Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tuesday April13,2010

Annie and J.r. rush to Adam and complain phones were off!Jr feels guilty about sleeping with Annie as Adam says they were doing something more important.David says that he adusted Adam's meds but he needs less stress or he'll die to Liza!she doesn't belive Adam will do that!she thinks that it's good that the jury saw him save alife.Da tried to get mistrail and failed.Tamperin with corpse charges tomorrow where's Greenlee!Erica says Greenlee got to Kendall first.Erica can't find Zach.Erica sys she shouldn't have left them alone!Greenlee insists Kendall deliberstely ran her down that she's lying as Kendall protests that she didn't Greenlee brings up sleeping with Ryan as the motive.SHES CRAZY!!!
She's says Kendall got what she finally wanted she always stabbed Kendall in the back the final cut!SHES CRAZY!!!GREENLEE'S LOCO!
Erica says Kendall has no idea Greenlee is going at her but Ryan doesn't believe it!Erica says she'll jump to the wrong conclusion and she's out for revenge.Ryan claims it's between the two of thm Ryan claims he's there for Spike!He won't get involved.Erica says he 's involved sweep her aaway from Kendall.Erica wants to go stupid Ryan stops her and keeps her there!Greenlee dares to bring u her first wedding to Ryan where she took him from Kendall!Ryan had proposed to Kendall
then Greenlee whines and Ryan to spite Kendall marries Greenlee!Then she brings up the fertilization of Spike.whom she abandonned and then comes back and steals?NERVY B!
She says Kendall always wanted Ryan even when she was putting them back together!Kendall finally got sick of it and said where do you get off rewriting history to make you my victim? GOOD for KENDALL!STHU GReenlee!Stuff it!

