooke saying she'd marry him!Brooke has come back to me he remebers he says he needd you then he needs you know your always herewhen I need you most.How do I honor a man I hated my whole life.Brooke says she knows how!Erica says he treated her and her girls like family.She loves him!Jack says he knew they were too much alike to be anything but friends!
Opla ssys she should have blown down the door he was afraid to tell her his love.He couldn't open that door you had to figure out that he loved you and hold on to him for dear life in that ride.
she wishes she could tell him one alst time she loved him !Tad says he knew you loved him and he loved you and puts in the video from Haley's visit where he says he loves Opal!she can deny it all she wants I know she loves me says Palmer on the video!
Daisy wants to honor Palmer with a candle at midnight!Angie and Jake says that's lovely!Jake says he'll call Joe and Ruth to do that too!Opal looks at aphoto of Plamer as Krystal says everyone idscalling about Palmer.Everyone in town is talking.Tad says the bulletin just called and the New York Times!It's been non stop!
P.c made one heack of an impact .Everyone is talking about the candlelight service at midnight.Erica comes in crying says nobody else like him!Bianca sends her love she's tried to reach Kendall.Opal claims Petey is on his way!she's glad Erica is there Erica says she'll be there as long as Opal neds ,Tad says the phone is ringing evey ten minutes people asking about arrangements nad he doesn't know whht to tell them!Jack says no service .No fuss no formal service.Daisy and Nina are coming as are Angie and Jake!
Tad say they better order up a boat load of chicken.Good mention of the cluck cluck which saved Palmer's businesses!
Tad goes into the kitchen to cook some!Waht beter way to celebrate Palmer.He sends Krystal to the store and takes Jack into the kitchen cluck and says cluck and says howdy as Krystal ssy to roll up sleeves.Erica hold picture of Palme rtears up and sets it down.Daisy is crying in park as nina says Mother I can't believe father is gone!Iknow your fahter was always adominable survivor says daisy .Are you okay how are you holding up.Nina says she needs a few minutes before the crowd!
She kept thinking of the wonderful times they had she talked to him every week she talked to him last wek abotu patented video conferencing for Cortlandt electronics!and his grnadsons!And me and even Cliff!He seemd happy except for chasing con man who stoled money!Daisy says she saw Palmer every September!
Mmeory where she said to him same time next year every september!Daisy says hea sked her to meet him.Nina says you'll never know what he wanted to tell you Daisy says she knows!Jakewas saying Tad should be wearing the chicken suit.Opal says Plamer was allergic to those feathers!as they eat chicken.Daisy and nina com in and are hugged by tad he's says there beautiful!He says Daisy is his favorite ex wife of Plamers'Opal hugs Nina and says he's a sight for sore eyes!Palmer pulled a number on this time says Daisy Opal says he sure did!Tad says come in we've got fried chicken!
chicken says dasiy puzzled and Opal ssys what else as they all laugh.Jake says it seems Plamer's polo accident was as damaging as we though you know what I'm saying ping!in reference to Petey's arrival!
Jake then realizes Daisy and Nina are there and says sorry hope he didn't offend Daisy says Pete loved a good laugh!the valley in guy arrives with an envelope he says it was in Palmer's room Tad gives a tip thanks and he leaves.H says it's for Opal.Haley sent outtakes for documentary!Nina and everyone says they want tosee them.Plamer talks about he loved his dobermans really well trianed.Nina says she thought sometimes he loved them more than her!Opal says he almost set them on her those hands from hell!Daisy says he did sick them on her!Great use of history!!!!
Plamer says in the video he didn't give anything for nothing it was all for him!
except his der loved ones Daisy!he finds it hard to talk about her.He loved all the ladies in his life he loved them all.To palmer says Tad as they taost one and all!
Erica says hope your not to upset just because he mentioned daisy and not you!Opla ssys how can I resent the woman who turned me into the woman he couldn't resist.Flashback to Opal dressd like a princess that Daisy dressed her in!
Daisy wants to tell her why she's there PC called wanted her to meet her Opal says that's wrong you meet in Saptember this is April!Daisy says you knew we never meant to hurt you.Opal says it hurt at first but she accepted that he loved Daisy!she loves her too she says she has a piece of her heart!Palmer and her would never have been married if not for her.Every year she knew the leaves would fall school would start and Plamer and Daisy would be together.Daisy says just when she thought Opal couldn't be more amazing she was!And hugs her!she says she really wanted to tell her why she was there Palmer said he had something important to tell her and it was about Opal!
Palmer wanted to end their arangement he wanted to end them!he's talked about Opal for a whole yesr she didn'twant to hear it for things to end.She says she knew!Daisy founda platinum pin of a chicken that Opal says he never wore she gave it to him when the chicken shack went platinum!He's been carrying it around for last year it was with him at the hotel when he died!he came back for Opla to b with her and tell her how he felt.Opal bemoans the time they wasted as she says I guess he really did love me!
