Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday April12,2010

Kendall is saying there were in abad palce needed somoen to lean on grief took over after identification.Grenlee says SEx was a good way to honor memory saraacasticly.Damon is freaking out says he's arm is killng him as he waits for probation officer.Damon falls out of bed!Jr makes out with Annie at the same time Adam collapses!Jesse says let Daid go David helps Dam geting heart going again!Brook champions David as David smiles and she begs that he be allowed to go to the hospital with Adm.Annie says it was sooo goood!Then she is regretful.Greenlee says sorry for what when Kendall says she is soo so sorry!she says she was trapped in horrible nightmare!Took some help from Ryan says Greenlee!Body found whole world gone!That she was argiung with Zach and hit Greenlee!Greenlee says she was trying to hlp Kendall she woes her!
David says they need to leave .Da says no Liza says police escort Jesse says he'll go!Damon had xray he didn't hurt it.Angie says still and rest!Damon says pain he mierably says you just want me to suffer.He says he is dying! Tad says you win this time but yo stay in this bed and do what Angie says!Angie says rest check later!
Tad apologizes for Damon.ange says she can't keep giving him pain meds or he'll get adicted!Nurse says they can't bypass Er David says they can and tells all to do!Get's them all working!Brooke says she's going to hold David to his word.Jr berates Annie says were married how could he let that happen.Annie blames herself He tells her to go we can't be late!JR says no one can know but he filmed it all on his briefcam!Throws it into mirror!
Tad says he doesn't know what to do with him Martin like to hide theri pain under big hair!Tad says it's going to be difficult to get him to talk!Tad says he thinks he tried to hurt himself.Angie says he needs to talk to shrink!Td says angie is aces but Tad has tostep up!Scott wants to know why david is treating him Brooke says Adam was saved by David!David is doing tests!Brooke called Annie and JR left messages!Scott says tll JR to give it up and come home and the alst thing he needs right now is a a war between son and wife!Jr answers the door yelling not now and it's Marissa!Da says he's going to get David.Liza says he badgered adam to collapse.Da says he'll ge Davdi.Jack is clapping Liza for manipulating Jude.Liza says David is not going to jail!David has nothing to wory about.Liza says he'll get off!Liza says she doesn't need Grenlee's testimony.Jack says it's not going to be his daughter.Greenlee claims everyone is protecting her!it's infuriating not fair .She asked Erica1that's ared flag that she wouldn't tell!Greenle says if she's not honest she'll know as her best firned tell.Kendall says they were protecting Kendall too!Greenlee says it was you driving the car that almost killed me!Liza says my job is to win I'll call Greenlee!Where is she?Jack says it's personal.Liza figures it out!Jack says don't call her!Jack says I'm goign to make sure she has opportunity to deal.Kendall says it was a terible accident.She says Zach and I were arguing I didn't see you coming I swerved into other lane .In one second I killed my best friend!Tragic accidnet then why coverd up polic report sealed .Kendallwas amess couldn't live with herself.Zch was afraid they would arrest ZAchs teped in covered up made it look like never heappened .Kendall admits blame.Marissa asks wht 's going on stessed bad day on hill.Marissa says not contagious.Jr says you din't have to!she says she wanted to be with him.Didn't you get her message he says he turned off phones on hill.she asked what happened here seeing broken mirror JR says he screwed up!
Damon freaks out agin and almost hits his arm again!Damon comlains he is in pain.Tad says numbing his pain isn't the answer.Damon says are you palying shrink.Hills wantd him to go he wouldn't Tad says soemtimes no mater how much it sucks you have toface problems head on.Kndall says a lot to take in your not alone.when she woke up an so many things had changed!you desrve to know like I did!Maybe now we can get through this everything is out in open.Greenle says she's holding back.Jr says he should never have come on this trip he feels guilty he wasn't there for her .He should have stayed home Marisa says she's proud.He says there is nothing more important then Marissa!She asks if he wants to talk about his fight with the mirror he calims he overslept and missed an interview and he let people down.He wants his life under control!Annie comes in and sees Marissa and him embracing!
David says not heart attack too musch stress!Adam complains bout tests.No further damages!!scott says if he hadn't drugged him he wouldn't be here.David says retirement is the only way to go too much stress!My son is better off because of annie.Scott and Jr are taking care of business right now.David says ticking time bomb if he doen't stress out he'll die!
Wow that's great you surprised you can go wit us to embassy says Annie!
Jr was incredible!Dad collpsed says Colby!annie says is he okay.colby didn't say annie is blaming herself!Broke goes with Adm when he leaves against medical advic.Brooke says she'll be right there watching over him for stress keeping hima live.Tad says none of Damon's probelmes his fault they may b able to prove that it wasn't his fault with shrink.Angie think he has ADDT but he can't use that if he doesn't see shrink!Damon says he'd rather go to jail then shrink.David says he'll get off as Jesse takes him back to jail.Angie says David can't come back he'll make my life a living hell!Greenlee wants to know why Kendall didn't come in!Greenlee says you didn't check in with fusion!you lied for over a year!thanks to ZAch!again wih the accident!No accident you wanted Ryan you were trying to kill me!

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