Miranda is asking Caleb's questions as he sets up home office.sh says shse loved Uncle Palmer he used to do puppet shows for her.Scott is whining about being found out about the nanotech theft as Annie plans their honeymoon in places like bali and Australia.
Marissa is upset about not passing the bar and Jr just doesn't get it.He says she doesn't have to be a lawyer.Jr says he should have put her first and helped her study.She says no one will hire her without her bar exam passing
Annie wants to talk marissa goes to leave but Annie stps her.
Jesse is over the moon about Angie's pregnancy as Jake talks about cravings and blueberry pie or lemon custard pie.He says they will get desert and come back to their apartment.Amanda show Jesse where the bottle is for Trevor shold he wake
Jesse keeps saying were having ababy.Angie says we have lots to.angelic angelica as names.Jesse says he will be all for her and the baby.He cries says it's his dream.
Binca says mom's tweet says they are having a fairytale trip.Binca says he can follow her at IAMEricaKane.He's says who named it twitter? Miranda say you know her?
Caleb says she fell off plane into my house Miranda:just like dorothy in wzard of OZ!
Caleb agrees as binca says do you wnat tosee the pictures mom posted on line.she wants to use Caleb's computer.
Binca looks at pics with miranda as caleb pretends not to look.miranda says she looks
like aprincess.Caleb asks what a tweet is .Miranda says it's like a post like atext only shorter.Caleb says she's a smart kid.I guess I like kids Caleb says under his breath.Miranda says she likes him too.
Anniewants afavour from Marissa. Marissa is shocked says you have to be kidding me.Annie says you don't understand.Annie apologises wants all to go well for scot.she says she doesn't blame how Marissa feels about her.She wants fresh start bcaause they live in same house.she wnats this for Scott.
angie tries to tell Jesse.she apologises for not telling him alone. Jesse says he's doing everything for her now.angie says she loves him.Jesse says can youimgine the kids faces.Angie wants to wait for awhile to do that.Jesse says there blessed.
mirand goes outside for her doll binca says no stables.Binca says Miranda really likes him and she's picky.Binca asks if he has aplan.Jr is ruthless she says.Calen says he can't figure out a google awiki and a twit. she asks if he's checked out Chendler website he says no as she goes there for him
Scott is worried as he comes to see Caleb just as they are looking at nanotech project.Caleb says what are you doing here?
annie begs Marissa to hear her out.Annie ssys sleeping with jr put a strain on their marriage and she's sorry for her part in that.She should have gi ven her space when she found out but she hit back hard.she sid terible things nad she is ashamed for all of it. This just came to you now? asks Marissa
Annie:your Jr's wife and i want to have alife with Scott.i truly wish you both happiness Marissa:the same happiness that I had before you slept with my husband?
Annie:yes.I know I can't take back what I did ilike to put the past in the past
Marissa:you were married to Jr's fahter when you jumoed into bed with him so excuse me if I don't feel safe with you marrying another relative
Annie:I wasn't happy then I'm happy now.i honestly want us to be afamily that's why I'm here apologising to you.
Marissa:says you are really good at this sincerety thingI defende you beore and youused me so you'll understnd why I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth.
Annie:I hope in time I'll prove that you can trust me.and maybe will be???
Marissa:don't think that's going to happen but you did save jR's life.
Annie:It's been good I have to go
Jrsays that was intense wants toknow if she's okay.she says she hs to get aj .Jr says he loves hr.
Annie sees envelope looks at it.It's her divorce papers from Adam
Caleb says that must make you the good chandler because Miranda let him in and he doesn't agree wit jR's tactics.You do dirty workcome over and apologise.binca takes Miranda away to see horse.
Scott says he is sorry that you have to deal with them.Scott says he doesn't want im as enemy. scott says jr and I are tring to work together to make it sucessful.Scott asks cAleb for peace offer of dinenr with him and Annie.
Annie stares at divorce decree as Jr comes to restuarant.
Jesse says there is nothing more important to him then Angie's health and happiness.H's been worried about hte strain she's been under.This baby is sign of better days ahead he says.He will be there untilwe are old and gray.Angie says they are blessed but it's not all good news.Jesse says he will keep david aay from her.Angie says it's not work.Jesse says it's our age we'll do all right.Jesse says they'll keep up with baby.they have raised 3 stellar human beings.she knows how much hemissed with Frankie. He's soexcited he's talking about all stages of babies life.
Angie tells him she doesn't know how to say it.
Caleb calls them a tag team. Scott says Chandler fued was toolong he wants peace.Only invite to dinner he'll be in touch.Binca says you should bring moonshine with you.He asks her about scott.Bimca says he is honest and decent.Scott wants to amke it right.Caleb says it's never just a dinner invite.
Annie says she cancelled wedding planner.Jr says he saw how upse she was claims he has business meeting she says he can't feel go away be wih wife.
Annie is beating herself up about losing Adam.Marriage no 4 to sCott will work this is the one.Jr says yes!
Annie says she thought Terry would take care ofher and it was marriage from hell.Ryna made me princess bride but wrong bride.she wanted security safety with adm but it wasn't love.annie sys at least she's now one of the Chandler's
Jr says and your marriage to Scott what do you get out of that?
Caleb says he is enjoying it to Palmer.Miranda says she talk to pictures too.she talks to mommy reese al the time.she's in france right.Mirandaun huh!want a Carrot?
as Bianca ovehears.He says the horse needs it
Binca says talking to Palmer again he could get the best and the worst out of you but you always got something!Looks like he stillc an you fight for legacy is exactly what he want.mom would wnat that too
annie says she loves csott nad he loves her despite all the bad.He throws armas aroud andhe loves her for who she is.He treats Emma with love nd gives her what hse neds .She knows she is getitng lot out of this marriage.She can give back
Jr he makes you hppy.are you happy for me.Yes says Jr.
Jr says it takes alot of guts to put yourself out there like that.Annie says maybe I'm not such a bad person after all .Annie gets call from adam
Amanda is excited about Angie.She guesses it's something about Angie.amnda says he's shutting her out tell her.Jake tels her.
Jesse says what ever it is i'll help Hayward is going down.Jesse makes her feel like the luckest person on earth.
Jesse says tell mewhat it is and we will deal with it together.she tries to tell as Trevor cries.she says a few months ago there was... as Jesse gets baby Angie loses sight.
Scott is excited about first step at Chandler.She says marrying Annie makes him good at risk management.Marissa says Annie apologised to her she says maybe she was jsut putting on show for jr.Sscott begs her to try and forgive Annie make peace.she says mayb if you and aannie leave happily after so will Jr and I.
Annie says I'm sorry Adam I'm sorry I cheated on you.I want you to be happy!she begs him to listen as he yells Jr takesthe phone and tells him that Annie did love him but her heart got trampled on to many times he defends Annie as Adam hangs up
Annie thanks him .
Jake says he hates not telling Amanda so he tels her.She's telling him she may not be able to carry baby to term .He explains that Angie was exposed to toxin.
Jesse asks her to get bottle.Angie can't.she sys she can't because she can't see!OO
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Thursday July 29,2010
amnda says Trevor is down for the count but jake i more interested in buiding.she says toy time is over.Jesse says one eye witness is all he needs to get David.angie coems home croos and tired says he can't live like this she so tired,She tells him she's tried she's going to chnge.Angie answers phone as dr.Beldan wants to discuss latest tst results.shea sks if ther si problem?
Binca calls well Reese is sleeping says he willc all earlier so she can talk to grils.Girls wanted to sleepin stables .we really need tot ak tomorrow I hope.Ryna sys waht does that mean is it over between you.Greenlee:Imarried himfor all the wrong reasons I believed in him for all the wrong reasons.Ryan says you can trust me Greenlee I know that Ryanyou are not wearing wedding ring!
Greenlee sys she took ring off tonight as David holds rings says Greenlee is visiting Ryan get on it to someone.
Binca is suddenly there says don't know what David is trying to pull but it won't work David says he hopes that Reese not coming doesn't mean her marriage is on rocks.Ryna says he knows why it's hard for her to leve he hlped her but that doesn't mean she owes her life to himRyna wants h rto be happy so if he can do anything tell him.Brot comes for Mrs.Hawyard he has orders to bring her to station immediately
Jesse says your boss take one hour eat dinner.Angie sys she has really bad migrane find me ibprfen!Angie calls Jake who answers despite amnda no! She asks Jake to take her to hospital.Amnda says why are you on 24 hours seven alert for angie.He says he takes care of her she takes care of me I keep my job indispeansible at hospial.Amnda knocks pieces he wwas working on.He says don't!
Greenlee goes to station with brot as Ryna protests call me !Jesse goes to police station.Natalia says it looks weird casue he's suspended.You got someone he has habit of slipping through cracks.Natalia asys don't weigh in on case work.He is working on plane crash says Jesse Natalia is worried.When youpush david he pushes back you could lsoe your job
angie is worried hse says she feels off.She's worroed what dr.Beldan will say she has constant headache nausea.Jake goes in with her.
Binca brings icecream as Ryan tires to go to Greenlee.He's worried David ahs done something.Binca sys David seems like everthing is fine.David and Greenlee are not spliting up.Mayor blanco ordered her in she cals david Greenlee's accomplice
Natlaia aoffers food beer to dad he refsues.she says you were the one who wanted me to keep my cool.you don't wnat permanent umemplyment prsion worse.Your love is her rock you've gotten throuh.Natalia gets called back to station Rodriguez will drive she says! How's the other work husband doing? They need to save selves.what would you says to kinapping.Dr.Beltan is surprised to see Jake.Angie wants Jake there.Drugs are working infection is slowing Blood tests show HCC is elevated 425!
She's pregnant.Angie is happy excited.He is not sure but he thinks 5weeks!
she needs extra tests right away she's worried drugs hurt baby.If youplan on having baby you have to stop meds doc says!
Natalia aaks what is going on?she needs help .Brot says he is checking into hospital doesn't explain
Mayor blanc wanted to express her gratitude for thre help.she is grateful for duaghter's life.DA office will intervene someone always has your back,she brought champagne
Greenlee says does hse know about blackmail scheme?David says she'll never knw let's g back to room send nice quiet evening alone.Ryan slurs wnats toknow why Greenlee was brought in.Mayor blanco wanted to thank thye looked happy with champagne
why after what she talked about would she do that?I thought she was awalking away.I had dream she was alive and things were different I waited no Kendall.Bianca says you can't change what happened she asks if he's still in love with Greenlee?
Are youokay asks Jake.It'a mazing says Jake.Angie's worried Baby is already hurt.Baby will be fine says Jake.But if istop i may go blind.Jake asys take time.Angie ahs totell Jesse all howcan I do that.Jake and amanda burst in.Amnda sys we are hee torescue you both let us take care fo you says the Amanda and Jesse
Brot says thye are opertting on eye no 33 operation.He says tehy are going for world record.this isn't cosmetic he wants eye to wrok so he can do job.They will gie drugs to make it less painfl.Natlaia asks lots of questions says she is curious becasue she cars.Bianca says Madiosn seems less trouble but you can't choose who you love.You smiled when you talked about her.i didn't relaize how truly deeply you lovd her until she was gone.binca says they fight to hold on when thye love someone sometimes things happen..Bianca says everything is great with Reese when Ryan asks!
David calls Iris's chamapgne ceeap swill.Grenlee says waht a wonderful surpise but hen youa re aloving generous husband.Let's paly some music and dance.toe it down anotch says DAvid.David: you have to stay away from negative influences like dad Ryan .David says booze will calm us down.Greenlee is still mad about prison threat.
amnda and Jesse offer booze.she says she doesn't want wine even when Jesse pushes.Jake tries to get juice for them.
amnda says you have to be careful turning down wine people will think your preganat .Jesse looks at angie's reaction says baby are you?
David says you will come arounf in time I gave you back life you gave me mine that is bond will share as he puts rings back on.Youkeep rinfgs there he says where theybelong.She says Ineed shower as Ryan phones.Ryan saks wher she is why are you answeringDavid:it's Ryan go ahead talk to him we wouldn't him to worry
Greenlee says she's fine.Why is ryna answeing phone?I'm fine and I need to go she says
Jesse is so happy he says it's miracle crazy .He is so happy.she says she jsut found out today!
Amanda is hpapy or them says congrats.Jesse is crying for happy .He asks if it's a dream?She says we are definitely having baby As Jake looks on worried!
Angie says yes
Binca calls well Reese is sleeping says he willc all earlier so she can talk to grils.Girls wanted to sleepin stables .we really need tot ak tomorrow I hope.Ryna sys waht does that mean is it over between you.Greenlee:Imarried himfor all the wrong reasons I believed in him for all the wrong reasons.Ryan says you can trust me Greenlee I know that Ryanyou are not wearing wedding ring!
Greenlee sys she took ring off tonight as David holds rings says Greenlee is visiting Ryan get on it to someone.
Binca is suddenly there says don't know what David is trying to pull but it won't work David says he hopes that Reese not coming doesn't mean her marriage is on rocks.Ryna says he knows why it's hard for her to leve he hlped her but that doesn't mean she owes her life to himRyna wants h rto be happy so if he can do anything tell him.Brot comes for Mrs.Hawyard he has orders to bring her to station immediately
Jesse says your boss take one hour eat dinner.Angie sys she has really bad migrane find me ibprfen!Angie calls Jake who answers despite amnda no! She asks Jake to take her to hospital.Amnda says why are you on 24 hours seven alert for angie.He says he takes care of her she takes care of me I keep my job indispeansible at hospial.Amnda knocks pieces he wwas working on.He says don't!
Greenlee goes to station with brot as Ryna protests call me !Jesse goes to police station.Natalia says it looks weird casue he's suspended.You got someone he has habit of slipping through cracks.Natalia asys don't weigh in on case work.He is working on plane crash says Jesse Natalia is worried.When youpush david he pushes back you could lsoe your job
angie is worried hse says she feels off.She's worroed what dr.Beldan will say she has constant headache nausea.Jake goes in with her.
Binca brings icecream as Ryan tires to go to Greenlee.He's worried David ahs done something.Binca sys David seems like everthing is fine.David and Greenlee are not spliting up.Mayor blanco ordered her in she cals david Greenlee's accomplice
Natlaia aoffers food beer to dad he refsues.she says you were the one who wanted me to keep my cool.you don't wnat permanent umemplyment prsion worse.Your love is her rock you've gotten throuh.Natalia gets called back to station Rodriguez will drive she says! How's the other work husband doing? They need to save selves.what would you says to kinapping.Dr.Beltan is surprised to see Jake.Angie wants Jake there.Drugs are working infection is slowing Blood tests show HCC is elevated 425!
She's pregnant.Angie is happy excited.He is not sure but he thinks 5weeks!
she needs extra tests right away she's worried drugs hurt baby.If youplan on having baby you have to stop meds doc says!
Natalia aaks what is going on?she needs help .Brot says he is checking into hospital doesn't explain
Mayor blanc wanted to express her gratitude for thre help.she is grateful for duaghter's life.DA office will intervene someone always has your back,she brought champagne
Greenlee says does hse know about blackmail scheme?David says she'll never knw let's g back to room send nice quiet evening alone.Ryan slurs wnats toknow why Greenlee was brought in.Mayor blanco wanted to thank thye looked happy with champagne
why after what she talked about would she do that?I thought she was awalking away.I had dream she was alive and things were different I waited no Kendall.Bianca says you can't change what happened she asks if he's still in love with Greenlee?
Are youokay asks Jake.It'a mazing says Jake.Angie's worried Baby is already hurt.Baby will be fine says Jake.But if istop i may go blind.Jake asys take time.Angie ahs totell Jesse all howcan I do that.Jake and amanda burst in.Amnda sys we are hee torescue you both let us take care fo you says the Amanda and Jesse
Brot says thye are opertting on eye no 33 operation.He says tehy are going for world record.this isn't cosmetic he wants eye to wrok so he can do job.They will gie drugs to make it less painfl.Natlaia asks lots of questions says she is curious becasue she cars.Bianca says Madiosn seems less trouble but you can't choose who you love.You smiled when you talked about her.i didn't relaize how truly deeply you lovd her until she was gone.binca says they fight to hold on when thye love someone sometimes things happen..Bianca says everything is great with Reese when Ryan asks!
David calls Iris's chamapgne ceeap swill.Grenlee says waht a wonderful surpise but hen youa re aloving generous husband.Let's paly some music and dance.toe it down anotch says DAvid.David: you have to stay away from negative influences like dad Ryan .David says booze will calm us down.Greenlee is still mad about prison threat.
amnda and Jesse offer booze.she says she doesn't want wine even when Jesse pushes.Jake tries to get juice for them.
amnda says you have to be careful turning down wine people will think your preganat .Jesse looks at angie's reaction says baby are you?
David says you will come arounf in time I gave you back life you gave me mine that is bond will share as he puts rings back on.Youkeep rinfgs there he says where theybelong.She says Ineed shower as Ryan phones.Ryan saks wher she is why are you answeringDavid:it's Ryan go ahead talk to him we wouldn't him to worry
Greenlee says she's fine.Why is ryna answeing phone?I'm fine and I need to go she says
Jesse is so happy he says it's miracle crazy .He is so happy.she says she jsut found out today!
Amanda is hpapy or them says congrats.Jesse is crying for happy .He asks if it's a dream?She says we are definitely having baby As Jake looks on worried!
Angie says yes
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wednesday July 28,2010
Humilating Colby to prove a point is low twisted and cruel and not something Damon would ever do .because of you Damon thinks I don't believe him says Tad to Liza.Liza says don't you dare walk awa from me.Damon says he just ants to move away with Colby .she asks what happened did you fight with Tad .Thy make palns to leave.
