Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday May 18,2010-Damon finds out that Stuart isn't his

Damon is worried about getting everything ready for Stuart being perfect.Tad has a special surprise welcome party at his house and helim!He makes a weird voice with it!Damon thanks Tad say it's awesome!
Annie walks into Chndler says she wants to do something special throws herself at him it looks like when she takes robe off but no it's an apron!!JR gives Marissa a hangover cure.He says he wouldn't finish her off he won't hurt her again when she complains.Erica is NYC Jack joins her!Greenlee fell asleep on the sofa !akes up says she's doing damage control against Erica to David! Greenlee says about the papers .When she's done Erica will be so embarrassed she won't show her face in P.V. again! Greenlee says besides losing Fusion!David tells me more so I can help.Erica is using every resource let me help you take her down!
Jack is in NYC! I found out from assistant in Jack's office.says Greenlee I'm trying to frame her for stealing from Miranda line.Greenlee says I'm not good at this though .David says I've done my share of creative accountant give it to me then he says this my darling is slam dunk!
Jack says he doesn't want their families to get in way any more he'll compartmentalize.Erica time is now!Erica says sorry Again!She says competiveness took over.Jack says 'Unless talking Fusion he won't mention ot to her!no more Fusion.He offers her carriage ride.Erica says she needs to take care of some business but offers to take off clothes.Not for reasons we think she' modelling for Gala.She wants perfect outfit!
Annie was ofering breakfast funny not herself even though she had robe over dress.She found Sccott's stuff in pantry while cooking his breakfast and gave him it She calls him Scotty .LOL
The secret weapon says Scott mysteriously
Marissa says this shouldn't be happening I shouldn't be near you.Jr says It's my fault I had ad rink in front of me I'm sorry your hurting!I'm glad you didn't walk away says Jr!
Opal is decorting cake for party.Krystal says she going to get Marissa!Colby wants to know if there back together Krystal says no!she was drunk Jr is looking after her!
Damon is excited to be with Stuie!Tad gives camera and Phillies onesie to Damon for Stu!Damon says he likes the Cincinnati Reds not the Phillies!D
amon is excited is calling Bailey!Colby says he doesn't say but he's grateful!
Damon is upset she's not picking up!She's has handsfree phone so why?
Scott says Stuart had become his dad.His mom had told him that he would have Stuart as a Dad and to always be a good boy when she was gone!He says it was hard to be totally good.He felt really guilty he lsot it and cried!He told dad he couldn't be good all the time Stuart told him about sticking finger in her brownies didn't make bad just human.The hat his dad got for him the a hat was for when he had bad feelings secret weapon against guilt.It worked made him feel better.Annie says put on it doesn't fit he says!
Marissa asks how he is.She's glad he's in remission.He was scared he hopes not to let her down again he wants her back.Aj runs in don't sleep anywhere else he asks.
Damon is worried!Doorbell rings!Liza is there she says she has bad news !Bailey's not coming
David says we will be subtle !Some money went to Fusion Glamour to launch that project !She's a class A felon!Greenlee says he is a genuis!
He asks why this is okay but not the other .She says they can be devious as long as they work together.Trust me now?Yes says David and kisses Greenlee!
Erica is showing David stunning dresses.He says stunning and says she could put on potato sack and lok gorgeous!Gala business done onto personal says Erica after I call for perfect shoes to go with this dress.White dress with some kind of flower at waist also white but rimmed with black!
Jack gets call from Greenlee who thanks him for getting Erica out of town.This trip was Erica's idea .I'm hanging up!I don't want any part says Jack!
Jack says his guy in France was on phone.Erica says why are you lying to me!
Scott eats and talk about Staurt says he was givng loving!Annie says he is like him.Scott says he isn't.
Marissa comes down an Jr says he and Aj will make food!Krystal comes in Marissa says she drank because she wanted to drown feelings make them dispapea she can't stop loving JR!
Why would I lie to you asks Jack.Jack says that wasn't the french guy Jacque Jacque.He claims he called down to desk to hold calls!

Greenlee is smiling she says she'll have it all Fusion and David
Bailey is staying in Ohio.Tad offers to intercede for Damon.Colby blames Mom she says you scared her into not coming.You want Damon gone away from me .Slamming him with Stuart is cruel!Liza says she didn't do it as Colby storms up.Liza says Damon is just like Tad at that age,Can you blame me for keeping him away from Colby you hurt me.Tad says no he doesn't sadly!
Annie says you are not angry or bitter despite all that's happened Staurt is watching from heaven smiling at all that you've done. for this family!Scott says there is constant pressure I have to choose what is ethical to profitable I feel like I'm losing my soul
Krystal says if you love him you have to decide if you want to forgive him.She tells mom that Jr wasn't going to check-up she says she was scared she'd lose him.Krystal says Jr loves her enough to do anything to get her back.Jr bring in food!Marissa aks mom for time to talk to JR.She says she wants to try to forgive him!Silly woman once a cheat always acheat!
You won't regret this says JR .Marissa says no guarantees I'll move back in for AJ but you need to do some seroius work to prove that this marriage and you are worth it while I stay in another bedroom.Aj offers her cookies she says as much as she loves present she's staying becasue she loves him.
Annie says you would never get to the pont of selling your soul.He says he is tired this is first decent breakfast in weeks.He thanks her for food as she leaves and he looks at stuff but she comes back and kisses on cheek.Just friendly kiss she says.
Damon wants to know why everyone blows him off!Does everyone hate me because of disorder or is it just me.Colby says she's there Tad is there,He says she has crazy family.She told him about Jr breaking upwith Marissa and Annie is staying at Scott's house.Only time she can breathe is with Damon!
She says she bought bear when she was kid when she went by safe haven signs Liza would says if you get lost go there!You're my safe haven.she says
Tad apologises for hurting Liza.Liza says we had fun.Remember how we got caught in man cave shocker!Tad's joke in police station flashing.She misses those times she misses him.He says he misses her.Tad says he cares about her but he's life is insane he can't take on anything else.She asks if she is good enough for him what is it?as Krystal comes in!
Hi she says she's going to check on girls.Got my answer says Liza don't says anything more she says!She tries not to cry.Damon and Colby are making love!
Erica's books are cooked says Greenlee Fusion is all mine.
David says don't pop cork yet if we confront Erica with numbers will be fingered we need to find outside party I'll make it happend says David!
I owe you for life says Greenlee.David says you are my partner for life you don't owe me.
Scott asks about business on phone has questions.
Aj is excited about Mrissa moving back in! Annie comes to door for her stuff as Marissa asks what she's doing there.Annie explains Scott was nice let her stay in gatehouse.Don't let me think you're taking him back Annie says disgusted .Oh the whole family is here she says seeing Jr who says "Get out!
Marissa looks really upset with this happening!

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