Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thursday April 8, 2010

Opal is looking after the girls and Trevor!amnda says the nudity involved will be tateful!
Damon is uset that he upset Brooke and reminded her of her litle girl.Hisprobation officer came and said he broke the law again.Annie is amazed she says it's like royalty.The congrssman is gushing to Annie and she loves it.Jr says you too get aquainted as he takes colby's call and says it's his doc.He asks how Brooke is and Colby says she's at the house with dad.Which makes Jr happy!Adam is looking after brooke!liza wants Adam to testify!Adam ssys no she says he's been supoenaed!Liza says there's no place like home to Brooke!snarky like!They are going after Dvid for witching Adam's pills!Brooke says don't use Adam like this Liza says it's not and Brooke says your being abitious.Where's Annie you're sounding like aprotective wife.why don't we do Annie a favor and get all exes out of house!Jr is so hapy he thinks it's working out perfect tht Adma is with Brooke.The congressman invited Annie to reception after possibly with president at embassy!Jr gicves him election funds!Brot asks Natalia why no over time why?she says Brot needs fair share!He wants to know what she's really up toshe tells him she still with fusion!!Amnda is really pulling Jake's leg about nudity .He says hewants to support her there!She says they don't allow outsiders.Opal says quit pulling his leg~ Amanda admits it and she gets Frankie to cover so he can go!She says nudity when they get home.Colby wants to know how Damon is probation officer is looking into things .Tad says he might catch a break!Probation officer is looking into it!No promises but texting is only a fine in that State!Angie sought a shrink for Damon!Tad says she should have consulted him first!
Erica's vison is about brand awareness streamed on the web trying on blog!Erica has left town,Chero is the photographer!He says their amateurs!Randi says let's talk private.Natlaia goes to Fusiona as a cop!Adam says don't Liza get to you your my favorit ex wife!Adam says let him take care of her!Let your kids come you had major surgery!He won't bug her about kids if he can make her comfortable with anne out of town what else will keep him busy he kisses her cheek again!annie is very excited but realizes Jr might be tired he fawns again! He says they have something in common he has let people down but he has a econd chance thanks to her people are thinking differently about her they've turned it around.She can't wait until tomorrow!
Angie thinks she has figured it out what's wrong with Damon her brother teddy whom she lost touch with !Teddy's dead!Damon is Teddy!they didn't get to the bottom shewants to save Damon!He admits that might be agood idea!Damon is berating himself about Brooke and colby.He says he was so mad about all the people pressuring him.Damon was Colby to tutor him!He wants to be more than just her student !Liza overhears and she aint happy.The photographer says put on lipstick like you mean it!
Natlaia says she wants to model to Brot!He says he always thought of heras a cop!
Natalia introduces herself he says she's right and he likes the costume.He wants to know why hegets disrespect.Amanda just shows up he says yes you watch we make art!I agree with Brot and Jake he's aworld class dork wad!Jr talks to marissa says he loves her,.annie seems surprised .Jr sayscall dad and she says he's probably withBrooke.she gets him and is happy.He sys Brooke needs me .He says she at the hsoptial while Brooke says have you seen my laptop!Annie says who was that he says tv!annie knows he lied!there is onlt one reason she ssys that he would lie and he better convince her otherwise or there will be hell to pay!she says
Adam says he was thinking about her saying they wre nthing but friends he had to hear her say that but he doesn't mean it!Annie is ranting .she doesn't know what to do Jr says he'l suport hr!shesays hse shouldn't be telling him he says he'll listen be her friend.Ceiro gets pictures!He seems happy says it's astart!Colby wants Damon out of hospital offers to get him a drink!Angie comes in with Angie and ssys s shrink can help him Damon says this is joke!Colby asks why liza is ther.she sys she wantd to see Colby.colby says she doesn'twant t hear her opinon!liza says he's goignto end up in jail .Colby says he won't liza is really not happy about hat the b is going after Damon!Damon is really upset about the shrink!Liza taks to the judge to make her case to put Damon in jail the b!Jr is coming nonto Annie who says she's lonely!she tells them their not sleeping together she cries that he loves Brooke if he ever loved her at all.annie says she's been afraid for awhile she can tell Jr anything! Poor annie!Natalia is all excited to be cop model!Colby wants to know about this shrink.Mr.sheldon is backing off!he says jail time what he needs people need to know!Colby says can he do that Tad says he can!Amanda says the photogrpher i the best!Opalwatches on line .Jake says photograher acts like kid!Adam wants to do something for Brooke as shes ays she' going up to bed!He gives her earphones and turns on computer Jaime and laura video conference!Sweet!
Jr makes his play for Annie tries but to kiss on camera but she runs away!Poor Annie!

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