Frankie asks Ryan how's he' feeling? He says he feels like brain needs to catch up Frankie says that's temprarily he asks if anyone came to vivit him Frankie says like who?
Greenlee says so if I walk away like you've told me millions of times I'm free to do you will got to polce with evidence and make them think I'm the one who sabotoged plane and Fusion's books?I didn't even know about plane until long after you did it.Ilove you says David.Blackmail and love do not go hand in hand David!What ever problems are temporay it will pass think before you act good to know says Greenlee.
Madiosn is on her way says Frankie that's who you were expecting right? Madiosn comes in with surprise Emma who hugs him.He says he's all better.she asksif it hurts he says not anymore.
David tells Greenlee to sit down (as the singer behind sings "Betrayed betrayed!)'she does!more wine you're kidding right.He syas h's sorry he didn't ant it to be about threats.She said you have to be kidding.He says that's what Ilove about you you allways says what's on your mind .and afork in your chest she says
.iknow you're angry but you will see that i'm doing this for us for you.Our agreement was that I could leave anytime I wanted.You're confused you are not thinking straight or in your best interests this is the time to stay and work on your marriage.A marriage I jumped into for thewrong reasons Greenlee says.But you said you lovedme Counters David.For that I feel ourmarriage is worth saving (as the singer sings true lies)Greenlee looks dumfounded!
Is this abluff your bluffing you're hurt nad angry but you wouldn't go this far. You'd rather see me in prison that not with you.Don't try my bluff says DAvid.You are either insane or stupid and you're not stupid.I am confident in our marriage that you will make the right choice .do you really think I could love you after this? You just need some tie David says to clear Your head and time with me not by yourself and by your husband the love is there Al we have to do is find it again i have complete faith in you Greenlee.and faith in us.
Are you and having a ood time Ryan asks Emma .emme says thye heard about Erica .Madiosn apprently he needs more then speed dials on his phone becasue they heard from afolower on twitter about Erica's blog!
Venic is spectacular says Emaa
Frnkie gets snuck up on by Randi who kisses him wildly and he says he thought she wouldn't be back until tomorrow .She wants to go home.
Colby and damon leave she says it would be great toleave before questions.Damon says in someways your mom is right about me.
Liza says i desrve to explain.Tad says why so you can come up with anpther nagel another spin to mkae you look better?Youlike the injured arty.I'll do both you bet your ass I'll listen but on the condition you tll me the truth.
Okay says Liza all right it's true all Damon says was true.I had ben warning coly for so long and hse wouldn't listen so you thought you would set up this whole eelaborate paln to prove apoint.I set it up but he would have gone through with it if you hadn't come.TAd:You don't know that.Of all the nights for you to do something so jckass stupid the night I come and tell you I want to be with you!that we have afuture together you decide to get naked with my son.
Liza:to protect my daughter .I am sorry on so many levels
Tad:I don't care I don't give a damn. so what your sorry that makes everything okay.
Liza :we are good we are working...Tad:It isn't good you've been lying to my face for weeks Liza:you are making this out to be that it is all balck and white
TAd(incredulously)it is all black and white Liza:Damon is not blameless and niether are youLiza: i did what I had to do because you would never step up TAD:Fro Damon that's all I have done
Liza: no you've been making the same mistake over and over excuses for him you refuse to see who he is and what he's capable of and you never reined him in.And you know why becasue you felt guiltybecasue you weeern't therre for his first 19 years forget hat it wasn't your fault you made it your life's mission to atone for not being there.No matter what crime he commits you rationalize it. Tad:Do you hear yourself?You make him sound like aserial killer Liza: no you make him sound like he a couple of pats on the back from you and he's a saint. Tad"all I'm trying to do is give the boy chance Liza:you think adopting him is going to make him a human being so while he's in training to become a human being he's working out the kinks with my daughter.Liza:yes I did I set him up but he'st he one who took those pictures and taunted me!for weeksTad:because you didn't give him achoice.Liza:Oh please
Tad"the only choice youleft him was to the choice he knew to protect himself.Liza:thee you go again turnin him into a victimTAD: he is a victim you're the lunatic!
Liza:He enjoyed it he knew at any given moment he could take those pictures and blow up my life.TAD: I'm sorry sweetheart but if you found yourself in atricky situation yu have no one to blame but yourself.
Damon says your mom has had it in for methat doesn't mena she was totlly off base about me I have let you down but the past few months have been crazy I'm afther I'm not afther Paul's my Dad no Tad's my DAD.Now i'm adopted and amartin i don't know
what that means.Colby says Tad loves you!Tad tries so hard to be the perefct Dad there's no way I'll be the perfect son.colby:Tad doesn't expect that.Damon:while Tad has me there you're mom has me in this box failure for life. so while I'm deling with them and trying to figure out who the hell I am there's you and I'm crazy about you.Colby smiles.Damon:But you also know that you wanted things that scare the crap out of me.Colby:Iknow I did talk about commitment after Amanda and Jake's wedding you did start sweating there.
Damon so with Tad expecting the best and Liza expecting the worse it was too much but you helpeed me with that to hell with what people think i never used t care bout that!from now on I will be me
Colby;who is this guyDamon:he is the guy ho wants to run away with you and never ccome back
Emma is playing cards with Ryan go fish.Emma won 3rd time.Ryna says unbeleiveable he lets her go to vnding machine by self even though Madison offers to take her.Madiosn says she loves her.Ryan says this isn't helping.Ryna thinks it thursday not wednesday.
He was worried about Emma's dance class.
Greenlee says if you love me why won't youlet us have time apartDavid:becasue you're not being honest you'll use time apart to leave marriage and leave for good.Greenlee :would you rather i chose to stay with you becasue I wanted to
David do you remember the day when I was in jail I said Iloved you and don't use those words unless you meant them that we would be committed forever.
Greenlee: feelings change Iam not the same woman who said that or the same woman when we got married.David you meant those words you wanted you were unstoppable the two of us togther we unstoppable I'm going toget you back to that place.
Greenlee:(sad dejected)I don't want to be that woman anymore
David :that's what make syou so amazing that's who you are.You've tken afew hits recently you are unsure of yoreself you've let Ryan get to you
.He's made you doubt your chices our love
Greenlee bits lip loks angry'He sure isn't blackmailing me.you blackmailed Amanda why not me?
David:Totally differnt thing youlove me
Greenlee:you saved my life you were the one person I could count on but then you manipulated David:you're absolutely right I get carrried away I go to far.I don't want to ruin this one.If I take blackmail off table will you stay?
Liza:Okay You want aconcrete reason.acoupl eof weeks my daughter was going to run off with your son highschool drop outprobation waht did you do.you said kids will be kids and shrugged your shouldersTad:Kids are kidsYou can't tie them down remember us so busy trying to be his best friend be his father Liza:guidance Tad Tad:you have the gall to lecture me on my parenting skills when youtried to seduce your daughter's boyfriend.do you think colby would have forgiven you the way you forgave Marion? did you ever stop to think she might not?
Liza:it was extreme yes it was extreme butrather deal with my daughtr hating me in the short term then having the biggest mistake of her life.running away with damon throwing away her life nad potential for some kid with apolice record who can't make a decsion and keep it for two minutes.Really come on do you think my daughter could possibly be happy with somoen like that?
TAD:If you gve her half a chnce that's what I think.
TAD:That someone is my sonLiza:TAD!! TAD: I told yu once beforedon't ever crew with my children I meant it your done.
Randi and frankie are making out phone rngs frankie says let it ring we ares ill saying or hellos
Randi says she needs alittle time(to do what make out with your hubby you idiot!)Phone rngs again Randi says it could be her agent she's offered another shoot. Frnakie sees box he opens coffe maker.Colin can I call you back!says Randi
Randi says coffemaker is sublime creme is to die for.hey make out
Ryna really thought it was thrurs day Madison is worried.Ryna sys he lsot 4 straight hands it was three! Ryan says Bianca was here she said some things he wants out .
Emme asks if they can paly agin.Madison says ryan needs rest.
Greenlee says you blackmail me then you say it goes way if I come back.you've kiled any chance of me ever coming back.Dvid;Marriage is much too important for you to walk away so easily Greenlee: Thre is nothing easy about this.I did love you I trusted you.We wer equals respected each other,then youlied to meDavid:oh please your not taking off becasue of some lie.It's Ryan and everyone esle in this town got to you.Greenee:who the hell are you to tell me what to think I'm not Gayle or Krystal or Amanda.That you would dare force me into this marriage makes me sick.David:see you back a the roomGreenlee:excuse me David you need sometime to digest you have it take awalk clear your head I do love you more than youknow but I meant every word I said.Greenlee: You son of a bitch!runs away
Greenlee comes into their room looks around for evidence? She sess her efelection hates it.David sits nursing his drink downstairs looks at pic of greenlee
Ryan lloks at magazine throws it. bored .Greenlee stares a ring takes them off
Madison walks in on Randi and frankie is emabarrassed!oops
Liza looks for Colby can't find her. worries hse'slost her too.Tad can't find damon. Damon and colby are in restaurnat looking at map. David finds rings.
Greenlee comes to Ryan
Madison apologises Randi says your stills staying here.place didn't work out.Madiosn offers to stay at ahotel.andi says all is okay.Randi ahd fun almost Frankie sys yes to almostoffes keep coming in.Madiso says that is serious smart doctor like you wil figure out coffee maker .It willnever turn out like yours says frankie as enadi looks jealous of banter,baby you should taste coffee she amkes talent.Nothing like perfect cup of coffe in morning.Once you have mine ... says rndi suggestively a Frankie kisses her.
Damon talks about stopover in chicago!music there like afunky mount rushmoreDamon says Colby talk to me why aen't you taking Tad's calls.Damon: if I pick up phone I'll just get earful I don't want to hear nobody will talk me out of thi trip
Colby :so you guys are cool Damon:I'll send him postcard's
Kathy comes to him says she was helping Krystal make Muffins for him .He says no peanuts though.Kathy are you going somewhere?
Damon says they are just goofing around Kathy:good cause youpromised you'd go to my swim meet so I could introduce my friends to my new big brother you crossed your heart
Damon:I did promise that i wouldn't miss it for the world
Liza finds David asks if he's seen Colby.she says she has bigger problems then Colby shacking up with Damon.do you need more sugar pills al ready he asks.she says no
David:if you have problems don't drag me down with you
Liza says everything is fine me not so much it was extreme I admit that but I blew it up in my face.David that the difference between us Liza I never back down and I neve apologise!I do whatever it takes to get waht I want and I always get what I want.
Ryan is sleeping as greenlee stres he calls toher as he stirs.She sys she wants to amke sure he's okay.She wants toknow when he gets out.He says bianca was here she told me you were leaving david.she shouldn't of.RYAN:So it's true
Colby: So we don't go we stay and you do Damon;says nothing wills top us we will leive the way we want
Tad calls Jesse he's worried.Liza come Tad asks what do you wanton second thought go away.Liza says mybe they should team up Liza: says you want to be mad at me go ahead but we are parents...
Tad: says don't say that to meLiza:thye ned our hlp
Tad I don't wnat your help goodbye.Ransi says they want her to work at motini
Frankie says if you are still embarrassed about walking in on us don't be'Madiosnis RyanFrankie you okay? Madison: today he thought it was thursday.should I be worried
Frankie sys it's noraml but he'll kep eye out
Greenlee'Seems like lifetime since she came back she was nagry something you feel so strong about can be soo...We make choices good or bad we have to live with thm.Ryan: you meanDavidGreenlee: I mean life maybe RYan: are you leaving him Greenlee:I wish I'd never let myself fall for him
Frankie asks Ryan how's he' feeling? He says he feels like brain needs to catch up Frankie says that's temprarily he asks if anyone came to vivit him Frankie says like who?
Greenlee says so if I walk away like you've told me millions of times I'm free to do you will got to polce with evidence and make them think I'm the one who sabotoged plane and Fusion's books?I didn't even know about plane until long after you did it.Ilove you says David.Blackmail and love do not go hand in hand David!What ever problems are temporay it will pass think before you act good to know says Greenlee.
Madiosn is on her way says Frankie that's who you were expecting right? Madiosn comes in with surprise Emma who hugs him.He says he's all better.she asksif it hurts he says not anymore.
David tells Greenlee to sit down (as the singer behind sings "Betrayed betrayed!)'she does!more wine you're kidding right.He syas h's sorry he didn't ant it to be about threats.She said you have to be kidding.He says that's what Ilove about you you allways says what's on your mind .and afork in your chest she says
.iknow you're angry but you will see that i'm doing this for us for you.Our agreement was that I could leave anytime I wanted.You're confused you are not thinking straight or in your best interests this is the time to stay and work on your marriage.A marriage I jumped into for thewrong reasons Greenlee says.But you said you lovedme Counters David.For that I feel ourmarriage is worth saving (as the singer sings true lies)Greenlee looks dumfounded!
Is this abluff your bluffing you're hurt nad angry but you wouldn't go this far. You'd rather see me in prison that not with you.Don't try my bluff says DAvid.You are either insane or stupid and you're not stupid.I am confident in our marriage that you will make the right choice .do you really think I could love you after this? You just need some tie David says to clear Your head and time with me not by yourself and by your husband the love is there Al we have to do is find it again i have complete faith in you Greenlee.and faith in us.
Are you and having a ood time Ryan asks Emma .emme says thye heard about Erica .Madiosn apprently he needs more then speed dials on his phone becasue they heard from afolower on twitter about Erica's blog!
Venic is spectacular says Emaa
Frnkie gets snuck up on by Randi who kisses him wildly and he says he thought she wouldn't be back until tomorrow .She wants to go home.
Colby and damon leave she says it would be great toleave before questions.Damon says in someways your mom is right about me.
Liza says i desrve to explain.Tad says why so you can come up with anpther nagel another spin to mkae you look better?Youlike the injured arty.I'll do both you bet your ass I'll listen but on the condition you tll me the truth.
Okay says Liza all right it's true all Damon says was true.I had ben warning coly for so long and hse wouldn't listen so you thought you would set up this whole eelaborate paln to prove apoint.I set it up but he would have gone through with it if you hadn't come.TAd:You don't know that.Of all the nights for you to do something so jckass stupid the night I come and tell you I want to be with you!that we have afuture together you decide to get naked with my son.
Liza:to protect my daughter .I am sorry on so many levels
Tad:I don't care I don't give a damn. so what your sorry that makes everything okay.
Liza :we are good we are working...Tad:It isn't good you've been lying to my face for weeks Liza:you are making this out to be that it is all balck and white
TAd(incredulously)it is all black and white Liza:Damon is not blameless and niether are youLiza: i did what I had to do because you would never step up TAD:Fro Damon that's all I have done
Liza: no you've been making the same mistake over and over excuses for him you refuse to see who he is and what he's capable of and you never reined him in.And you know why becasue you felt guiltybecasue you weeern't therre for his first 19 years forget hat it wasn't your fault you made it your life's mission to atone for not being there.No matter what crime he commits you rationalize it. Tad:Do you hear yourself?You make him sound like aserial killer Liza: no you make him sound like he a couple of pats on the back from you and he's a saint. Tad"all I'm trying to do is give the boy chance Liza:you think adopting him is going to make him a human being so while he's in training to become a human being he's working out the kinks with my daughter.Liza:yes I did I set him up but he'st he one who took those pictures and taunted me!for weeksTad:because you didn't give him achoice.Liza:Oh please
Tad"the only choice youleft him was to the choice he knew to protect himself.Liza:thee you go again turnin him into a victimTAD: he is a victim you're the lunatic!
Liza:He enjoyed it he knew at any given moment he could take those pictures and blow up my life.TAD: I'm sorry sweetheart but if you found yourself in atricky situation yu have no one to blame but yourself.
Damon says your mom has had it in for methat doesn't mena she was totlly off base about me I have let you down but the past few months have been crazy I'm afther I'm not afther Paul's my Dad no Tad's my DAD.Now i'm adopted and amartin i don't know
what that means.Colby says Tad loves you!Tad tries so hard to be the perefct Dad there's no way I'll be the perfect son.colby:Tad doesn't expect that.Damon:while Tad has me there you're mom has me in this box failure for life. so while I'm deling with them and trying to figure out who the hell I am there's you and I'm crazy about you.Colby smiles.Damon:But you also know that you wanted things that scare the crap out of me.Colby:Iknow I did talk about commitment after Amanda and Jake's wedding you did start sweating there.
Damon so with Tad expecting the best and Liza expecting the worse it was too much but you helpeed me with that to hell with what people think i never used t care bout that!from now on I will be me
Colby;who is this guyDamon:he is the guy ho wants to run away with you and never ccome back
Emma is playing cards with Ryan go fish.Emma won 3rd time.Ryna says unbeleiveable he lets her go to vnding machine by self even though Madison offers to take her.Madiosn says she loves her.Ryan says this isn't helping.Ryna thinks it thursday not wednesday.
He was worried about Emma's dance class.
Greenlee says if you love me why won't youlet us have time apartDavid:becasue you're not being honest you'll use time apart to leave marriage and leave for good.Greenlee :would you rather i chose to stay with you becasue I wanted to
David do you remember the day when I was in jail I said Iloved you and don't use those words unless you meant them that we would be committed forever.
Greenlee: feelings change Iam not the same woman who said that or the same woman when we got married.David you meant those words you wanted you were unstoppable the two of us togther we unstoppable I'm going toget you back to that place.
Greenlee:(sad dejected)I don't want to be that woman anymore
David :that's what make syou so amazing that's who you are.You've tken afew hits recently you are unsure of yoreself you've let Ryan get to you
.He's made you doubt your chices our love
Greenlee bits lip loks angry'He sure isn't blackmailing me.you blackmailed Amanda why not me?