David says Greenleewas distracted she announced she wouldn't be around.Liza says she wants to get aw from stress.David says tell me what you know Liza!David wants to know if Liza told Greenlee what he told Liza in confidence?
Marissa says she was checking on AJ how's AdamColby says he'll be fine!Marissa blames Dad's trail she says Dad creates problems and she thinks he should go to jail not to hurt anyone.Marisa thinks the trip took to much out of them.Marissa says it's weird that they got along so well JR& Annie!Adam tells Jr.and aniie that he ahs felt well for along time becasue Brooke says if he doesn't she wlll.Annie demands to know why he didn't tell her.Adam wants to know about the tip.Annie is mad that she didn't know and Brooke didn't know.Adam didn't want to worry you Annie says Brooke.annie starts flipping out about Brooke and Adam lying!Jr grabs her arm and says don't.She stops!!Jr says hewants to be with his Dad alone.Brooke says listen to me or you'll kill your husband Colby asks Brooke if Adam likes Cranberry now!Brooke says yes!Brooke says they are just friends !you didn't stay in the hsopital and now everything has gone to hell!Adam sathey wuld hys if he had told annie they would have rushed home and not done the good they did!Jr says whatever you need whatever it is he's there for Adam!Count on meAdam says it pleases him but he doesn'twant Jr mean to push whatever you need I'm getting stronger every day even if it's Annie he'll handle it.Adam says what does that mean handle Annie? Liza tells David she did have something o do with it she told Greenlee that another car was involved.Greenlee is on her way to Kendall.David is mad he says sh's launched World war 3 with less info!He says if Greenlee is hurt in anyway he'll hold her personally resposnibilty!
David calims he holding the room key is like poor Greenlee.It's not up to us to decide.Erica says she'll toss my daughter overboard your here for Greenlee!Kendal says yes she's done afew things to Greenlee but you give as good as you get.Greenlee
claims it's self defence the only way to survive this friends hip!She's so rotten I hate her again!!!Kendall brought up the dress in court that almost sent her to electric chair while protecting Binky and it exposed and hurt Binky!Premature labor with Ian Greenlee stoled Spike!!!He nearly died.Greenlee claims it was accident Kendall says I forgave you for hurting my child in an accident pleas forgive me!
Annie coems back with cranberry juice for Adam as Jr says poor choice of words days of going at each others thraots over .We'll get along!I'm glad Brooke is okay!
she took it from Colby shewants alone time shesays as JR leaves.Annie says never lie to me again.She says Brooke wants to bed him!annie says thats my job i should have done it.Adam says he's proud of everything she's done for my son.colby asks how Wahington was Jr says he got nothing. Colby wants to know if he is going through paln.she says something went down and she demands to know what!Erica says that ryan can reunited with Greenlee in thsi romantic spot Ryan says he's on to her he knows she doesn't reallywant them together just Greenlee away from Kendall!
Ryna desn't believe that Greenlee wil do anything bad he says the truth should come out.She says Jack rants on and on about the truth but he's not here.Greenlee gets in the way of her and Jack.Greenlee hows up and ruins Her date.I have to amke nice no matter what she does.Erica claims Jack wants to control her!David demands to know that Greenlee didn't go tosee Kendall.He says Kendall only wants to covr er backside!Jack says this has nothing to do with testifying .David says if Greenlee finds truth it will destroy her!Jack blames David's bubble!His knowing that she was alive and not
telling the ones who loved her.David says maybe he should have kept her away from all of them!
Kendall says when she though Greenlee dead she couldn't imagine life without Greenlee
You're my best friend and Ryanwas shattered so we turned to each other.It was amistake we loved ZAch and you.Greenlee says everytime ZAch leaves the room you sleep with someone else!Greenlee says when he wasn't sleeping with erica.Kendall says we should be celebrating w can have everything we dreamed of our livs company family as Zch walks in talking of the boys!he says Greenlee she says alive and well!
He hugs her!David tells Jack that thye all wnat to control her Greenlee chose to stay in P.V Jack says he's going to jail no matter how good Liza is!Jack says then Greenlee can think for herself.Jack says then Greenlee can be with Ryan.David says Ryanwent after greenlee Jack smiles and says yes he did!
Zach says that's quite a story.Kendall says Greenlee thinks hit hr on purpose please tell her the truth tell her I would never hurt her!ZAch says the boys want to see youTthey want totell you how they spent their day!Kendall leaves reluctantly!
Greenlee is mad she says Zach knew she was alive!He wanted to protect his precious wife!He says there there to work on their marriage he didn't know! And has it ealed have you beeen able to forget that Ryan and Kendall betrayed us both.colby is sure something happened she says it's written on his fce he says that's guilt for not being there for Dad!If you want to help Dad get the paln going!Annie asks what they were talking about Colby says the trip.Annie says same old same old.Annie says she gets no respect Brooke is playing wife she wants her out.JR says we need to talk.Annoe says never going to happena gain she loves Adam and he says I love my wife!
David says she's only told Ryan a thousand times he's stupid she wants nothing to do withhim!He shows up it will pss Greenlee off says Davida!Jack says it will show her he's never stopped loving her! Jack says yuo're in jail you aren't protecting her and your going to prison!Erica answrs he door to Kendall and ssy thank god you're okay!She says Grenlee's oaky but she thinks I tried to kill her to be wit you Ryan!
Erica ssys no one can help Greenlee she's crazy she tried to destroy Fusion and married David to spite.Kendall asks if Ryan told her that it was a mistake!Ryan says yes but she wouldn't hear.erica says take Zch and the boys and run!
ZAch is with Greenlee .A year of your life friends family and things te way theywere he's sorry!Greenlee asks why he stays when Kendall cheats he says becasue he loves his family!Greenlee says maybe its' all been lies!sh claims she trusts Zach completely have you been able to forgive Ryan and Kendall he says no!
Annie consoles Adam shes ays shewants to snuggle all night lonn he says doctor's orders no wife's in bed!VBrooke coems in wth pills says shewants to amke sure he takes them before bed!Annie says that's very kind of you Brooke I'll make sure my husband gets them !Brooke says Godnight.Annie says we don't want anyone thinking I'm a bad wife!You're an angel.Adm calims he's going tosee her shortly he's reading her book.JR wants to give AJ a souevener.Jr says he loves Marissa but remebers Annie.Colby says it lokos like a party?Liza calls David and ass he says Greenlee told him totrust Liza.David says heneeds to get out.He wants Liza to brib e if necessary so he can sav Greenlee!
Erica talk to Binky who's worried Erica is flying to Binky!though she's worried about Kendall .sh says loves Kendall!who says the same back.Erica says make sure Greenlee doesn't hurt Kendall.
Kendall can't belive that Greenlee truly beleis that she would try to kill her.ZAch says he forgives Kendall but he can't forget.He doesn't love Kendall that way anymore and he never will!

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