Adma and Broke arrive as Krystal says she doesn't know if this is a surprise or not
Brooke and Nina says they missed one another
Adam says he doesn't want to intrude but thye shared this flask once proving that hey wern't just about grinidn each other intot he ground!Flashback to Dixie's funeral where he said hand it over to adma who hands over the flask and Palmer says just when he thought there be no sunshine in this day!they share a swig!back to now Adam hands over the flask he just wanted to drop it off.Nina says stay and so does Daisy and Opal.Opal says you're memories are unique and Adam says he has the scars to prove it! LOL! Erica ssy we are remeber ing the good bad and ugly.Tad says as he understnds it erica and Brooke are the female counterparts!Brooke says well I hope weare the good the bad and the beautiful as Erica smiles!she sys there is chicken sald chicken and more food in kitchen.Adam thanks Brooke for convincing him tostay.Brooke says this is where he needed to be.Tad sys Plamer used to treat Nina like she was a princess in a tower!it was missing a moat!Nina says he sometimes went to far as they falsh too her yelling at him when he tied tosee Cliff prosecuted for a murder he didn't commit!she says he's cruel and he did testify out of spite nad hse hatedhim.Angie says he was cantakerous but treated her with kindness.adm remebered being shot and Palmer saying drink because he was going in with a knife to get eh bullet out!Krystal remembers her wedding recption with Adam where Palmer kissed her and says he was a good kisser!Ericasays yes he was aladies man as she reaclls him with her in her modelling carreer.He was alwys there for me and my duaghters he loved Opal she ssy.Opal ssys her wedding day was the best day of her life!Opla kisses adma on her weding day.she says Petey will miss his daddy so much.Erica nswers pjone from Kendall who says hse ahs to stay there.She doesn't want pressure Erica tells her palmer is dead and she's says no!!!!she'll be on next plane he treaed her like family he is family he gave her building for Fuison for one dollar only said she must work with Greenlee!Palmer would want you to stay there says Erica!she'll light acandle at midnight P.V time!Adam ssys he cursed his name for decades but he's grateful to Pete Cooney for reminding him how quickly time passes.He tells Brooke he loves her he must saywhat must be said !he need to do this!
he said it he loves her maybe you don't love me but he's said it.She says she loves him too as thye hug nad kiss.Jack offers to get Erica tea.Opal says this evening has been a gift she has Palmer arms around her with this .If he was here he would want you Erica to get on with finding the love of your life start like looking in kitchen says Opal! Brooke with the candle says when she first met Palmer he was intimidating the great Palmer Courtlandtthose eybrows that bluster but that Palmer said what he thought consequences be damned!And I learned a lot from you.Erica ssy you were ethe best dancing partner the best business partnerthe best friend!Nina says you gave me everything and expected everything in return!Adm ssy i've damned you to hll for quite a few years but I wouldn't be the man I am if it wasn't for you!Krystals says you were the most charming and deboanir man I've ever met!And a great kisser Tad say you and I were more about butting heads warm fuzzies but Dixie loved you like father .Opal says you are the love of my life Palmer a great big woolly bronco kind of love.You drove me stark raving man you old coot!Daisy says P.C. what I wouldn't give to see you one more time!Jack says you were irascible, witty and absolutely brilliant and always surprising.Kendall ssysyou wer ehtonly one who knew how to handle Kane women!equal parts love nad steel.Angie sys we didn't always get alongbut you treated her wih kindness and Jesse too.And Krystal ssy you made me feel like you liked me and be liked by you is the most specail feeling in the world!Brooke saysand today becasue of you I had the courage to say something that I've wanted to say for a long time.Adam ssy from Pigeon Hollow to Pine Valley becasue of you my happiest days are stil ahead of me.Jake says my Dad said that ther only could be and only will be one Palmer Courtlandt!he was right!Nina says I love you father.To honor you and remember you and how much I love you says Daisy!Angie sys you will be missed Palmer!Kiss my Aunt Phoebe for me casue I know she's loking for you says Brooke and Erica says you ,Myrtle ,my mother heavens in for quite a time!Opal says your safe now you know you're loved.I'll carry you in my hear tfor ever as se kisses Palmer's picture!and glorious picture of him end the show as Dixie in haven open a door and says Uncle Palmer welcome home!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday April 19,2010

Brooke is telling Adam there is no hope he's married when Annie says thank god I found you!Jr says Marissa saved hima s he burns the tape .He claims he shouldn't have taped Annoea nd gone after her.Marissa asks what upset Annie then David is found not guilty.Jesse is waiting at the airport for Kendall.Ryan says Kendall is nto coming back.Greenlee is remebering what Ryan said that he could love someone who could do something that low to Kendall.Jakc comes in as Greenlee says she's going to court to hear the verdict.Jack says he wants his daughter back.Jess wants to know whre Kendall is Ryan says he doesn't know.Jesse says he's glad that she doesn't desrve this he can't explore any of this with out a suspect!Zach talked her into staying She'll call Erica at the next port.Erica ssys he misses them all especially the boys and Kendall!Liza is gloating and ssy she's going to talk to press.She tells Greenlee sheould hear the good news Greenlee saved him.David hug Liza says she'll make agood dad he wowes her if she's evr in trouble come to him!Jack says Greenlee perjuried herself She says he covered up you lied yel and scrma go ahead.Jack says they searched all night in the cold as he imained her all alone in pain and he couldn't reach her.she's till the same and he wants to help her nad it makes him felle like he's losing her all over and Erica and Ryan want to protect her go ahead she took ayear of my life!David calls or a ride home.Jr says Annie over reacted to him trying to get Annie out.Marisa says he has to apologize but what amde him do the 360 .You talk about being a big family and you do this.Colby takes the blame saysing it was all her idea to record .you don't have to cover for me focus with your life on your family.Brooke leaves the park as Annie asks if he's okay.Annie says Jr did something horrible to her!