David:Totally differnt thing youlove me
Greenlee:you saved my life you were the one person I could count on but then you manipulated David:you're absolutely right I get carrried away I go to far.I don't want to ruin this one.If I take blackmail off table will you stay?
Liza:Okay You want aconcrete reason.acoupl eof weeks my daughter was going to run off with your son highschool drop outprobation waht did you do.you said kids will be kids and shrugged your shouldersTad:Kids are kidsYou can't tie them down remember us so busy trying to be his best friend be his father Liza:guidance Tad Tad:you have the gall to lecture me on my parenting skills when youtried to seduce your daughter's boyfriend.do you think colby would have forgiven you the way you forgave Marion? did you ever stop to think she might not?
Liza:it was extreme yes it was extreme butrather deal with my daughtr hating me in the short term then having the biggest mistake of her life.running away with damon throwing away her life nad potential for some kid with apolice record who can't make a decsion and keep it for two minutes.Really come on do you think my daughter could possibly be happy with somoen like that?
TAD:If you gve her half a chnce that's what I think.
TAD:That someone is my sonLiza:TAD!! TAD: I told yu once beforedon't ever crew with my children I meant it your done.
Randi and frankie are making out phone rngs frankie says let it ring we ares ill saying or hellos
Randi says she needs alittle time(to do what make out with your hubby you idiot!)Phone rngs again Randi says it could be her agent she's offered another shoot. Frnakie sees box he opens coffe maker.Colin can I call you back!says Randi
Randi says coffemaker is sublime creme is to die for.hey make out
Ryna really thought it was thrurs day Madison is worried.Ryna sys he lsot 4 straight hands it was three! Ryan says Bianca was here she said some things he wants out .
Emme asks if they can paly agin.Madison says ryan needs rest.
Greenlee says you blackmail me then you say it goes way if I come back.you've kiled any chance of me ever coming back.Dvid;Marriage is much too important for you to walk away so easily Greenlee: Thre is nothing easy about this.I did love you I trusted you.We wer equals respected each other,then youlied to meDavid:oh please your not taking off becasue of some lie.It's Ryan and everyone esle in this town got to you.Greenee:who the hell are you to tell me what to think I'm not Gayle or Krystal or Amanda.That you would dare force me into this marriage makes me sick.David:see you back a the roomGreenlee:excuse me David you need sometime to digest you have it take awalk clear your head I do love you more than youknow but I meant every word I said.Greenlee: You son of a bitch!runs away
Greenlee comes into their room looks around for evidence? She sess her efelection hates it.David sits nursing his drink downstairs looks at pic of greenlee
Ryan lloks at magazine throws it. bored .Greenlee stares a ring takes them off
Madison walks in on Randi and frankie is emabarrassed!oops
Liza looks for Colby can't find her. worries hse'slost her too.Tad can't find damon. Damon and colby are in restaurnat looking at map. David finds rings.
Greenlee comes to Ryan
Madison apologises Randi says your stills staying here.place didn't work out.Madiosn offers to stay at ahotel.andi says all is okay.Randi ahd fun almost Frankie sys yes to almostoffes keep coming in.Madiso says that is serious smart doctor like you wil figure out coffee maker .It willnever turn out like yours says frankie as enadi looks jealous of banter,baby you should taste coffee she amkes talent.Nothing like perfect cup of coffe in morning.Once you have mine ... says rndi suggestively a Frankie kisses her.
Damon talks about stopover in chicago!music there like afunky mount rushmoreDamon says Colby talk to me why aen't you taking Tad's calls.Damon: if I pick up phone I'll just get earful I don't want to hear nobody will talk me out of thi trip
Colby :so you guys are cool Damon:I'll send him postcard's
Kathy comes to him says she was helping Krystal make Muffins for him .He says no peanuts though.Kathy are you going somewhere?
Damon says they are just goofing around Kathy:good cause youpromised you'd go to my swim meet so I could introduce my friends to my new big brother you crossed your heart
Damon:I did promise that i wouldn't miss it for the world
Liza finds David asks if he's seen Colby.she says she has bigger problems then Colby shacking up with Damon.do you need more sugar pills al ready he asks.she says no
David:if you have problems don't drag me down with you
Liza says everything is fine me not so much it was extreme I admit that but I blew it up in my face.David that the difference between us Liza I never back down and I neve apologise!I do whatever it takes to get waht I want and I always get what I want.
Ryan is sleeping as greenlee stres he calls toher as he stirs.She sys she wants to amke sure he's okay.She wants toknow when he gets out.He says bianca was here she told me you were leaving david.she shouldn't of.RYAN:So it's true
Colby: So we don't go we stay and you do Damon;says nothing wills top us we will leive the way we want
Tad calls Jesse he's worried.Liza come Tad asks what do you wanton second thought go away.Liza says mybe they should team up Liza: says you want to be mad at me go ahead but we are parents...
Tad: says don't say that to meLiza:thye ned our hlp
Tad I don't wnat your help goodbye.Ransi says they want her to work at motini
Frankie says if you are still embarrassed about walking in on us don't be'Madiosnis RyanFrankie you okay? Madison: today he thought it was thursday.should I be worried
Frankie sys it's noraml but he'll kep eye out
Greenlee'Seems like lifetime since she came back she was nagry something you feel so strong about can be soo...We make choices good or bad we have to live with thm.Ryan: you meanDavidGreenlee: I mean life maybe RYan: are you leaving him Greenlee:I wish I'd never let myself fall for him
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Tuesday July 27,2010
Tad asks Liza what is up.Damon says to Liza good luck with that. Damon wants to leave to go to Colby.Tad says your staying here.Damon says he is teling truth that Liza deliberately tried to set him up.Liza claims she will tell truth.
Madison is with Ryan.Binca brings picture for Ryan from Miranda.
Greenlee tells David she wants time apart she thinks she needs space.He says how long she doesn't know,David is trying to figure what this is.Greenlee do you want out of this marriage asks David?Greenlee asks David to hear her out first she says she's gratefully no one else could have kept her alive or supported her like he did.She says all the betrayals he gave her strength and courage to keep going.No one understood hurt and betrayal like him.David helped her get company back and married her despite the fact she couldn't have children.you gave me your heart and things i didn't know you could give.so why are you at this palce asks David never mind I all ready know.
Binca says she aapproves of Madiosn.Ryan says I didn't asks your opinon but I'll take it.Funny how thing change he says we were going toget married togeher I thought i spent my life together.you got your happy ending with resse right.things didn't turn out exactly hte right way says Bianca.Bianca says she just has to wait for mom and Kendall to get back.And reesse right says Ryan How could I forget Reese Bianca says.
Madiosn says will you miss all night sportcenter!
The night I hit on Damon I was really drunk I was completely out of it.Damon was still there when I came out of bathroom.He wanted to show his frineds them Mrs.robinson pictures.she says he crossed the line and I was uncomfortable just like when he kissed me.
Greenlee claims it isn't about ryan bit about them .she says she has been thinking about this for awhile.He says since when do you back down from afight.Youlove firecely you desrve that kind of devotion.We lie to each other all the time.
She mentions all.We are always hidng soemthing from each other to protect each other.Tha's not how it's suppose to wotk.David:we are two incrdibly strong independan people.Greenleesays she needs time alone to figure things out without him
David says I promised you freedom in this marriage he won't renege on that.He has one request one final dinner so we can toast what we mean togeher,what we will alwwys mean togehter says greenlee and that I loved you.Tell me about all over dinner says David
Bianca says Greenlee is now in a different place I see that too.Ryn sys Binca can bring back old Greenlee she sys he can.Madiosn comes in Ryna calls her nurse Madison.
Colby apologises to her Dad she asks him to send plane for her whan timing works
Colby says Damon and I are in love to answer machine
Damon says you would says anything to get me from Colby.
Damon says she put on act made me do her zipper.Liza told me what you and her mom did to her Damon says.Liza claims she wouldn't do that to her daughter.Iknow you wouldn't believe him Damon has been screwing up all over the place.Tad says one of you is lying and I want to figure out who.
Whatever baby mom!Liza says he stopped taking his meds look at the way he's acting.why didn't you tell me because you are so in to her.Since I had those pics I figured I could make her back off.whatever I'm out of here,.It's pretty obvious who side your on.you're no better than Paul Damon says as Tad grabs him angrily.
Bianca asks how conventiion was.Are youokay .I just saw Ryan he's much better cracking jokes.
Greenlee bangs computer Bianca helps.Apartment rentals you and David moving?Greenlee says David and I are taking breather.
David comes into Ryan room stares at him angrily.
how did David take it.someone like davidIknow how he can be did he go balisitc.Greenle says no he was incedibly understnding.I was afraid I was going to hurt him but he was okay.we made adeal that if any of us wnated out we were free to leave.welove each other but he most important thing is resect.
Ryan says thank-you to david.says he would have died without him.I'll let greenlee know you're feeling much better he says leaving.
Colby says she needs to reach dad mom is completely insane.
Dad will understand.Damon scoffs.Colby asks if he's okay.Do I want to know what happened in there.No you don't .Colby says let's jsut talk about us things are pretty perfect he says yes they were.Tad says I don't know whyI let him do that I don't know what's going on.Liza says you want to thinkt he bs of him i couldn't bare the though t of you being hurt this is why I didn't tell you swetheart.It's goignto be okay we will be okay.The night you showed up on my doorstep .Damon as there when I showed up?the night nbefore wedding? Yes says Liza
I thought you were pushing me way becasue I was drunk but you youwere stone call sober.You didn't show it if you were drunk.Damon heard the whole thin and you didn't say anything.I didn't wnat to ruin moment it was like out of movie.you are so honest caring giving sometimes you don;t take care of yourself.So you were doing it for me!
Greenlee is all dressed up for their dinner in orange ruffle skirt dress.Greenle says they're will be many more dates in future,David says this is very importnat night he wnats to be dreessed to go with her.Madiosnoffes crackers jello!
Ryan sys his pilow needs ruffling.He kids Madison says I'm going to gift shop not going to ask if you want anything.Bianca comes in ask How he is Rynas sks about Greenlee.Why David was here he seemed off.He made me nervous.Binca says what if he's not in mix.Bianca says shouldn't be teling you this none of my buiness but Greenlee was looking for apartment.
David and Greenlee are having dinner.she says she can't thank him enough.He says helping you was one of the best thing he ever did.she showed him what it means to love put soemone's needs before him.she says he is good at it.I' am aren't I .David says there is nothing he wouldn't do for her.This marriage means eveything to him he doesn't wnat to be the old David.Tha's up to you! he says no up to her.this choice is abad one I hope you'll reconsider he says!
Tad pretend to beleive Liza says that Damon has truned lying into art form but I forgot how good you were.Liza are you saying you don't beleive me.For once my son told the truth and you stood there nad lied through your teeth.
They are in CalifroniaYou and my Dad could get toknow one another mini vacation.He wants toleve not come back.
Rynas ays david is okay with his he'll let greenlee o.Wow says rYan.Bnca sys she thinks it was becasue of ryan'silless it shook Greens up changed priorties
David givs Greenlee gift of phone. Mechanic is missing piece.They'll want is phone .David just gave her phone multiple calls from Greenlee's old phone.
If he brins Mechanic in he will testify that greenlee hired him Wired money from Greenlee's account plus fusionng of books!
All doesn't look good f cookior you.Greenlee says I can't belive you would blackmail me to stay with you.David says I love you and want you to stay with me.It is my job to protect you and I am prepared to do whatever it takes to make you realize that!
As Greenlee gulps and is shocked!
Madison is with Ryan.Binca brings picture for Ryan from Miranda.
Greenlee tells David she wants time apart she thinks she needs space.He says how long she doesn't know,David is trying to figure what this is.Greenlee do you want out of this marriage asks David?Greenlee asks David to hear her out first she says she's gratefully no one else could have kept her alive or supported her like he did.She says all the betrayals he gave her strength and courage to keep going.No one understood hurt and betrayal like him.David helped her get company back and married her despite the fact she couldn't have children.you gave me your heart and things i didn't know you could give.so why are you at this palce asks David never mind I all ready know.
Binca says she aapproves of Madiosn.Ryan says I didn't asks your opinon but I'll take it.Funny how thing change he says we were going toget married togeher I thought i spent my life together.you got your happy ending with resse right.things didn't turn out exactly hte right way says Bianca.Bianca says she just has to wait for mom and Kendall to get back.And reesse right says Ryan How could I forget Reese Bianca says.
Madiosn says will you miss all night sportcenter!
The night I hit on Damon I was really drunk I was completely out of it.Damon was still there when I came out of bathroom.He wanted to show his frineds them Mrs.robinson pictures.she says he crossed the line and I was uncomfortable just like when he kissed me.
Greenlee claims it isn't about ryan bit about them .she says she has been thinking about this for awhile.He says since when do you back down from afight.Youlove firecely you desrve that kind of devotion.We lie to each other all the time.
She mentions all.We are always hidng soemthing from each other to protect each other.Tha's not how it's suppose to wotk.David:we are two incrdibly strong independan people.Greenleesays she needs time alone to figure things out without him
David says I promised you freedom in this marriage he won't renege on that.He has one request one final dinner so we can toast what we mean togeher,what we will alwwys mean togehter says greenlee and that I loved you.Tell me about all over dinner says David
Bianca says Greenlee is now in a different place I see that too.Ryn sys Binca can bring back old Greenlee she sys he can.Madiosn comes in Ryna calls her nurse Madison.
Colby apologises to her Dad she asks him to send plane for her whan timing works
Colby says Damon and I are in love to answer machine
Damon says you would says anything to get me from Colby.
Damon says she put on act made me do her zipper.Liza told me what you and her mom did to her Damon says.Liza claims she wouldn't do that to her daughter.Iknow you wouldn't believe him Damon has been screwing up all over the place.Tad says one of you is lying and I want to figure out who.
Whatever baby mom!Liza says he stopped taking his meds look at the way he's acting.why didn't you tell me because you are so in to her.Since I had those pics I figured I could make her back off.whatever I'm out of here,.It's pretty obvious who side your on.you're no better than Paul Damon says as Tad grabs him angrily.
Bianca asks how conventiion was.Are youokay .I just saw Ryan he's much better cracking jokes.
Greenlee bangs computer Bianca helps.Apartment rentals you and David moving?Greenlee says David and I are taking breather.
David comes into Ryan room stares at him angrily.
how did David take it.someone like davidIknow how he can be did he go balisitc.Greenle says no he was incedibly understnding.I was afraid I was going to hurt him but he was okay.we made adeal that if any of us wnated out we were free to leave.welove each other but he most important thing is resect.
Ryan says thank-you to david.says he would have died without him.I'll let greenlee know you're feeling much better he says leaving.
Colby says she needs to reach dad mom is completely insane.
Dad will understand.Damon scoffs.Colby asks if he's okay.Do I want to know what happened in there.No you don't .Colby says let's jsut talk about us things are pretty perfect he says yes they were.Tad says I don't know whyI let him do that I don't know what's going on.Liza says you want to thinkt he bs of him i couldn't bare the though t of you being hurt this is why I didn't tell you swetheart.It's goignto be okay we will be okay.The night you showed up on my doorstep .Damon as there when I showed up?the night nbefore wedding? Yes says Liza
I thought you were pushing me way becasue I was drunk but you youwere stone call sober.You didn't show it if you were drunk.Damon heard the whole thin and you didn't say anything.I didn't wnat to ruin moment it was like out of movie.you are so honest caring giving sometimes you don;t take care of yourself.So you were doing it for me!
Greenlee is all dressed up for their dinner in orange ruffle skirt dress.Greenle says they're will be many more dates in future,David says this is very importnat night he wnats to be dreessed to go with her.Madiosnoffes crackers jello!
Ryan sys his pilow needs ruffling.He kids Madison says I'm going to gift shop not going to ask if you want anything.Bianca comes in ask How he is Rynas sks about Greenlee.Why David was here he seemed off.He made me nervous.Binca says what if he's not in mix.Bianca says shouldn't be teling you this none of my buiness but Greenlee was looking for apartment.
David and Greenlee are having dinner.she says she can't thank him enough.He says helping you was one of the best thing he ever did.she showed him what it means to love put soemone's needs before him.she says he is good at it.I' am aren't I .David says there is nothing he wouldn't do for her.This marriage means eveything to him he doesn't wnat to be the old David.Tha's up to you! he says no up to her.this choice is abad one I hope you'll reconsider he says!
Tad pretend to beleive Liza says that Damon has truned lying into art form but I forgot how good you were.Liza are you saying you don't beleive me.For once my son told the truth and you stood there nad lied through your teeth.
They are in CalifroniaYou and my Dad could get toknow one another mini vacation.He wants toleve not come back.
Rynas ays david is okay with his he'll let greenlee o.Wow says rYan.Bnca sys she thinks it was becasue of ryan'silless it shook Greens up changed priorties
David givs Greenlee gift of phone. Mechanic is missing piece.They'll want is phone .David just gave her phone multiple calls from Greenlee's old phone.
If he brins Mechanic in he will testify that greenlee hired him Wired money from Greenlee's account plus fusionng of books!
All doesn't look good f cookior you.Greenlee says I can't belive you would blackmail me to stay with you.David says I love you and want you to stay with me.It is my job to protect you and I am prepared to do whatever it takes to make you realize that!
As Greenlee gulps and is shocked!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Monday July 26, 2010
Tad gets Jesse to come to his house .He says he can't find damon defends Damon toJesse.Jesse says there is a time when you have to man up.Tad says he has to feel secure first.Colby and Damon are in NYC they got in after midnight and she's tired wants to sleep.Colby says wait unitl my Dad hears about what Annie's done now.Maybe he can come back and fix this.Damon says your dad is as crazy about me as your Mom.Colby says she misses he dad and she need her Dad now.Liza goes to David .She needs more drugs that she's been giving
Angie tells greenlee thye fixed the aynerism full rcovery will take awhile.Frankie says hold off on visitng but Angie let's her go in Madison was there the whole time.Ryan asks what happened.she tells him and says he'll be fine.Madison has been there the whole time she says.she says he was talking in his sleep and mentioned Greenlee but I'm not sure what else as Greenlee walks in.
