Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday April 28,2010

Liza demands that Damon talk with her!H doesn't want to talk but she gets in his face.She told him to stay away from her daughter waylaying him outside the shrinks office when he's all ready upset!brot punched the cop that ut up the pictures of Natalia naked .Natalia tells him to leav it so he won't get in trouble Jesse says it's too Late!oh dear!He suspends Brot!Scott and colby are talking she says all the men seem to have ahuge weak spot for annie.Scott says he fell for it but not anymore!Colby says Annie won't keep her mouth shut if she can't get her way. she will if shewants to survive her.Jr says no one wants you here!annie says possession is 9 tenths of the law Adam abandonned her there's no real proof of her and Jr so she's stayiing and sueing for more money!she used to think there was something wrong with her that everybody didn'twant her but money will make up for that!she says she can get Chandler mansion be nice to me !Jake reads I'm sorry I took your ring and now thatI've worn it I feel closer to you from Amanda's stalker!As Amanda looks horrified!she asks waht to do.Jakesays you might have to quit this is getting scary.Jake says call police! Amnda fan has all these pics of Amanda and her family!Brot is upset that he is getting suspended .Jesse says this is not the way to do it!angie asks if Natalia is okay.Tad asks what is going on Liza says she will let him handle it the fact that sesaw him kissing Colby but any relationship between Colby and Damon is no start!don't push me on it.Tad asks how the shrink was he asks what happens as Damon flips up about the questions.Walking all around the office.300 bucks an hour for that.Tad says I don't have totell you how important this is while Damon continues to rant!Damon says save it this is all screwed up.Scott tells Caolby how hard he's been working to keep the company together between JR's cancer and Adam's heart problems!he wants help from JR.Adam was the glue.Jr is stepping up colby says he will.Jr has to pul himself together now.r says hewon't let her back in his bed to Annie.she says it's the best sex ever whatever it was won't happena gain.Annie says you've never madlove to her like that.she won't blackmail him bck into her bed he'll remeber and he'll come willingly!He won't be able to stay away!
Colby says she's suppose to meet Damon for tutoring but they need her!Scott says go have un be her age enjoy colege and pushy boys as he hugs her as she says she needs her dad and misses him Scott is really steppng up.Annie says Scott I'm so glad you'e here hugs him as Marissa walks in as she's sayin if itwasn't for you Emma and I would be out on the street!er to leavMarrissa looks puzzled is she catching on?
Natalia says let me call my dad to Brot he says don't bother!he tlls her to leave it.she feesl bad.She says she's never seen him so mad!
amnda and Jake go to poilce station!Jake says this stalker has been everywhere at Fusion.Jake says waht dowe do Jesse says nothreats but you can't be to careful.Natalia can be your bodyguard!Jakesays meeting for fans will draw in stalker and then they can arrest!
Tad says he's left 10 messages no answer from Hillary!Angie sees him freaking out.angie says 10 more she'll call back.Tad says parents don't care?He gets message from her she's coming tosee Damon!Colby says how are you at fractions.He makes a joke.
Colby tells him how to do it.Colby says your paying attention see he says it's easy to pay attention to her because she's beautiful!
Annie says she was thanking scott for all his helpa nd then thanks Marissa again.
annie says she doesn't know how she's going to support herself and Emma .she apprecaites what Marissa has done so she thought she pick emma and aj up from school and give Marissa a break!Marissa says tha'ssweet but he has a palydate with friend .She wants to say hello to husband!Marissa tells Jr that no AJ doesn't really have a playdate but she'lls et one up annie isn't stable enough to watch both shesays!Annie says thanks to scot and he says don't thank him!
Natalia is bugging Brot about Iraq~she teles him thank-you for him taking care of that guy.she says she knows you're trying to help him out/.Her phone rings.Jesse wants her to do ajob.Brot wanted to know if Jesse wanted to know where he is!he didn't!
Jesse believes that Amanda fan is coming to fan club meeting!Angie is freaking out about board meeting no one told her about!chief of staff must be notified abouta ll.Liza was there she talks about board meeting on phone oh dear Angie's going to yell now.shewants to know waht's going on.Liza says I can't tell you lawas prohibit.This better into involve David hayward says!
Damon is telling colby what he thinks when he is thinking.Colby mentions brwn eyes and blue eyes inheritance.and Damon worries about Stuart!He orries stuart has ADD too!He says his dad and him are really differnt he doesn'twant staurt to be like him.Damon's dad Paul miller answers the door to tad Hilary is in Ohio.He tells Tad to leave Hillary alone.He says Hillary doesn't talk to him about TAd .Waht makes you think you have the right to assume parental responsibilities gee maybe becasueyou wre reachable and Damon needs someone!Damon says he wrote colby a song.He says he's sing voice isn't great!Colby loves the idea.
Annie wants to know why everyone is so mean!Scott says becasue she manipulates.She says she's not playing him!He says it was compassion for marissa and aj nother.Marissa says d you think less of me for teling awhite lie?He says he's kind and giivng.What happened to Brooke she runs away with your Dad a married man.something feels off says Marissa!
angie says she needs to know if the board meeting had anything to do with David!does hewant his job back as chief!Liza says she sleeps well with herbal tea.Angie says he got out old year books .Somethings never change you want peopleto think you are differnt but you have changed.Yuowere viciousirl back then if you sink into the muck with david you'll never get back up.Is that waht you really want?you judging me?hmm says Liza snarkily.angieasks if he's after his old job Lizasays no.
Tad says he hates to hink about what would have happened to Damon if he hadn't been there for Damon.considering you went to europe.Damon stepdad says the constant harrassment made them come back you've upset Hilalry and I don't wnat her upset he says!sorry but Damon is upset .It's ruining Hillary's life she's fragile she can't take this stress have no idea what he's done to her!Having achild out of wedlock trying to make ends meet dropping out of schol does any of this sound familiar to you?Tad says did you ever stop to think that maybe he was having trouble becasue his parents weren't there for him?
He says how dare you?lay that on me and hilalry the eforts we've made the anguish Tad says sorry one of the reasons he wanted to get in touch was to let her know that Damon has been diagnosised with ADD! Paul knows excatly what that is.Maybe it's not his fault!so what's the problem!he's fighting it.Tad says he'll take him when Paul demands tosee his son but he'll stay with him.Damon is going on about his Colby song!
Colby says it's beautiful!Colby says she feels bad about everything.Damonsasy she so much more thana soiled little rich girl and he'll listen to her troubles.she says she feels left behind .Her house feels empty.He says when you don't feel like being there come over here.He kisses her.Marissa wants to know if Scott had an affair with Annie.Jr says no he' honorable.Jr says his family warps him he doesn'twant them to be tainted by his family.He is afraid .Marrissa says it won't .Natlaia begs her dad to interced with IA on Brot's behalf.they are interrupted by Jake who comes in to find Amanda's stalker.Jesse says let professionals handle it!Jake brings up Satin Slayer.Paul comes to Tad's to meet with Damon.Tad cautions benefit of doubt.Paul says he doesn't ned childrearing tips form tad.Tad says oh God as they catch them kissing.Paul says great watching to Tad .Then he says to Damon you all ready have one illegitimate child you shooting for two.Damon says Colby meet my Dad!
Marissa says they can make it though anything together Annie spies on Jr and Marissa making love.Amanda comes in to her fan club meeting!Fan comes in demands pic with Amanda!Jesse says no one comes up and less he says so as someone else snesks up!

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