Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday May 3,2010

David is spying on Madison and Randi hears that Madison committed a murder and tried to in it on Randi.Tad asks Liza waht she is doing as he hears her tell Damon that Tad's his Dad.He says Sorry to Damon as Damon says go to Hell
Amanda doesn't come into work and Erica is sure Amanda fan is Greenlee to sabotoge.Natalia is unconscious in the closet as Janet watches Amanda who finds an award fom Janet. Janet says she learned computer stuff at the nuthouse and whizzed through it .She watched Amanda and her career on line she is Amanda fan.Opal is in Er with some chest pains it's probaly stress.Opal says don't let fame and fortune come between you to Jake.Greenlee scoffs at Erica saying she's Amandafan.Randi get you father-in lawsays Erica.Randi says someone has been sending them to workit's no one here.Greenlee commends Randi for sticking up says she won't forget.Madison yells at Randi for discussing secret.David cataches her in elevator!
Brot is in casino flips out at Ryan.Ryans says is it that time again.A year ago he remembers Brot flipped out because of anniversary of loss in Iraq.Janet says she lost her little girl when she went back to hospital.No calls no writing nothing And then she finds out Amanda has a baby she married and she could see them on the computer so she created AManda fan!amnda shouldn't have kept her grandbaby form her she waited a long time for one!Janet hacked into the computer system and hacked the locks.Amnda says they'll come find her.Janet says I was in Fusion and she found rings and saved them then she went back and now she's escaped again! .Janet threatened Amnda when she goes for phone says if you don't stay away from the phone she'll have to finish off her friend!
David says Madison seeems frazzled.Madison says Randi is neurotic makes up things.David commiserizes the landlord phones and David claims he paid back rent but we know Ryan did!
Ryan says he's hitting the wall too!He wanted to put his fist through wall take off when Greenlee didnt want him.He says fight
Amnda is worried about Natalia and Janet fakes aheadache and amnda falls for it.Amnda's phone keeps ringing!Natalia is your rival says Janet she's trying totake your carreer.I need to manage your career and make you abig star in europe in Milan!
Tad says your making the same mistake you always make.Tad says Paul isn't your father.Tad says why isn't Hillary didn't answer his calls .Maybe she's not buy your crap either.He could tell with out talking to Hills.Waht is done is done!The best thing he can do is explain how it happened! He's begging Damon to stay!Please
just stay!Janet says they can rent a villa and she can babysit.Amanda says you won't get by security!She has Natalia Dillons passport!Janet says it's scary but you'll love Milan.Janet gets mad when Amanda says she loves Jake 'twant to leave Janey says dyou're cutting him off!
Greenlee has to change packaging becasue od non compete clause with Brazilians.Greenlee says times is tight she may lose contest because of this.Ryan did the non compete clause.Brot calls Natalia with no answer.Brot worries they are treating Natalia like apiece of meat!Erica says fn hasa backed off don't worry jake.Jake wills top it.Janet says Jake has done a numbr on her,Janet says I loved Trevor to death but he held me back.He doesn't want you to outshine him.If he gets in the way I'll take care of him the way I did your father!
Go ahead explain says Damon.Tad says we were married I was a lot like you and I screwed up the marriage lasted a year.We got together to discuss and we slept together.Sh ewas scared about running down the aisle !life is complicated.I didn't know!Not a day goes by that I don't regret hurting your mother.I don't want your help says Damion.In case you change your mind I am not going anywhere!
Damon says is that what you said to my mom.Tad says I'll always be there I want to be your father in any capactiy if you'll let me!
Greenlee yells at Ryan about Non compete clause.Erica and I made lots of deals to keep company says Ryan.she says she's screwed over she has to change all package.she could lose compettiion.Thanks for filling me in sorry to bother you says Greens.Ryan says he can help on one condition
David says relax to Madison.she says never have seen you described as Nice.David calls Ryan sir Galihad and Ryan is obsessing about his wife.He wants Madison to go after him full guns.
Jake is worried as he talks to Erica.He says hewants Bodyguard.He asks if your worried about business or Amnda!Erica says he knows how to circle wagons hire PI and expose fan and keep safe!Jake says he just wants her alive and safe.rica says have you seen how Amnda comes alive shewas born to do.Erica says she felt the same itwas an escape form what happened to her all the bad things from aparent that haunt us!Don't let some lunatic with laptop take that away from her.Janet fawns over Trevor.We will have plenty of time to bond .Mama will take the world by storm modelling we will convince her Janet says to Trevor as he fusses!
Colby doesn'twant to talk to her mom as she says you can't tell me not to stay s aaway from Damon.Liza says he heard what I said about Tad.Colby says you were trying to ruin my life you won't be satisfieduntil I'm as miserable as you as she cries.Damon says my mom lied either to herself or my father or both!He wants tosee DNA!Tad says wait he'll get proof he deserves the truth!
David says Madison will go after ryan.Who do you think I am asks Madison.David hints that he knows who she is!
Brot says sorry to Clousen who put up pics. Gets job back says he has to say sorry to Natalia need totreat her like a fellow cop,Is going to Amanda's to see Natalia!
Erica says everything will be fine she'll hire PI.Janet is on floor playing with toys and Trevor and says she will threaten to take Trevor if mom doesn't agree .Amanda is tied up in closet too as Natalia frees her.Janet is taking Trevor
Jake says he's coming home lost house key by text.Janet says he can't make anything right that's mama's job hoding her head.Oh dear what will she do to Jake?
Ta comes back and Damon is gone just as Colby comes too!
Greenlee says this is ironclad!Ryansays come to rio We will fix this.Madison say
cash check next month .David says no who did you kill.Janet says she wouldn't hurt Amanda but Jake well that's his problem and so is the ladt cop fair game as Natalia and Amanda try to get out there.I think it maybe Brot at the door!

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