Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday April 20,2010

Erica is devastated the Palmer is dead Jake consoles her says he's coming with her to Opal's!She doesn't want to accept it.Adam says Pete Cooney can't be dead to Brooke!Jake found him.Ross how can I tell him asks Adam he needs to know how can I tell him I'm sorry for his loss.I never said I wanted him dead well maybe I did but I didn't really mean it!Jake asys he took ove form his dad in Palmer's care to Angie .She seemed suprised Jake said he needed a doctor convinced him and dad !Daisy comes in and says Palmer is hee what happened Jake sys I'm sorry and Daisy understands and says not PC.Tad comes in and Opal is sitting in the dark he says he's all for being green but mom what's the matter?Palmer she says he died he's gone.Ma I'm so sorry he says he was here in P.V. he said he was tired maybe some other day to see Opal!She was waitng for the gold plated invitaiton that never came now she never will!Brooke says this won't happen to Adam he has years ahead of him if he takes care,Adam says Pete Cooney's dead and I make it about me!Brooke says Palmer would have done the same thing!You were alike self made anything for family .I raised his son and that mand didn't deserve the truth says Adam.Palmer drove you to succeed!says Brooke Palmer stoled my company says Adam but I have everything I ever wanted he says remembering Brooke saying she'd marry him!Brooke has come back to me he remebers he says he needd you then he needs you know your always herewhen I need you most.How do I honor a man I hated my whole life.Brooke says she knows how!Erica says he treated her and her girls like family.She loves him!Jack says he knew they were too much alike to be anything but friends!
Opla ssys she should have blown down the door he was afraid to tell her his love.He couldn't open that door you had to figure out that he loved you and hold on to him for dear life in that ride.
she wishes she could tell him one alst time she loved him !Tad says he knew you loved him and he loved you and puts in the video from Haley's visit where he says he loves Opal!she can deny it all she wants I know she loves me says Palmer on the video!
Daisy wants to honor Palmer with a candle at midnight!Angie and Jake says that's lovely!Jake says he'll call Joe and Ruth to do that too!Opal looks at aphoto of Plamer as Krystal says everyone idscalling about Palmer.Everyone in town is talking.Tad says the bulletin just called and the New York Times!It's been non stop!
P.c made one heack of an impact .Everyone is talking about the candlelight service at midnight.Erica comes in crying says nobody else like him!Bianca sends her love she's tried to reach Kendall.Opal claims Petey is on his way!she's glad Erica is there Erica says she'll be there as long as Opal neds ,Tad says the phone is ringing evey ten minutes people asking about arrangements nad he doesn't know whht to tell them!Jack says no service .No fuss no formal service.Daisy and Nina are coming as are Angie and Jake!
Tad say they better order up a boat load of chicken.Good mention of the cluck cluck which saved Palmer's businesses!
Tad goes into the kitchen to cook some!Waht beter way to celebrate Palmer.He sends Krystal to the store and takes Jack into the kitchen cluck and says cluck and says howdy as Krystal ssy to roll up sleeves.Erica hold picture of Palme rtears up and sets it down.Daisy is crying in park as nina says Mother I can't believe father is gone!Iknow your fahter was always adominable survivor says daisy .Are you okay how are you holding up.Nina says she needs a few minutes before the crowd!
She kept thinking of the wonderful times they had she talked to him every week she talked to him last wek abotu patented video conferencing for Cortlandt electronics!and his grnadsons!And me and even Cliff!He seemd happy except for chasing con man who stoled money!Daisy says she saw Palmer every September!
Mmeory where she said to him same time next year every september!Daisy says hea sked her to meet him.Nina says you'll never know what he wanted to tell you Daisy says she knows!Jakewas saying Tad should be wearing the chicken suit.Opal says Plamer was allergic to those feathers!as they eat chicken.Daisy and nina com in and are hugged by tad he's says there beautiful!He says Daisy is his favorite ex wife of Plamers'Opal hugs Nina and says he's a sight for sore eyes!Palmer pulled a number on this time says Daisy Opal says he sure did!Tad says come in we've got fried chicken!
chicken says dasiy puzzled and Opal ssys what else as they all laugh.Jake says it seems Plamer's polo accident was as damaging as we though you know what I'm saying ping!in reference to Petey's arrival!
Jake then realizes Daisy and Nina are there and says sorry hope he didn't offend Daisy says Pete loved a good laugh!the valley in guy arrives with an envelope he says it was in Palmer's room Tad gives a tip thanks and he leaves.H says it's for Opal.Haley sent outtakes for documentary!Nina and everyone says they want tosee them.Plamer talks about he loved his dobermans really well trianed.Nina says she thought sometimes he loved them more than her!Opal says he almost set them on her those hands from hell!Daisy says he did sick them on her!Great use of history!!!!
Plamer says in the video he didn't give anything for nothing it was all for him!
except his der loved ones Daisy!he finds it hard to talk about her.He loved all the ladies in his life he loved them all.To palmer says Tad as they taost one and all!
Erica says hope your not to upset just because he mentioned daisy and not you!Opla ssys how can I resent the woman who turned me into the woman he couldn't resist.Flashback to Opal dressd like a princess that Daisy dressed her in!