Damon took Tad's car!Tad thinks he ran off because Liza caught his hnds in Krystal's till.TAd says Damon kissed Liza.Jesse says what who told you Liza.Jesse says liza lies.Tad says she wouldn't lie about that.Jesse says you need to hear both sides.
Colby brought tons of clothes!Colby brings chrm bracelet Daddy give her with tons of charms for her.She says she would put it under her pillow when liza took her away that he would find her and slip a charm on.Colby answers the door thinking it's dad but a person comes to the door says he's not coming he will cal and explain.colby is devastated,Damon says he must have good reason.Cell phone rings it's Adam.
She asks why? She says she should have known and hangs up.Damon tries to comfort her.she says he doesn't care.
David gives her a month's suply.David asks how long are you going to do this to tad's kid.She says until Colby gives up him!David says he is okay with it he gets free legal advice.She asks about Greenlee when he says that might effect her relationship with Tad.He says Ryan collpsed .She asks if Greenlee blames him for it since he was there .David says nothing.
Greenlee asks for special treatment for Ryan.Madison will see he's okay says Frankie to Greenlee.Madison says she will check on Emma make sure she's okay and come back.
Angie says everything seems normal Ryan says he doesn't know how he got there.He remebers he was with David and collapsed.
Greenlee was right by your side Angie says as Greenlee comes in.
Liza comes in and Jesse stops talking in front of her about Damon and the car in the lincoln tunnel.Adam calls Liza says Colby hung up on him.He tells her she won't answr the phone.
Damon says your dad wil kill for you something big must have come up.Open it.I promise I'll see you soon love Dad says the note he sent with a charm of a STAR with a heart in the middle.
Damon says he is not going anywhere he won't let her down.She says she is not pushing him.Damon says she belived in him when no one else did she has enormous heart that scares him sometimes but he thinks he is amzing.He wants to be with her.Damon says he loves her.Colby is so happy.He says he wanted to say for awhile didn't no how.
Angie tells Jesse that he is stable.Jesse wants to investigate and make sure david didn't do something.Angie says let it go.David sawa me froze he will try to use that to fire me.Jesse says yu never do that he was stressing you trying to break you.Angie says it's not in your hands .You're starting to scare me leave this alone please she says as she needs to go back to work.
Greenle says she's glad to see Ryan alive breathing.She thought he was dead but all is fine you will be fine.
Ryan says i'm alive because of you as David sees Greenlee take his hand.
Damon makes love to colby.Do they use protection?
Damon puts clothes on in the afterglow and answers door to Liza and Tad.
What are you doing here Damon asks them Tad says he doesn't have to ask same question.
Angie says her meds are working duration of vison loss means they are working she has side effects of exhaustion.
Ryan drifted off says he's tried .she sys you had major brain surgery I'll let it slide.Ryan says she was inhis dream and you were ready to choose.David comes in and Ryan has signals go off Frankie tells them to get out.Greenlee yells at David says what were you thinking stay out.You're upsetting Ryan .Oh dear you're pulling the tigers tail not good
Liza says she wants to talk to Colby alone.Tad takes Damon away.colby says she doesen't care what Adam's reason was.Lizasays her Dad's plane wa grounded.Yuo 'refeeling abandonned so you go for him
Damon says Liza hates him.Damon says I m the younger looking better version of you.Tad says everytime I think I understand you you do something else.why did you kiss Liza he asks
Greenle says david was standing over David would he have let him die.Greenlee says he would David says she's tired he know she didn't mean that he'll see her at home.
Madison brings ballons from Emma and pictures and akiss which Greenlee sees.Ryan says he hopes he doen't spike his blood pressure agin as she kisses him.
Damon admits he kissed Liza nad he's sorry and it was in the moment.Tad says he saw soemthing in him that it made impossible to give up on him long before he could tell him he knew he loved him nad that he was his sonhe adopted him to make it officail because he is his son.Tad says he loves him no matter what deal with it.
Tad says he is going on faith he told everyone it was okay you werworth the faihht.you could stand there and tell me that you can kiss Liza and it means nothing how could you do that to me .It meant soemthing to me.says Tad putting his son in a head lock.
Jesse asks why mom got stressed to frankie.Frankie says it is not like mom to put patient at risk says Frankie
Madison says she told Emma he's almost ready to run laps around the place.Madison asks where Greenlee is and he says she left with David,
Greenlee apologises to David and says you are not to blame with everything about Ryan I am as David says it's oaky you were tired!
Colby says Liza doesn't know her at all if she thinks she'll throw everything away for Colby.
Damon tells Tad that Liza came on to him and tad walks awat doesn't believe him even as he shows him the pictures on his phone.Colby says she's out of here.Tad aks liza what the hell is this.
Ryan says thank Emma .She says he's a strong little girl.Madison offers to look after them both when he gets out.
Greenlee says we have been in trouble the two of us against the world she says she was fine but it's been really destructive for both of us she needs time to think about everything us.We need tme apart she says!
Angie tells greenlee thye fixed the aynerism full rcovery will take awhile.Frankie says hold off on visitng but Angie let's her go in Madison was there the whole time.Ryan asks what happened.she tells him and says he'll be fine.Madison has been there the whole time she says.she says he was talking in his sleep and mentioned Greenlee but I'm not sure what else as Greenlee walks in.
Damon took Tad's car!Tad thinks he ran off because Liza caught his hnds in Krystal's till.TAd says Damon kissed Liza.Jesse says what who told you Liza.Jesse says liza lies.Tad says she wouldn't lie about that.Jesse says you need to hear both sides.
Colby brought tons of clothes!Colby brings chrm bracelet Daddy give her with tons of charms for her.She says she would put it under her pillow when liza took her away that he would find her and slip a charm on.Colby answers the door thinking it's dad but a person comes to the door says he's not coming he will cal and explain.colby is devastated,Damon says he must have good reason.Cell phone rings it's Adam.
She asks why? She says she should have known and hangs up.Damon tries to comfort her.she says he doesn't care.
David gives her a month's suply.David asks how long are you going to do this to tad's kid.She says until Colby gives up him!David says he is okay with it he gets free legal advice.She asks about Greenlee when he says that might effect her relationship with Tad.He says Ryan collpsed .She asks if Greenlee blames him for it since he was there .David says nothing.
Greenlee asks for special treatment for Ryan.Madison will see he's okay says Frankie to Greenlee.Madison says she will check on Emma make sure she's okay and come back.
Angie says everything seems normal Ryan says he doesn't know how he got there.He remebers he was with David and collapsed.
Greenlee was right by your side Angie says as Greenlee comes in.
Liza comes in and Jesse stops talking in front of her about Damon and the car in the lincoln tunnel.Adam calls Liza says Colby hung up on him.He tells her she won't answr the phone.
Damon says your dad wil kill for you something big must have come up.Open it.I promise I'll see you soon love Dad says the note he sent with a charm of a STAR with a heart in the middle.
Damon says he is not going anywhere he won't let her down.She says she is not pushing him.Damon says she belived in him when no one else did she has enormous heart that scares him sometimes but he thinks he is amzing.He wants to be with her.Damon says he loves her.Colby is so happy.He says he wanted to say for awhile didn't no how.
Angie tells Jesse that he is stable.Jesse wants to investigate and make sure david didn't do something.Angie says let it go.David sawa me froze he will try to use that to fire me.Jesse says yu never do that he was stressing you trying to break you.Angie says it's not in your hands .You're starting to scare me leave this alone please she says as she needs to go back to work.
Greenle says she's glad to see Ryan alive breathing.She thought he was dead but all is fine you will be fine.
Ryan says i'm alive because of you as David sees Greenlee take his hand.
Damon makes love to colby.Do they use protection?
Damon puts clothes on in the afterglow and answers door to Liza and Tad.
What are you doing here Damon asks them Tad says he doesn't have to ask same question.
Angie says her meds are working duration of vison loss means they are working she has side effects of exhaustion.
Ryan drifted off says he's tried .she sys you had major brain surgery I'll let it slide.Ryan says she was inhis dream and you were ready to choose.David comes in and Ryan has signals go off Frankie tells them to get out.Greenlee yells at David says what were you thinking stay out.You're upsetting Ryan .Oh dear you're pulling the tigers tail not good
Liza says she wants to talk to Colby alone.Tad takes Damon away.colby says she doesen't care what Adam's reason was.Lizasays her Dad's plane wa grounded.Yuo 'refeeling abandonned so you go for him
Damon says Liza hates him.Damon says I m the younger looking better version of you.Tad says everytime I think I understand you you do something else.why did you kiss Liza he asks
Greenle says david was standing over David would he have let him die.Greenlee says he would David says she's tired he know she didn't mean that he'll see her at home.
Madison brings ballons from Emma and pictures and akiss which Greenlee sees.Ryan says he hopes he doen't spike his blood pressure agin as she kisses him.
Damon admits he kissed Liza nad he's sorry and it was in the moment.Tad says he saw soemthing in him that it made impossible to give up on him long before he could tell him he knew he loved him nad that he was his sonhe adopted him to make it officail because he is his son.Tad says he loves him no matter what deal with it.
Tad says he is going on faith he told everyone it was okay you werworth the faihht.you could stand there and tell me that you can kiss Liza and it means nothing how could you do that to me .It meant soemthing to me.says Tad putting his son in a head lock.
Jesse asks why mom got stressed to frankie.Frankie says it is not like mom to put patient at risk says Frankie
Madison says she told Emma he's almost ready to run laps around the place.Madison asks where Greenlee is and he says she left with David,
Greenlee apologises to David and says you are not to blame with everything about Ryan I am as David says it's oaky you were tired!
Colby says Liza doesn't know her at all if she thinks she'll throw everything away for Colby.
Damon tells Tad that Liza came on to him and tad walks awat doesn't believe him even as he shows him the pictures on his phone.Colby says she's out of here.Tad aks liza what the hell is this.
Ryan says thank Emma .She says he's a strong little girl.Madison offers to look after them both when he gets out.
Greenlee says we have been in trouble the two of us against the world she says she was fine but it's been really destructive for both of us she needs time to think about everything us.We need tme apart she says!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Friday July 23,2010
Krystal says goodbye to Caleb who says he's heading home.Krystal says no second thoughts? Annie got Scott a live televison interview for JR,Jr is upset because Adam didn't call back.Scott says you called an emergency board meetng without me?asks Scott.Jr says Caleb has no idea that he sold Cortlandt to him.Scott is appalled that he's leveraged Chandler to get it Cortlandt. Jr says risk is what it's all about move out of the way I'm going to be running it.Scott says are you made that Annie and I are geting married.
Angie has no problem last 24 hours. End of the day.
Natalia comes home Jesse has paperwork everywhere. Hawyard saved Mayor Blanco's daughter's life.Natalia says she made connection to DAvid
Greenlee comes on David standing over Ryan.she calls for ambulance as David says don't move.
Greenlee begs Ryan to live for Emma as EMT's take him in!
Natalia is playing a NTTB memeber to get David!Jesse doesn't like that her prosttuting herself.Jesse says he feels like he is letting Angie down.Natalia says they use to dance in living room.She knew that he was with Angie and Frankie.Jesse says like the man who took it away is behind bars and so will David.
Scott tlls Jr he is playing with fire taunting Caleb.Scott is says Marissa failed exam she needs you.Jr says she'll have ajob with Cortlandt.
Scott says he feels bad for Jr about Dad he has everything
Caleb is with Bianca offers to sell house to Bianca eventually .
Caleb calls Jack Captain Marvell when Bianca says even though Erica married Dimtri twice Jack is her destiny the only one she'll love.
Bianca asks him if he's sure?
Caleb says he didn't do anything Erica could have crashed anywhere Bianca says it must have been intense looking after mom.CAleb says your mom has sailed off into the sunset with Mr. perfect hair.You have your mother's eyes and you look at me like her. Kane woman you talk things to death,Bianca says girls will love it here.Just wait until I'm out of her says caleb.you don't like kids asks Bianca?
what is with Kane woman questions questions.
Jr calls Caleb Grizzly adams.
Annie asks how all the power feels Annie says tie is wrong as Scott sees her touching tie and looks troubled.
Natalia says it's wrong the police chief being sent home as she sees all the papers on David.He's digging into all.Natalia is worried that Jesse is letting it get to him.she has to get to work at station keep her posted she says.
Ryan is brought in and David demands Angie looks after him as she calls for specialist and Jake .Just treat him David snipes!
Caleb leaves Palmer's picture.Bianca turns on Tv Caleb sees that JR stoled the company.
Caleb says I didn't sell the company to that idiot.Number is disconnected.JR stoled your company Pete Caleb says.
DAvid asks if Angie will run CT scan soon.
Ryan hear Greenlee says hanging in there she's there.
Ryan imagines Bianca asking how it's goint we are worried about you me mom Kendall.She says today is anniversary it's been a year Ryan since Greenlee died you can't put life on hold .He says he has no life without Greenlee.Greenlee asks what a girl has to do to get drinka round her he imagines her coming back to him.
He hugs her!
David says get into radiology stat David says to Angie as Angie sutures.Angie loses Vison
David says he needs bleeding stop now as Angie asks for specialist.
Angie can't see and Jake takes over saying Angie is coming off a double kicks David out saying her's not family.Angie thanks.David says he wants two incompetents out of hospital.David says he was arguing and RYan held his head.Greenle says I found you watching him bleed doing nothing as JEsse hears and says that's crime in his book.
Jr accepts calls asks Scott if any are his Dad. They aren't as Annie comforts.Caleb comes in says he caught perforamnce on tv slick steaing company following Daddy's footsteps.You get what you want I get waht I want you get to got to woods and do what you want.You shouldn't have stoled Pete's company when I get it back and I will you are going to wish you hadn't crawled out of crib.
David swears to Greenlee he did nothing to Ryan as Jesse taunts Greenlee walks away.
Ryan dreams that David rescued her that she will be with Dvid as ryan shouts no.Jake completes sutures. Angie is blurry.she says there is something wrong
Angie says Ryan is labouring breathing she says.Angie says vision is coming back.Angie says she has no business she's stepping down. She froze David saw her Jake says tell him you were tired .She 's worried David will take over and crush hospital as Angie cries Jesse sees Jake hug.
Jake sys Ryan is serious almost critical .Madison comes she says she got Emma away so she didn't see in park.
Jr says Caleb can do nothing it's theirs.Jr has top secret files Scott offers to look after says he is up to speed Jr won't relinguish.Binca said she found old saddle to Miranda.She says they can have so much fun.When can mommy Reeese join asks Miranda Binca says she's not sure.
Caleb throws things says Jr is worse then old man.Caleb says she can't stay.You agreed to rent can't we both live her you take one wing we take another .Bianca says yes maybe we can get to know each other Caleb agrees.
Caleb says he will take east wing and the little monsters can be locked up in west wing.Kids are scared of me.Binca says my daugther's are brave they are future Kane women!
Annie says don't worry we own it all .Scott says he committed a crime Jr could take me down we need to keep eye on him.Annie keep eye on him.She asks if he is testing her.She will be the woman he wanted she'll prove self.Jr stares at pic of Dad and him.
Caleb says you knew that Chandler would come after Cortlandt and that's why you gave to me.ah Pete I have nothing to lose says Caleb
Jake says Ryan has anyerism he's in excellent hands.David says you won't even talk to me to Greenlee.
In Ryan's dreams Greenlee says he's the one she's always loved not David even though she's grateful.They do surgery!David says surgery will take while lets leave for while Greenlee says she's staying alone.
David angrily leaves as Jesse and Natalia watch
Angie has no problem last 24 hours. End of the day.
Natalia comes home Jesse has paperwork everywhere. Hawyard saved Mayor Blanco's daughter's life.Natalia says she made connection to DAvid
Greenlee comes on David standing over Ryan.she calls for ambulance as David says don't move.
Greenlee begs Ryan to live for Emma as EMT's take him in!
Natalia is playing a NTTB memeber to get David!Jesse doesn't like that her prosttuting herself.Jesse says he feels like he is letting Angie down.Natalia says they use to dance in living room.She knew that he was with Angie and Frankie.Jesse says like the man who took it away is behind bars and so will David.
Scott tlls Jr he is playing with fire taunting Caleb.Scott is says Marissa failed exam she needs you.Jr says she'll have ajob with Cortlandt.
Scott says he feels bad for Jr about Dad he has everything
Caleb is with Bianca offers to sell house to Bianca eventually .
Caleb calls Jack Captain Marvell when Bianca says even though Erica married Dimtri twice Jack is her destiny the only one she'll love.
Bianca asks him if he's sure?
Caleb says he didn't do anything Erica could have crashed anywhere Bianca says it must have been intense looking after mom.CAleb says your mom has sailed off into the sunset with Mr. perfect hair.You have your mother's eyes and you look at me like her. Kane woman you talk things to death,Bianca says girls will love it here.Just wait until I'm out of her says caleb.you don't like kids asks Bianca?
what is with Kane woman questions questions.
Jr calls Caleb Grizzly adams.
Annie asks how all the power feels Annie says tie is wrong as Scott sees her touching tie and looks troubled.
Natalia says it's wrong the police chief being sent home as she sees all the papers on David.He's digging into all.Natalia is worried that Jesse is letting it get to him.she has to get to work at station keep her posted she says.
