Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thursday May 13,2010

Marissa is at the door tosee AJ!Jr rejoics he wants tottalk she says no she's there because she thought he wouldn't be
Tad and Rynasee Madiosn breaking into rooms
Madison is sporting a black eye via Randi part of her's make-up!
Randi wants to know what's going on waht does hewants to you to do?David wants Ryan ro fall for me.David wants Greenlee to rest!David wants totalk greenlee doesn't.Jack knows Erica took the papers!Dammit!he says
Erica has the papers gave them to someone in Brazil!
Scott saves Annie but the mugger takes all her money!
Marissa thought he'd be at his check-up she's mad that he's blowing it off.Marissa yells at him for making everyone esle suffer what gives him the right.
Madison has two jobs!Landlord kicked her out asks Ryan?'Tad says she has style!what do you want me to do>ed he says no.Madison tells Randi what she has to do!Madison says she doesn't want to she likes Ryan.
Ryan says it's a rough patch!She better not try this anywhere else she'll go to jail.Greenlee says the negative stick is good.David says he'd like a child but he won't push her into something she doesn't want to do!She want s to know if he thinks she is less committed.
Ryan wants to meet at the yacht club.
Jack meets Erica compliments her dress says looking at her remeinds him why spring is his favorite!He asks her how Fusion is!Jack says I love that about you always thinking of otehrs.I have a better product I'll win.Maybe you'll stop by and return this says Jack.Erica claims she was going to return it!Contract means Greenlee can go ahead.Erica smiles meanly.Erica apologises for taking advantage.She claims Greenlee had no legal right!She claims she would sue if they did that.Jack asks how could she do that!How could you betray me says Jack.I can't trust you at all .I'm going to warn Greenlee.She blindsided me says Ericashe had no right.Erica says Greenlee might be pregnant!Greenlee says it's good o have baby issue settled.They will rock the town he with the hsopital and her with Fusion.You are all I want but they may call you Mr,Fusion now again!Greenlee says
Annie has a sprained ankle.Crippled and poor says Annie!She berates Scott for losing her purse.Evry dime I had was in that purse.Adam kicked us both out Emma and I!Emma
shouldn't have to deal wth this.What am i going to do Adam canceled all credit cards!Collect your oscar?Bastard!
JR is worried he's weak tired worried that the cancer is back!SAys even if there was achnce to get back together he wouldn't want her back with pity!he's playing her even if he is sick!
I confided in you!He says she's resourceful! you took on a mugger.She says Scott lost all her money.She refuses to go to ER! ssays leave me here!you are a jerk!there are bandages at house.I will wrap your ankle and you willleave and qit yelligat ame about mugger!
Madison comes with sunglasses on.Ryan asks if she wants to talk he says he knows about rooms.Madiosn says sorry fire me.He says he doesn't gives her a room on house!how ill I pay you back.He says do something for someone else one day.waht is that who hit you?
Who does Erica think she is says Greenlee when she finds out!Jack says no way out.
Greenlee wants to sue for torturous interference.she says you still get to celebrate with Erica!Jack says he doesn't know about that!
Erica is writing a I'm sorry note for Jack but says she's not that sorry.
Jr says he hopes Anniewas evicted heesays .doesn't go change what happened to appointment!Marissa says you think if the cancer's back i'll drop everything and come back?Marissa says you hurt me and apart of me can never imagine coming back.Do this for AJ and quit being selfsh.Marissa says I don't know waht I would do if you were sick but if I didn't come back it wouldn't be because I didn't care.Marissa goes tosee AJ as annie comes in.waht the hl are you doing here? asks JR
Annie limps in and Scott explains that she was mugged and hurt!
JR doesn't beleive it!Scottsays it won't hold up it's his golf buddy the're not even areal chndler JR says! Jr tries to kicks Scott and Annie out .Says get out of my house.Scott says she's staying I'm inviting her to stay!
Erica pumps David for news of pregnancy as he brought flowers.Erica says she's not taking over Fusion I bested her!Did you pull something Erica.I did you afavour Greenlee will have more time with you.Greenlee says I started Fusion I shouldn't lose it.Jack asks if there is something else you should focus on.Jack says Erica told him about test she says she's not pregnant !Jack says thank goodness because with your history.Its' a false alarm she states!
Madison claims she walked into a door as Ryan doesn't beleive and she goes away leaving phone behind!
Jr says all in black in white this bans her from house Scott says but she can stay at gatehouse I own it from my dad .Annie says he's showing me basic human kindness something you know nothing about.Scott is moving into house as Jr calls Cynthia court orders!Jack says Iknow it's none of my business but you should take steps so this doesn't haen again don't spend the rest of your life going through hell.You are more like Erica then youknow!Erica tells david Greenlee ahs no packaging go offer her symapthy take flowers.David says do you think greenlee iwll curl up and cry.I will do all to !help her.Erica says just admit that this won't get you what you want!
Ryan says he's sorry for embarrassing her as Madison says you're just so good i'm the alst person you should be involved with she says!As he takes off glasses and sees eye!She says she was involved with wrong man!
Your new boyfirend asks Ryan i will fix him.she says she cannot do this.
Erica says poor david he got bad news about his wife we will have alot to clebrate.Greenlee says element of surprise you distract her tell me you are angry enough to distract.You're on her side.Jack says he wants Erica back.Be Switzerland but if she wins it will be problem for us.
Scott says staff is making gatehouse ready .Despite all that you have done you desrve abreak .don't work me don't make me your shiny knoght in armour! Don't pit me upa gainst JR!says Scott
Marissa takes him to appointemnt!then leaves when docotr starts talking lifestyle eating habits etc!!

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