Daisy wants to tell her why she's there PC called wanted her to meet her Opal says that's wrong you meet in Saptember this is April!Daisy says you knew we never meant to hurt you.Opal says it hurt at first but she accepted that he loved Daisy!she loves her too she says she has a piece of her heart!Palmer and her would never have been married if not for her.Every year she knew the leaves would fall school would start and Plamer and Daisy would be together.Daisy says just when she thought Opal couldn't be more amazing she was!And hugs her!she says she really wanted to tell her why she was there Palmer said he had something important to tell her and it was about Opal!
Palmer wanted to end their arangement he wanted to end them!he's talked about Opal for a whole yesr she didn'twant to hear it for things to end.She says she knew!Daisy founda platinum pin of a chicken that Opal says he never wore she gave it to him when the chicken shack went platinum!He's been carrying it around for last year it was with him at the hotel when he died!he came back for Opla to b with her and tell her how he felt.Opal bemoans the time they wasted as she says I guess he really did love me!
Adma and Broke arrive as Krystal says she doesn't know if this is a surprise or not
Brooke and Nina says they missed one another
Adam says he doesn't want to intrude but thye shared this flask once proving that hey wern't just about grinidn each other intot he ground!Flashback to Dixie's funeral where he said hand it over to adma who hands over the flask and Palmer says just when he thought there be no sunshine in this day!they share a swig!back to now Adam hands over the flask he just wanted to drop it off.Nina says stay and so does Daisy and Opal.Opal says you're memories are unique and Adam says he has the scars to prove it! LOL! Erica ssy we are remeber ing the good bad and ugly.Tad says as he understnds it erica and Brooke are the female counterparts!Brooke says well I hope weare the good the bad and the beautiful as Erica smiles!she sys there is chicken sald chicken and more food in kitchen.Adam thanks Brooke for convincing him tostay.Brooke says this is where he needed to be.Tad sys Plamer used to treat Nina like she was a princess in a tower!it was missing a moat!Nina says he sometimes went to far as they falsh too her yelling at him when he tied tosee Cliff prosecuted for a murder he didn't commit!she says he's cruel and he did testify out of spite nad hse hatedhim.Angie says he was cantakerous but treated her with kindness.adm remebered being shot and Palmer saying drink because he was going in with a knife to get eh bullet out!Krystal remembers her wedding recption with Adam where Palmer kissed her and says he was a good kisser!Ericasays yes he was aladies man as she reaclls him with her in her modelling carreer.He was alwys there for me and my duaghters he loved Opal she ssy.Opal ssys her wedding day was the best day of her life!Opla kisses adma on her weding day.she says Petey will miss his daddy so much.Erica nswers pjone from Kendall who says hse ahs to stay there.She doesn't want pressure Erica tells her palmer is dead and she's says no!!!!she'll be on next plane he treaed her like family he is family he gave her building for Fuison for one dollar only said she must work with Greenlee!Palmer would want you to stay there says Erica!she'll light acandle at midnight P.V time!Adam ssys he cursed his name for decades but he's grateful to Pete Cooney for reminding him how quickly time passes.He tells Brooke he loves her he must saywhat must be said !he need to do this!
he said it he loves her maybe you don't love me but he's said it.She says she loves him too as thye hug nad kiss.Jack offers to get Erica tea.Opal says this evening has been a gift she has Palmer arms around her with this .If he was here he would want you Erica to get on with finding the love of your life start like looking in kitchen says Opal! Brooke with the candle says when she first met Palmer he was intimidating the great Palmer Courtlandtthose eybrows that bluster but that Palmer said what he thought consequences be damned!And I learned a lot from you.Erica ssy you were ethe best dancing partner the best business partnerthe best friend!Nina says you gave me everything and expected everything in return!Adm ssy i've damned you to hll for quite a few years but I wouldn't be the man I am if it wasn't for you!Krystals says you were the most charming and deboanir man I've ever met!And a great kisser Tad say you and I were more about butting heads warm fuzzies but Dixie loved you like father .Opal says you are the love of my life Palmer a great big woolly bronco kind of love.You drove me stark raving man you old coot!Daisy says P.C. what I wouldn't give to see you one more time!Jack says you were irascible, witty and absolutely brilliant and always surprising.Kendall ssysyou wer ehtonly one who knew how to handle Kane women!equal parts love nad steel.Angie sys we didn't always get alongbut you treated her wih kindness and Jesse too.And Krystal ssy you made me feel like you liked me and be liked by you is the most specail feeling in the world!Brooke saysand today becasue of you I had the courage to say something that I've wanted to say for a long time.Adam ssy from Pigeon Hollow to Pine Valley becasue of you my happiest days are stil ahead of me.Jake says my Dad said that ther only could be and only will be one Palmer Courtlandt!he was right!Nina says I love you father.To honor you and remember you and how much I love you says Daisy!Angie sys you will be missed Palmer!Kiss my Aunt Phoebe for me casue I know she's loking for you says Brooke and Erica says you ,Myrtle ,my mother heavens in for quite a time!Opal says your safe now you know you're loved.I'll carry you in my hear tfor ever as se kisses Palmer's picture!and glorious picture of him end the show as Dixie in haven open a door and says Uncle Palmer welcome home!!

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