Ryan is brought in and David demands Angie looks after him as she calls for specialist and Jake .Just treat him David snipes!
Caleb leaves Palmer's picture.Bianca turns on Tv Caleb sees that JR stoled the company.
Caleb says I didn't sell the company to that idiot.Number is disconnected.JR stoled your company Pete Caleb says.
DAvid asks if Angie will run CT scan soon.
Ryan hear Greenlee says hanging in there she's there.
Ryan imagines Bianca asking how it's goint we are worried about you me mom Kendall.She says today is anniversary it's been a year Ryan since Greenlee died you can't put life on hold .He says he has no life without Greenlee.Greenlee asks what a girl has to do to get drinka round her he imagines her coming back to him.
He hugs her!
David says get into radiology stat David says to Angie as Angie sutures.Angie loses Vison
David says he needs bleeding stop now as Angie asks for specialist.
Angie can't see and Jake takes over saying Angie is coming off a double kicks David out saying her's not family.Angie thanks.David says he wants two incompetents out of hospital.David says he was arguing and RYan held his head.Greenle says I found you watching him bleed doing nothing as JEsse hears and says that's crime in his book.
Jr accepts calls asks Scott if any are his Dad. They aren't as Annie comforts.Caleb comes in says he caught perforamnce on tv slick steaing company following Daddy's footsteps.You get what you want I get waht I want you get to got to woods and do what you want.You shouldn't have stoled Pete's company when I get it back and I will you are going to wish you hadn't crawled out of crib.
David swears to Greenlee he did nothing to Ryan as Jesse taunts Greenlee walks away.
Ryan dreams that David rescued her that she will be with Dvid as ryan shouts no.Jake completes sutures. Angie is blurry.she says there is something wrong
Angie says Ryan is labouring breathing she says.Angie says vision is coming back.Angie says she has no business she's stepping down. She froze David saw her Jake says tell him you were tired .She 's worried David will take over and crush hospital as Angie cries Jesse sees Jake hug.
Jake sys Ryan is serious almost critical .Madison comes she says she got Emma away so she didn't see in park.
Jr says Caleb can do nothing it's theirs.Jr has top secret files Scott offers to look after says he is up to speed Jr won't relinguish.Binca said she found old saddle to Miranda.She says they can have so much fun.When can mommy Reeese join asks Miranda Binca says she's not sure.
Caleb throws things says Jr is worse then old man.Caleb says she can't stay.You agreed to rent can't we both live her you take one wing we take another .Bianca says yes maybe we can get to know each other Caleb agrees.
Caleb says he will take east wing and the little monsters can be locked up in west wing.Kids are scared of me.Binca says my daugther's are brave they are future Kane women!
Annie says don't worry we own it all .Scott says he committed a crime Jr could take me down we need to keep eye on him.Annie keep eye on him.She asks if he is testing her.She will be the woman he wanted she'll prove self.Jr stares at pic of Dad and him.
Caleb says you knew that Chandler would come after Cortlandt and that's why you gave to me.ah Pete I have nothing to lose says Caleb
Jake says Ryan has anyerism he's in excellent hands.David says you won't even talk to me to Greenlee.
In Ryan's dreams Greenlee says he's the one she's always loved not David even though she's grateful.They do surgery!David says surgery will take while lets leave for while Greenlee says she's staying alone.
David angrily leaves as Jesse and Natalia watch
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Thursday July 22,2010
Annie is planning her and Scott's wedding excitedly.Scott was on the phone about business .She's talking Empire State building ,Eiffel tower wedding.Annie says all those people that said she was washed up after Adam cank iss her...Scott says she still needs a divorce.Jr wheeling and dealing lying with someone to get Courlandt.Annie says she doesn't need a megawatt wedding Vegas wedding is fine.You and are all that is what matters she says.
Marissa is looking for Krystal can't find her cries and tells Caleb!she says she blew bar exam .
Emma says she made wishes that she would find Cinderella dress.Ryan says he'll be replace but she says it isn't the same Greenlee gave it to me.Did you make Wishes too Daddy she asks?
David grills Greenlee about NYc asks if they were all advertisers?Greenlee says you found out I saw Ryan.How did you know Frankie told me.How did he ...doesn't matter why didn't you ask me?David says why didn't you tell me.Greenlee says I wasn't going for him I didn't want to hurt you.David says so much for honesty.Greenlee says this was wake up call she has loving supportive husband here and thriving business.If that's true why are you carrying a pic of Ryan?
Greenlee accuses David of going through her dayplanner to find pic.She tells him Daddy gave it to her to attempt to manipulate her.David has risked all for her and she's grateful too grateful to go backwards she says.Please says you believe me.David says he does asks forgiveness.Says he has meeting with board!
Ryan calls Greenlee she says bad tme.He says he has crisis Emma lost Cinderella dress.She says she will get new one he tells her she wants new embroidered message.She says she will get team to re-embroider.she says park it is David hears only that freaks out!
Annie is excited about wedding as Scott says he doesn't care what she's done.Scott says he can fast track divorce through courts and they can be ready next week.He wants to know why she's rushing don't play games.She says she wants to be with him and be Mrs. Scott Chandler.
Madison drops by asks about Cinderella dress.She hands Emma present of Cinderella dress. Emma says it's not the same one mine had a special message I'm your fairy god mother love greenlee embroidered into it!
Madison says let's go look in the park
Ryan calls Greenlee she says bad tme.He says he has crisis Emma lost Cinderella dress.She says she will get new one he tells her she wants new embroidered message.She says she will get team to re-embroider.she says park it is David hears only that freaks out!
Caleb asks Marissa who wants to be alawyer anyway? Caleb says people take those tests two and three times.Marissa says it's living in that house with those poeple and her marriage.She apologises for telling acomplete stranger.He tells her she can't drive like that sit down have water.
Annie says sCott is the only thing that matters and he says he will give her
wedding of her dreams.Scott says Check on Marissa when Jr brings up business we are busy planning wedding.Scott says you don't have to give up wedding dreams to prove to me I want to give you the world!
Marissa says that Her marriage is a problem cries leaves crying Jr comes in and blames Caleb for it.Caleb says it's probably because she discovered that she is marrid to a world class jerk like his father Adam.Krystal finds her crying in the park ask what Jr did.she tells mom that she flnked. She says she tanked exam.Krystal says you probaly did better than you think.She says your marriage problems would keep someone in bed.She sys they continue to stare at ech other across room.I'm not as strong as I thought.Krystal says jr is eak aJ has you for his mother and as for that exam...before you throw yourself into studying see if Jr is worth it.again aasks yourself if Jr is worth it.Aj will always be part of your life but Jr is toxic he comes with aboat load of problems you deserve more don't let him rob you of him.she syas Krystal sunds like Caleb Cooney.she says he said don't let a Chandler ruin your life.Krystal says Jr can pull you down with him.
Jr says don't stick yourself into my family business what did a Chandler do to you.Palmer and my father made up along time ago.
Caleb:Seeing how upset your wife was proves to me that I was right instead of chasing after yor wife you pick afight with me.
Jr looks like he's going to hit Caleb.Aj says daddy stop as he comes in Where is the adult with him?Oh anni is running after rhim he got away.
Greenlee brings Emma the new dress with the embriodered message.David stares at pic goes to spy on them
Greenlee says she looks like princess Emma Cinderella in dress.Thanks Madison for taking dress to Fusion.It must be odd that you are spending time with them.
Madison asks her to back off Ryan. They both offer to take Emma to babysitter.Greenlee excepts Daisy chain form Emma tells her if she needs magic then just call
Aj was brought by a running Annie.Scott was suppose to bring him to Marissa but he's busy working.Aj asks why they were arguing.Jr says he wasn't .He explains that Caleb is family and Aj asks why there family is always yelling at each other.Jr says we have to try to get along better.
Jr says my son is right we shouldn't be at throats.You are not my ememy but my family that's why I wanted Chandler.You're probably won't be if you change your mind.Caleb says he has perfected BS from his dad.He will never sell to a Chandler I 'll see you at that family picture says Jr in parting shot.
Greenlee is ordering food and Krystal tells her to order steak extra lean for David!Krystal says David manipulates.Greenlee says he doesn't manipulate me.Krystal says she heard about the bar.
She and Amanda were thinking about former exes club.She warns about David.
David says Lavery we need to talk it's about Greenlee did you or did you not call her to meet you in the park.David says he was stooping to use Emma ,Sir Galahad using a child disgusting.Ryan tries to walk away David says he's pissing him off grabs him.Ryan says take your hand off of me!TOO FUNNY RYAN ALWAYS GRABS PEOPLE
Greenlee says she's sorry that it didn't work out for them but when did it change for you.Krystal says she doesn't really know but she figured it out.
Marissa rips papers.Scott says she thought she was at Krystal's Marissa says thye can't stay away from each other why ae you marrying Annie do you really think she''ll make you happy.So it's a competition btween you and jR.He says they had a connection before Jr.she says she doesn't want him to get hurt he says take care of yourself.Krystal thanks Caleb for helping Marissa!He says as long as she doesn't make a habit.Caleb says buisness is done between him and Erica .He says P.V are msotly not his type of people.Krystal says Jack told her about him being ahigh powered attorney,Caleb says being here convinced me I was right.She sys being around people you gt good and bad. Someone calls Krystals's for Caleb he say he gave her number as office says he sold Cortlandt!Not to JR? Caleb says not if my life depended on it.Caleb says some suit has it to worry about it.
Jr huggs Annie says he proved daddy wrong got deal done.
David shakes Ryan he holds head collapses as David asks what's wrong with head!
Marissa is looking for Krystal can't find her cries and tells Caleb!she says she blew bar exam .
Emma says she made wishes that she would find Cinderella dress.Ryan says he'll be replace but she says it isn't the same Greenlee gave it to me.Did you make Wishes too Daddy she asks?
David grills Greenlee about NYc asks if they were all advertisers?Greenlee says you found out I saw Ryan.How did you know Frankie told me.How did he ...doesn't matter why didn't you ask me?David says why didn't you tell me.Greenlee says I wasn't going for him I didn't want to hurt you.David says so much for honesty.Greenlee says this was wake up call she has loving supportive husband here and thriving business.If that's true why are you carrying a pic of Ryan?
Greenlee accuses David of going through her dayplanner to find pic.She tells him Daddy gave it to her to attempt to manipulate her.David has risked all for her and she's grateful too grateful to go backwards she says.Please says you believe me.David says he does asks forgiveness.Says he has meeting with board!
Ryan calls Greenlee she says bad tme.He says he has crisis Emma lost Cinderella dress.She says she will get new one he tells her she wants new embroidered message.She says she will get team to re-embroider.she says park it is David hears only that freaks out!
Annie is excited about wedding as Scott says he doesn't care what she's done.Scott says he can fast track divorce through courts and they can be ready next week.He wants to know why she's rushing don't play games.She says she wants to be with him and be Mrs. Scott Chandler.
Madison drops by asks about Cinderella dress.She hands Emma present of Cinderella dress. Emma says it's not the same one mine had a special message I'm your fairy god mother love greenlee embroidered into it!
Madison says let's go look in the park
Ryan calls Greenlee she says bad tme.He says he has crisis Emma lost Cinderella dress.She says she will get new one he tells her she wants new embroidered message.She says she will get team to re-embroider.she says park it is David hears only that freaks out!
Caleb asks Marissa who wants to be alawyer anyway? Caleb says people take those tests two and three times.Marissa says it's living in that house with those poeple and her marriage.She apologises for telling acomplete stranger.He tells her she can't drive like that sit down have water.
Annie says sCott is the only thing that matters and he says he will give her
wedding of her dreams.Scott says Check on Marissa when Jr brings up business we are busy planning wedding.Scott says you don't have to give up wedding dreams to prove to me I want to give you the world!
Marissa says that Her marriage is a problem cries leaves crying Jr comes in and blames Caleb for it.Caleb says it's probably because she discovered that she is marrid to a world class jerk like his father Adam.Krystal finds her crying in the park ask what Jr did.she tells mom that she flnked. She says she tanked exam.Krystal says you probaly did better than you think.She says your marriage problems would keep someone in bed.She sys they continue to stare at ech other across room.I'm not as strong as I thought.Krystal says jr is eak aJ has you for his mother and as for that exam...before you throw yourself into studying see if Jr is worth it.again aasks yourself if Jr is worth it.Aj will always be part of your life but Jr is toxic he comes with aboat load of problems you deserve more don't let him rob you of him.she syas Krystal sunds like Caleb Cooney.she says he said don't let a Chandler ruin your life.Krystal says Jr can pull you down with him.
Jr says don't stick yourself into my family business what did a Chandler do to you.Palmer and my father made up along time ago.
Caleb:Seeing how upset your wife was proves to me that I was right instead of chasing after yor wife you pick afight with me.
Jr looks like he's going to hit Caleb.Aj says daddy stop as he comes in Where is the adult with him?Oh anni is running after rhim he got away.
Greenlee brings Emma the new dress with the embriodered message.David stares at pic goes to spy on them
Greenlee says she looks like princess Emma Cinderella in dress.Thanks Madison for taking dress to Fusion.It must be odd that you are spending time with them.
Madison asks her to back off Ryan. They both offer to take Emma to babysitter.Greenlee excepts Daisy chain form Emma tells her if she needs magic then just call
Aj was brought by a running Annie.Scott was suppose to bring him to Marissa but he's busy working.Aj asks why they were arguing.Jr says he wasn't .He explains that Caleb is family and Aj asks why there family is always yelling at each other.Jr says we have to try to get along better.
Jr says my son is right we shouldn't be at throats.You are not my ememy but my family that's why I wanted Chandler.You're probably won't be if you change your mind.Caleb says he has perfected BS from his dad.He will never sell to a Chandler I 'll see you at that family picture says Jr in parting shot.
Greenlee is ordering food and Krystal tells her to order steak extra lean for David!Krystal says David manipulates.Greenlee says he doesn't manipulate me.Krystal says she heard about the bar.
She and Amanda were thinking about former exes club.She warns about David.
David says Lavery we need to talk it's about Greenlee did you or did you not call her to meet you in the park.David says he was stooping to use Emma ,Sir Galahad using a child disgusting.Ryan tries to walk away David says he's pissing him off grabs him.Ryan says take your hand off of me!TOO FUNNY RYAN ALWAYS GRABS PEOPLE
Greenlee says she's sorry that it didn't work out for them but when did it change for you.Krystal says she doesn't really know but she figured it out.
Marissa rips papers.Scott says she thought she was at Krystal's Marissa says thye can't stay away from each other why ae you marrying Annie do you really think she''ll make you happy.So it's a competition btween you and jR.He says they had a connection before Jr.she says she doesn't want him to get hurt he says take care of yourself.Krystal thanks Caleb for helping Marissa!He says as long as she doesn't make a habit.Caleb says buisness is done between him and Erica .He says P.V are msotly not his type of people.Krystal says Jack told her about him being ahigh powered attorney,Caleb says being here convinced me I was right.She sys being around people you gt good and bad. Someone calls Krystals's for Caleb he say he gave her number as office says he sold Cortlandt!Not to JR? Caleb says not if my life depended on it.Caleb says some suit has it to worry about it.
Jr huggs Annie says he proved daddy wrong got deal done.
David shakes Ryan he holds head collapses as David asks what's wrong with head!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Wednesday July 21,2010
Tad answers the door to Jake while yelling on the phone about the cake the Martin cake he spells.Amanda says we now have time to get a better gift then money. Krystal got a gaming system.
Tad says he had to order another cake as Krystal says she could have baked one.Damon steels from Lrystal as Liza catches him!
Annie stares at pictures of Jr and Scott.Jr is trying to manipulate with scott the buy of Cortlandt.Jr says it doesn't matter thatCaleb doesn't want to sell they'll get it.Scott says focus on Marissa until at least her bar exam is over. Scott says press release has to be canclled they don't have courtlandt. Annie asks if he has answr to her question.
Marissa is tired and doesn't know her lawastuff.Jr says he was trying to get Cortlandt.Marissa says he allways wants more,Scott says annie caught him off guard as she pressures him to say yes.He says they have problems she's still legally married to adam.He says there is till JR!
Jr says tht the company is his mom's leagacy she says she's not sure of his priorities thesse days.colby offers to help if Marissa needs it.She assures Marissa that Jr is making Family apriority.Colby is goin to welcome to family party for damon.Jr says he can't make it.Jr wants to get a bite to eat.she sys that's fabulous idea you can show me the room you busted in to save Annie
Anni says he was so good with emma.Scott says he is worried she popped the question becasue she's insecure dn't want me to be your wife,He says it's instinct I love you.annie says you don't love me?He says he does we don't have to prove selves!
Scott goes to office.
Annie is worried!
Tad's wearing a blue lei and his package is amess Tad tied it himself.Jake gave damon asavings bond and something else that he says he doesn't have!Colby coems and says Damon is answering texts
Damon says money is adavance Liza says she will call Krystal.He says he will tell Krystal.Liza says youknow she's at your party.Liza says whoops you forgot as he says he forgot.Lizas being really mean!!!
Tad says he needs to get Damons cake.Colby says he should be here ready to party.Tad says he is probably freaked out his not used to unconditional love Colby sys you keep thinking that.
Marissa says thats digusting but you should have been honest dont lie.Jr says he didnèt want her tostress Jr says Annie is sore spot he doesnèt want to hurt her.If she was the one in the room he wouldnt breathing.Liza says you will tell Krystal. You are athief of hearts and money.you stole Colbys heart.Tad comes in says guess you two decide to have own party mind if I crash.Tad complains party started hour ago.Liza says he stole cash from krystal.He asks if tad will unadopt him.You want me to be new guy I dont roll that way Damon says stalking off.what was that asks Damon.Jake got guitar for Damon!Jake has to go to work but he says he wants tostay.
