Friday, April 16, 2010

Writers-The storyline with Greenlee

in one fell swoop of your pen (or should I say your cursor?)You've made me detest and abhor Greenlee again.I don't know if I can ever like her again! She rants she raves and she sounds like a spoiled two year old and we are suppose to like this character?

Kendall literally begs for forgiveness on bended knee for what was truly an unfortunate accident.Yes Kendall was at fault but it was dangerous driving not attempted murder!Greenlee's contemptible she lies on the stand and then gloats to Erica about it!And why did you the writers do this? Simply because you couldn't explain why Kendall would stay away (the person who plays her is on maternity leave )Nonsense Kendall wanting to fix her marriage and choosing Zach would have worked and made it all the sadder if you don't get Thorsten back!And because you can think of anything better than Kendall and Greenlee hashing it out!Possibly the other reason was to make Ryan look better! !What we the viewers would have like to see is for once Ryan to get the blame!He waltzs around creating havoc and walks away without a scratch!That is one of the key reasons why people hate his character show us that he's a real person with real feelings that we can truly care about! It's time for Ryan to see what it's like to fall and to have to claw his way back up

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