Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday May 31st

Due to Memorial day in the United States repeat today of Greenlee and David's wedding!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday May 27,2010(shown in USA May28,2010)

Angie and Jesse have breakfast she's working too hard .Jesse and Angie are working at paperwork! Jr says take AJ out of house while Emma has party.Annie however has AJ in hat with candles on top that Annie says he can wear to party!Ryan is being nice and having party with Annie.Annie says Emma had party at school this is adult party!Emma invites Madison.Greenlee talks to Erica's pic and says she didn't sabotoge plane don't blame her.Then David comes in and asks what she got Emma, She doesn't answer questions but says she should be dressing for funeral!
No mention of plan crash David says.Greens says she's been up since 3am.David says erica got there she's planning next move.Greens says it's possible plane crashed they haven't found it.Daid tries t oget her not to go to Emma's party again.David says it's because she's unravelling talking to Erica's pic not to keep her from Ryan.He then says fine have a good time.Angie says she won't allow David to ruin her hospital.
Madison doesn't want to go to party and sit next to Greenlee.
JR says he can't disppoint AJ as they go to wrap present. Annie says she can't belive Marissa wouldn't put her feelings aside for Emma.Marissa says as soon as that leak is fixed you're gone.
Aj asks JR if he's mad a him why aren't you and Marissa smiling!JR says he misses Grandap .Aj: how long until it gets back to normal.Jr says he is Chandler connected by blood a true Chandler to the last man standing!Not like those who don't carry he blood refering to Scott!Angie says she will work day and night to protect from DAvid and she will not let him cut anything she'll fight him tooth and nail!
Madison says she didn't tell David anything about Jesse and his family to Jesse
Scott calls Jr on his speech.Install us versus them.I am not your enemy! That's just as bad your Annie's hero says JR !Party no 2?Ryan says he has to tell her something as doorbell rings and Greenlee is there!
Greenlee says its your daughters party chill to Annie who isn't happy.Ryan says Emma wanted her there.Annie is very unhappy.Scott comforts her.He says you aren't happy but you are hostess don't let anyone make you unhappy Make Emma happy!!Emma wants to open Greenlee's first when Annie offers it.Greenlee gives her perfect dress which Emma says she wanted. Annie leaves upset!
Jr gives himeslf a pep talk in mirror About fighting his urges and desire of Annie!
Jesse says come to me if David bothers you Madison! .He wants to know how the company is doing in crisis!Madison says good Greenlee stepped up!So Greenlee has benefitted says Jesse knowingly!Frankie comes in tells him that Angie is fighting David tooth and nail but playing nice to his face and so far running rings around David.
Angie says big scandal at Fusion your wife may need to talk to you.

David:Staff must get patients in and out fast who cares about staff satisfaction.If they don't like they quit.Let's cut jobs and those that don't like it will either quit or comply.

Angie:This isn't working

I won't keep you on if you're not happy says David.Angie says we should try to get along let's have dinner!David seems amused says he's in he'll pay!
Angie asks what the hell am I thinking as he leaves!
Greens says Emma loved her dress RYan agrees as Greenlee asks what is her birthday wish.Emma says she wishes Erica was here next to you she gives best presents!Greenlee looks Green!
Marissa is looking for JR,so they can open present.Marissa asks about Jr from staff she's told old Frank repaired plumbing two weeks ago.Marissa knows Annie is lying.
Annie is with Jr in his bathroom as Aj calls daddy and he says he'll be right down!
Meanwhile he's griping at Annie!As Annie taunts and leers!

Jesse says I see you still standing no blood shed you took my suggestion turned on charm.You'll be sorry you said that says Angie .I'm not going to like that am I!says Jesse
Scott is taken aside by Marissa who tells him he's being played.Worry about yourself and your husband I like you and I couldn't be sorrier but Annie's a fact of life.Scott says
Marissa answers the door to David with present.Aj says hi to grandpa and brings him in.Marissa asks Jr if Jr is okay.
David says my daughter and grandson are here to Ryan and why he's there!!He gives Emma a present.There was present on front porch from Erica he claims!
RYan says it was just sitting there outside!Annie is not happy that David is there.What is Erica going to pop out of cake? she asks .Erica must have had it meseenger says Ryan I'll call Jesse.Greenlee says she'll do it.Marissa says I must talk to you to David it's important dad help now!
Madison is trying to figure out what to get Emma she asks Frankie who sugests army men and tanks.She googles birthday gift seven year old girl as she borrow cash again from Fusion.and helps herself to yelow scarf or is that her clothes becasue she has no where to keep clothes,She's homeless?
Angie says all she could think of was to invite Greens and David to dinner she needs Jesse to help her so she doen't kill him.He didn't expect advice to bite him but he's bringing a taser for you he says!
David wants to know what he can do to help.Marissa wants him to help her get rid of Annie.He argues that she shouldn't have to handle Annie,She wants him to show her how toget rid of Bitch and save my marriage.David says you maybe more like me than you know.I'll help you call me when you're ready!
AJ says cake is ready.Greenlee calls David on present .He says they have to cover as Emma asks where Greenlee is from Ryan .He says he doesn't know!
Scott says you must be relieved to have Greenlee gone.Annie says yes!It was hard to have her there!
Marissa is qizzed about daddy talk by Jr.She covers says she was weak talked to him!
Annie says she needed breather she went to splash water on face.(Really she was laying in wait for R after she washed fce in bathroom near his room)

Jr asks how to make better from Marissa she says make Annie go away.As Annie says this one is from Marissa Jr and AJ and gives present to Emma.
Madison takes call about party at casino says no empty bed for me tonight?what did she mean by that?
Angie says goal is to get what she wants from David something about computers.
Angie has patent come in with weird syptoms they ask for masks and gloves but Angie doesn't wear them.OOPS!!!NOT GOOD!!Exposure to what ever Juan has!!
Greenlee is very upset!David says he is trying to get more info on Erica's plane!DAvid tells Ryan he was telling Greenlee they should talk to corporate attorney before shse calls Jesse.As They leave!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday May 26,2010

Amanda is planning wedding of her dream with honeymoon. Jake says let's make it happen,Jmanda is hppy.Liza comes into Krystal's and wants to talk about Tad.Krystal says can't we do something pleasant like pouring Scalding coffee on laps.Liza wants to know why tad has changed she blames Damon!krystal is disgusted.
Tad tells Damon he's not Stuart's dad he has gotten dNA proof So sorry damon says it doesn't matter but you cansee it does!.Tad says if someone told him he wasn't Damon's it would kill him .Annie shows Scott how wet she is from leaky roof.Says he wants him to look ggod for res as she tidies him!Jr flips out says someone leaked to press that.Dad left town, Jr blames Annie !Marissa says lets go to breakfast Jr says no he had to watch Annie.Marissa gets upset.He says the press knows there's something to dig! Why is there pink boa on Chandler mantle?
Damon offers tostay at Tad's if he gets car on regular basis.Tad says wedding family obligations then you can have care.Jamnda wedding attendance manditory!
Liza wants to know why Tad turned on her .Krystal says quell your fears .Liza says Damon is bad news .Krystal says we are just friends not that it is any of your business.and is totally disgusted with Liza
Jake and Amanda talk about wedding after love making Jake wants to get married on
1st anniversary.
Annie comes in when reporter is there says she doesn't know hwere she will have Emma's party as coach house is leaking as Reporter hears.Scott says she'll have to here right jr who has to agree!Annie says that she has to admit rumor is true she chased Adam away because she was in love with another family member.Jr freaks out says she's crazy to reporter!
Annie says no she's not she's in love with Scott Jr chases reporter off as Marissa listens.Jr berates Annie. Scott says she saved his bacon they could have found out about him and Annie!
Krystal says other people mistake their realtionship sometimes she doesn't know where they stand but they are not together.Tad asks Jake if he thinks he's taking advantage of Krystal he says no!
Jake sends a lot of gowns to Fusion says pick one for wedding in note to Amanda.
Liza offers money to leave Chandler's.she expects him to break up!Liza says she doesn't like the way she left things.Damon says she is sweet wonderful seelf.Let's go somewhere quiet.Let her down easy says Liza thanks for cheque says Damon.
Damon tells Colby all 2000 to break up with her!He's not ging to break up but he will use it for NYC trip.He asks her to Jake's wedding.first date!!!
Amanda is so happy as Jake comes in with gift! Photographer takes pics of re- engagement!
Jr is flipping about Annie to Marissa.You don't want Annie turning to Scott your jealous says Marissa
Scott tells Annie she was brilliant moves her into mansion as payment!
Jake asks Tad to be his best man.The photographer takes pics of Jake and Amanda in park with little Trevor!
Tad goes to Amnda and Jake with flowers roses.Liza will be Matron of honour!She says she doesn't belong there!She says tell Amanda that!Tad says that should come from you!
Tad says he wishes she would cut Damon slack.I don't like him and I hate what he's done to Colby.
Damon and Colby make out in park.He says he wants to make sure she wants to be with him first time should be special.They plan to make love after the wedding.
Scott says he'll take care of court order and jR.Annie says she has never met man like him as Scott kisses her senseless!
Marissa I'm done with this !JR says you are the only one I want let's got to yacht club he says.I can't do this says Marissa.going away
Looks at Annie with disgust as he catches Scott and Annie kissing!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Colby answers the door to mom.Casy Charles wants interns for clothes designing says Liza! Colby's on to her though it's a way to get her away from Damon.Colby is sureof this!Damon tells Tad plans fell through Tad says take care stay busy things will work out!Tad gives Damon $80 for as!Krystal insuates Damon is being nice for money
Ryan says who would benefit if Erica is found guilty!Greenlee says if she's innocent where is she?Erica sks for rest sts down Caleb tells her that is a bear track.Your perfume stinks.Erica says this is my own personal fragrance.I own cosmetic company.Ladeda so you own costmetic company.The stink will attract bears Caleb says !
Krystal says if Damon bleeds you dry you can eat free at BJ's!
Colby and Liza fighting about Damon again Colby says I'm not you!She wants to get past this.Damon says he misses his mom.
Liza tells colby says she misses telling her about her life.Liza says she wants to protect and make decisions for her.You don't need me to do that anymore! Colby says these decisions are right for me I need you not for protection but I need you.Say you trust me.I'm trying says Liza.
Erica says this isn't a destination following you all the way across West Virginia.Caleb says he popped shoulder opening cabin.She neds to pull his arm and fix .He said she should be able to do at 3.
Erica pulls it back into position! Caleb goes into ratty cabin!Erica say no thank-you.Caleb says dibs on hamhocks or squireels? Erica is grossed out!He gives her chores chopping wood for cooking.
Ryan says Erica doesn't check in and she's on the run.Greens says maybe Erica will have explanation and resurface.Greenlee did you do this?
Greenlee denies it says she didn't do it asks what Emma wants for b-day .Ryan doesn't answer I think he's mad she's lying and has stooped so low!
Krystal wants to pay her own way!Krystal says she wants to make go of BJ's and Tad says she can keep the best table for free for family reunions!
Colby wants intern ship but she doesn't want to leave Damon.Damon says he'll go with her and they can live together!Probation is over in a couple of weeks .He'll get a job until internship comes and then another in NYC!
Ryan says he doesn't want to get involved Erica shouldn't disappear it looks bad to Jack.Jack is afraid of why she's disappeared!It could be something bad not the fraud.
Erica offers once again to replace Caleb's Stuff.Says she's important.She keeps asking to get back to civilization.She says you have been rude .The canned meat is from last century.She says you should be careful about putting a weapon in my hand when he gives her an axe to chop!
David says sorry Greens had to lie.Greens worries about Jack .David hacked into Erica's PDA sent message to Jack that she was staying out of town a little longer.David says avoid unnecessary risks avoid poeple and Emmas' party.Greenlee says maybe I should do thinking around here!
Liza complains that everything she does is bad.But Colby made their relationship better she reached out to me.Damon is the problem we were a train wreck at their age.Liza says !Tad says he doesn't want to have this conversation .Deal with Damon Liza says "Ban my son from seeing your daughter?
We are not the same peopleTd says
.His life is aimless don't let this happen to my daughter.Liza says .
Tad says "Time for you to go.
Madison says she had to get out of their because the calls were awful. Reporter comes in to bug her at casino.Ryan says back off or get out when reporter grabs her and Madison gets scared.
Randi says place(Fusion) is madhouse.Greenlee says I'll make staement we'll video and put it on website
JAck comes to see David threatens him that he better not have anything to do with it.David says he doesn't have time.Jack says it has his handprints on it.Dad David calls Jack "my private life is not your business.You harm the one love you'll answer to me!
Caleb says Dorthy don't scream at me when Erica demands to get down the mountain.You're my only hope.I heard Princess Leia here!LOL
That's the sadest thing I ever heard says Caleb.Erica says I can do this as she turns ankle as she tries to go down mountain!
Erica limps back and says be careful where you leave axe
Krystal takes Tad to BJ's says welcome to Krystal's
Are you okay?asks Krystal Tad memoans that maybe Damon is too much like him
Krystal says he should be so lucky.
Damon aplies for job at yacht club with Colby's connection she introduces him to friend Renee'.Damon admits he'll work hard but he wants to move in with Colby.Liza interrrupts says she was his lawyer during probation.He doesn't get job
Damon should get a restraining order against Liza!!Greenlee make service announcement that she doesn't believe Erica guilty.All about honesty!That will come back to bite her!
Jack asks Greens if she heard from erica she says no but You know Erica just when the drama peeks she'll be back.
Liza says he was flirting insuainting that he will cheat on Colby!He says you're jealous.Colby asks what is going on!Liza says she needed to know he had acriminal record.If Damon doesn't enough money I'll give it to him myself we l have akickass summer!MOM
Jack asks to use Greens Fusion phone as thye allleave leaving phones on answer.Jack leaves message he wants toask important question
Caleb has standford degree denies it says he stoled it.Says he was spy.
Erica Kane says it with me not Dorothy.He says you say that like your the Mona Lisa!
I am better I'm three demensionalsays Erica.There's only one couch she says as Caleb lies down to sleep
Krystal and Damon and Tad eat lunch.Damon tells Tad interview didn't go well.Krystal offers to hire him!Tad says Damon can buy. Damon looks panicked as Liza looks displeased looking on.Ryan hears Greenlee's Fusion is commited to truth speech.David tells Greenlee was brilliant leader.Where is Erica asks Greenlee.David say if she wants to remain.People are see in her as the leader.If Erica wants to remain hidden she will David pretends the plane crash didn't happen as Greenlee works.Erica complains she can't find water in dark.Eric a complains about bear!Caleb gets up and she takes couch!Nice move says Caleb what is your name he says didn't offer.Caleb!not the Mona Lisa but it's something says Erica!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday May 24,2010