Marissa sys she knows Jr rescued her donèt freak out the wife with small deatails.annie says sheès sorry she didnèt say so .Marissa sks what hse would have done if Jr wasnèt here.Annie says Tucker was strong determined and insuates she would hav been raped
Scott comes in and propses on bended knee offering her a ring.He asks her to do the great honor of being his wife.Annie is shcoked.Annie says she thought he was interestd he says he has been thinking about this for awhile but he wanted to be the one to propose.From the moment he met her he kneww all were wrong she ws deep loving and he prmises her alife of joy na love and surprises as she says yes.
sh says put on ring make offical.colby comes in frowns looks mad.
Colby s told that they ae getting amrrie dJr toasts annie and scott may you have all the happiness you deserve he says
Jake looks at phone ignores it.
amanda asks what he thinks of Damon he says he has ADD if it wasnt for tad he would be in prison.Amnda asks if Liza is coming she says Liza hates Damon.
Amanda tells him what Liza did Damon had pics of liza and that she set up Damon what if pics got out Jake says.Amanda tells him that she got him to erase.Jake says Tad deserves to know.Krystal says any sign of TAd cake.Jake says he foregot credit card at Stire amnda goes with him
Td begs Liza to be nice to Damon.Liza claims he dosenèt want to be apart of family.she says he is adu making wrong decsions.he calls her on pot shots on Damon.Tad blames himeself for stressing Damon with big party.Nothing you can says about Damon will surprise me.Liza says he is really like Tad at that age and it isnt a good thing.Colby begs on answering machine to see daddy.she says she cant handle it.As Damon overhears!
Colby tells him toget lost sheès busy Damon offers solice.she says she needs her dad to fix all!Scott is amrrying annie why is it that Im the only one that sees .she is taking everyone dwn sheès playing jR.What do you care.Damon says he cares.Damon says he was in middle of something.Mabe momès right you arenèt dependable.I have too much going on he says.
she says she need to go see her dad in NYc when can you leave ièll get you there!
Tad you didnèt think before you did things Tad says I was ajerk becasue I enjoyed it.Maybe his dosage is off says tad.Td sys if you have soemthing to says spit it out.Liza says he kissed me!Tad says wow that happened weeks ago and now you rtell me.she says he reaches into register doesnèt come to party.He doesnèt care who he hurts he only cares about self.Liza is a total BITCH!!!!!
Scott thanks Jr for toast!Jtr hugs congrats !Marissa says she needs to go studying .Good luck tomorrow says Scott as they leave.
Colby yells at Damon you ar not going to ditch me at the alst minurte.Damon says she should dela with annie stuff on own he has her back.Damon do not let me down she says.Damon says he wonèt
Tad asks what happened did you hit him stamp on his foot.ti doesnèt make sesnse tad wants to find out whats going on.He thanks her good or bad.she says shes in Colby an Tads corner.Jake debates telling Tad goes away.
Jr offers to help Marissa. Marissa says I wonder if scott and annie will have big wedding.Jr hopes they will elope
Scott is questioning whether shes marrying him for prestige power.She says Jr is over thats what this ring means!He says he beleives that Scott says he can give her everything she ever wanted.He knows who she is and he loves her step up and prove that his faith is justified.She says she will spend life making him proud! He dances with no music .she laughs jr sees walks away out of house as Marissa sees how upset Jr is!
Tad says he had to order another cake as Krystal says she could have baked one.Damon steels from Lrystal as Liza catches him!
Annie stares at pictures of Jr and Scott.Jr is trying to manipulate with scott the buy of Cortlandt.Jr says it doesn't matter thatCaleb doesn't want to sell they'll get it.Scott says focus on Marissa until at least her bar exam is over. Scott says press release has to be canclled they don't have courtlandt. Annie asks if he has answr to her question.
Marissa is tired and doesn't know her lawastuff.Jr says he was trying to get Cortlandt.Marissa says he allways wants more,Scott says annie caught him off guard as she pressures him to say yes.He says they have problems she's still legally married to adam.He says there is till JR!
Jr says tht the company is his mom's leagacy she says she's not sure of his priorities thesse days.colby offers to help if Marissa needs it.She assures Marissa that Jr is making Family apriority.Colby is goin to welcome to family party for damon.Jr says he can't make it.Jr wants to get a bite to eat.she sys that's fabulous idea you can show me the room you busted in to save Annie
Anni says he was so good with emma.Scott says he is worried she popped the question becasue she's insecure dn't want me to be your wife,He says it's instinct I love you.annie says you don't love me?He says he does we don't have to prove selves!
Scott goes to office.
Annie is worried!
Tad's wearing a blue lei and his package is amess Tad tied it himself.Jake gave damon asavings bond and something else that he says he doesn't have!Colby coems and says Damon is answering texts
Damon says money is adavance Liza says she will call Krystal.He says he will tell Krystal.Liza says youknow she's at your party.Liza says whoops you forgot as he says he forgot.Lizas being really mean!!!
Tad says he needs to get Damons cake.Colby says he should be here ready to party.Tad says he is probably freaked out his not used to unconditional love Colby sys you keep thinking that.
Marissa says thats digusting but you should have been honest dont lie.Jr says he didnèt want her tostress Jr says Annie is sore spot he doesnèt want to hurt her.If she was the one in the room he wouldnt breathing.Liza says you will tell Krystal. You are athief of hearts and money.you stole Colbys heart.Tad comes in says guess you two decide to have own party mind if I crash.Tad complains party started hour ago.Liza says he stole cash from krystal.He asks if tad will unadopt him.You want me to be new guy I dont roll that way Damon says stalking off.what was that asks Damon.Jake got guitar for Damon!Jake has to go to work but he says he wants tostay.
Marissa sys she knows Jr rescued her donèt freak out the wife with small deatails.annie says sheès sorry she didnèt say so .Marissa sks what hse would have done if Jr wasnèt here.Annie says Tucker was strong determined and insuates she would hav been raped
Scott comes in and propses on bended knee offering her a ring.He asks her to do the great honor of being his wife.Annie is shcoked.Annie says she thought he was interestd he says he has been thinking about this for awhile but he wanted to be the one to propose.From the moment he met her he kneww all were wrong she ws deep loving and he prmises her alife of joy na love and surprises as she says yes.
sh says put on ring make offical.colby comes in frowns looks mad.
Colby s told that they ae getting amrrie dJr toasts annie and scott may you have all the happiness you deserve he says
Jake looks at phone ignores it.
amanda asks what he thinks of Damon he says he has ADD if it wasnt for tad he would be in prison.Amnda asks if Liza is coming she says Liza hates Damon.
Amanda tells him what Liza did Damon had pics of liza and that she set up Damon what if pics got out Jake says.Amanda tells him that she got him to erase.Jake says Tad deserves to know.Krystal says any sign of TAd cake.Jake says he foregot credit card at Stire amnda goes with him
Td begs Liza to be nice to Damon.Liza claims he dosenèt want to be apart of family.she says he is adu making wrong decsions.he calls her on pot shots on Damon.Tad blames himeself for stressing Damon with big party.Nothing you can says about Damon will surprise me.Liza says he is really like Tad at that age and it isnt a good thing.Colby begs on answering machine to see daddy.she says she cant handle it.As Damon overhears!
Colby tells him toget lost sheès busy Damon offers solice.she says she needs her dad to fix all!Scott is amrrying annie why is it that Im the only one that sees .she is taking everyone dwn sheès playing jR.What do you care.Damon says he cares.Damon says he was in middle of something.Mabe momès right you arenèt dependable.I have too much going on he says.
she says she need to go see her dad in NYc when can you leave ièll get you there!
Tad you didnèt think before you did things Tad says I was ajerk becasue I enjoyed it.Maybe his dosage is off says tad.Td sys if you have soemthing to says spit it out.Liza says he kissed me!Tad says wow that happened weeks ago and now you rtell me.she says he reaches into register doesnèt come to party.He doesnèt care who he hurts he only cares about self.Liza is a total BITCH!!!!!
Scott thanks Jr for toast!Jtr hugs congrats !Marissa says she needs to go studying .Good luck tomorrow says Scott as they leave.
Colby yells at Damon you ar not going to ditch me at the alst minurte.Damon says she should dela with annie stuff on own he has her back.Damon do not let me down she says.Damon says he wonèt
Tad asks what happened did you hit him stamp on his foot.ti doesnèt make sesnse tad wants to find out whats going on.He thanks her good or bad.she says shes in Colby an Tads corner.Jake debates telling Tad goes away.
Jr offers to help Marissa. Marissa says I wonder if scott and annie will have big wedding.Jr hopes they will elope
Scott is questioning whether shes marrying him for prestige power.She says Jr is over thats what this ring means!He says he beleives that Scott says he can give her everything she ever wanted.He knows who she is and he loves her step up and prove that his faith is justified.She says she will spend life making him proud! He dances with no music .she laughs jr sees walks away out of house as Marissa sees how upset Jr is!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Tuesday July 20,2010
Greenlee continues to lie to Ryan why she was there at NYc hotel where he was .She says enjoy rest of yor trip but r kissing her says why so quiet pitfully JR accidently drops apointment book with pic of her and Ryan.
Colby calls Annie on Jr kissing her .she calls himself selfish and her mother treats her like she's 12.damon is acting weird Scott is into business Annie she need Jr but he's not there.she needs to know real love is real Marissa and he were her proof she wants children and never having to know they will divorce.Marissa and Aj always come first .If kiss was a set-up was for Scott to gt rid of Annie I get it but it wasn't was it you wanted to sleep with Annie!
Emma cries for Ryan!Scott says let's got to your mommy.She says Colby .jr and mommy are fighting.Scott says sometimes you get mad at your friends adults do that just like you and AJ!Scott gets her tos mile he promises all will be okay!Emma tells mom she got scred when Mommy and Jr made Colby cry.
Frankie says he's working hard he picked up extra shift to Madiosn.she tells him that greenlee came there to Ryan's room.They were all at same convention.Are you saying it's big deal frankie.Madison says Ryan gor rid of her.
Greenlee says pic was from Dad!Desperate attempt to get her away from David.She tells him it was how happy she was before David.He asks if she's happy now when she offers pic to him.
David calls Frankie out on calls made at work .David yacks on about Randi and how she changed.He says randi could go back to old line of work.David says you look likeyou'd like to hit me.Frankie says one day we will work this out but I'm busy maybe yu should fly to NYc and check out Ryna's room where you're wife was.Greens says it was mistake for her to come there.Madiosnw alks out and that's why she said that.
Annie says colby was crying becasue of asilly of female thing between us.
Emma says she can't find cinderella dress from greenlee.Annie says sometimes grownups yell like little kids Emmasays Scott said that too.Annie says scott is avery nice man that's why we like him so much.
Colby says I understand when two people are hot for ech other.Colby wants totell Scott so Annie will move out!Jr stops her.
annie apologises for hurting Emma.she says she gets ocnfused sometimes thanks for being so great with Emma.She really wnats to be the one Scott desrves the woamn she wants.Scott asks if somthing happened upstairs!He kisses her says looka fter her daughter he'll handle all.Jr says he will be out for blood he'll lose Marissa and AJ will lose his mom.Scott will declare war on company no one will win.Colby says he hates this!
Jr says when you face death you apprecaite life more but they don't tell how it messes with your mind he wants to take all in like it's his last day.He promises to be differnt.Colby says don't promise this why do you pll the same stuff .Yes why says Scott
Frankie says he gives 210 percent david says he is removing him from extra shift.Frankie says thye will be short.
Ryan tries to explain about Greenle as Madiosn cuts him of and they kiss passionately.David goes home and paces Calls Greenlee who says she's working .She walks in!
Greenlee syas she went to advertising conference in NYc .He offers to get her food she says she's exhausted.She says conference was boring.Part of being boss.David asks if anyone was there she knew.DAvid says you seem off .She says she has headache doesn't tell him about Ryan
Madison makes love to madiosn.Randi calls Frankie he just makes her call.She says all is going well. She says she misses him. Frnakie says more DAvid drama!He wants to call he back becasue of bad connection but she has to go.She says love you bye but neihter hears each other.
Scott says Emma heard fighting Jr takes blame for Caleb mess.Colby says it's not easy to be living here all together.Jr promises it won't hpapen together he wants family all back together and he is committed to that.Emma wants to talk to Daddy demands annie phone.Ryan answers Talks to Emma she tells him she lsot Cinderella dress .h says he'l try to find new one.She says she missses her Daddy.she asks if tonight.He says soon.
Hewants toknow why she's so upset Annie says she misses Dady.Annie tells her alot of people love her soo os much.
Ryan acts weird.Madiosn says is all all right how can you be if your little girl is upset.
Jr is on phone saying Chandler's especially him always get what they want!
Ryan says sorry he ruined mood .Madiosn says you need to go home and kiss daughter goodnight.Emma is lucky girl!She wants to know lov elike that someday for her!
Ryna sys she will it will be right in her face!
Greenlee says she's feeling better after shower she says it was royugh day.David says trouble a hospital.She sys i'm sorry I haven't been suportive.He says it's nice to come home t her she very important to him this realtionship is more important then any he ever had .He says Ilove you!Greenlee doesn't want to make love hse has headache
Scott says he looked in on Emma.Scott says you nad Annie will never be frinds and i'm not blind to Annie's flawas but he ses ll her insecurities but he also sees all the damage done to her and he loves her for her kindness in her heart.
Scott says he can forgive her naything.Colby says he is the best cosuin you are best person in this family!Colby wants him happy!
Annie says we need to talk I can't hurt emma i will not hurt Emma anymore we have been sos elfish.Jr says it's not going away.Jr says stop pretending make pln house out of town.Annie says I have daughter she needs to have mother she can respect I won't be mistress!Jr says I won't take mom away from AJ.She says no she knows how to fix she says!OH DEAR!!!
Ryan takes Madison home says he had great time with Madison.She did too!
Frankie tells her David cancels shift!Frankie says she looks happy!Madiosn says she's falling in love with Ryan
David says as longas she is okay.David is really uset about ryan though finds pic Daddy gve heer.Ryan calls her about cinderella dress and where she got it he says he hopes she got home safe.
Scott loves annie really really loes hr says Colby.Jr says nothing will happen no mtter what we feel.colby says he's freaking her out.Jr says nothing will come beforrfamily.Annie calls Scott her rock he supports her .Yuo stayed strong and didn't let anyone get rid of her.She loves the wa he makes her feel she wants to get married and tell the whole world!OH ANNIE!!!
Colby calls Annie on Jr kissing her .she calls himself selfish and her mother treats her like she's 12.damon is acting weird Scott is into business Annie she need Jr but he's not there.she needs to know real love is real Marissa and he were her proof she wants children and never having to know they will divorce.Marissa and Aj always come first .If kiss was a set-up was for Scott to gt rid of Annie I get it but it wasn't was it you wanted to sleep with Annie!
Emma cries for Ryan!Scott says let's got to your mommy.She says Colby .jr and mommy are fighting.Scott says sometimes you get mad at your friends adults do that just like you and AJ!Scott gets her tos mile he promises all will be okay!Emma tells mom she got scred when Mommy and Jr made Colby cry.
Frankie says he's working hard he picked up extra shift to Madiosn.she tells him that greenlee came there to Ryan's room.They were all at same convention.Are you saying it's big deal frankie.Madison says Ryan gor rid of her.
Greenlee says pic was from Dad!Desperate attempt to get her away from David.She tells him it was how happy she was before David.He asks if she's happy now when she offers pic to him.
David calls Frankie out on calls made at work .David yacks on about Randi and how she changed.He says randi could go back to old line of work.David says you look likeyou'd like to hit me.Frankie says one day we will work this out but I'm busy maybe yu should fly to NYc and check out Ryna's room where you're wife was.Greens says it was mistake for her to come there.Madiosnw alks out and that's why she said that.
Annie says colby was crying becasue of asilly of female thing between us.
Emma says she can't find cinderella dress from greenlee.Annie says sometimes grownups yell like little kids Emmasays Scott said that too.Annie says scott is avery nice man that's why we like him so much.
Colby says I understand when two people are hot for ech other.Colby wants totell Scott so Annie will move out!Jr stops her.
annie apologises for hurting Emma.she says she gets ocnfused sometimes thanks for being so great with Emma.She really wnats to be the one Scott desrves the woamn she wants.Scott asks if somthing happened upstairs!He kisses her says looka fter her daughter he'll handle all.Jr says he will be out for blood he'll lose Marissa and AJ will lose his mom.Scott will declare war on company no one will win.Colby says he hates this!
Jr says when you face death you apprecaite life more but they don't tell how it messes with your mind he wants to take all in like it's his last day.He promises to be differnt.Colby says don't promise this why do you pll the same stuff .Yes why says Scott
Frankie says he gives 210 percent david says he is removing him from extra shift.Frankie says thye will be short.
Ryan tries to explain about Greenle as Madiosn cuts him of and they kiss passionately.David goes home and paces Calls Greenlee who says she's working .She walks in!
Greenlee syas she went to advertising conference in NYc .He offers to get her food she says she's exhausted.She says conference was boring.Part of being boss.David asks if anyone was there she knew.DAvid says you seem off .She says she has headache doesn't tell him about Ryan
Madison makes love to madiosn.Randi calls Frankie he just makes her call.She says all is going well. She says she misses him. Frnakie says more DAvid drama!He wants to call he back becasue of bad connection but she has to go.She says love you bye but neihter hears each other.
Scott says Emma heard fighting Jr takes blame for Caleb mess.Colby says it's not easy to be living here all together.Jr promises it won't hpapen together he wants family all back together and he is committed to that.Emma wants to talk to Daddy demands annie phone.Ryan answers Talks to Emma she tells him she lsot Cinderella dress .h says he'l try to find new one.She says she missses her Daddy.she asks if tonight.He says soon.