So you were just protecting Colby?asks Marissa.colby is told by Jr that annie is on to her anne found the camera.Colby says she'll let it go but she'll never like that bitch!Marissa says she loves him for protecting Colby but he should have told her what was going on!Marissa goes to class.Waht did Annie find out?Annie wnats me ssys Jr I didn't get on tape.She confessed everything!Annie says he said cruel things and after all he said she thought he was trying he was playing her flattering but he wanted tos lam her.she says she will spend 100%of her time with him making him happy.Adam ssys we should go home.Ryan has pictures of Spike cataching fish and helping him drive boat.Spike was having too mcuh fun so he left him he'll visit more.Erica wants to know if he told Kendall.Erica says Kendall ahs been through hell and now this!erica says you see how dangerous Greenle is.Greenlee killed his feelings he says!They hear David has gottenof aquitted of all charges!
Greenlee says congrats Kendall tried to kill me she's the guilty one Majorca is lovely this time of year.It's over we go forward says Greenlee.Steak dinner drive through town have a parade?asks Greenlee David says he wants to go home with his wife!
Jr says Adam kissed brooke Colby is hoping thsi means that Brooke will get with Brooke and kick annie to the curb!e says if Annie opens her mouth it all goes to hell.colby knows he slept with Annie she guesses.How will you keep her mouth shut asks Colby?Adam comes in and sasys Annie told him everything exlain yourself!Madison runs into ryan running!Ryna doesn't want to talk about David.Madiosn says shewants to return he favor of cheering him up!he says fountain in back runnigneven though he;'s not wearing running shoes.Erica ssk where Greenlee is.Kendall was going to come home thank god Zach convinced her not to.The damage is done your daughter is out of control.Jack says hewants to do something He doesn't know who Greenlee is anymore!
David saysshe could have been arrested .No one has ever stood up for him the way she did she says she feels the same way!
David says he's going to give Greenlee wahtever she desires the world wrapped in abow.Greenlee says Erica kane in acage!Ryan is over says greenle and she;'s fianlly free like you.Erica apologises to Jakc saying she's sorry!Jack says the authorities won't go after Kendall with just allegations!Erica is worried about Jack he says spend the evening withhim.
Annie says Jr was beyond horrible.Colby insists she really needs to talk to Adm and they should work this out!Colby says she's worried about Brooke she's not resting she should be taking care of herself do you know whre she is.Are you okay Dad she says as Adm leaves and goes after Brooke.Jr claims he says that becasue Marissa was ther he says he was protecting them.She says you called me delusionl and insulted me.Jr claims there is a connection hewants to protect her future so she honors her vows and the terms of the Merit trust she'll be set for life!!
You still think al I care about was money.We love our partners says Jr we can't give in to we have too much to lose.Jr says he's dad won't be aorund forever you could lose all.Jr says he acn show her he cares even if he can't act by protecting her .It was wrong it can't happen again!She asks Colby were adm is she says she doesn't knowColby asks Anniewhat hpapened he says he reminded Annie one wrong word she would lose all.Liza sins the romantic angle David did all for love!Jesse coems in to grab a bite says Liza mkaes him not hungry .You got David off!Yuo're not interested in justice only sound bites .Every low life will be knocking on your door!Bcolby's court where crime pays !you have no soul you're like him says Jesse!
Ericca says offe still good tos pend the evening together let's comtinue our date both odf us need the distraction.she's asking so she chooses all!Jack says Yes and she says they can do wahtever he wants what do you want to do?aAs he kisses her apssioantely.Madiosn says it's like chasing a rabbit!Ryna wants to know if she let him win and she's says it's good thing she didn't bet.she's asys kidding.Madiosn is saying she has to work at her husband her dad disppoinmnet .Ryna ssys you may never get over it but you move on.David wants an update on Greenlee's trip.He says Ryan msut have hurt you calling you a liar in court if you want to move forward you have to deal with how you feel about Ryan!
Emma shows up and Madiosn says she has to go!Ryan offers tot ake Emma to get Chicken nuggets and a milksshake.The two of them says they love each other forver and ever.reenle says Ryans ays he hates her she's disgusts him there over.Greenlee says she knew this would happen there's no going back it's the way it's suppose to be as she hugs David.Annie is in her bra undressing and Jr is spying the perv!
Brooke tells Adam Plsmer has dies.Erica asks waht Jack wants to do!Here it is Opal is calling about Palmer she can't understand and says she will go to her.She's deavstated its' Palmer he's gone!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Writers-The storyline with Greenlee

in one fell swoop of your pen (or should I say your cursor?)You've made me detest and abhor Greenlee again.I don't know if I can ever like her again! She rants she raves and she sounds like a spoiled two year old and we are suppose to like this character?