Marissa and Jr are making out and he thinks of Annie and pulls away.Marissa says we shouldn't be doing this!Annie says know one knows that it's Palmer's use it use the device you can show everyone how special she is.Ryan says he vouches for Erica 100% Jesse says he's there for Ryan. OH boy!!
Erica braces for impact praying for her children after calling Bianca her plane goes down hitting a house.David worries hearing the plane took off as Greens ask if something is wrong! From the wreckage Erica is saved by the home owner Caleb who is less than pleased that the plane has disturbed his peace and ruined his home. Erica mutters on about thanking how he came along!He takes pilot out first however.Caleb also thinks Erica is weak oes!because she is dressed fashoinably and has tall sh.ERICA Weak?SILLY MAN She's ERICA KANE!
Ryan actaully thinks Jesse can live him out of charity investigation. David lies to Greenlee that he's worried about medical malpractice.
Marissa asks if he ever compares her to Annie he lies says no.
Annie comes on to Scott he says she's still wearing hs rng she takes it off!offers it to Scott but then says she should keep it to hawk for cash.Scott inspires her she says!You can prove Jr wrong and take company to the top!Jr comes in on them kissing.
Jealous much JR?
Greenlee is fielding calls about Erica's fraud!Madison tells Greenlee Ryan is being grilled by Jesse.JR grills Scott says there's only one Chnder him and says he's not happy with quarterly reports.
Caleb shushs Erica as he cuts her free and carries her out to her complaining she's fine.
Erica thanks Caleb as they hear wolves and he says nothing.She asks after the pilot!
Caleb looks through the wreckage for his stuff but Erica doesn't realize they hit his house.Which she calls pile of junk!
He says this junk use to be my house and this is al my stuff thanks for dropping in.
Greenlee assures Jesse that her accountants says any irregularities happened after ryan left.As Ryan calls Erica getting no answer.Caleb says sorry I didn't tidy up you should have called ahead.Erica apologizes say the house saved her.
Caleb says to bad I can't say that about old Jim (a bottle of booze).His dog Dog ran away!Erica calls for Dog.Caleb says keep screeching for him he'll never come back.That's not really the dogs name!Caleb says they took pilot to hospital to hospital he'll be fine.
Erica asks when coming back he says they aren't?THis makes no sense Erica could have serious injuries!
Erica says she has calls to make she's important maybe you didn't recognize I'm Erica Kane.Caleb doesn't now who she is!Erica demands to be taken down mountain says she's well known Caleb says she is annoying him
Caleb is annoying obnoxious and annoying
Marissa says to Annie that she doesn't think ahead she needs to think ahead and see if what she's doing will ruin people's lives.Scott tells Jr you think you should be in charge I don't think so!
David lies about hospital business as Greenlee calls .David still asks about palne as Greenlee comes in Angry because he isn't at hospital.Tell me!Erica's plane i disabiled it took off!Erica took off in damaged plane? Greenle says
Eric doesn't shut up Caleb gets tired of that.Caleb says he is going to another cabin!Erica bes him to take her down mountain.He asks her towatch out for mud slides.She says she'll have to go to cabin with him.He says she's not invited!
Erica apologises for destroying home offers to replace all money is no object.she tells him he can sell story make money.she says everyone wants to be famous!He calls her Dorothy!Erica says deep inside you are acaring soul not an antisocail creep.He says a dead body would have shot property values to hell!
Erica says you are about to meet real erica Kane
Jesse tells ryan Greenlee cleared!
David blames erica then says to Grenlee don't ut words in mouth.No fliht plan filed.Greenlee says she doesn't have move if she's dead.Enough maybes we have totell someone.David says no.
Annie says she will be completely honest with Marissa if there is problem in your marriage I'm not it says Annie
Scott says he wants to put money in biodisel.Scott tells JR about miracle product as Jr makes fun calling a magic bean.Jr is surprised!
Caleb says he'll go without or without Erica in five minutes as she goes in the plane to collect stuff suitcases !
Scott talks to his dad's apinting in loo of his dad and expalins his actions.Jr accuses Annie of going after Scott becasue os the device!Jr says don't b so smug what the ehll do you really want!She says wht the better question is what do you really want but we know the answer to that as Marissa watches annoyed.
Erica says she's ready asks Caleb to carry one bag!He throws them away when she says they are light but she's carrying make-up bag!!
Caleb laughs when she says she had new couture gown made in NYC in there!
Greenlee says Erica could be dead or dying as David says his man is looking in on it.Ryan comes to door where's Greenlee?Damn it! says David
I'm here about Erica says Ryan

Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday May 21,2010

JR answers the door to Annie.Marissa says hasn't she cause enough trouble Annie desn't belong here anymore.Scott says she's got no where to go.'yuo want Annie like everyone else in this house is lust or love!
Madison freaks out when Ryan touches her apologises Ryna says he understand.She says you can touch me nytime you want.
Greenle is runing in park sees butterfly thinks of Ryan!Opla asks if she is okay.
She says she saw soemthing that remeinded her of another life.David finds note from Greenlee running.Tom calls says he scheduled it so Erica's plane needs new fuel pump.Erica says her shoes won't be the same as she goes through woods in Pigeon holow!Someone shoots at her!She says I'm Erica Kane.The man doc waller says hewas shooting at wild turkey.she says she doesn't apprecaite being greeted by gunfire.I can see why Pete trusted you he says .Trusted me for what asks Erica.You'll find out he says!He takes her to patio says he wants to find turkeys!you do okay finding me Pete Cooney palmer to you I was to give this only to you.Pete wasn't easy to get along with.He said he didn't find a freind outsise ofher till he found you!He asks her to watch for turkey's while he goes toget it!Opla says Greenlee has been very brave except forwedding.Erca only bumps heads with those that are worht it.She's trying tosteal my company!Don't put me in that says Opal.David was never in the cards you were suppose toend up with Ryan says Opal as David appears
Madiosn says that didn't come out right .She's just learning about herself.Ryan commiserates!she ahs to find right person not you! She's horribel at being employee /Friend!Ryan ays he comes with abarge full of baggage were good!
Madiosn worries that she was too pushy takes phone.Randi says all hell is breaking loose.
Opal leaves!Greenlee says she's feeling overwhelmed about fixing books .Davidasks if shewas feeling bad if she's worried about getting caught.she says she wished she could do it hionestly.Let divorce paly out I'll keep her from huse says scott about annie
Marssa says don't promise what you can't do!Annie says they have to amke pece for the kids.He doesn't have to do anythingshe could be arrested!.Marissa is back great news .Annie says she remembers every single detail as Marissa come in!
Oh it's out Erica (stole from Miranda line we know she didn't )
Greenlee says they need to protect company Erica too asksRandi of course she's the company!
Emma is talking birthdy with ryan she wants Greens at party with pizza.Jacka sks Greens if she knew about this!Greens says she doesn't know what to thinka bout this where is she anyway!
Doc gives Erica locked box Jackson has combiantion for will reading!He gives letter to Erica for her!My dearest Erica if you're reading this I'm gone it also maeans you've made your wa to ph .I'm grateful.Me grateful
Look at beauty around you this is the place from I was running from who I was you can't escape from who you are.!
Life isn't race it's journey to be savoured before you push so hard to get where you are going take some time to appreciate where you are!
Live love be happy!Thank-you for coming here for my curtain call With love and affection and admirer Palmer

