Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday April 26,2010

Jake kisses amnda and asks why she isn't waering her ring .shewas crying because her wedding room is missing .someone accesses th Fuion computer and the eamils to MyAmnda!Annie threatens to tell all to Marissa he says goahead.My fatherdecides whostays not me you're fighting awar that you can't win he says.Madison thansk Ryan for he new job as cocktail waitress.David and Greenlee are amking love in front of the fire.she is telling him how much he means to her he amkes her happy relley happy she says.David says she makes him happy to.Greenlee says she wants to give him her heart but needs time when he says he loves her.Davidsays that that doesn't change anything he still loves her and there together our marriage is real he says!Ryan says you don't have tons of experience given her backgorund there can be groping/!there very friendly and they take it out on you when they lose.she says her father hit her and so did her husband and they yelled .she'll smile and bring them adrink and if they are not satisfied then she'll get a bouncer.Amnda is saying she's so sorry for losingher rings.Jake says that nothing will get in the way of their love!Natalia says if she's interrupting.Amnda says we have to celebrate your great work.Amnadawants o know if she invited Brot.But chero might come she says.Natalia says he's aood guy.Amnda fan sent her apoem Roses are red violets are grey

Annie says find away to make your Dad agree.Could Marissa help sheasks Jr says no Dad will telll er.Jr offers her enough money to buy a home.Jr says take or have nothing!your choice!amnda is worried about writing to the weird fan .she says they wrote to her personal email.Natalia closed it and is trying totrace it.Jake sys you should have told me and we have to find away tostop this

Jr says it's a cahnce for enew start.Emma says she heard people fighting .shewants her mom know she's scared Annie goes but her aprting comment is find asolution good for all of us.Jr throws pillow!
Annie gets Emma cozy and she tells the Emmaline story!Emmaline is leaving in a castle in the land.she tells her the king was gone and the evil scorcer cast asell and the king dsipapeared as annie cries.Mariisa aks if Jr drinks!
Brooke cleared out all the alchol Marissa says that was nice of Adam to leave her for Brooke.Jr obviously feels guilty.Jr says he screwed up everything!
annie says that Adamsays he does want to be married to her anymore.Shesays Adam says his heart hurts so his heart can't be fixed so he doesn't want to bemarried anymore.They have to find a new kingsom like Queen Annabelle and Princess Emmaline!
Jr says he loves her andwants to protect her.Jrsays hewants to spend his life with her and AJ she thinks it was bad news about the cancer!
Greenlee wakes up and david's gone but find amessage.He calls her sleepyhead .Hewent to go see shareholder love David!David sits in park overwhelmed.He loves Greenlee so much drinks out of flask!
Liza aks if he is celebrating with wife problems all ready.Madiosnsays she can't
wait for job as caller calls and hsesays sh will be right there she can explain!
Natalia says this person is dangerous she can't find info on guy!
Email guy rights over and over she will not reject me she will not reject me in capital letters!
Jr says as far as he knows he's still inremission Marissa says thank god as Colby comes in and says Dad's gone.Colby says hewent with Brooke and is in no hurry to come home.Marissa doesn't understand how Adam could do thi.Marissa says that isn't what you were going to tell me.Jr says he lied hewas trying to get Annie out itwas hsi camera.He loves her.Marissa is a litte angry!
Madiosn says she ahs to fix a purchase oreder she can't afford to lose her day job.Amnda is like Jeacyln smith says Jake and talk incessantly about Charlie's Angels says hewants to be Cahrlie.Chero calls them Angels.looks at natali wants to show her pics ion his phone and takes her away.Jake says hat's rude that he didn't acknowledge her.Jakew ants to look ustairs 5years of Chrlie's angels have given him detective skills!
Liza says wow you saved you from prison cell pulled off the impossible Greenlee relaly helped.Why isn't she sitting with you?Liza wants to know isf she's going back to Ryan waht's problem?you love her but she doesn't love you back!No fakes with Greenlee you are not forcing you must have it bad!
Jake can't get in and Greenlee says thaey must have alot wrong if he'd oing that .He explains.Shouldn't you be celebrating with David and your perjury!she says you kidnapped me and David you have no right to talk!She kicks out Jake.Jake sys when you want help to leve David come to me and he'll help.Liza says you drink to drown pain when you hurt.You get angry and hurt them back says Liza.David says he can't everything he's a monster wht about ryan look all the things he's done annie went crazy Kendall leaves country and Greenlee he locks in a tower!He's not the bettter man he's not through with her he's after my wife!
Madiosn comes in finds Greenlee claims she forgot phone!Greenlee says your not working for Erica are you?
Greenlee asks what her job is Greenlee says no You can't do both.
Amnda says Charlie would be so disppointed that you din't find out!amnda goes totalk to Natalia and talks to chero!There are amsssive eamils says Jake he's worried because of the Satin slayer he wants nutjob!t him destrying fmily.Colby say waht about Marissa!Jr says annie still could Marisa let herstay and she tries to balckmail me.Colby says if shefind out dad not coming home soon then annie has the everage.Annie thanks Marissa for ltting them stay.annie says everyone wants them tostay.Marissa tells her adam left town wth Brooke and you're not alone I'll hlp you any way I can Marissa sys as anniesmiles knwingly.Greenlee is disappointed that David isn't home.
Madison still goes to casino to work !David goes to casino and spies!

some onelooooks like they have crack on computer.Jr and colby argue abou

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