Kendall literally begs for forgiveness on bended knee for what was truly an unfortunate accident.Yes Kendall was at fault but it was dangerous driving not attempted murder!Greenlee's contemptible she lies on the stand and then gloats to Erica about it!And why did you the writers do this? Simply because you couldn't explain why Kendall would stay away (the person who plays her is on maternity leave )Nonsense Kendall wanting to fix her marriage and choosing Zach would have worked and made it all the sadder if you don't get Thorsten back!And because you can think of anything better than Kendall and Greenlee hashing it out!Possibly the other reason was to make Ryan look better! !What we the viewers would have like to see is for once Ryan to get the blame!He waltzs around creating havoc and walks away without a scratch!That is one of the key reasons why people hate his character show us that he's a real person with real feelings that we can truly care about! It's time for Ryan to see what it's like to fall and to have to claw his way back up

Friday April 16,2010

ryan says he's back and Kendall's coming home.Kendall wants Zach to come to!she says he's making her choose and she has to help Greenlee!Ryna says Greenlee should have got back before him and he can't find her.Liza says hope everything oes thebest to David! Adam kisses Brooke passioante as Jr gets kissed by Annie.Brooke says we can't do this as Annie hears.Adam wants to finish conversation!Annie says she's concerned about shareholders meeting shewants info.She asks Brooke to get water as she fawns over Adam and asks why he's shaky.Ryan says Kendall can try agin Erica asks why Kendall should have to pu up with the abuse.Kendall says she can't blow Greenlee off wasn't there when she needed her.Zach says you'll be sorry.Pine valley or him.Pine Valley is poison if they don't move away they'll break up.Kendall says she can't maybe never!David is worried becasue Liza didn't bribe!Wilson cupley is on the stand he's the coraner !He says Greenlee wasn't dead autopsy report were fabricated by David!he was paid 100000 in cash!We fished someone esle he fixed DNa tests!River had taken toil.Her ring was id!He points out David when asked who bribed him!
he said he needed the money for his sick wife.David said ms.Smythe was in coma know one could know!Full immunity break the law for money for cash!Large sum for testimony?
Liza asks for postponement but they say no!Liza wants to put David on stand then!Greenlee arrived.Now the firworks.
Annie says better as she gives hm water.He wants to stay in the loop he wants Jr and annie to work on shareholders lawsiut and talk to him.Brooke says she has to get to office!Annieand Jr fawn over him he says it can wait!He says it's warm hey he'll lie down.
Greenlee insists she testify Kendall slater should be charged with attempted murder!she testifies!
Zach says don't go to Pine Valley!Kendall says she won't turn into that person hasn't she proved that these past months he says NO!Zach begs her to set boundaries with Greenlee!Protect herself an them.ZAch bes her totell him she'll come back.Annie says she can't stop thinking about him and he feels it too!Tell me Jr is there awy this can happen.Everyone is yelling about greenle's statement!she says it was difficult to come hre.She calims she was conscious and feeling all that time.she claims Kendall did it and knew.Ryna ssys he won't let her lie and do this to Kendall!after her acidnet devastated David saved her while everyone movedon.she asksed him to do all all her idea .Throw her in jail.Make Kendall come pay!Erica says how can yo let her get awy with this?Greenlee has committed perjury!Jesse took Erica out.Erica wants totestify Jesse saysit won't fly Liza will rip her apart.Erica wants to know why Ryan is quiet did he come up with a new way to defend that little bitch?
Ryan stalks off says he can't be there!
Adam blames himself for her accidnet in the park tells Brooke Annie is a good wife but she chased Brooke off!
Annie is worried but she says we don't have to feel guilty when her husband is in love with Brooke and spending all hs time with her!Jr says he loves his wife and father!He says he must have been out of his mind to jump in bed with awhack job like you!annie slps him the camera has been runnign all along.Marissa ssys what happened.Liza says'David is a healer helps people his wife came her to all the risks he took to protect her her pretend deathwas the only way out.He did all that to rescue a woman by the people who claimed to love hr he most .Is he a devoted riend he's nto guilty at alL" David is wooreied about greenlee!court officer breaks them up.Erica asks "that vicous lie can't be so demented you believe it?Greenlee sys she's your daughter she did it!Erica ssy she won't get away with it.reenle says she'll make her payif she comes back.Grenlee says the lie come from all of you that is exploding in your fac.Ryan defended you there msut be something that makes you good!She saw that in the past but it gone!It's in the tire rubings and the fireplace were you and Ryan made love!she tells Kendall tostay at the airport and wait for her!
JR had Annie on tape saying they made love he says he'll cut that out!Marissa says you can talk to me or Jr if your troubled .annie goes to geet Emma
Marisa sees Jr watching brooke and Adam and says what the hell is that.Brooke says you don't liten you cn't fele this were riends you're married you have awife.He claims he's not trying to break them love born of gratitude she saved his life.Brooke says this makes sense he feels she saved him.Liza knows Greenlee lied she asks if he wants her to talk to judge he says no she'l be shrged!Greenle won't talk to ryan he says he's not going awy.Her testimony was all lies.Ryan says what bothered him most wasn't all her lies but was that he thought they had a chance!