Marissa yells at Annie for being in Jr's room.Marissa tells annie off who says she was holding out olive branch!Jr says you get Annie out or I will says JR to scott
Erica says Doc was loyal friend to palmer.doc offers ride erica says she'll listen to palmer as she cals Opal.She tells Opal she got lovely note.Opla I'll be home soon!First stop shou;ld be Fusion!Yuo got seroius fires to put out she says as Erica hangs up reads news blog on phone.Calls Greenlee!
Jack defends Erica she didn't do this!Greenlee says I know you want to defend but ...
David comes and says you are accusing of Greenlee it's not okay we had nothing to do with it.Greenlee says she jsut checked books she ses no other ecxplaination/.Let the games begin!David and Greenlee scheme he tells her erica used her father she took contract off desk!Yuo deserve your company.We meet at 7!
Erica says how could you set this up like this you spolied petilent brat.She threatens Greenlee with ten years in jail.
Greens hangs up pretending she can't hear her and tells Randi to put phones on voicemail.Erica says I'll kill her!
THe pilot says they can not take off scheduled maintenance.she says fly me now or I'll find one!I have to file fliht paln
Jr says My father won't like this Scott says You'll neve know he won't talk to you!
Annie says scott has a heart unlike youScott loves that hse stands up for him as she apologizes!
Marissa is asked by Aj if she's staying.She says his smiles made hers tay!
David says goodbye to david in park as emma runs to her with rYan.Emma asks to birthday party.Emma givs Greens a a bracelet of flowers!Emma goes to play Ryan talks! Greens says work is crazy but she'll deal! Ryan leaves as David comes back with ice coffee?it looks like Coke!
Marissa wants totakea trip Jr says he can't right now.Marissa says annie pops up all over the palce it's not working!Jr is worried that scott is taking company he's got soemthing up sleeve.Jr asks for afew weeks to protect from Scott.What is more important your ffmaily vbusiness or your family?Marissa asks
Annie says she has to get herself together for Emma's sake!Scott says she's fun even when she's fighting with Jr she gives him good quips.Makes Scott laughScott admits he stole product for Chandler.Palmer clip Eric you are not alone!Pilot says we have to make emergency landing!
Marissa because of you I'm leaving and breathing Annie didn't that.Kisses her!Marissa says she shouldn't be doing this as she kisses him again madly!Jr remebers him and Annie and backs off.
Scott says I shouldn't talk with this to you.He tells her he was dealing with Palmer working with him!He wantd new partner Scott!
Plamer liked him nobody knew now he's gone.The incvention is nano technology.pocket size computers that project touch screen where ever you projects you can use as computer!
Madiosn tells Ryan what they are saying about Erica.No one can find her.
David takes call from his guy who says the plane took off!Erica says Bianca into the phone as plane goes down .She prays to God!Take care of Children!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday May 20,2010

Damon is upet that Stuart isn't his gives ID to casino guy who saysit's fake.He takes a swing Jesse stops him says it's getting old.Liza says he's been hard at tAd dAmon is his priorty!You have t be there for Damon but b there for you too!Jesse calls .What does he want?It's about Damon!who else says Liza!Jake is making the wedding of Amanda's dreams in lists Opal!He orders red peonies!
to Amanda Amanda says he doesn't know that I'm going crazy but I do he'll be sending doctors like Mom sad she says to trevor.Angie is at door wants to make sure Amnda is okay!Come on let's get a drink at yacht club make time' says Angie
Jack and Erica are in bed happy!ack says when he gets out of shower she's all his.Jack gets text from Greens Erica answers Greens says hey Dad ho long and you and erica plan to be out of town!Erica says he lied!She saw text from Greenlee was this plan?of course not says Jack Erica: you're lying to me again were done!JAck:I'm not
You're both wrong!You gave her time to counter attack you're devious
I want my daughter to get her company back fairly.she created you don't!Everything you touch turns to Gold.she lost so much!
David has got most of her soul I want her to get her soul back with Fusion
I hope it was worth everything you lost!

David plots he's got word out it should break before Gala.He cansee eadlines.Greenlee says Kane out Greenlee back where she belongs.Greenlee gloats.They'll rule!Old you gone says David!

Liza comes in and is upset that Colby is gambling.Tad begs Jesse to look the other way says you'd cover for your family if you could!Jesse caves!last chance he says!
Colby says she's not going home.Damon says she needs to get away from psycho mom as Liza says he doesn't deserve you or to be a Dad!
Ask for DNA test DAmon!!!!
Opalwants to have a Gone with the wind theme wedding .Jake says he just wants Amnda to be happy.He searches for ring!Opal cries when she sees it!
Opla says the ring is the most gorgeous thing she's seen.Jesse lost balloonsake is spiralling!.Jake asks for camera!angie says Jesee left the sunsroom open.Amnda takesoff thinks it's an intervention!
Angie says Jake thought you needed a night off to!Amanda:You too were plotting I want no part of it.Angie says he's worried about you.Amanda:I'm need toget out.I'm not crazy shesays!I can't leave without you says Angie.
Damon says accept what I am I'm a waste!Tad says I'm not going anywhere.Damon:says get a clue
Tad says stay away from him and me to Liza as Krystal calls!
Greenlee is worrried about tthe old me being gone comment she wants to be herself !
David says together we are a force to be feared!Greenlee goes to take books back to Fusion!
Greenle puts books back and remeebrs begginning of Fusion as Ericasays she's back.Ericasays you've been busy!Trying to use Daddy to distract.Accept it you've lost!
Greenlee:your deleusional get alife!Erica:I have one do you?
Ericasays I have children and Jack waht do you have david?Greenlee says she ahs David.
Erica says you are going to have to fight tooth and nail to have everything you eve want Ffusion will never be yours says Greenlee
Erica gets call about Palmer there's lock box he wants her to pick up from Pigeon Hollow!
Damn says he has to leave P.V. as Krystal says he fits just fine!Tad will not be oaky!the Martins' love you too!you can try to get rid of them or you can reach for them!With Tad you hit the jackpot!Jake can't find Amnda he sends Tad to find!Liza says she ahs abig mouth she's protecting daughter.You've known me for years!Tad says I have abig family moment going on I'm busy.she says Sorry!Jake says Angie found Amnda at the aprk as Jake brings Tad in
Amanda says she's not going to stick around as they get her a shrink!Angie says he has a surpise I can't tell.Amanda says Jake has been so grat I have to tell him I'm going to show him How much I love him!I know what to do.
OPla talk to Erica about Jack.Oplasays she deosn't beleve Greenlee got to Jack!she says she's wants to gosee Doc Waller in Pigeon Hollow but she has to fight Greens!You don't need that lipstick factory any more than the boots I bought last week!Waht will it say on your tombstone Ifought I won and I made it all about me? love Opal
Greens apologises to dad!Do you beleive david is right man life is to short you deserve to be happy
Jake is all stressed as Colby and Krystal and Damon tell him they saw Amanda in parking lot!Amnda comes in as they hide and Jake is sitting on sofa!
Amnda is in trench coat!OOPS!She's stripping she strips in front of all screams what are all these people doing here!They are here because I want ask you to marry me agin he says taking out ring box with ring!
Ericacals Jack and apologises!Jack whoare you and what have you done with Erica Kane?
She says sshe's going to Pigeon Hollow for Palmers' legacy she'll be back for Gala .NYc was wonderful she won't gforget.I'll be waiting says Jack!
"I know says Erica!
Davidsays Erica is leaving!David says he has it covered don't worry!
Greenlee says when my Dad dumps Erica for the 10th time will be rock solid!
Amnda asks if that's why all are there!He's goign to make it his life mission to make her feel loved everyday as Angie coems in with champagne!
Jake wants to give her big wedding lazy sundays.Trevors little eague games and her smiele lights up his world we can have all this if you says yes!Amanda of course says yes!Tad says get a room!
Tad calls Krystal amazing for getting Damon to come to the aparty as Liza looks on jealous and upset.Damon says he keeps thinking about Krystal's comment that he hit the dad jackpot!
Amanda and Jake disppear!Amnda tells him what she thought he says he can''t live without her!If they took her away he'd get commited too!She so excited about the wedding

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday May 19,2010

Janet wakes up Jake does tell Amanda at first tells her it was a telemarketer hangs up on Janet who gets mad says her daughter shouldn't have married a doctor and calls back.Amnda answers gets mad and goes to hospital.She tells Janet that when she was younger she thought all mom's talke dto mirrors but even though she found at that they didn't she still loved Janet,But not after Janet killed Trevor her dad.She has a good life with little Trevor and Jake they are her family .She had an unusual wedding but it was beautiful she says! she 's done with Janet is never going to see Janet again.Janet wakes up says you can't trust the people who love you the most they lock you up and throw away the key!Janet pulls out the guilt trip!
Amanda says Jake doesn't lie!
Jakesays it's hisfault that Janet id uoset!Amnda overhears that he ahs to do something to help Amnda and that it is drastic

Angie talk to Frankie praises his surgery he says he's lucky Angie is his mom.
Amnda avoids Angie thinks she's finding a Shrink

Damon and Colby are together he's upset about Stuart as Colby offers herself to him.He almost does then pullls back and says no becasue he's always making mistakes and has to do right by his son get a job and his GEd.Colby offers any help he needs.Tad meets Liza at yacht club talks up Damon gets her to see that he's not a totally bad kid he's had bad breaks but Tad wants to help him!Liza seems to be coming around gos to explain to Colby that she had nothing to do with Bailey when she bursts in without knocking sees Colby 's bra and jumps to conclusion they slept together!she yells at Colby she tells her she wanted it to happen but Damon said no.
Tad ylls at Damon says he was talking him up to Liza and Damon says he said no.At first Tad laughs then believes him!says Colby's cute he's proud that he backed off
He wants to help Damon get Staurt more weekends and holidays!
He should have time with his son! Tad talk to Bailey she demands to talk to Liza!
Bailey says she has proof Staurt isn't damon'sLiza demnds proof!Then she says Tad won't like this.Tad comes to tell Damon he's not stuart's dad!therwas another first guy!Tad says he wants Dna test but Bailey loved you!she calims the truth!
Tad vows new test!Damon stalk off.colby follows asks if he's okay.Damon says stuart is my kid.
He's tried of fighting.Indepeendence day.I can have fun!who cares about provbation let's go celebrate
Tad asks Liza about the fact it could be lie? Liza comforts says he ahs her!It's going to be oaky!Frankie looks for randi!Madiosn says she made fool of herself!Hub says she's a good a catch!
Amnda talks to Trevor!Going to be jsut fine!Daddy's worriedI think they are going to trick me into soemthing I don't want.Jake wants Martin gala party at casino hesays to Ryan !
Madison offers Ryan $50 dollars towards debt he says no she insists he says okay but only if you lunch with me!She talks it over with Randi while waiting Asks how totell he likes her!She likes him randi teases!Ryan orders Cobb salad Madison says she should be paying Ryan says she can't afford him jokingly!. Ryan and Madison talk aboutDavid.shes says she messed up th her and tries to take his hand!Madiosn says she's nervous!Ryan says it's jsut as her boss!he's taking abreak.She says she is tired of drama too.Jake calls Madiosn a beautiful mess and take shimaway!Madiosn is hurt that ryan doesn't like ehr the sameway!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday May 18,2010-Damon finds out that Stuart isn't his

