Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday May 11,2010

Amanda is extremely upset she is sleeping she's worried about mom.Jake says she's stable.she says for a minute there she wanted her dead.Tad thinks he neglected Jr and that's why he slept with Marissa! He bemoans not telling Damon sooner.Damon is taking off his cast early when Colby catches him.one day early!Randi tells Erica that Greenlee flew to Brazil!Erica nsists Greenlee won't beat her!
Greenlee is home.David welcomes her home stares at Ryan! thanks give Damon time Ryan fr his help? Ryan gets call from Erica!Erica gripes about his spending time with compettion.Greenlee says she's back in business he says excllent.Davd tells her they have hospital.she says they are now power couple.Unconditional suport is everything.David insists she rest she says she has to go get papers signed with dad
Krystal says if you he'll come around .Tadsays he should have told him he so proud that he vanadalising liquor stores!Krystal is annoyed with TAd she says Damon is ateen they runa way until theyt of clean underwear fod.He''ll realize he had a fine man for his daddy.Damon loves the service at chandler's the magic plate of cookies
Colby asks what happeend with Tad?Colby says what Tad did is what he did to Bailey!
Jake says her feelings are normal nothing is wrong with Amnda she has been a burden!. amnda says she is aterribel child.Jake says that's okay she killed her Dad.Amnda blames hereself for the stroke!Jake says you are beautiful soul yu wouldn't hurt anyone.Amanda says if mom dies it's her fault!
damon says Clby called hima n irespsonsible jerk!He didn't know says Colby!Colby says it was your mom choice not to tell him.this is abig deal for tAd.He caresa bout you!He's been a second dad to Jr .Damon says he doesn't know what he wants.
Liza comes into them kissing Damon shirtless and she says for God sake put ashirt on.David sends Madison after Ryan.Greenlee tells Dad she went to Rio with ryan and has the contracts with ryn's help.Erica gripes that Ryan helped Greenlee win Fuison he stepped in where he didn't belong don't take away my ammunition she says!He tells her he got her toagree to back off Kendall and not press charges!I apreciate it but the rest hlping Greenle annoys!he claims he's done with Greenlee.Liza claims Damon has to go to Ohio to be a dad for stuart well bailey studies in Europe!Colby says Damon can stay at Chndler's with Stuart and Bailey agrees!while Liza fumes.
Jake says Janet's condition is stress for years.Greenlee says Ryan and her business trip was jsut busines.Jack wishes she had someone better at home.Greenlee defends David.Jack saysyes he does go to places no one ese will exactly.She calims he does s all for her!We have trust she says!Oops David blew that.Madiosn pours on charm with Ryanasks how trip went!was it weirsdtravelling with Greenlee .He says no.Madison says she had date alst night out three times she claims.
Erica sees DavidErica berates David about trip with ryan.David says ticked off becasue Greenlee is winning now yo'll have to fight fair.Don't letGreens run off with ryan who she is madly in love with.Quite apull between them she's nothing to keep them apart as David accidently hit Greens bag and apregnancy test pops out.Erica says maybe there is!
Erica says you're amiracle doc you can help her carry to term says Congratulations and leaves when David says get out!
Greenlee says we are good at peace me and Ryan file and send copy to Brazil!
Jake says you have done all for mom!
Liza and colby are argueing don't disrupts staurts life.colby says she's not an idiot.Liza says he is taking advantage of her generousity .Colby will have to take care of Stuart it's huge responsibility!I'm not an idiot Colby says!Damon goes to casino!runs into Tad.

You're my Dad what do we do now play catch ?Drink beer?Damon says he doesn't know why he came.Tad says I messed up you shouldn't find out that way I'm sorry.Damon says mom never told.She kept secret so she didn't piss off my father or what ever he is. Hillary won't be bashed her says Tad.Damon says Staurt will live with him at Chandler's!
Tad ays that's cool as Damon says he is nervous to look after Stuart.Damon admits he took off Cast.Meds seem to be working says Damon.Damon says Chndler is not the most chill place on earth.He says he has to go and Tad thanks him for coming back.wha should I call you I'm not calling you Dad .as long as it's not a four letter word I'you can calling me anything. Damon says how about Tad I'l call you Tad.Tad says how about thaddoeus?Erica talks to Jack Jack leaves for asecond and sh does something to contract for name for Greenlee's product!sh took the paperwork!Rotten!!!
The Jamanda of the show!LOL Jake ahs to go to work .Everything that matters he says is right here handing her Trevor!
Colby is at hospital accuses Liza of following her and says she works for devil!Liza asks if Colby is pregant?Colby says she is with twins no she'll stuff a pregancy pad in make everyone fall in love with the adopted baby then give hm back!Ryan says he hsettled things with Greenlee but he and Greenlee are not back together.
Greenlee wants to celebrate Daivd asks why is his wife keeping secrets from him shows the pregnancy test to her!
Tad and Ryan talk Ryan says thye are not getitng back to

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