Marissa asks if Annie saw that kiss?what about your father what he did was wrong.Marissa says she saved your life he claims hewants to catch annie and Scott.The recording won't do anything but cause pain says Marissa as Jr throws it on the fire!Brooke says hewas there for her when Jr was sick your confusing the two !I'm not yours to lose there aren't any options there is no point.You jsut accused the best friend you ever had of murder.You showed everyone how much you were hurt.I hoped toget by all the anger and pain and I would get to the part that could forgive but he doesn't know ho she is he can't fight for someone who would do something that low to Kendall!David is found not guilty!Jesse is there to questionKendall when she steps off plane but it seems like she's on boat!ZAch came with her afterall !After they do what they do there going home promise me asks Kendall!Zach just looks resigned!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday April 15,2010

Amanda is there for the Fusion glam campaign she says Erica wants her up to date!preview and all.Randi hands her an email.She got poetry from her biggest fan.Jake is so amused.Jesse says he doesn't know how Damon won't do time.Jesse says prepare for the worst!Angie says he could have ADDD but if he doesn't go to shrink forget saying so in court or not doing jail time.Angie says that's not a shame couselling and education makes your life easier .Damon doesn't want anyone to mess with his mind.Angie says let us help you!Damon says she's controlling his life just because you clean up your own son's messes!Brooke says Adam doesn't need her he flirts and says he does.He wants to announce all at breakfast he beg Brooke to stay!Jr is setting up yet another camera he never learns as Annie says good morning then what are you doing!
Amnda says this guy posts five times as much as anyone else.Jake says he should start a fan club he's the president and charge money.Amnda says she forgot her purse Jake agrees to get it knowing his shift is tonight.Randi says don't let Jake get away!Amnda fan emails again.Jr claims he can't find AJ permission form for school.Annie wants to talk about him wanting her he says tonight.Jr says he couldn't sleep as Marissa comes in .Adam says good morning Annie says we need to talk to important to wait!
Jesse says no proof just opinion!Get letters for judge it might help!Jesse says trip up Damon before he falls.Damon says Angie covered and Frankie got a big hug he doesn't need his mommy covering his bum!Angie says he had war injuries and ditched pain killers totally differnt and it is not favoritism!you thnk about people have given you another chance while you lie there belly ache says Angie!
Brooke and Tad are together .Tad needs to talk in park!He wants favor for Damon!
Tad says he's struggling with alot of issues if he goes to jail he's fate is sealed will you put in good word and ask for a second chance!Brooke is not happy about texting a driving.Brooke has conditions article talking about texting while driving that he agrees to do public announcement texting behind wheel is as dangerous as drrunk driving to help other teens!Tad says great idea!Brooke says your pushing hard why?Tad's nice guy hillary's son!Tad ssys he's doing it because he's his son .Brooke looks shocked !Marissa says she's glad he's better they should head back upstairs after breakfast.Annie says understands exes as with Brooke can be just friends says she has been catty and jealous !She wants to be supportive for Adam!She does think people shouldn't hold back when they hold back she asks how they stand he says nothing held back as Scott and Colby interupt saying famous family breakfast!
Amnda reads refreshing innocence from Amanda fan!Randi says lots of fan Ethan Cheero loves her he claims he discovered her.Randi says you have magic touch!On launch pad.Amanda thinks she knows who sending the emails!
Angie says the refusal to get checked for ADDD makes her frustrated.Jesse says your seeing Ted.He didn't see that until his dad Hillary's husband treated Damon!She feels guilty because her dad treated Ted bad!Jesse has a different idea not a medical approach.Brooke asks if he's sure Damon is his son he says he has the blood test to prove it laughing!and he doesn't know Tad says he can't tell him because Hillary is off in Europe.Brooke says he's bending backwards to help him.Tad says he treated Hills bad and poor Damon has paid .He remembers how it felt to find out how he had a new Dad .Damon looks like a mess but it's his mess.Tad says he has fatherly feelings for the kid.Brooke says it's funny you go along and out of the clear blue she has had same feelings about Adam!Tad says wait!you and adam.she says just friends he's married that's enough.Brooke says it's surprising!so complicated!Annie could be hurt she doesn't want to hurt her!Straining their realtionship because Adam is sick and needs Brooke!Tad asks you are?
Adam says lion in winter whisper of mortality he's human!colby and Jr says he eats mortals for breakfast.Adam say he's stopping running company becasue hewants to live in good health!Jr ,Scott the company is yours you are in control.Adam wants to spend time with family not company and live.Jr imagines Annie saying she wants him I beg you while tpaing ho could you do this.Your all I care about I have this on tape shot by shot of your betrayal he imagines.
Jr says they need to come together as a family.Annie imagines being married to Jr!OH DEAR!!
Jr promises Chandler back on top to Adam!Brooke tells Tad that it's troubling her he says he won't tell.Brooke says something is going on in that house that scares her but she's not sure what!annie sasy anything that makes himhealthy makes her happy she wants to be all he needs .Scott and Jr are told parting advice.Marissa says you don't have to try to be special you all ready are !Thanks for saving Jr I hope we can get to know each other like close friends and sisters and hugs her!Amanda thinks Jake is behind The emails she says she's sending love gram thinking it's Jake from his phone.Oh dear weirdo alert.