Damon is worried about getting everything ready for Stuart being perfect.Tad has a special surprise welcome party at his house and helim!He makes a weird voice with it!Damon thanks Tad say it's awesome!
Annie walks into Chndler says she wants to do something special throws herself at him it looks like when she takes robe off but no it's an apron!!JR gives Marissa a hangover cure.He says he wouldn't finish her off he won't hurt her again when she complains.Erica is NYC Jack joins her!Greenlee fell asleep on the sofa !akes up says she's doing damage control against Erica to David! Greenlee says about the papers .When she's done Erica will be so embarrassed she won't show her face in P.V. again! Greenlee says besides losing Fusion!David tells me more so I can help.Erica is using every resource let me help you take her down!
Jack is in NYC! I found out from assistant in Jack's office.says Greenlee I'm trying to frame her for stealing from Miranda line.Greenlee says I'm not good at this though .David says I've done my share of creative accountant give it to me then he says this my darling is slam dunk!
Jack says he doesn't want their families to get in way any more he'll compartmentalize.Erica time is now!Erica says sorry Again!She says competiveness took over.Jack says 'Unless talking Fusion he won't mention ot to her!no more Fusion.He offers her carriage ride.Erica says she needs to take care of some business but offers to take off clothes.Not for reasons we think she' modelling for Gala.She wants perfect outfit!
Annie was ofering breakfast funny not herself even though she had robe over dress.She found Sccott's stuff in pantry while cooking his breakfast and gave him it She calls him Scotty .LOL
The secret weapon says Scott mysteriously
Marissa says this shouldn't be happening I shouldn't be near you.Jr says It's my fault I had ad rink in front of me I'm sorry your hurting!I'm glad you didn't walk away says Jr!
Opal is decorting cake for party.Krystal says she going to get Marissa!Colby wants to know if there back together Krystal says no!she was drunk Jr is looking after her!
Damon is excited to be with Stuie!Tad gives camera and Phillies onesie to Damon for Stu!Damon says he likes the Cincinnati Reds not the Phillies!D
amon is excited is calling Bailey!Colby says he doesn't say but he's grateful!
Damon is upset she's not picking up!She's has handsfree phone so why?
Scott says Stuart had become his dad.His mom had told him that he would have Stuart as a Dad and to always be a good boy when she was gone!He says it was hard to be totally good.He felt really guilty he lsot it and cried!He told dad he couldn't be good all the time Stuart told him about sticking finger in her brownies didn't make bad just human.The hat his dad got for him the a hat was for when he had bad feelings secret weapon against guilt.It worked made him feel better.Annie says put on it doesn't fit he says!
Marissa asks how he is.She's glad he's in remission.He was scared he hopes not to let her down again he wants her back.Aj runs in don't sleep anywhere else he asks.
Damon is worried!Doorbell rings!Liza is there she says she has bad news !Bailey's not coming
David says we will be subtle !Some money went to Fusion Glamour to launch that project !She's a class A felon!Greenlee says he is a genuis!
He asks why this is okay but not the other .She says they can be devious as long as they work together.Trust me now?Yes says David and kisses Greenlee!
Erica is showing David stunning dresses.He says stunning and says she could put on potato sack and lok gorgeous!Gala business done onto personal says Erica after I call for perfect shoes to go with this dress.White dress with some kind of flower at waist also white but rimmed with black!
Jack gets call from Greenlee who thanks him for getting Erica out of town.This trip was Erica's idea .I'm hanging up!I don't want any part says Jack!
Jack says his guy in France was on phone.Erica says why are you lying to me!
Scott eats and talk about Staurt says he was givng loving!Annie says he is like him.Scott says he isn't.
Marissa comes down an Jr says he and Aj will make food!Krystal comes in Marissa says she drank because she wanted to drown feelings make them dispapea she can't stop loving JR!
Why would I lie to you asks Jack.Jack says that wasn't the french guy Jacque Jacque.He claims he called down to desk to hold calls!

Greenlee is smiling she says she'll have it all Fusion and David
Bailey is staying in Ohio.Tad offers to intercede for Damon.Colby blames Mom she says you scared her into not coming.You want Damon gone away from me .Slamming him with Stuart is cruel!Liza says she didn't do it as Colby storms up.Liza says Damon is just like Tad at that age,Can you blame me for keeping him away from Colby you hurt me.Tad says no he doesn't sadly!
Annie says you are not angry or bitter despite all that's happened Staurt is watching from heaven smiling at all that you've done. for this family!Scott says there is constant pressure I have to choose what is ethical to profitable I feel like I'm losing my soul
Krystal says if you love him you have to decide if you want to forgive him.She tells mom that Jr wasn't going to check-up she says she was scared she'd lose him.Krystal says Jr loves her enough to do anything to get her back.Jr bring in food!Marissa aks mom for time to talk to JR.She says she wants to try to forgive him!Silly woman once a cheat always acheat!
You won't regret this says JR .Marissa says no guarantees I'll move back in for AJ but you need to do some seroius work to prove that this marriage and you are worth it while I stay in another bedroom.Aj offers her cookies she says as much as she loves present she's staying becasue she loves him.
Annie says you would never get to the pont of selling your soul.He says he is tired this is first decent breakfast in weeks.He thanks her for food as she leaves and he looks at stuff but she comes back and kisses on cheek.Just friendly kiss she says.
Damon wants to know why everyone blows him off!Does everyone hate me because of disorder or is it just me.Colby says she's there Tad is there,He says she has crazy family.She told him about Jr breaking upwith Marissa and Annie is staying at Scott's house.Only time she can breathe is with Damon!
She says she bought bear when she was kid when she went by safe haven signs Liza would says if you get lost go there!You're my safe haven.she says
Tad apologises for hurting Liza.Liza says we had fun.Remember how we got caught in man cave shocker!Tad's joke in police station flashing.She misses those times she misses him.He says he misses her.Tad says he cares about her but he's life is insane he can't take on anything else.She asks if she is good enough for him what is it?as Krystal comes in!
Hi she says she's going to check on girls.Got my answer says Liza don't says anything more she says!She tries not to cry.Damon and Colby are making love!
Erica's books are cooked says Greenlee Fusion is all mine.
David says don't pop cork yet if we confront Erica with numbers will be fingered we need to find outside party I'll make it happend says David!
I owe you for life says Greenlee.David says you are my partner for life you don't owe me.
Scott asks about business on phone has questions.
Aj is excited about Mrissa moving back in! Annie comes to door for her stuff as Marissa asks what she's doing there.Annie explains Scott was nice let her stay in gatehouse.Don't let me think you're taking him back Annie says disgusted .Oh the whole family is here she says seeing Jr who says "Get out!
Marissa looks really upset with this happening!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday May 17,2010

Marissa is drunk and whispers to the bartender that JR slept with his stepmom.Jake says you did number on daughter didn't you to Janet as he can't reach Amanda!Trevor is sick they rush hm to hospital!
Ryan says wonder why Greenlee will say? David says I bet you can't wait! RYan:I won't have to .David:how long have you been there?Greenlee: long enough .As Ryan asks if she neds back-up.He asks how she is she's says not pregnant Ryan says than Good.Greenlee:Why would you try to get my employee to seduce Ryan.David:Because I wanted Ryan out of your life for good
Madison say to ryan outside he won't hurt her.Greenlee won't let him maniplate her.She tells him she didn't realize how much he really cares he was worried she was pregnant.Madison says he's amazing the way they stood up for her and Greenlee.
Ryan says he understand show it could have happen his old man beat him.

David says it's Ryan he doesn't trust.Ryan is more part of you then ever you take him to Rio and you turn to him because he's there .I saw the special bond look how he was relieved for you that you weren't pregnant he knew and I didn't.Greenlee:What can I do? David: If it's ever really over it will break my heart if you go back to him I can't bare to lose you .Greenlee angrily:Maybe you all ready did.
Jr takes Marissa home as she berates him about what he did.You didn't think you're too self confident I did everything and you cheated with Annie.That had nothing to do with you!Marissa said that's cause everything is about you!Jr says everything you've done all of it is about me I know I can never make this right but I'm going to try
Amanda brings Trevor to hospital and berates herself for let him cry when he was sick!Krystal covers and says they didn't notice he was sick because they were trying to let him cry out!
Jesse comes to Casino and Ryan tells Jesse what David was up to!Jesse tells him about hospital! Asks Ryan what this something was that David used for blackmail?Ryan: you know Jesse!
Greenlee says trust is everything you're ruining it.David says maybe if I knew it was true if I heard it.Greenlee says love that rips you up inside it can kill you it's exhausted she doesn't want torture someone who trusts you doesn't care about someone else as david looks on like hefeels that way about her!
Marissa says I'm not sleeping her you may have done it here!Marissa ssy you need to know that I took care of you and this is how you repay me? your going to get Karmic payback!
Amanda bemoans that Trevor is sick he needs antibiotics they are keeping Trevor overnight.Jake asks if he was overnight she looks for his t-rex.She says she doesn't want to Jake insists!She says she's going to mom!
Jr says he will egt payback with test results.Marissa sasys she wants heartache emotionally tortured kind.He says he wish he could undue all he lost postion dad and Marissa.He needs her!You don't need anyone!You wanted to save me that's why you took drink I want to be the man you desrve can you give me chance to do that? Will you ?JR asks as Marissa pases out and he covers her up.
Amanda sees Janet tells her about Trevor that she didn't want to believe what she said.she doesn't want to be obsessive like Janet.
Ryan talks to Jesse about secret!Hayward must stay away.Ryan gets call from dealers.Ryan says he hopes he didn't make mistake about telling about situation of Hayward with Hayward.
David says he wants Greenlee to be happy.Greenlee says that's what she wants you have my back no more stunts like today no repeats, no drugs kidnapping or cheating! She wants different trust respect and honesty.If you break promise I'll leave what do you say?.Will you give word for this?asks Greenlee
How can you trsut me knowing everything you know!you won't lose me if you keep your word.He promises he won't hurt her again!they hug
Randi asks why Jesse is there free perfume? Randi says she's covering.David is sticking nose into Henry's death.Randi says she was hoping Madison took care of it.He asks why she didn't come when Dave started digging.It's my fault he overheard when I yelled at Madison.What did he hear?I don't know says Randi!
She killed hubby pinky swear ? I put marriage, family on line.I have to go to Hayward find all they know!says Jesse
Krystal yells aT Jr for Marisa drinking to protect Jr.bartender called!
Jr says I'll take care was this!Krystal:was this a a ploy to suck her back in.I want to take care it's going to take more than this .JR : I will make it up to her
Janet is guilting you even not awake says Jake.Amanda was worried she'd hurt Trevor didn't pick up she admits .Tell me what she said demands Jake.Amanda says that she's like Janet!She's wrong!Jake says.Quit doing this to yourself.If I become like her protect Trevor from me she says.Jake comforts!
Jesse sees Dave who says he won't talk without lawyer.He's busy.He heard police matter Madison North is it true? asks Jesse.David says he heard disturbing stuff!
Jesse says wanted to amke sure you weren't getting another victm!David :Like your daughter in law? Don't worry I dropped it.Angie's future is in my hands however!
Jesse:Good luck with that and good luck holding onto your bride.
Madison :she's settled it I won't bring you down.Randi:Maybe you should if I hadn't constantly attacked this wouldn't have gone on.If I hit Henry harder I could have kiled .Sorry for constantly throwing in your face,
Greenlee comes in asks for time with Madison.
Greenlee says he promises to drop it now I need seating charts for Galla
Madison says David used fiancial problems against her.Told her that she took casino job she needs both incomes took because of financial and David plan.Greenlee says she'll talk to Ryan about work schedule.Madison hugs says they are both wonderful.
AJ asks if Marissa is back to stay.JR says no.Aj says if she's not feeling good make favourite strawberry waffles and she'll never leave.JR smiles
Jake says you are a little OCD about keeping nursery clean but you are not crazy you need to talk to someone to shake this.I don't want Shrink.This person can help cast out doubt!It's Trevor!
Jr watches Marissa .Gets results no cancer he's happy!Marissa hears smiles happily!
Amanda and Jake go to Trevor.Nothing beter than seeing mommy right Trevor who gives better hugs .Mommy love you so much!
Greenlee kisses David says he's best hubby in world proved that you loved me without a doubt says Greenlee as they make out in David's mind!
Ryan asks if Hayward came after her again Madison thanks him for standing up for her!Ryan goes back to books.She told Greenlee about working for him she says she will work it out thanks I owe as she hugs and Greenlee sees and looks jealous!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday May 14,2010