Hewants toknow why she's so upset Annie says she misses Dady.Annie tells her alot of people love her soo os much.
Ryan acts weird.Madiosn says is all all right how can you be if your little girl is upset.
Jr is on phone saying Chandler's especially him always get what they want!
Ryan says sorry he ruined mood .Madiosn says you need to go home and kiss daughter goodnight.Emma is lucky girl!She wants to know lov elike that someday for her!
Ryna sys she will it will be right in her face!
Greenlee says she's feeling better after shower she says it was royugh day.David says trouble a hospital.She sys i'm sorry I haven't been suportive.He says it's nice to come home t her she very important to him this realtionship is more important then any he ever had .He says Ilove you!Greenlee doesn't want to make love hse has headache
Scott says he looked in on Emma.Scott says you nad Annie will never be frinds and i'm not blind to Annie's flawas but he ses ll her insecurities but he also sees all the damage done to her and he loves her for her kindness in her heart.
Scott says he can forgive her naything.Colby says he is the best cosuin you are best person in this family!Colby wants him happy!
Annie says we need to talk I can't hurt emma i will not hurt Emma anymore we have been sos elfish.Jr says it's not going away.Jr says stop pretending make pln house out of town.Annie says I have daughter she needs to have mother she can respect I won't be mistress!Jr says I won't take mom away from AJ.She says no she knows how to fix she says!OH DEAR!!!
Ryan takes Madison home says he had great time with Madison.She did too!
Frankie tells her David cancels shift!Frankie says she looks happy!Madiosn says she's falling in love with Ryan
David says as longas she is okay.David is really uset about ryan though finds pic Daddy gve heer.Ryan calls her about cinderella dress and where she got it he says he hopes she got home safe.
Scott loves annie really really loes hr says Colby.Jr says nothing will happen no mtter what we feel.colby says he's freaking her out.Jr says nothing will come beforrfamily.Annie calls Scott her rock he supports her .Yuo stayed strong and didn't let anyone get rid of her.She loves the wa he makes her feel she wants to get married and tell the whole world!OH ANNIE!!!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Monday July 19, 2010
Colby is waiting for Damon but he hasn't arrived yet.Tad is excited because today is the final day for adoption.Colby calls Tad's for Damon Liza aswers her phone.Liza remembers stealing his pills!
Jake made an Italian dinner for Amnda and set the atmosphere.Trevor is visiting a friend .Trevor is 3a!Jake worries about at as Amanda makes out with him.Scott tells Marissa it is Jr's job to step up and help her.Scott tells Jr Annie is family apologise. He then asks Annie if she's okay she says she is now she says smiling.
Tad answers the door to Ilene Shank social services. Home visit before adoption!
Tad laughs thinking she's joking.!She searches house as he shows her home. she says she has questions for Tad
Damon is apologising for being late says he was working at Krystal's .He forgot about dressy party after to Colby.He says let's just have fun.Colby looksannoyed keeps pushing her agenda!
Angie tries to see can't .She uses phone to call Jake.Jake answers Angie is so scared!Jake has to leave Amanda is jealous and confused becasue she saw Angie's number.
Marissa says things are getting better to Scott.Aj is happy she says .Marissa says she wants to make things right for Aj and JR.
Annie is so uset she realizes she could have been raped as Jr hugs her she apolgises that she lost contract.Jr says he cares about Annie he will drive her home.
The social worker seems to know all about Tad's relationships and who is in the house!
Ilene says you have two mothers.Where is your birth father? Dead thank goodness! Tad says
Ilene asks about Trevor.Social worker says you are bringing a child into this home 9years old.They say nineteen she says oops I'm sure he'll love man cave Family history is intresting she says as Tad and Liza laugh and she leaves.
Colby yells at Damon for being late.she says she wants to know it's only her.Damon says she is he forgot wallet she gets mad leaves.
Damon calls home Liza answers.He tells her he messed up with Colby she gloats.He begs her to keep Colby there when hse gets there.Amanda is jealous of time why did Angie call herself .He blames budget cuts .He says I love you a million times leaves!
Tad shows Damon his papers it was the same day that he was adopted cool.Damon is excited !Damon says Tad's adoption papers were on a plus!Tad is so happy hugs Damon as he says thanks!
Colby complains Damon acted like it was no big deal that he was late forgot his wallet acted like ajerk.Asks Mom what are signs that he is cheating.Liza says maybe Damon needs time to grow up give few days see if he is continually distracted.I'm here for you says Lying!
Angie begs to wait minute before taking her home.Angie lost bible Jake finds it for her teases her Angie says Jesse found it for her.She says Jesse found it in closet. She says she didn't know where it was but she knew where all folders were.Angie says why didn't God drop a ton her head.she was never afraid of dark when she was child but she keeps light on now because she wants to know if she's gone blind.What can I do?asks Angie tell Jesse says Jake!
What can I do how can I live in a world where she can't see loved ones she doesn't want to miss all.Grandkids rest of her life's views! Jake hugs her kisses her as she says she doesn't want to miss all of that!Amanda sees as she is pushing stroller with Trevor to get ice cream.
Marissa calls Jr he says don't look for connection that isn't there he's mad because she screwed up deal.Scott wants to call police Annie beg him no to she doesn't want to relive.Scott says it is all ready forgotten!
Liza pretends to be happy about the adoption.She looks at Tad's papers sees the same date says isn't that neat! Tad is so happy!My Dad gave me hug said I was special and Ruth made me pie I ate as much as I wanted got sick all over house even more thandog.Tad says now it's my turn to do that for Damon.And you will because he is yours son says Liza!
Tad asks her if she really thinks that way or is he the guy you don't like dating your daughter.Tad says things are going well he wants to continue .He says day might come when you Damon's mom are you okay with that?
Colby says she missed eating.Damon says he's glad she's back but then Colby says maybe your other girlfirend will enjoy it.Damon is getting fed up. He says she's pressuring him.Colby says everybody leaves she wants him to stay.Damon says he's here now then he says he'll call her as Colby leaves!
Jr goes to room.Annie coems in as Jr asks if she's okay.She says not really .She can't get it out of her head.Jr tries to comfort.She says you defend me and called me part of fmaily you saved me am I making this up? you did save me and I do again in a heartbeat says JR!
Jake made an Italian dinner for Amnda and set the atmosphere.Trevor is visiting a friend .Trevor is 3a!Jake worries about at as Amanda makes out with him.Scott tells Marissa it is Jr's job to step up and help her.Scott tells Jr Annie is family apologise. He then asks Annie if she's okay she says she is now she says smiling.
Tad answers the door to Ilene Shank social services. Home visit before adoption!
Tad laughs thinking she's joking.!She searches house as he shows her home. she says she has questions for Tad
Damon is apologising for being late says he was working at Krystal's .He forgot about dressy party after to Colby.He says let's just have fun.Colby looksannoyed keeps pushing her agenda!
Angie tries to see can't .She uses phone to call Jake.Jake answers Angie is so scared!Jake has to leave Amanda is jealous and confused becasue she saw Angie's number.
Marissa says things are getting better to Scott.Aj is happy she says .Marissa says she wants to make things right for Aj and JR.
Annie is so uset she realizes she could have been raped as Jr hugs her she apolgises that she lost contract.Jr says he cares about Annie he will drive her home.
The social worker seems to know all about Tad's relationships and who is in the house!
Ilene says you have two mothers.Where is your birth father? Dead thank goodness! Tad says
Ilene asks about Trevor.Social worker says you are bringing a child into this home 9years old.They say nineteen she says oops I'm sure he'll love man cave Family history is intresting she says as Tad and Liza laugh and she leaves.
Colby yells at Damon for being late.she says she wants to know it's only her.Damon says she is he forgot wallet she gets mad leaves.
Damon calls home Liza answers.He tells her he messed up with Colby she gloats.He begs her to keep Colby there when hse gets there.Amanda is jealous of time why did Angie call herself .He blames budget cuts .He says I love you a million times leaves!
Tad shows Damon his papers it was the same day that he was adopted cool.Damon is excited !Damon says Tad's adoption papers were on a plus!Tad is so happy hugs Damon as he says thanks!
Colby complains Damon acted like it was no big deal that he was late forgot his wallet acted like ajerk.Asks Mom what are signs that he is cheating.Liza says maybe Damon needs time to grow up give few days see if he is continually distracted.I'm here for you says Lying!
Angie begs to wait minute before taking her home.Angie lost bible Jake finds it for her teases her Angie says Jesse found it for her.She says Jesse found it in closet. She says she didn't know where it was but she knew where all folders were.Angie says why didn't God drop a ton her head.she was never afraid of dark when she was child but she keeps light on now because she wants to know if she's gone blind.What can I do?asks Angie tell Jesse says Jake!
What can I do how can I live in a world where she can't see loved ones she doesn't want to miss all.Grandkids rest of her life's views! Jake hugs her kisses her as she says she doesn't want to miss all of that!Amanda sees as she is pushing stroller with Trevor to get ice cream.
Marissa calls Jr he says don't look for connection that isn't there he's mad because she screwed up deal.Scott wants to call police Annie beg him no to she doesn't want to relive.Scott says it is all ready forgotten!
Liza pretends to be happy about the adoption.She looks at Tad's papers sees the same date says isn't that neat! Tad is so happy!My Dad gave me hug said I was special and Ruth made me pie I ate as much as I wanted got sick all over house even more thandog.Tad says now it's my turn to do that for Damon.And you will because he is yours son says Liza!
Tad asks her if she really thinks that way or is he the guy you don't like dating your daughter.Tad says things are going well he wants to continue .He says day might come when you Damon's mom are you okay with that?
Colby says she missed eating.Damon says he's glad she's back but then Colby says maybe your other girlfirend will enjoy it.Damon is getting fed up. He says she's pressuring him.Colby says everybody leaves she wants him to stay.Damon says he's here now then he says he'll call her as Colby leaves!
Jr goes to room.Annie coems in as Jr asks if she's okay.She says not really .She can't get it out of her head.Jr tries to comfort.She says you defend me and called me part of fmaily you saved me am I making this up? you did save me and I do again in a heartbeat says JR!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Friday July 16,2010
Angie says her meds are not working and hse has trouble seeing in low light and she's tired!she's not sure if it's infection or emotional.Jesse comes home she shuts up. He has suit has appointment with Mayor!He says hewants Hayward locked up she'll thank him properly later.He found her family bible hands it to her says he found in back of closet.
Jr passes annie tries o keep distance.Annie opens specailassignament from Scott.Jr says now ay is his happening
Marissa is still studying sh says she has to much going on she complains to david that Anniea nd Jr are working together and she asks what to do she gets snrky when he doesn't aner immnediately
he calls Greens.
Greenlee is hiding in room David complains it went to voicemail.
Ryan opens door he says they hsould take in hsow Madison kisses him.Ryna says ad man were checking her out he liked make them jealous woman form alison and grant checked Ryna out!Madiosn complains.Madison asks if he liked Madiosn he says very much kisses heras Greenlee crinches!
Marissa wants to know if Greens is okay.David says he want sot now Greens is okay.Marissa o check on here Daid says she will think I don't trust her.Marissa sys she feels humilated.David says don't feel bed or anguished for stnding up what you wantJr.
David says if that's who you want you get what's yours no apologies.Jr is upset that Tucker needs special handling and annie can't do it.annie says she can handle any guy you throw at me!
Jesse says he is going to call Mayor a battleaxe!that's clened up he really has no idea what to say1Off the cuff won't work says Angie .Jesse asks angie to pick out tie.she can't see fakes it and goes to pick out tie.Think honorable proud he says!
Angie brings back ugly plaid tie!she calls them clown ties says he doesn't know that he doens't need one.Oh dear Jesse wants her to drive!!
angie gets Jesse to change his mind by saying that he says she's turtle driver nad there's construction.
annie gets mad at Jr when he continues to give her ahard time about the job at hand!
She asks if he trying to push hr awy.Marissa asks what is going on!Jr says annie is going to do business for family Scott decide on and he's not happy
Police clap seeing Jesse he says he is not back yett.angie says get Mayor to sign off first before wrking.He says that's why he brought her.this place is in his blodd the way the hospital does her.David shows up Jesse says time to spread misery David says only if lucky.
Ryan and Madiosn are making out to Greens disgust phone rings frot desk other room is ready.Ryansays come out Greenlee iknow you are in there please come out? How did he know?
annie is nervous and Scott comforts her and says she does measure up if Jr does something to upset her tell him there's ameeting and contract to be signed says scott.will celebrate when you get back.Marissa asks for help with bar questions.Jr says he has to meet Prkins obviosu lie!Marissa senses the lie even though he apologizes.
David says good friend Mayor asked him to be there.Angie calss hima selfish ass attacking them because they are happy David says she stole his carreer.Jesse syas don't give David what he wants .Jesse sends her home gives keys says he'll get ride!
angie sys she's too angry she'll walk.David says we need to sit down and discuss budget cuts tomorrow.
David says I guess you didn't get text from Iris she's not comingno hearing today still suspended!Jesse says you mybe sorry I have more time and no badge I can do more without the law!
Ryan smelled signature frangrance wants to know why David didn't slip under door.Greenlee says bellhop let her in and she was leaving note but the malling started and she didn't want to emabarrass.She asks if he is going to cops over David. He says no!Now that storytime is over tell me why you're really here says Ryan
Ryna says spill.Greenle says today was bad she got drunk he took care of it she says he desrved personal thank -you.Maybe I should walk to room he says Does shehave one?
Ryan wants toknow if there is something in particular she let slip Greenlee says she doesn't remember what she said as she remebers that she said she expected to see him!
Ryna says she hasn't old truth since she got there.as Madison comes in.
Jesse tries to get David to say he crashed plane.David says if you are to beat me you have to break rules.David says when you're done you wn't recognize self.Jesse said it would be worhtit to save family.Angie comes into Krystal's can't see prays why me why me I ma aheler how can I help if I can't see have I taken for granted gifts help me see what you are trying tosay!
Marissa is panicking about bar.Marissa gets call about picking up kids! Person says thy will drive.Marissa is freaking!Throws things as Scott says jr should pick up tomorrow she says she is busy! Marissa says she is perect wife perfect mother.
Annie is trying to make deal Jr is making nervous! she promises good relationship with Chandler but Tucker is still doubtful she excuses hersslf tells off jR!
Annie is really mad!Jr says she's failing.Jr tells her to wait.
Annie asks if he's ready guy asks Annie to join him in room!Annie he's apig!!!
Marissa says to scott not to make things worse.Scott says what's between them is not real.Annie won't let go says Marisa.Scott says she is happy there is noreason for her to go eleswhere!David was talkig ot me and it made me see waht I have to do to save mine.
David finds Angie with bible makes light of it.Angie says don't question my faith bleieving in a reason for all this.a reason for waht David says treating patients cost money!Angie says it's abatle to get out of bed if I turn to God for support that's my right .David says always an adventure Angie!
Rynasaves Greens pride by aying shse brought details to Madison
Tucker comes on to Annie says she was sent to cose deal with body when she says maybe we should discuss !downstairs!
Madison says awkward as Greens leaves and they make out again!Greenlee skulks sulks in hallway.David calls get answering machine.Jesse ethrows phone cals for Angie.Angie can't see gts knocked over can't get anywhere.Marisa says david amde sense Scot says you don't have to paly mind games David does.Marissa says I will play what ever you might want to warn Annie.Annie tryies to fend off Tucker raping her.Jer busrsts in but he isn't thatfast!
Jr passes annie tries o keep distance.Annie opens specailassignament from Scott.Jr says now ay is his happening
Marissa is still studying sh says she has to much going on she complains to david that Anniea nd Jr are working together and she asks what to do she gets snrky when he doesn't aner immnediately
he calls Greens.
Greenlee is hiding in room David complains it went to voicemail.
Ryan opens door he says they hsould take in hsow Madison kisses him.Ryna says ad man were checking her out he liked make them jealous woman form alison and grant checked Ryna out!Madiosn complains.Madison asks if he liked Madiosn he says very much kisses heras Greenlee crinches!
Marissa wants to know if Greens is okay.David says he want sot now Greens is okay.Marissa o check on here Daid says she will think I don't trust her.Marissa sys she feels humilated.David says don't feel bed or anguished for stnding up what you wantJr.
David says if that's who you want you get what's yours no apologies.Jr is upset that Tucker needs special handling and annie can't do it.annie says she can handle any guy you throw at me!
Jesse says he is going to call Mayor a battleaxe!that's clened up he really has no idea what to say1Off the cuff won't work says Angie .Jesse asks angie to pick out tie.she can't see fakes it and goes to pick out tie.Think honorable proud he says!
Angie brings back ugly plaid tie!she calls them clown ties says he doesn't know that he doens't need one.Oh dear Jesse wants her to drive!!
angie gets Jesse to change his mind by saying that he says she's turtle driver nad there's construction.
annie gets mad at Jr when he continues to give her ahard time about the job at hand!
She asks if he trying to push hr awy.Marissa asks what is going on!Jr says annie is going to do business for family Scott decide on and he's not happy
Police clap seeing Jesse he says he is not back yett.angie says get Mayor to sign off first before wrking.He says that's why he brought her.this place is in his blodd the way the hospital does her.David shows up Jesse says time to spread misery David says only if lucky.
Ryan and Madiosn are making out to Greens disgust phone rings frot desk other room is ready.Ryansays come out Greenlee iknow you are in there please come out? How did he know?
annie is nervous and Scott comforts her and says she does measure up if Jr does something to upset her tell him there's ameeting and contract to be signed says scott.will celebrate when you get back.Marissa asks for help with bar questions.Jr says he has to meet Prkins obviosu lie!Marissa senses the lie even though he apologizes.