Jesse talk to Damon aboutt he future.out of respect for Angie and Tad he wants to impart advice on how to survive in prison .Don't look at fellow inmates telling it like it is.Beef up protect yourself prison fight is brutal.Fights are not like on tv much worse!Young boys are their property find biggest guy steal food for him ciggies whatever it takes for protection.Injuries disease have I left any out?'
Brooke says you survived breakfast announcement surrounded by family.Adam says it's ot that simple what will he do with himself!
Brooke says she's not buying that he can't figure out what to do!Annie wants to know where they stand he hates the idea of losing him but she wants to know how JR feels.Jake is so sweet did you get my reply Mr..Amanda fan Amanda ssys!Jake says he is not the gut is cheesy!She says you didn't have to!She says it's cute.Amanda says what?
Randi says Oh dear Amanda responded to him Jake says are you kidding me you sent that to a complete stranger as Amanda is mortified!It worked Jesse says the kid is begging to see every shrink in the hospital!LOL
Annie says she has to talk about it Jr says in the parlour Annie says why what does it matter where they talk?You feel something for me I'm sure of it.She says this is me talking freely.It was real it was unstoppable it was this she says as she kisses him passionately!Brooke says you won't curl up and die do waht ever you want focus and figure out what this is .Adam says he loves Annie but he can't get through how he feels about her as he kisses Brooke passionately in fron of JR's camera in the parlour!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wednesday April14,2010

JR is regreting his romp.Marissa want him to come to bed she says he needs sleep she doesn't want to lose him ,she can't go through that again.Jake and Amanda are out at Confusion! She says she has to go home to get her beauty sleep she doesn't want to go to set with baby food in hair!Brot is having a beer!s Rabbit food and H2o is all Jake says they'll eat now to Brot!Are you a fool Jake says to Brot.Zach says he forgAve Kendall Greenlee asks if he still loves her the same he says he might never again.Greenlee says you dont feel the same then its' not good for your kids you're a fool if you think it will ever be the same! Ryan says he tried everything but Greenlee wouldn't listen so he gave her space but tha didn't work so he kidnapped her.Kendall laughs! Didn't you learn your lesson from me in the tower? Greenlee says if you respected her choices you'd back off.Kendall says ignore that !She says maybe Zach can!Greenlee wants to know how he can look at her when she did that.Zach says Kendall felt betrayed about Reese.Greenlee says he's crazy to trust!
Amanda talks to Natalia and says she'll be fine!Amanda says she need someone to take edge off how about Brot.She says conflict of interest because of working together.
Amanda says he's crazy he's interested!Jake says Brot is worried that Natalia won't have time for him.Jr kisses Marisaa and makes her knees go weak.He says heloves her and should show her everyday!Jr says he feels so stupid about his Dad.Jr stays down stairs Marissa says don't stay too long.Scott asks how DC were!Jr says he has more important things on his mind Scott says he's glad it stopped him from crossing line.Jr says he'll never forget ever when Scott mentions family!
Scott says why can't you forget will this tear family apart?
Kendall says Greenlee is going to push us away Zach forgave Kendall says no one has walked out were stil together she will too!Kendall says she knew it would take time but she still feels lonely but she's afraid to say anything becasue she's afraid!Ryan says okay!She says Spike misses Ryan.Spike has become a chatterbox and is speaking Spanish he loves the word pesca "fish".Kendall doesn't want tostay away she wants to make it right with Greenlee!There is no substance behind Ryan's words.Zach says he loves her as Greenlee pushes him to leave Kendall.She says I'm not making the same mistake life is to short.Zach can see how hurt she is!Kendall can't beleive that Greenlee thinks she did this on purpose.Ryan says Zach is not the one to convince her since he doen't forgive them!
Jake tells Brot to make his play.Brot is self conscious about his scars.Jake says he's still the same person!Brot doesn't let Natlaia forget he got throught the academy fastercomplains Natlaia to Amnda who says that's men they act like little boys to get your attention
Scott says Anie got throught to her Jr says you fell for her I didn't Jr says he finishes what he starts.Scott says if you let Annie in your bed you want get her out that's what you told me give it up up before you lose yor wife and child!
If I'm back with Ryan you have him out of Kendall's life!Zach says he's working on his family.She says now Kendall will come home and all bets are off.Ryan getting another chance saves Kendall!She was driving a car she was upset.She wanted Ryan claims Greenlee!"You shouldn't have been on the road instead of staying with Ryan you trapesed off now you feel betrayed you made a choice that choice cahnged everything!says Zach "We all deserve a second chance don't mess wih my family move on!"Ryan comes in Greenlee asks if he was her for the woman who tried to kill her .Grenlee says she tried to kill her.Zach says it's over it's done!
Jr says waht happened will never happena gain!Annie says people will pick up if they don't clear air,they both feel guilty we weren't thinking.she can't and Jr can't get it out of their heads .She felt something they had a connection we pretend that it didn't happen.Annie says what if we don't what if I change my mind.Brot says he blew it before when he didn'task her before he gets mixed signals.Jake says that's how woman mess with him.Jake talking about parrot and costume.He says it gets serious if it's the right woman you'll know.Amanda says he can be really nice talk about Cheero!He said she was the next big thing said his note says Amanda.Don't think that note was from him!you raised bar!