Erica is crowing that she'll win when Greenlee comes in.Greenlee says she'll never get Fusion.Ryan asks if her boyfrienis!Madison says can't do this she says she need a shrink!Ryan says what about the eye she's says it's make-up it's fake!he doesn't understand.She says he's not her boyfirend she addmits David is behnd it.David moves into the hospital.Marissa forgot her purse and runs into dad .she says she's not okay!he asks if it's JR!She doesn't want him to die she says.Jr lies and says there is nos tress at home.Amnda tells Janet tot ake it all back she's her own person.Trevor will be happy with two sane parents .sShe begs janet to wake up and tell her she was wrongight..Jake says it's up to Janet.He says come watch teelnova aall night.she says he has to work.she's taking trevor for two hours to park before dark!they talk about trevor on slide.Jr is finished exam.Doc's says he looks good take wife to dinner and a movie.Marissa says jr is worried cancer is back.David wants to know waht to do to help.Undue last three weeks.He would if he could.He says I shouldn't have gone off like that he can't stand by and watch her get hurt.H'll be htere for her.Can he take to dinner.she has study session!Some other time.Thanks Marissa says!David's happy!
Greenlee looks at flowers from David.she says not going to dispappear under rock.Waht willl you pull your out of time Greenlee you have no cosmatic line.what to do what to do admit defeat Greenlee says Erica!
Erica says you might be pregnant!Definitely your palce totell dada says greenlee sarcastically.
Fusion is my baby!Don't think about destroying it.I wouldnebver destroy it watch your back.
Madiosn says David wanted me to distract you romantically to keep you away from Greenlee.Women do things they won't normally do with David waht does he have on you?Madison says I'm not the only one involved good people are involved and I don't want them hurt!
Greenlee begs Jack to help her sab otoge Erica please Daddy.He says no!
she bes him to get erica out of town for 24 hours just to be out of her way!not too much to ask she says
Madiosn says she's sorry it killed to go along with his paln thanks for job adavice friendship.It was you that paid back rent she did I repay?
Ryan ssys you didn't do it that's what counts David says he did it and hewent along with assumption.she ahs to go she says she has to leave town before David does something.Rynasays he can help.I will protect all !There is nowhere to hide from David stay here and fight and I will help says Ryan.Tell me what you did! I killed my husband she admits!she tells all howshe set up randi and how randi atacked him first but she smacked him because of the abuse!she didn't help she hit him.I waited for randi to take fall!Jesse and family helped her.Hubbards did nothing and he will figure it out an hurt them.I have to gt lost he'll forget eventaully.You'llknow what he's up to know and be prepared.Ryan says do you trust me david won't use you anymore I won't let him says Ryan
Jake talks to hub about Janet and how her mom is and what she did killing amnda's dad.Amnda is freaking out inside how do I protect her help her.
Trevor starts screaming!amnda remeebers what Janet says about loving trevor fiercely and gets scared.
Erica tells Opal what she did.Yuo cut Jack's daughter off at the kneecps I wouldn't forgive that!
Erica says Greenlee did it first.Opal says you could lose Jack.Erica says he always chooses Greens over me.Hogwash you just chose the steamroller approach and broke Jack's heart.
Greens begs him to smooze Erica.Jack says No!ld help because he wouldn't be in he you'll do it!Jack says no!Greens saysErica losing would be great for you you two could enjoy each others company with no Greenlee talk! I hope you don't look back and regret it.Greens says
Madiosn comes to dAvid's .david says did anyone see you.She says she doesn't know doesn't care .He says you will if everyone knows you're dirty little secret!
I'm out she says find someone else becasue I won't .you make it sound like you have choice as a mattter of fact she does says Ryan!
I don't know what she's told you but she's a pathological liar.What's happening that you had to come up with this plan to seduce me trouble in paradise says Ryan!David says so you know you're defending acold blooded murderess?A killer.
I'm defending one of your would pimp her out for this?You got to keep me occupied?
Anything to keep you out my wife's hair for good everytime I turn around you're there .Her sympathetic shoulder a firend you destroyed her life before you won't again.
Erica says an opportuntity arose I took it!this is going to effect you and jack if you don't watch out!There is amn whoadores the stillettos you walk in are you going to let him go for a competition!who's going to apt your tushy and feed you banbons.Erica asks how Opla is hse says sh misses him every single day!she thinks she'll turn around and he'd be there .she wishes she'd told him one last time she loved him.Chnces are running out don't waste yours says OPal.Jackson what are you doing here?Jack says quiet dinner as Opla leves then together.Erica asks how it went!
marissa study partner cut out and she snatches drink from Jr when she sees it and it burns all the way down.
Randi was in abad place when we first got together .She thought she was to live nad die on the streets her fears kept us aprt I waited for her torealize shewas the one in charge.Be aptient and let her know you blieve in her.Krystal comes by and ssy it must have been a hard time all these years.Trevor cries and Krystal says aren't you going to check on Trevor! amnda says no!
Marissa is dying from 60%scotch.Jr says hewants going to drink he was string it down.she thought it was bad news.Sorry I scared you says Jr waiting on blood work.Sorry you''ve been saying that a lot.Iknow says JR !
I hate you says Marissa
Erica says to Jack I thought you'd be happy Greenlee isn't pregnant!
He says that's none of your damn business!Good for you Jack you tell her!!
Did you see my notes!I'm sorry that is sacinct what are you srry for because you sandbagged Greenlee,becasue you used me or becasue you got caught.Greenlee started this.My daughter was trying to level the playing field says Jack angrily!She wanted fair fight but you don't do fair.sneaking behind my back was illegal.This is personal as it gets! says Jack
I'm sorry for it but I couldn't help myself erica says.Pavolina defense their is no excuse I don't understand and don't accept your apology says Jack!
DAvid says go pound on your chest somewhere else Lavery I'm done as Greenlee comes in and hears I'm just get started the best aprt of the paln it doesn't make any sesne if I'm so in love with Greenlee why would I jump in bed with someone else!because your a sucker always have been always will be and if I found someone moretrust worthy more competent you would have fallen for it.Go to hell say Madison
Sad lame predictable way you see awoamn in trouble you trip over yourself to get there!ryan:And you think i'm slow on the uptake you don't even realize completelty and totally wasted your time.Despite your wahcked out conclusions Greenlee is totally yours!whether you deserve her or not that's another story!
erica says she did waht she did to counteract Greenlee's dirty deal.but never meant to hurt you in process.Jack:If you could would you take this back?'Erica:no Jack then there's nothing more to say!erica storms out after saying I guess not!Ot apologise.Opal is looking for her earing Jack finds!Jack says she did in Erica way!
Jack sais he would walk away if he didn't love that woman so much!
Marissa says you don't have the right totell me how to fel I will feel what I feel when I want sounding slightly drunk.Jr says that's not waht he emant he pushes to get her back.she says her study partner is sick why everyone is sick?
she gets up and feels dizzy as Jr catches her
Jake calls home gets answering machine asks Amanda on it if Trevor is having a good time at the aprk picking up ladies at swingset!Call me love you not like you to turn off phone.Amnda says trevor isn't sleeping through night so they are trying cry it out them.Krystal says she understands!Give hima few minutes.Krystal says it's been more tahn few minutes.Trevor is burning up!
Ryan says where d you come up with this make Madiosn fake a blackeye given her background do you know how hard that is for her?
David:Please buy her ariver somewhere else take trash with you.Ryan:says hat will Greenlee says about this.David: I bet you can'tt wait this must be your best day ever running to her to tell her all the fine details!
Ryan:oh I won't have to!
Greenlee is behind David she heard all!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thursday May 13,2010

