Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday May 10,2010

Ryan says he should have been there for Greenlee when she lost the baby.She says she always feels to much ch with him!David is blackmailing Madison but she won't give in.David gets a call from Liza about Madison .Marissa tells mom that Jr slept with Annie.
Jr attacks Annie Annie calls him on drugging her.Jr blames her for losing his wife and Dad .He attacks her pushes her up against the wall.Annie asks if he caved if he had tears in his eyes.Annie says that's what so hot she never knows whether he wants to kill or make love to her.Jr says never again.Marissa comes to Tad's and Krystal tells them what Jr has done.Marissa blames herself she says she wanted to befriend Annie!She must have laughed she says.Scott comes to make sure Marissa is okay and hse says she lied to my face.
David claims Jesse will make sure the investigation is legitimate into Madison's hubbys death!Ryan says he is not happy about baby being David's but he knows what it would mean to her.You've lost too much he wants her to carry to term and have the child shewants.He doesn't want to ignore history what can I do?how can we be around each other!
Jr says it won't happen again
Scott says I couldn't hurt you!becasue I'm so great?Scott says he wants to help her anyway he can she says get the hll out!
David says he is not asking her to seduce atroll!Maybe you and ryna will fall in love and you can name your first kid after me!Madiosn says you shouldn't have to go to this lengths!You are afrighened man who doesn't now how to hang on to his wife!
Greenlee says we do business smile nod and move on.Ryansays wea re there when we need each other .Greenlee denies it. Ryna aks if she remebers the rage .Geee duh Ryna no she doesn't?that's sarcasm!Leo's death you were there!
Platonic frindship counters Ryan we were friends first lets be agian we have a connection!Connection still there. Honor this and accept that weare part of each other forver.Greenlee says okay
Jr says he is going to make Annie pay!do what ever you are doing far away.Annie leaves!AJ says he misses mommy Marissa!Krystal says she is not amking excuses but she does for jR saying he can't handle happiness and love and Marissa and AJ get hurt Krystal says love yourself just as much move forward in your law carreer.
Madison says she's leaving town.Madison asks Randi to do her work Randi refuse.Madiosn says it's personal when Randi asks.Madiosn says she's leaving to protect Hubbards.
Ryan has been acting like grown-up she has been acting like child.You were right she's still mad at Kendall but she didn't deleiberately try to kill her.David is panicking when Greenlee doesn't answer.
Liza says she has good news you are largest shareholder at P.V.Hospital!Liza aks if he's anger is Madiosn North?He didn't want to talk.David says hse's going to meet Greenlee in Rio!she's with ryan.David is worried he says something is going on with Greenlee!
Ryan spoke some mangled Portguese and Italian to brazillains.Liza says he will either find out what's going on andkil Ryan or look like a jealous hubby!Liza says just pretend you went and save your marriage!Extra 500 for Marriage counselling.
Marissa is meeting with Liza David says he's coming with Liza
Madiosn says the hubbards are on the line if David probs so she's leaving town.Randi says running is he worst idea!
Marisa is suprised tosee David.She asks for old job back from Liza.Marissa tells them she left JR.David wants toknow what Jr did .She tells him and David says you son of abitch he's going to kill him.Mariss says don't make things worse but he doesn't listen.Tad yells at Jr about what he did .Jr says he husrt AJ and he thought Marissa would forgive.Marissa isa an angel but even she can only take so much.She deserves better don't say that says TAD.
Annie says she accepts Terms of divorce Liza says to late!Adam has taken all away!
Greenlee wants to celebrate theri win with champagne that says maybe not.Ryan offers atest to find out pregnancy! Rndi says Madiosn running around won't help.Madiosn says there is away we won't involve angie or Jesse1Madison promises this will go away .Annie says I need settlement!Liza says lawyer up no settlement to late!
Scott comes Annie says she can't except settlement!Annie says she has dones o much and now she's considered trash!Think about waht you did to Marissa and aJ!Annie tries to apoloise as Marissa throws drink ather.David is stoped from killing Jr by td!Rt in hell.You ripped up my family says Tad!You ignored her that doesn't make you a good dad fighting with her father.
Greenlee says it was false alarm I feel better lets' go home!
Tad laughs at JR's screw up says he's been there but be there for AJ!I lost my father and wife won't lose my son says JR!will be best Dad.Annie says she desrves that I'm sorry!I never met to hurt you!you sunk even lower!
Annie says I thought apologises made you fel better.
Madison says she will do it to David.Greenlee says they can be friends to Ryan!If you need something someone to talk to she wants to be there.kisses cheek !thank -you she says

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