Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday May 24,2010

Marissa and Jr are making out and he thinks of Annie and pulls away.Marissa says we shouldn't be doing this!Annie says know one knows that it's Palmer's use it use the device you can show everyone how special she is.Ryan says he vouches for Erica 100% Jesse says he's there for Ryan. OH boy!!
Erica braces for impact praying for her children after calling Bianca her plane goes down hitting a house.David worries hearing the plane took off as Greens ask if something is wrong! From the wreckage Erica is saved by the home owner Caleb who is less than pleased that the plane has disturbed his peace and ruined his home. Erica mutters on about thanking how he came along!He takes pilot out first however.Caleb also thinks Erica is weak oes!because she is dressed fashoinably and has tall sh.ERICA Weak?SILLY MAN She's ERICA KANE!
Ryan actaully thinks Jesse can live him out of charity investigation. David lies to Greenlee that he's worried about medical malpractice.
Marissa asks if he ever compares her to Annie he lies says no.
Annie comes on to Scott he says she's still wearing hs rng she takes it off!offers it to Scott but then says she should keep it to hawk for cash.Scott inspires her she says!You can prove Jr wrong and take company to the top!Jr comes in on them kissing.
Jealous much JR?
Greenlee is fielding calls about Erica's fraud!Madison tells Greenlee Ryan is being grilled by Jesse.JR grills Scott says there's only one Chnder him and says he's not happy with quarterly reports.
Caleb shushs Erica as he cuts her free and carries her out to her complaining she's fine.
Erica thanks Caleb as they hear wolves and he says nothing.She asks after the pilot!
Caleb looks through the wreckage for his stuff but Erica doesn't realize they hit his house.Which she calls pile of junk!
He says this junk use to be my house and this is al my stuff thanks for dropping in.
Greenlee assures Jesse that her accountants says any irregularities happened after ryan left.As Ryan calls Erica getting no answer.Caleb says sorry I didn't tidy up you should have called ahead.Erica apologizes say the house saved her.
Caleb says to bad I can't say that about old Jim (a bottle of booze).His dog Dog ran away!Erica calls for Dog.Caleb says keep screeching for him he'll never come back.That's not really the dogs name!Caleb says they took pilot to hospital to hospital he'll be fine.
Erica asks when coming back he says they aren't?THis makes no sense Erica could have serious injuries!
Erica says she has calls to make she's important maybe you didn't recognize I'm Erica Kane.Caleb doesn't now who she is!Erica demands to be taken down mountain says she's well known Caleb says she is annoying him
Caleb is annoying obnoxious and annoying
Marissa says to Annie that she doesn't think ahead she needs to think ahead and see if what she's doing will ruin people's lives.Scott tells Jr you think you should be in charge I don't think so!
David lies about hospital business as Greenlee calls .David still asks about palne as Greenlee comes in Angry because he isn't at hospital.Tell me!Erica's plane i disabiled it took off!Erica took off in damaged plane? Greenle says
Eric doesn't shut up Caleb gets tired of that.Caleb says he is going to another cabin!Erica bes him to take her down mountain.He asks her towatch out for mud slides.She says she'll have to go to cabin with him.He says she's not invited!
Erica apologises for destroying home offers to replace all money is no object.she tells him he can sell story make money.she says everyone wants to be famous!He calls her Dorothy!Erica says deep inside you are acaring soul not an antisocail creep.He says a dead body would have shot property values to hell!
Erica says you are about to meet real erica Kane
Jesse tells ryan Greenlee cleared!
David blames erica then says to Grenlee don't ut words in mouth.No fliht plan filed.Greenlee says she doesn't have move if she's dead.Enough maybes we have totell someone.David says no.
Annie says she will be completely honest with Marissa if there is problem in your marriage I'm not it says Annie
Scott says he wants to put money in biodisel.Scott tells JR about miracle product as Jr makes fun calling a magic bean.Jr is surprised!
Caleb says he'll go without or without Erica in five minutes as she goes in the plane to collect stuff suitcases !
Scott talks to his dad's apinting in loo of his dad and expalins his actions.Jr accuses Annie of going after Scott becasue os the device!Jr says don't b so smug what the ehll do you really want!She says wht the better question is what do you really want but we know the answer to that as Marissa watches annoyed.
Erica says she's ready asks Caleb to carry one bag!He throws them away when she says they are light but she's carrying make-up bag!!
Caleb laughs when she says she had new couture gown made in NYC in there!
Greenlee says Erica could be dead or dying as David says his man is looking in on it.Ryan comes to door where's Greenlee?Damn it! says David
I'm here about Erica says Ryan

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