Marissa is at the door tosee AJ!Jr rejoics he wants tottalk she says no she's there because she thought he wouldn't be
Tad and Rynasee Madiosn breaking into rooms
Madison is sporting a black eye via Randi part of her's make-up!
Randi wants to know what's going on waht does hewants to you to do?David wants Ryan ro fall for me.David wants Greenlee to rest!David wants totalk greenlee doesn't.Jack knows Erica took the papers!Dammit!he says
Erica has the papers gave them to someone in Brazil!
Scott saves Annie but the mugger takes all her money!
Marissa thought he'd be at his check-up she's mad that he's blowing it off.Marissa yells at him for making everyone esle suffer what gives him the right.
Madison has two jobs!Landlord kicked her out asks Ryan?'Tad says she has style!what do you want me to do>ed he says no.Madison tells Randi what she has to do!Madison says she doesn't want to she likes Ryan.
Ryan says it's a rough patch!She better not try this anywhere else she'll go to jail.Greenlee says the negative stick is good.David says he'd like a child but he won't push her into something she doesn't want to do!She want s to know if he thinks she is less committed.
Ryan wants to meet at the yacht club.
Jack meets Erica compliments her dress says looking at her remeinds him why spring is his favorite!He asks her how Fusion is!Jack says I love that about you always thinking of otehrs.I have a better product I'll win.Maybe you'll stop by and return this says Jack.Erica claims she was going to return it!Contract means Greenlee can go ahead.Erica smiles meanly.Erica apologises for taking advantage.She claims Greenlee had no legal right!She claims she would sue if they did that.Jack asks how could she do that!How could you betray me says Jack.I can't trust you at all .I'm going to warn Greenlee.She blindsided me says Ericashe had no right.Erica says Greenlee might be pregnant!Greenlee says it's good o have baby issue settled.They will rock the town he with the hsopital and her with Fusion.You are all I want but they may call you Mr,Fusion now again!Greenlee says
Annie has a sprained ankle.Crippled and poor says Annie!She berates Scott for losing her purse.Evry dime I had was in that purse.Adam kicked us both out Emma and I!Emma
shouldn't have to deal wth this.What am i going to do Adam canceled all credit cards!Collect your oscar?Bastard!
JR is worried he's weak tired worried that the cancer is back!SAys even if there was achnce to get back together he wouldn't want her back with pity!he's playing her even if he is sick!
I confided in you!He says she's resourceful! you took on a mugger.She says Scott lost all her money.She refuses to go to ER! ssays leave me here!you are a jerk!there are bandages at house.I will wrap your ankle and you willleave and qit yelligat ame about mugger!
Madison comes with sunglasses on.Ryan asks if she wants to talk he says he knows about rooms.Madiosn says sorry fire me.He says he doesn't gives her a room on house!how ill I pay you back.He says do something for someone else one day.waht is that who hit you?
Who does Erica think she is says Greenlee when she finds out!Jack says no way out.
Greenlee wants to sue for torturous interference.she says you still get to celebrate with Erica!Jack says he doesn't know about that!
Erica is writing a I'm sorry note for Jack but says she's not that sorry.
Jr says he hopes Anniewas evicted heesays .doesn't go change what happened to appointment!Marissa says you think if the cancer's back i'll drop everything and come back?Marissa says you hurt me and apart of me can never imagine coming back.Do this for AJ and quit being selfsh.Marissa says I don't know waht I would do if you were sick but if I didn't come back it wouldn't be because I didn't care.Marissa goes tosee AJ as annie comes in.waht the hl are you doing here? asks JR
Annie limps in and Scott explains that she was mugged and hurt!
JR doesn't beleive it!Scottsays it won't hold up it's his golf buddy the're not even areal chndler JR says! Jr tries to kicks Scott and Annie out .Says get out of my house.Scott says she's staying I'm inviting her to stay!
Erica pumps David for news of pregnancy as he brought flowers.Erica says she's not taking over Fusion I bested her!Did you pull something Erica.I did you afavour Greenlee will have more time with you.Greenlee says I started Fusion I shouldn't lose it.Jack asks if there is something else you should focus on.Jack says Erica told him about test she says she's not pregnant !Jack says thank goodness because with your history.Its' a false alarm she states!
Madison claims she walked into a door as Ryan doesn't beleive and she goes away leaving phone behind!
Jr says all in black in white this bans her from house Scott says but she can stay at gatehouse I own it from my dad .Annie says he's showing me basic human kindness something you know nothing about.Scott is moving into house as Jr calls Cynthia court orders!Jack says Iknow it's none of my business but you should take steps so this doesn't haen again don't spend the rest of your life going through hell.You are more like Erica then youknow!Erica tells david Greenlee ahs no packaging go offer her symapthy take flowers.David says do you think greenlee iwll curl up and cry.I will do all to !help her.Erica says just admit that this won't get you what you want!
Ryan says he's sorry for embarrassing her as Madison says you're just so good i'm the alst person you should be involved with she says!As he takes off glasses and sees eye!She says she was involved with wrong man!
Your new boyfirend asks Ryan i will fix him.she says she cannot do this.
Erica says poor david he got bad news about his wife we will have alot to clebrate.Greenlee says element of surprise you distract her tell me you are angry enough to distract.You're on her side.Jack says he wants Erica back.Be Switzerland but if she wins it will be problem for us.
Scott says staff is making gatehouse ready .Despite all that you have done you desrve abreak .don't work me don't make me your shiny knoght in armour! Don't pit me upa gainst JR!says Scott
Marissa takes him to appointemnt!then leaves when docotr starts talking lifestyle eating habits etc!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday May 12,2010

Tad and Ryan are trying to figure out who's breaking into hotel rooms!MADISON?
Madsion says she is going after Ryan to protect hereself and the hubbards.she doesn't wnat Jesse or Frankie involved.She claims she will make David go away.
Greenlee says to David the thought of preganacy but be possible.she accuses him of rummaging through her luggage he says the test fell out.he wnats to know if she'll take it!
Marissa wants to move on with her carreer.she talka bout his psot transpalnt check-up.No more distractions she's goign to finish classes and pass the bar.Krystal says take tme to heal.
Annie says stay away from me .Liza brings a lawyer to kick out Annie immediately!Jr asks if this is to get Annie awy from him.Liza says Adam has menetioned your name.Marissa takes offence of the take time to heal comment.Krystal says hert ache is not good buried.Marissa say I wouldn't know what to do without you sarcasticly.I'l muddle throught this!
Randi says we can not let David run around saying you commited your husbands do not have to let David do this to you.Madison says she will do it and he won't kepp after me she claims!
Tad is digging to find out who is scoring rooms.Annie tells Ryan she got kicked out of Chandler mansion!
David is dismayed that ryan knows Greenlee might be prgnant first.Greenlee says she can't go through losing a child again!once in alifetime chance for both of them!
Greenle doesn't care she doesn't want kids!
Ryan asks where she is staying offers her room at the casino .annie says she needs to do this on her own!Ryan says you ae lookin at divorce court.
Ryan offers to call lawyers maybe Jackson.annie asks if Emma can stay withhim.annie refuses room!This is war she says!
Jr asks how Adam's health is!is he okay !he's in areally good plac wants whole mess behind him mve forward with life!
He spoke with Colby asked about AJ! J.r claims he didit becasue he loved DAd!Jr does not exist!liza says it will take time.
Greenlee says we never discussed children but I'm ticked off about your knee jerk reactions.This can not reflect the decision of my life.I did not want children!
David says we will discuss later but you need to take test.Greenle ducks it!
Ryan gives annie money to get somewhere to stay and she promises to pay him back!
David says Ryan is going to Yacht club Sebastion my friend will be there don't whine that this didn't work do it!
Marissa goes to David's she tells him she is going to finish law school next month with hard work.Marissa wants him to leave her relationship with JR alone!David says he's proud she's finishing her studies!Where are you staying.Tad and Krystal's .He offers his home no distractions!No JR running into. escaped that man you're free do not look back and don't give him achnce.Jr will try to suck you back with apologises but it is lies.He will break your heart over and over agin.
Jr goes to taalk to Krystal.she says he looks like hell.what do you want.He says he made amassive mistake.she says she's sorry they ended this way.I made a mistake!No you made achoice between your family and Adam''s!says Krystal
Liza gives Tad a brochure on a school for ADDD!Tad says forget it I'm not sending him away jsut becasue you don't trust your daughter.
Greeneel is lunching at yacht club.she tells him David found test!we fought and the pregnancy thing!Are you? Ryan asks.She says she doesn't know!
Madiosn tells Sebastion they will wai till he's done with his meeting then they'll do whatever they are going to do!
David says let me get this off chest and them won't coment again.
David says Jr leaves human wreckage.Marissa says help is not control!Love is not an emotion you understand!Marisa says she has a son but AJ isn't!David says he won't let her see him.Marissa says you have to except I can run my own life without your interference!
Jr says Annie is a disease!
JR says intenttions good.Krystal says you turned daddy gainst you .Yuor dad wins but you destroyed Marissa and your sons life.Jr begs to kno if Marissa can forgive.Krystal says Marissa is barely standing.Jr says Aj is sada nd doesn't understand what's going on.Jr says he like tos ee rystal.She says okay take care of yourself and get rest yo don't look so good!
Liza says Damon has a big fat chip on his shoulder!Liza scoffs that Damon will chnge.Tad says damon is good he needs understdnin and love nad I'm going to give it to him take your brochure my boy isn't going anywhere.Annie tealls Emma she is staying with daddy and Emma wants to know if she is in trouble.She asks about her stuffies.Annie says she loves her.
Sends her with the baysitter to Ryan's as Annie cries!
Madison is pretdning she dating Sebastion.Ryan recommends the salmon!
Greeneel comes in and David apologises!for frocing the pregancy issue you do when yo want and when your ready!apology accepted says greens as she goes totake test.
Randi and Madiosn talk .Madison says she can put and ened to all of this Asks Randi to do something!Jr looks at ic of is happy family.Falls on couch as Marissa is ringin doorbell and he doesn't want to answer!
Annie gets mugged in park,
David awaits verdict.Greenlee says she's not prgnet as he hugs her .Is she lying
Madison is caught on video breaking into the rooms by Tad.David asks how it went from Madison!Madison says she completed next step as she sprts a black eye!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday May 11,2010

Amanda is extremely upset she is sleeping she's worried about mom.Jake says she's stable.she says for a minute there she wanted her dead.Tad thinks he neglected Jr and that's why he slept with Marissa! He bemoans not telling Damon sooner.Damon is taking off his cast early when Colby catches day early!Randi tells Erica that Greenlee flew to Brazil!Erica nsists Greenlee won't beat her!
Greenlee is home.David welcomes her home stares at Ryan! thanks give Damon time Ryan fr his help? Ryan gets call from Erica!Erica gripes about his spending time with compettion.Greenlee says she's back in business he says excllent.Davd tells her they have hospital.she says they are now power couple.Unconditional suport is everything.David insists she rest she says she has to go get papers signed with dad
Krystal says if you he'll come around .Tadsays he should have told him he so proud that he vanadalising liquor stores!Krystal is annoyed with TAd she says Damon is ateen they runa way until theyt of clean underwear fod.He''ll realize he had a fine man for his daddy.Damon loves the service at chandler's the magic plate of cookies
Colby asks what happeend with Tad?Colby says what Tad did is what he did to Bailey!
Jake says her feelings are normal nothing is wrong with Amnda she has been a burden!. amnda says she is aterribel child.Jake says that's okay she killed her Dad.Amnda blames hereself for the stroke!Jake says you are beautiful soul yu wouldn't hurt anyone.Amanda says if mom dies it's her fault!
damon says Clby called hima n irespsonsible jerk!He didn't know says Colby!Colby says it was your mom choice not to tell him.this is abig deal for tAd.He caresa bout you!He's been a second dad to Jr .Damon says he doesn't know what he wants.
Liza comes into them kissing Damon shirtless and she says for God sake put ashirt on.David sends Madison after Ryan.Greenlee tells Dad she went to Rio with ryan and has the contracts with ryn's help.Erica gripes that Ryan helped Greenlee win Fuison he stepped in where he didn't belong don't take away my ammunition she says!He tells her he got her toagree to back off Kendall and not press charges!I apreciate it but the rest hlping Greenle annoys!he claims he's done with Greenlee.Liza claims Damon has to go to Ohio to be a dad for stuart well bailey studies in Europe!Colby says Damon can stay at Chndler's with Stuart and Bailey agrees!while Liza fumes.
Jake says Janet's condition is stress for years.Greenlee says Ryan and her business trip was jsut busines.Jack wishes she had someone better at home.Greenlee defends David.Jack saysyes he does go to places no one ese will exactly.She calims he does s all for her!We have trust she says!Oops David blew that.Madiosn pours on charm with Ryanasks how trip went!was it weirsdtravelling with Greenlee .He says no.Madison says she had date alst night out three times she claims.
Erica sees DavidErica berates David about trip with ryan.David says ticked off becasue Greenlee is winning now yo'll have to fight fair.Don't letGreens run off with ryan who she is madly in love with.Quite apull between them she's nothing to keep them apart as David accidently hit Greens bag and apregnancy test pops out.Erica says maybe there is!
Erica says you're amiracle doc you can help her carry to term says Congratulations and leaves when David says get out!
Greenlee says we are good at peace me and Ryan file and send copy to Brazil!
Jake says you have done all for mom!
Liza and colby are argueing don't disrupts staurts life.colby says she's not an idiot.Liza says he is taking advantage of her generousity .Colby will have to take care of Stuart it's huge responsibility!I'm not an idiot Colby says!Damon goes to casino!runs into Tad.