Greenlee says time won't change anything.Zach says he's geting air.Boys come in.Ryan says Spike's bigger! Kendall says all that fish as Zach looks on annoyed and looks straight at Greenlee who seems to gloat that she's right!
Natalia says she's not ready for realtionship and not with someone she works with!
Amanda goes home to sleep.Natalia is worried !Amanda fan is writing poems.
Brot says she's right and invites Natalia for adrink!Brot asks what she's afraid of.
Natlaia thinks BRot thinks she's making a fool of herself modlelling.He says she's great at all she does.He kisses her good luck.She asks why the kiss shocked!
Annie says she hasn't had alot of friends she hated being town pariah.When Adam collapsed she was terrified becasue she needs him to lean on.She's says Jr is lucky a family a wife!Spike says he caught a fish!They go to see it .Kendall says why don't you wait for Daddy Zach !Greenlee says "as subtle as always".Greeenlee says "you can't force them to forgive her !"You'll be in p.V."!spike should be with his dad ryan and I talked about it says Kendall! So glad you and Ryan figured thing out says Greenlee!storming out!
Annie says that something that good is hard to forget.Jr says he loves his wife god help him he wants Annie! Annie does too!Ryan wants to know what Kendall said !Zach doesn't know where she went.Zach says go home Ryan.Ryan says he hasn't seen his son in months .Kendall says take your son and stay overnight at hotel.Kendal wants to go back to pv but Zach won't come!Greenlee goes to airport hearing ZAch words about her own blame she says she doesn't know where she's going to person who asks at counter!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tuesday April13,2010

Annie and J.r. rush to Adam and complain phones were off!Jr feels guilty about sleeping with Annie as Adam says they were doing something more important.David says that he adusted Adam's meds but he needs less stress or he'll die to Liza!she doesn't belive Adam will do that!she thinks that it's good that the jury saw him save alife.Da tried to get mistrail and failed.Tamperin with corpse charges tomorrow where's Greenlee!Erica says Greenlee got to Kendall first.Erica can't find Zach.Erica sys she shouldn't have left them alone!Greenlee insists Kendall deliberstely ran her down that she's lying as Kendall protests that she didn't Greenlee brings up sleeping with Ryan as the motive.SHES CRAZY!!!
She's says Kendall got what she finally wanted she always stabbed Kendall in the back the final cut!SHES CRAZY!!!GREENLEE'S LOCO!
Erica says Kendall has no idea Greenlee is going at her but Ryan doesn't believe it!Erica says she'll jump to the wrong conclusion and she's out for revenge.Ryan claims it's between the two of thm Ryan claims he's there for Spike!He won't get involved.Erica says he 's involved sweep her aaway from Kendall.Erica wants to go stupid Ryan stops her and keeps her there!Greenlee dares to bring u her first wedding to Ryan where she took him from Kendall!Ryan had proposed to Kendall
then Greenlee whines and Ryan to spite Kendall marries Greenlee!Then she brings up the fertilization of Spike.whom she abandonned and then comes back and steals?NERVY B!
She says Kendall always wanted Ryan even when she was putting them back together!Kendall finally got sick of it and said where do you get off rewriting history to make you my victim? GOOD for KENDALL!STHU GReenlee!Stuff it!

David says Greenleewas distracted she announced she wouldn't be around.Liza says she wants to get aw from stress.David says tell me what you know Liza!David wants to know if Liza told Greenlee what he told Liza in confidence?
Marissa says she was checking on AJ how's AdamColby says he'll be fine!Marissa blames Dad's trail she says Dad creates problems and she thinks he should go to jail not to hurt anyone.Marisa thinks the trip took to much out of them.Marissa says it's weird that they got along so well JR& Annie!Adam tells Jr.and aniie that he ahs felt well for along time becasue Brooke says if he doesn't she wlll.Annie demands to know why he didn't tell her.Adam wants to know about the tip.Annie is mad that she didn't know and Brooke didn't know.Adam didn't want to worry you Annie says Brooke.annie starts flipping out about Brooke and Adam lying!Jr grabs her arm and says don't.She stops!!Jr says hewants to be with his Dad alone.Brooke says listen to me or you'll kill your husband Colby asks Brooke if Adam likes Cranberry now!Brooke says yes!Brooke says they are just friends !you didn't stay in the hsopital and now everything has gone to hell!Adam sathey wuld hys if he had told annie they would have rushed home and not done the good they did!Jr says whatever you need whatever it is he's there for Adam!Count on meAdam says it pleases him but he doesn'twant Jr mean to push whatever you need I'm getting stronger every day even if it's Annie he'll handle it.Adam says what does that mean handle Annie? Liza tells David she did have something o do with it she told Greenlee that another car was involved.Greenlee is on her way to Kendall.David is mad he says sh's launched World war 3 with less info!He says if Greenlee is hurt in anyway he'll hold her personally resposnibilty!
