Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday May 27,2010(shown in USA May28,2010)

Angie and Jesse have breakfast she's working too hard .Jesse and Angie are working at paperwork! Jr says take AJ out of house while Emma has party.Annie however has AJ in hat with candles on top that Annie says he can wear to party!Ryan is being nice and having party with Annie.Annie says Emma had party at school this is adult party!Emma invites Madison.Greenlee talks to Erica's pic and says she didn't sabotoge plane don't blame her.Then David comes in and asks what she got Emma, She doesn't answer questions but says she should be dressing for funeral!
No mention of plan crash David says.Greens says she's been up since 3am.David says erica got there she's planning next move.Greens says it's possible plane crashed they haven't found it.Daid tries t oget her not to go to Emma's party again.David says it's because she's unravelling talking to Erica's pic not to keep her from Ryan.He then says fine have a good time.Angie says she won't allow David to ruin her hospital.
Madison doesn't want to go to party and sit next to Greenlee.
JR says he can't disppoint AJ as they go to wrap present. Annie says she can't belive Marissa wouldn't put her feelings aside for Emma.Marissa says as soon as that leak is fixed you're gone.
Aj asks JR if he's mad a him why aren't you and Marissa smiling!JR says he misses Grandap .Aj: how long until it gets back to normal.Jr says he is Chandler connected by blood a true Chandler to the last man standing!Not like those who don't carry he blood refering to Scott!Angie says she will work day and night to protect from DAvid and she will not let him cut anything she'll fight him tooth and nail!
Madison says she didn't tell David anything about Jesse and his family to Jesse
Scott calls Jr on his speech.Install us versus them.I am not your enemy! That's just as bad your Annie's hero says JR !Party no 2?Ryan says he has to tell her something as doorbell rings and Greenlee is there!
Greenlee says its your daughters party chill to Annie who isn't happy.Ryan says Emma wanted her there.Annie is very unhappy.Scott comforts her.He says you aren't happy but you are hostess don't let anyone make you unhappy Make Emma happy!!Emma wants to open Greenlee's first when Annie offers it.Greenlee gives her perfect dress which Emma says she wanted. Annie leaves upset!
Jr gives himeslf a pep talk in mirror About fighting his urges and desire of Annie!
Jesse says come to me if David bothers you Madison! .He wants to know how the company is doing in crisis!Madison says good Greenlee stepped up!So Greenlee has benefitted says Jesse knowingly!Frankie comes in tells him that Angie is fighting David tooth and nail but playing nice to his face and so far running rings around David.
Angie says big scandal at Fusion your wife may need to talk to you.

David:Staff must get patients in and out fast who cares about staff satisfaction.If they don't like they quit.Let's cut jobs and those that don't like it will either quit or comply.

Angie:This isn't working

I won't keep you on if you're not happy says David.Angie says we should try to get along let's have dinner!David seems amused says he's in he'll pay!
Angie asks what the hell am I thinking as he leaves!
Greens says Emma loved her dress RYan agrees as Greenlee asks what is her birthday wish.Emma says she wishes Erica was here next to you she gives best presents!Greenlee looks Green!
Marissa is looking for JR,so they can open present.Marissa asks about Jr from staff she's told old Frank repaired plumbing two weeks ago.Marissa knows Annie is lying.
Annie is with Jr in his bathroom as Aj calls daddy and he says he'll be right down!
Meanwhile he's griping at Annie!As Annie taunts and leers!

Jesse says I see you still standing no blood shed you took my suggestion turned on charm.You'll be sorry you said that says Angie .I'm not going to like that am I!says Jesse
Scott is taken aside by Marissa who tells him he's being played.Worry about yourself and your husband I like you and I couldn't be sorrier but Annie's a fact of life.Scott says
Marissa answers the door to David with present.Aj says hi to grandpa and brings him in.Marissa asks Jr if Jr is okay.
David says my daughter and grandson are here to Ryan and why he's there!!He gives Emma a present.There was present on front porch from Erica he claims!
RYan says it was just sitting there outside!Annie is not happy that David is there.What is Erica going to pop out of cake? she asks .Erica must have had it meseenger says Ryan I'll call Jesse.Greenlee says she'll do it.Marissa says I must talk to you to David it's important dad help now!
Madison is trying to figure out what to get Emma she asks Frankie who sugests army men and tanks.She googles birthday gift seven year old girl as she borrow cash again from Fusion.and helps herself to yelow scarf or is that her clothes becasue she has no where to keep clothes,She's homeless?
Angie says all she could think of was to invite Greens and David to dinner she needs Jesse to help her so she doen't kill him.He didn't expect advice to bite him but he's bringing a taser for you he says!
David wants to know what he can do to help.Marissa wants him to help her get rid of Annie.He argues that she shouldn't have to handle Annie,She wants him to show her how toget rid of Bitch and save my marriage.David says you maybe more like me than you know.I'll help you call me when you're ready!
AJ says cake is ready.Greenlee calls David on present .He says they have to cover as Emma asks where Greenlee is from Ryan .He says he doesn't know!
Scott says you must be relieved to have Greenlee gone.Annie says yes!It was hard to have her there!
Marissa is qizzed about daddy talk by Jr.She covers says she was weak talked to him!
Annie says she needed breather she went to splash water on face.(Really she was laying in wait for R after she washed fce in bathroom near his room)

Jr asks how to make better from Marissa she says make Annie go away.As Annie says this one is from Marissa Jr and AJ and gives present to Emma.
Madison takes call about party at casino says no empty bed for me tonight?what did she mean by that?
Angie says goal is to get what she wants from David something about computers.
Angie has patent come in with weird syptoms they ask for masks and gloves but Angie doesn't wear them.OOPS!!!NOT GOOD!!Exposure to what ever Juan has!!
Greenlee is very upset!David says he is trying to get more info on Erica's plane!DAvid tells Ryan he was telling Greenlee they should talk to corporate attorney before shse calls Jesse.As They leave!

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