You're my Dad what do we do now play catch ?Drink beer?Damon says he doesn't know why he came.Tad says I messed up you shouldn't find out that way I'm sorry.Damon says mom never told.She kept secret so she didn't piss off my father or what ever he is. Hillary won't be bashed her says Tad.Damon says Staurt will live with him at Chandler's!
Tad ays that's cool as Damon says he is nervous to look after Stuart.Damon admits he took off Cast.Meds seem to be working says Damon.Damon says Chndler is not the most chill place on earth.He says he has to go and Tad thanks him for coming back.wha should I call you I'm not calling you Dad .as long as it's not a four letter word I'you can calling me anything. Damon says how about Tad I'l call you Tad.Tad says how about thaddoeus?Erica talks to Jack Jack leaves for asecond and sh does something to contract for name for Greenlee's product!sh took the paperwork!Rotten!!!
The Jamanda of the show!LOL Jake ahs to go to work .Everything that matters he says is right here handing her Trevor!
Colby is at hospital accuses Liza of following her and says she works for devil!Liza asks if Colby is pregant?Colby says she is with twins no she'll stuff a pregancy pad in make everyone fall in love with the adopted baby then give hm back!Ryan says he hsettled things with Greenlee but he and Greenlee are not back together.
Greenlee wants to celebrate Daivd asks why is his wife keeping secrets from him shows the pregnancy test to her!
Tad and Ryan talk Ryan says thye are not getitng back to

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday May 10,2010

Ryan says he should have been there for Greenlee when she lost the baby.She says she always feels to much ch with him!David is blackmailing Madison but she won't give in.David gets a call from Liza about Madison .Marissa tells mom that Jr slept with Annie.
Jr attacks Annie Annie calls him on drugging her.Jr blames her for losing his wife and Dad .He attacks her pushes her up against the wall.Annie asks if he caved if he had tears in his eyes.Annie says that's what so hot she never knows whether he wants to kill or make love to her.Jr says never again.Marissa comes to Tad's and Krystal tells them what Jr has done.Marissa blames herself she says she wanted to befriend Annie!She must have laughed she says.Scott comes to make sure Marissa is okay and hse says she lied to my face.
David claims Jesse will make sure the investigation is legitimate into Madison's hubbys death!Ryan says he is not happy about baby being David's but he knows what it would mean to her.You've lost too much he wants her to carry to term and have the child shewants.He doesn't want to ignore history what can I do?how can we be around each other!
Jr says it won't happen again
Scott says I couldn't hurt you!becasue I'm so great?Scott says he wants to help her anyway he can she says get the hll out!
David says he is not asking her to seduce atroll!Maybe you and ryna will fall in love and you can name your first kid after me!Madiosn says you shouldn't have to go to this lengths!You are afrighened man who doesn't now how to hang on to his wife!
Greenlee says we do business smile nod and move on.Ryansays wea re there when we need each other .Greenlee denies it. Ryna aks if she remebers the rage .Geee duh Ryna no she doesn't?that's sarcasm!Leo's death you were there!
Platonic frindship counters Ryan we were friends first lets be agian we have a connection!Connection still there. Honor this and accept that weare part of each other forver.Greenlee says okay
Jr says he is going to make Annie pay!do what ever you are doing far away.Annie leaves!AJ says he misses mommy Marissa!Krystal says she is not amking excuses but she does for jR saying he can't handle happiness and love and Marissa and AJ get hurt Krystal says love yourself just as much move forward in your law carreer.
Madison says she's leaving town.Madison asks Randi to do her work Randi refuse.Madiosn says it's personal when Randi asks.Madiosn says she's leaving to protect Hubbards.
Ryan has been acting like grown-up she has been acting like child.You were right she's still mad at Kendall but she didn't deleiberately try to kill her.David is panicking when Greenlee doesn't answer.
Liza says she has good news you are largest shareholder at P.V.Hospital!Liza aks if he's anger is Madiosn North?He didn't want to talk.David says hse's going to meet Greenlee in Rio!she's with ryan.David is worried he says something is going on with Greenlee!
Ryan spoke some mangled Portguese and Italian to brazillains.Liza says he will either find out what's going on andkil Ryan or look like a jealous hubby!Liza says just pretend you went and save your marriage!Extra 500 for Marriage counselling.
Marissa is meeting with Liza David says he's coming with Liza
Madiosn says the hubbards are on the line if David probs so she's leaving town.Randi says running is he worst idea!
Marisa is suprised tosee David.She asks for old job back from Liza.Marissa tells them she left JR.David wants toknow what Jr did .She tells him and David says you son of abitch he's going to kill him.Mariss says don't make things worse but he doesn't listen.Tad yells at Jr about what he did .Jr says he husrt AJ and he thought Marissa would forgive.Marissa isa an angel but even she can only take so much.She deserves better don't say that says TAD.
Annie says she accepts Terms of divorce Liza says to late!Adam has taken all away!
Greenlee wants to celebrate theri win with champagne that says maybe not.Ryan offers atest to find out pregnancy! Rndi says Madiosn running around won't help.Madiosn says there is away we won't involve angie or Jesse1Madison promises this will go away .Annie says I need settlement!Liza says lawyer up no settlement to late!
Scott comes Annie says she can't except settlement!Annie says she has dones o much and now she's considered trash!Think about waht you did to Marissa and aJ!Annie tries to apoloise as Marissa throws drink ather.David is stoped from killing Jr by td!Rt in hell.You ripped up my family says Tad!You ignored her that doesn't make you a good dad fighting with her father.
Greenlee says it was false alarm I feel better lets' go home!
Tad laughs at JR's screw up says he's been there but be there for AJ!I lost my father and wife won't lose my son says JR!will be best Dad.Annie says she desrves that I'm sorry!I never met to hurt you!you sunk even lower!
Annie says I thought apologises made you fel better.
Madison says she will do it to David.Greenlee says they can be friends to Ryan!If you need something someone to talk to she wants to be there.kisses cheek !thank -you she says

Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday May 7,2010

Ryan and Greenlee arrive in Rio!Greenlee is anxious to work.Greenlee feels ill.David tells Jake and Angie he's new boss he owns controlling shares of the hsopital!Jake and Angie are mad.Hopsital needed funding there was gross mismangemant david says he's going to micromanagement!He asks them to tender their resignations.Amanda says she came to stay Goodbye to Janet!
Angie wakes up to scott shaking her.Annie is dizzy but wants to find Jr!
Jr is telling Marissa he loves her he never wanted to hurt her but he did something bad! she says tell me! you and me our life together means everything.He wanted to protect dad and father from Annie.Again with Annie Marissa says.He says he tried to prove To Dad something recorded incriminating.Wanted you?did she admit it asks Marissa.It went to far.How far asks Marissa!I slept with Annie he tells Annie!Annie says she wants to tell marissa Scott tells her that he's allready telling Marissa.Annie says hewants to throw me off like a iece of trash.I was trying to protect myself Annie says.Seduction is never onesided.
Amnda says Janet's love is dark and twisted.Jane says this happens when Amanda turns her back on her.Janet says you can't love a child too much!
If you think you are like me you are lying to yourself.Jake refuses toresign.angie tells David he is a cockroach!Yuo want youcan buy all your crimes won't be erased and your licence will stil be revoked!David says he willl grind Angie into the ground.
Greenlee feels sick and Ryan calls her on it but she says she's fine.He says he's hungry.she says stop pretending you jsut want to help Kendall.Greenlee wants broth and tea not yougurt!
amnda is mad that Janet is gushing over Trevor and that she insists she will do to trevor what she did to her!killing Trevor was necessary says Janet!Amndasays she atill loves Trevor.I killed him because you loved him more nad you didn't come to visit me!You begged Daddy dear to protect him from me.It was your fault because you didn't love me enough says Janet.
Greenlee says cold water on face works for jetlag!As she looks like she's going to hurl or pass out or both!Ryan talk about business proposal.Ryansays you are in bad shape.Greenlee says come up with options for the others to use.
Greenlee wants him to stop pacing she feels sick then stands and almost passes out.she sees Ryan food smells it and runs into the bathroom.
Annie says JR came on to me.He worked the connection we had were forver connected.Scott says you have feelings for you.He was cruel he palyed on those and I fell for him.annie tells Annie.
Marissa is breaking thing as she yells about Annie how could you?We save each other.Jr says he needs her.You almost died!You are the love of my life I adopted your son.We made it we hada chanc at something so wonderful you killed that chence you killed us!Marissa says!Scott is trying tos traighten out Annie.
He tells her that she is throwing out tomuch!
she likes the family that protects one another shewants that that's why she falls for them.Sleeping with your husbands son desn't work says Scott.Annie wants to be part of the chandler's love and be loved.
JR claims he hates himself even more.Marissa says it's too alte it's over.The thought of you and annie!Jr says we can work this out.Marissa says she can't pretend it didn't happen as AJ asks why she's crying.
Angie says she's close to murdering David to Jesse
David thinks about last conversation with Greenlee.
Ryan asks if she's okay she says she's sick she doesn't get sick.This won't keep me form meeting she says!She says she can't go through this again she can't be preganant..
Amanda says she won't love likeJanet.Love is pure Janet's is obesessive!It's never enough with Janet she's done goodbye.Janet grab her she says she is part of me!Janet has seizure
Jake look after her .They call neuro!
Jesse calls him a cockroach and liza and she too is gloating!he shoulook out d have tookhim out when he had chance.
Greenleecuts David off!
Annie wants to go home Scott doesn't want her too.Annie says she derves to be deserves to be loved.
Marissa tells Aj she was crying because she needs to go away.He asks her if she's coming back.she promises tosee him and spend time.He says he loves her.Jr says he loves him too! .Marissa promises to visit him and come back! He says they love each other right but it isn't answered.
her head was hurting she was shaking says Jake according to Amanda!Jake takes Amnda home!
angoe says she could go back to practicing but they need her!Jesse says that is the girl I married fight.It is going to be hard.
David says it urgen to madiosn he wants her to go get Ryan.Yuo have no proof I'm a
murderer .Get him into your bed now!says David
Ryans ays he'll get pregnancy test.Greenlee says she wanted to get awy.Ryansays he can handle it.Losing our baby made me want to die Greenlee says!
Marissa packs and tells Jr goodbye.She says she will have someone pick up her things.takes of rings
Madison says she can't do it.Just seduce Davids ays grabbing hher or you go to prison for murder!Ryan offers crackers.i wasn't there I should have been there when you lost baby!Says Ryan
amnda goes ome to Trevor worries she's obsessed with trevor.
Jr hears Annie come in and stare her down!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday May 6,2010