David calims he holding the room key is like poor Greenlee.It's not up to us to decide.Erica says she'll toss my daughter overboard your here for Greenlee!Kendal says yes she's done afew things to Greenlee but you give as good as you get.Greenlee
claims it's self defence the only way to survive this friends hip!She's so rotten I hate her again!!!Kendall brought up the dress in court that almost sent her to electric chair while protecting Binky and it exposed and hurt Binky!Premature labor with Ian Greenlee stoled Spike!!!He nearly died.Greenlee claims it was accident Kendall says I forgave you for hurting my child in an accident pleas forgive me!
Annie coems back with cranberry juice for Adam as Jr says poor choice of words days of going at each others thraots over .We'll get along!I'm glad Brooke is okay!
she took it from Colby shewants alone time shesays as JR leaves.Annie says never lie to me again.She says Brooke wants to bed him!annie says thats my job i should have done it.Adam says he's proud of everything she's done for my son.colby asks how Wahington was Jr says he got nothing. Colby wants to know if he is going through paln.she says something went down and she demands to know what!Erica says that ryan can reunited with Greenlee in thsi romantic spot Ryan says he's on to her he knows she doesn't reallywant them together just Greenlee away from Kendall!
Ryna desn't believe that Greenlee wil do anything bad he says the truth should come out.She says Jack rants on and on about the truth but he's not here.Greenlee gets in the way of her and Jack.Greenlee hows up and ruins Her date.I have to amke nice no matter what she does.Erica claims Jack wants to control her!David demands to know that Greenlee didn't go tosee Kendall.He says Kendall only wants to covr er backside!Jack says this has nothing to do with testifying .David says if Greenlee finds truth it will destroy her!Jack blames David's bubble!His knowing that she was alive and not
telling the ones who loved her.David says maybe he should have kept her away from all of them!
Kendall says when she though Greenlee dead she couldn't imagine life without Greenlee
You're my best friend and Ryanwas shattered so we turned to each other.It was amistake we loved ZAch and you.Greenlee says everytime ZAch leaves the room you sleep with someone else!Greenlee says when he wasn't sleeping with erica.Kendall says we should be celebrating w can have everything we dreamed of our livs company family as Zch walks in talking of the boys!he says Greenlee she says alive and well!
He hugs her!David tells Jack that thye all wnat to control her Greenlee chose to stay in P.V Jack says he's going to jail no matter how good Liza is!Jack says then Greenlee can think for herself.Jack says then Greenlee can be with Ryan.David says Ryanwent after greenlee Jack smiles and says yes he did!
Zach says that's quite a story.Kendall says Greenlee thinks hit hr on purpose please tell her the truth tell her I would never hurt her!ZAch says the boys want to see youTthey want totell you how they spent their day!Kendall leaves reluctantly!
Greenlee is mad she says Zach knew she was alive!He wanted to protect his precious wife!He says there there to work on their marriage he didn't know! And has it ealed have you beeen able to forget that Ryan and Kendall betrayed us both.colby is sure something happened she says it's written on his fce he says that's guilt for not being there for Dad!If you want to help Dad get the paln going!Annie asks what they were talking about Colby says the trip.Annie says same old same old.Annie says she gets no respect Brooke is playing wife she wants her out.JR says we need to talk.Annoe says never going to happena gain she loves Adam and he says I love my wife!
David says she's only told Ryan a thousand times he's stupid she wants nothing to do withhim!He shows up it will pss Greenlee off says Davida!Jack says it will show her he's never stopped loving her! Jack says yuo're in jail you aren't protecting her and your going to prison!Erica answrs he door to Kendall and ssy thank god you're okay!She says Grenlee's oaky but she thinks I tried to kill her to be wit you Ryan!
Erica ssys no one can help Greenlee she's crazy she tried to destroy Fusion and married David to spite.Kendall asks if Ryan told her that it was a mistake!Ryan says yes but she wouldn't hear.erica says take Zch and the boys and run!
ZAch is with Greenlee .A year of your life friends family and things te way theywere he's sorry!Greenlee asks why he stays when Kendall cheats he says becasue he loves his family!Greenlee says maybe its' all been lies!sh claims she trusts Zach completely have you been able to forgive Ryan and Kendall he says no!
Annie consoles Adam shes ays shewants to snuggle all night lonn he says doctor's orders no wife's in bed!VBrooke coems in wth pills says shewants to amke sure he takes them before bed!Annie says that's very kind of you Brooke I'll make sure my husband gets them !Brooke says Godnight.Annie says we don't want anyone thinking I'm a bad wife!You're an angel.Adm calims he's going tosee her shortly he's reading her book.JR wants to give AJ a souevener.Jr says he loves Marissa but remebers Annie.Colby says it lokos like a party?Liza calls David and ass he says Greenlee told him totrust Liza.David says heneeds to get out.He wants Liza to brib e if necessary so he can sav Greenlee!
Erica talk to Binky who's worried Erica is flying to Binky!though she's worried about Kendall .sh says loves Kendall!who says the same back.Erica says make sure Greenlee doesn't hurt Kendall.
Kendall can't belive that Greenlee truly beleis that she would try to kill her.ZAch says he forgives Kendall but he can't forget.He doesn't love Kendall that way anymore and he never will!