Amanda looks at the internet.Jake says he can't find his wallet!he finds it in gym bad where amnda tels him to look.He jokes that he loses everything .H says she's fantastic trying to make eher feel better.He says yu don't have to nie and Jpretend all is oaky!she's says she's okay.Then why are you looking at mom's pics.Jesse and angie says they know he did it.Angie says they know he did it it doesn't give him the excuseto destroy things that he is unhappy.Liza says my daughter invited afelon to live with hr.David says it's payday!
Marissa aks Scott to be honest with her.why is Adam so angry with jr.Have this conversation with JR.Annie and Jr are in hotel room sizzling he says he wants her and Annie says what the hell are you trying to pull?do you think this is game I enjoy sneaking around cheating on my wife.My father asks me why ?.Says he coldn't resist.He says how sick does that sound?
Marissa probs!Adam has to still feel grateful he wants to make sure Annie still happy?
Davidsays they are about toget all they want.David says Damon is like father like son!Blinded by love nothing to worry about if it's not.David says Greenlee is in Rio.asks everything okay.He says yes!
!something to be said for stirring up the pot he says as angie and Jesee walk in
angie says ignore him.
Amnda blames herself for not knowing about Janet.Jake wants Amnda to go visit Opal and the kids could have a playdate he could visit his cousins.amnda says that sounds great.Jake goes where are the keys oh I took them!
Jr says he doesn't know how to move pass this.Annie says you kissed me along time ago and we sizzled.Yuo are afighter and so am I togehter we could really run this family and he company!
Annie gives Jr a toast with sparkling cider he drugs her!
JAke fusses over Janet for Amnda .He tells her Amnda wants her toget better.He tealls her alittle faith and attiude goes along way.Shesays shewants to be with amnda because she misses her.she isn't going to come is he she asks!
Amnda blames herself for Natalia getitng hurtsays Jake.Jake says you could have hurt the baby.Jake sys Iknow you love Amanda but you have to share her with her family!
Mybe some day you'll understand that.Jake says he loves her daughter he prmises totake good care of her.
Opal says they will go get the girls from dance class.Amanda claims she got called into work would she babysit.Opal says do you want me to call Eria and postpone.Amnda sits on park bench devastated!
Angie gives back the wine David sent over.
Amanda is sitting on park bench when Jake comes!He says hewas worried are you oaky as Amnda cries!
Marissa says you have 51% Scott you're in charge?Scott says he will amke all all right.waht about Jr she says then this happens.Scott says all can live with disappointment
why isn't Jr enjoying evey moment.He seems so angry let me know the reson Adam had when you know!
Annie ssy thye have connection Iknow you fel bad sneaking around and I'm sos orry to hurt Marissa.Annie says she will be there to soften blow.Annie feels dizzy shesays it's non alcholic what did you do to me.He says it's over!I won't leae my wife for you!
She calls him a bastard and calls her pathetic .she says she will tell all!he leaves her on floor!
amnda says she has never dealt with her mom's illness she just pushes it away!She's cared she'll turn out like her.On day they just sanp if I ever hurt Trevor the way my mom hurt me I would never forgiv myself.
angie says she won't smash the bottle over his head.David says hewas trying to make a romantic meal better.H says he thought she could use a nice stiff drink.
Jr comes in and scott says he has aright to know what's going on what was he taking care of .SJr says do the business don't fall flat on your face.You betraying eveything and you only care about Chandler!Scott calls him on lying to Marissa.He says he hates wht he did and how much Marissa will hurt.He 's going to tell her all Jr claims!
annie dreams they are alughing at her Jr and Marissa.shut the door to their privacy .she says thye can survive all.she mentiosn the infidelitiy adn Marissa says she knows all as Jr chokes Annie gives Marissa a gun.Marissa says she's going to make it as painful as possible
Scott says annie forced your hand your just as selfish as always.Jr says he fixed annie where is she asks Scott Jr says she's at Valley Inn!
Angie gets paged by hospital David says you forgot wine.angie says keep it it will be someday as bitter as you.Jesse says what are you doing for Dave Liza says privilege.Amnda worries about gentics!Jake sys you have father's genes it doesn't mean it's your problem!shewants to know if there's a test!theway you raise or son is pure and selfless.You set him up to take apathway away from you! You stop what was wrong in your apst and change it.Jake wants to know if she wants playdate right now.She wants tosee Janet he takes her.she thanks him for supporting her.
Angie comes flying in and says she can't find emergency!
Amnda goes tosee her mom who looks dejected until she sees Amanda!
Angie asks what David is doing as he says meet your new boss!
annie dreams Mariss yells at him as he begs for his ife.annie stops her and offers to shoot herself.She dreams Marissa says aim low.annie dreams Jr says it's over and takes gun.
Jr wants to take drink Marissa catches and asks what's wrong and he tells her!there's something i need tell you!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wednesday May 5,2010

David is asking Madison if she'll help him with Ryan at Fusion.she says he doesn't need the help.Why that is ?
Greenlee is ready to got to Rio!She talked to Jesse about Kendall and says she over reacted.The sooner she gets this fixed the sooner with David he's fine with this she says.Don't be late for airport.Tad asks waht that was about.Tad says you two love birds in most romantic place David won't look ther.Damon arested on vandalism.Angie's calling TAd!
AJ is wwinging in the park with Jr and Marissa watching.annie told Jr about house she says .You should have discussed with me.Annie tells Scott he's moving out.Scott says the sad part is you can't believe it.
Aj is having fun.Jr says sorry Annie told it was suppose to be surprise he was going to le her choose her favorite.AJ is happy why?He says now dad is gone no point.He hates annie there!He doesn't want ground zero war exposure for them.Trust me he says!Annie says it's ridiculous!No cahndlers in it says Scott!Stay says Annie!Annie begs him to stay!Scott wants a drink she restocked bar!Yuo're welcome she says!Greenlee comes home to pack tells David after she gives present .He says she's run down he worried!Present is watch really nice on.David loves it!Shewanted him to know how much she apprecaites himRyna says strictly business deal Ryan and Greenlee is going on.Tad doesn't beleive it.Tad says more probelms with damon tells Ryan is his son.
Not taking well.Ryan says go find.
Colby asks if he's okay as Damon gets stitches from breaking window of liquor store .Owner did !Colby asks for minute!So
Colby says call Dad.Damon is mad she didn't tell him she thought Tad deserved to tell him.Tad is good he'll help you you'll go to jail think!
Colby calls mom but she begs for her!Get her she says!
Liza tells Tad Damon messed up again
annie looks at envelope!As Jr and Marissa come in and Marissa takes him to bathroom for bath.Jr yells at Annie fortelling marissa.annieopens enevelope.Scott asks him abot moving Jr says build a new one.Will you come your not staying with Annie.
Annie says they all won't like the letter from Adam.
Tad tries toexcuse Damon but Jesse says that doesn't work.Damon says he doesn't want himt here Tad says Touh.Emma i promised Dineyworld.Emma wants to know if it's a honeymoon!shewants Greenlee and Ryan back together!David wants to go on vacation she says we can paln.David says today!Greenlee says she needs to go to Rio for business to wipe Fusion with Erica's butt.She needs the packaging David's coming too!He checks iteranary he thinks she planned to take him.David's upset she's going with Ryan.
Annie asks if Scott can be head of company be cut out by Adam?Scott has 51% she taunts Jr about Daddy kicking him to curb.Jr says did Annie draw it up hrself!Jr is so upset you on top on Chandler forever!Scott doesn't take anger out on meMarissa wants to know what's going on.why would Adam do that?Why would he punish JR.
Damon says he doesn't want hlp he says if Damon says you din't do it he'll beleive himbut going to prison because he is his son is ridiculous.Tad goes lookin for Jesse
Colby begs Mom to help!Jesse says he can't help!Tad is tld if the owner says Damon did it he's going to jail angie tries to comfort Tad.Liza talks to owner!

David asks why she didn't tell him and says why romantic spot with ryan.She says he did deal and he can untie.Let ryan go!Greenlee says all is over without packaging.who's idea was it?Greenlee says does it matter!David says he looks like idiot she bought watch to ease guilt.
Yuo didn't tell me about his!Ryan's a means to an end.Greenlee says she knew it was wrong.Greenlee says she supported him stood by him actions speak louder than words!If I go I'll look like jealous jerk!ryan doesn't want me says Greenlee!Daivd says hewants tobeleive she wants him.Greenlee says he hads to go!
Ryan isa t door.Mr Hodge says Damon is not theone who broke window.No other witnesses Damon is lucky.Damon says why Tad says you're lucky caught abreak.Liza says she'thrilled Damon says he needs to walk.Tad paid Hodges for window as Damon watches!
Marissa wants to know hy Scott is in charge.Annie says this is carrot and stick routine from Adam.Marissa says this isn't fair.Scott says he's not moving out!Jr nad Marissa can move if they want.Marissa says waht can I do he says go check on AJ.Jr blames Annie hell no you're blaming me says Annie.Victory for you.I can still leave says JR.Me scott and Colby are staying Chndler central.Jr says how do you that you alwys win !Yuo'r einfurating says Jr force that doesn't stop!were similair that way says Jr.Jrwants to know hy no matter how angry he gets he wants her.
Damon says thanks fors topping by!Liza says one of these days you won't be so lucky.Tad says we have things to talk about Damon calls him on his bribe.Tad says he would do it again becasue the mistake was his for not telling damon.He's sorry he should have told him give him half a chnce.I don't leave ther anymore says Damon.Scott says are you going somewhere?If marissa asks make something upi.Oh dear he and Annie are meetinfg for quickie!
Ryan says he met david at his house becasue nast weather is coming.David sew as so on bard with it you says you are transparent!Ryan acccuses David of getting Greenlee sofaraway from loved ones to brainwash her he says he is only following David's lead!
Greenlee tells Ryan she wants Fusion bad!He wants to leave early becasue of weather offs to go alone.David will have to deal Greenlee says!David gets call he owns shres.Damon says he'll sleep on park bench colby invites tostay at Chandler's.
Marissa wants to know where hubby is.Marissa says that doesn't make sense why Jr was cut out.Marissa wants the truht she begs Scott to tell her.Annie and Jr meet in secret!