David says good friend Mayor asked him to be there.Angie calss hima selfish ass attacking them because they are happy David says she stole his carreer.Jesse syas don't give David what he wants .Jesse sends her home gives keys says he'll get ride!
angie sys she's too angry she'll walk.David says we need to sit down and discuss budget cuts tomorrow.
David says I guess you didn't get text from Iris she's not comingno hearing today still suspended!Jesse says you mybe sorry I have more time and no badge I can do more without the law!
Ryan smelled signature frangrance wants to know why David didn't slip under door.Greenlee says bellhop let her in and she was leaving note but the malling started and she didn't want to emabarrass.She asks if he is going to cops over David. He says no!Now that storytime is over tell me why you're really here says Ryan
Ryna says spill.Greenle says today was bad she got drunk he took care of it she says he desrved personal thank -you.Maybe I should walk to room he says Does shehave one?
Ryan wants toknow if there is something in particular she let slip Greenlee says she doesn't remember what she said as she remebers that she said she expected to see him!
Ryna says she hasn't old truth since she got there.as Madison comes in.
Jesse tries to get David to say he crashed plane.David says if you are to beat me you have to break rules.David says when you're done you wn't recognize self.Jesse said it would be worhtit to save family.Angie comes into Krystal's can't see prays why me why me I ma aheler how can I help if I can't see have I taken for granted gifts help me see what you are trying tosay!
Marissa is panicking about bar.Marissa gets call about picking up kids! Person says thy will drive.Marissa is freaking!Throws things as Scott says jr should pick up tomorrow she says she is busy! Marissa says she is perect wife perfect mother.
Annie is trying to make deal Jr is making nervous! she promises good relationship with Chandler but Tucker is still doubtful she excuses hersslf tells off jR!
Annie is really mad!Jr says she's failing.Jr tells her to wait.
Annie asks if he's ready guy asks Annie to join him in room!Annie he's apig!!!
Marissa says to scott not to make things worse.Scott says what's between them is not real.Annie won't let go says Marisa.Scott says she is happy there is noreason for her to go eleswhere!David was talkig ot me and it made me see waht I have to do to save mine.
David finds Angie with bible makes light of it.Angie says don't question my faith bleieving in a reason for all this.a reason for waht David says treating patients cost money!Angie says it's abatle to get out of bed if I turn to God for support that's my right .David says always an adventure Angie!
Rynasaves Greens pride by aying shse brought details to Madison
Tucker comes on to Annie says she was sent to cose deal with body when she says maybe we should discuss !downstairs!
Madison says awkward as Greens leaves and they make out again!Greenlee skulks sulks in hallway.David calls get answering machine.Jesse ethrows phone cals for Angie.Angie can't see gts knocked over can't get anywhere.Marisa says david amde sense Scot says you don't have to paly mind games David does.Marissa says I will play what ever you might want to warn Annie.Annie tryies to fend off Tucker raping her.Jer busrsts in but he isn't thatfast!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Thursday July 15,2010
Greenlee dreams she told Ryan that David lied to SCC.Ryan says he never wanted her hurt.She wakes up to door knocking and Bianca.
Krystal asks if Jack if he is having working dinner?Jack asks for Krystal's help.Caleb wants out huh? Jack says that's good Krystal are you trying to handle Caleb? says he is man of mountains he couldn't do sharks.
Jack says he was high powered lawyer.Krystal says you did research he says no Erica did!
Erica says Palmer obviously wanted to challenge engage Caleb.She asks him when he was last challenged and he says everytime Erica opens her mouth!
Ryna says Madison's room won't be ready for few hours teases her that this is the oldest trick in the book.Ryan says you can't accuse me of that.
Madison flirts back says I could have paid the desk clerk to say there was no room but I didn't.
Erica tells Caleb that she's not like a bird that keeps hitting the glass.Maybe us being thown togther means something or not.You decide I'm tired of talking !Caleb kisses her soundly saying gooD!!
Erica enjoyd that she says it's not a game she loves Jack .She is full of joy and contentment she won't give all of that up for akiss! Caleb claims she kissed him and the lady protests too much.Have a safe life.
Erica:Are you going to run again leave everything behind.Caleb:I take responsibility for my actions Not looking to a power I don't believe in.
I believe in my life nad I won't let you ruin it.
Stanford magana cum laude wow says Krystal.Jack says he knows what Erica is and he trust her .Jack says he doesn't trust Caleb!Krystal says what ever Caleb was or is he isn't Jack.
Bianca says Greenlee was no show.She's mad she wasn't at important meeting.
Bianca offers Aspirin as Greens tells her Ryan drove home she didn't drive drunk.She says everything wants to help Greenlee and makes her feel a terrible person at same time.Bianca says she hopes Ryan isn't late for important meetings with distributers Madison at side.Greens is jealous
Krystal offers cherry pie double slice to Jack! He thanks her for keeping him on straight and narrow.Krystal says Erica is lucky .Jack says he is lucky
He talk Paris renting chateau's, horseback riding on honeymoon with Erica with Krystal.She answers phone. As Erica calls Bianca
Caleb answers door to Bianca who has message from Erica!
Greenlee wallows in bed.Thinks of Ryan and what she said!
Ryan says they have to get to advertising thing and they have to chnge.Madison changes in bathroom. She walks out to get something catches Ryan shirtless smiles seductively.
Erica meets Jack he talks honeymoon!
Erica says Jack is amazing.Erica says she doesn't want to hurt Jack but she has in past! Erica is worried she will again she doesn't want to rush and blow it.she wants to make sure it is really and truly the right decision.Next time has to be last she wnats to pospone wedding going on honeymoon first.Then marriage!
Bianca says Erica is quitting she 's quitting Cortlandt leaving now with Jack.Erica says it's about priorities she wants time with Jack.
Krystal brings burger to Caleb ,no beer though she says.She asks if he's going home?He says home is pile of sticks she says he can rebuild are you leaving ?or staying?Caleb says he was staying.
Erica? Krystal says she can give lift to airport but if there is something you need to do we can postpone
Madison says is it weird lowly emplyee with CEO's?Ryan says no it's not
Jack goes to Greenlee she says send text or tweet if she's not invited to wedding.
Jack gives her water to help hangover tells her he's going away for month or two!
He says he loves her.Yuo accused me of horrible things!
He loves her he wants to make up she's daughter he doesn't want to lose her.Greensleeze tells Jackson "you hate David, I hate Erica. We'll never be able to have knives at family dinners." Jackson retorts "or forks either" Haha sporks it is!
HE's an optomist as long as you have hope aything is possible he says!
Hoping does nothing Greenlee syas Jack says she gave up hope! He gives her pic of her and Ryan happy and she smiles.Smiling he says keep it find yourself love you.She says have safe trip.She calls him Dad says she loves him too!I'm sorry!she says though Jack doesn''t hear I'm sorry!
She books flight to NYC.
Erica asks if Caleb got Resignation letter.Binca says letter took Caleb by surprise and her too!She wants to know if something is wrong.Erica says they just want to be us and be alone and not pulled!
Krystal says Caleb should do what he needs to do even if it's goodbye.Why would you do that to Montgomery?Krystal says there's something there between him and Erica and she doesn't want Jack hurt.She believes in fate let it pass or do something or you'll be buried in regret wahtever you decide your call but here's car keys to borrow says Krystal!
He takes them.
Erica regrets time with girls!Bianca wants to know if mom is happy.She wants her trip to be all she wants but she's worried about suddeness.Why did I have to deliver why wouldn't you see him.Fate is differnt then destiny.Blog and twitter accounts set up IAmEricaKane.com twitter name on website. They're really are both!
Erica says she's done with Caleb then Caleb arrives and she thinks it's Jack but it's Caleb!
Greenlee listens outside of Ryan's room congerige asks her if she locked herself out .He asks what room is under she says Ryan Lavery.He says hope hubby knows what he's got as he lets her in and she sees clothes of Madison!
Madison and Ryan come in the hall
Caleb says he got her letter you don't wait not your style to quit by daughter.He accepts in person.Erica says she has no time for this she doesn't know when she'll be back.You didn't mention trip before.My future is with Jack yours is with mountain peace solitude go back to clouds!I need to finish packing.Caleb:Who'd running now?Erica:I'm going on honeymoon.Caleb:Are you leaving because you don't trust yourself around me!
Jack comes in she says she is almost ready Caleb came by to accept resignation.Jack says he can sell from anywhere Cortland don't worry!
Caleb:Fly safe Dorothy don't land on anyone's house.Erica:I'm not landing anywhere and about queston you asked me the answer is no!
Krystal asks if Jack if he is having working dinner?Jack asks for Krystal's help.Caleb wants out huh? Jack says that's good Krystal are you trying to handle Caleb? says he is man of mountains he couldn't do sharks.
Jack says he was high powered lawyer.Krystal says you did research he says no Erica did!
Erica says Palmer obviously wanted to challenge engage Caleb.She asks him when he was last challenged and he says everytime Erica opens her mouth!
Ryna says Madison's room won't be ready for few hours teases her that this is the oldest trick in the book.Ryan says you can't accuse me of that.
Madison flirts back says I could have paid the desk clerk to say there was no room but I didn't.
Erica tells Caleb that she's not like a bird that keeps hitting the glass.Maybe us being thown togther means something or not.You decide I'm tired of talking !Caleb kisses her soundly saying gooD!!
Erica enjoyd that she says it's not a game she loves Jack .She is full of joy and contentment she won't give all of that up for akiss! Caleb claims she kissed him and the lady protests too much.Have a safe life.
Erica:Are you going to run again leave everything behind.Caleb:I take responsibility for my actions Not looking to a power I don't believe in.
I believe in my life nad I won't let you ruin it.
Stanford magana cum laude wow says Krystal.Jack says he knows what Erica is and he trust her .Jack says he doesn't trust Caleb!Krystal says what ever Caleb was or is he isn't Jack.
Bianca says Greenlee was no show.She's mad she wasn't at important meeting.
Bianca offers Aspirin as Greens tells her Ryan drove home she didn't drive drunk.She says everything wants to help Greenlee and makes her feel a terrible person at same time.Bianca says she hopes Ryan isn't late for important meetings with distributers Madison at side.Greens is jealous
Krystal offers cherry pie double slice to Jack! He thanks her for keeping him on straight and narrow.Krystal says Erica is lucky .Jack says he is lucky
He talk Paris renting chateau's, horseback riding on honeymoon with Erica with Krystal.She answers phone. As Erica calls Bianca
Caleb answers door to Bianca who has message from Erica!
Greenlee wallows in bed.Thinks of Ryan and what she said!
Ryan says they have to get to advertising thing and they have to chnge.Madison changes in bathroom. She walks out to get something catches Ryan shirtless smiles seductively.
Erica meets Jack he talks honeymoon!
Erica says Jack is amazing.Erica says she doesn't want to hurt Jack but she has in past! Erica is worried she will again she doesn't want to rush and blow it.she wants to make sure it is really and truly the right decision.Next time has to be last she wnats to pospone wedding going on honeymoon first.Then marriage!
Bianca says Erica is quitting she 's quitting Cortlandt leaving now with Jack.Erica says it's about priorities she wants time with Jack.
Krystal brings burger to Caleb ,no beer though she says.She asks if he's going home?He says home is pile of sticks she says he can rebuild are you leaving ?or staying?Caleb says he was staying.
Erica? Krystal says she can give lift to airport but if there is something you need to do we can postpone
Madison says is it weird lowly emplyee with CEO's?Ryan says no it's not
Jack goes to Greenlee she says send text or tweet if she's not invited to wedding.
Jack gives her water to help hangover tells her he's going away for month or two!
He says he loves her.Yuo accused me of horrible things!
He loves her he wants to make up she's daughter he doesn't want to lose her.Greensleeze tells Jackson "you hate David, I hate Erica. We'll never be able to have knives at family dinners." Jackson retorts "or forks either" Haha sporks it is!
HE's an optomist as long as you have hope aything is possible he says!
Hoping does nothing Greenlee syas Jack says she gave up hope! He gives her pic of her and Ryan happy and she smiles.Smiling he says keep it find yourself love you.She says have safe trip.She calls him Dad says she loves him too!I'm sorry!she says though Jack doesn''t hear I'm sorry!
She books flight to NYC.
Erica asks if Caleb got Resignation letter.Binca says letter took Caleb by surprise and her too!She wants to know if something is wrong.Erica says they just want to be us and be alone and not pulled!
Krystal says Caleb should do what he needs to do even if it's goodbye.Why would you do that to Montgomery?Krystal says there's something there between him and Erica and she doesn't want Jack hurt.She believes in fate let it pass or do something or you'll be buried in regret wahtever you decide your call but here's car keys to borrow says Krystal!
He takes them.
Erica regrets time with girls!Bianca wants to know if mom is happy.She wants her trip to be all she wants but she's worried about suddeness.Why did I have to deliver why wouldn't you see him.Fate is differnt then destiny.Blog and twitter accounts set up IAmEricaKane.com twitter name on website. They're really are both!
Erica says she's done with Caleb then Caleb arrives and she thinks it's Jack but it's Caleb!
Greenlee listens outside of Ryan's room congerige asks her if she locked herself out .He asks what room is under she says Ryan Lavery.He says hope hubby knows what he's got as he lets her in and she sees clothes of Madison!
Madison and Ryan come in the hall
Caleb says he got her letter you don't wait not your style to quit by daughter.He accepts in person.Erica says she has no time for this she doesn't know when she'll be back.You didn't mention trip before.My future is with Jack yours is with mountain peace solitude go back to clouds!I need to finish packing.Caleb:Who'd running now?Erica:I'm going on honeymoon.Caleb:Are you leaving because you don't trust yourself around me!
Jack comes in she says she is almost ready Caleb came by to accept resignation.Jack says he can sell from anywhere Cortland don't worry!
Caleb:Fly safe Dorothy don't land on anyone's house.Erica:I'm not landing anywhere and about queston you asked me the answer is no!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Wednesday July 14,2010
Caleb says tell Erica to stay away from him she's stalking me if she was my woman I'd be worried too! Erica googles him finds a blogger by that name not right person thenfinds out he went to Stanford!
Angie claims she hasn't had a problem ,drugs are working Jake shadows her!
Ryan tries to get Greenlee to go home she claims she tripped .He grabs her she says she wil scream until cops come if he doesn't let go in three seconds. Ryan takes keys!.Says h will drive her home to yacht cub!Frankie has cereal for dinner
.Madison thought Ryan would be here by now before they went to NYC! Madison says Randi misses him.Madison offers to clean as the phone rings.Ryan says he will be late he has errand to run.she hears Greenlee in background saying she's his his date.
Jack says Erica is safe and sound but Erica needs to settle Cortland.Jack says he will make calls have nice night.
Jesse wants to know what secrets he stumbled into.Jake says Angie is plotting decorating tips.David comes says they have too much time to gossip.Angie calls him on next staff cuts why is Frankie on top of the list.
Jesse asks Jake to keep an eye on Angie make sure she's okay . He's worried she's under to much stress..Angie says the only reason you are cutting Frankie is he's a Hubbard.She says she can think of many ways to save money looks at paper can't see!
David calls her on moneies to cut .Angie still can't see.Jake asks if they are having fun with numbers.Jake covers for her. He says weren't you talking about rotation schedule and health and pension costs. David looks surprised says if you can save money go ahead.He wants to know why Angie isn't on the ball as she usually is?Angie says he harrasses her.
Greenlee tries key can't open she asks why Ryan is still here while he helps open.Greenlee says hubby is probably out trying to find more ways to be saviour.
Erica comes to Caleb's calls him fraud says college ring is his Stanford he grdauated law magna cum lauda Worked for top law firm in LA! You are just hiding out in that flannel shirt she says!
Angie says she will drop proposal by end of day is that on the ball enough for you.Angie thanks Jake for saving her.Angie says it was too close.She says all will suffer if David finds out.
David tells Jesse he needs to find free time.Jesse says it gives him time to focus on nailing David he will prove it.
You won't find something you can show for your efforts.There is nothing to find Enjoy your susspension says David
Madison is making excuses why Greenlee was there but is worried she asks Frankie if she should be worried!Frnakie says Greenlee crisis takes precedence.
Frankie says he can't give advice he's doctor not advice colmnist!
Madison says Ryan get's her to spend time with daughter ,dates her wants to take her on trip out of town what advice do you have for friend!I would tell friend to be careful says Frankie
Ryan tells Greenlee she shouldn't have to put up with pain David dishes out.Greenlee says sometimes in the morning before she opens her eyes she expects to open them and see Ryan she admits then passes out.
David asks Ryan what he is doing in his room.
Erica says he was star in courtroom why did you walk away from what most people dream of.
Your boyfriend was here and warned me not to see you go away before he does alpha wolf thing.says Caleb
Erica sees pic of dog asks about him! She says she wants to know about Caleb was it scandal or pressure that brought him to this?She thinks it was woman in locket and the story gave her idea.She was real.
Caleb says she was his wife and Adam Chandler stoled her away Caleb says!
Adam stoled the woman you loved?
Sonya! says Caleb the non mentioned Sonia Reyes ,Miguels's mom?
He says Sonya is dead!He thought someday he and Sonya would be together on mountain.Erica says heartfelt symapthy as Caleb cries.Caleb says he lost job.He tried to burn down Adam's house!Erica says we're not meant to be alone there's more to life then booze.To feel someones arms, laughter, light, love she wants to lead him out.Erica's phone rings he says its her boyfriend.
Angie sight comes back.Jesse is worried about her he asks if he threatened to fire Frankie he wants to bring sparkle back to her.
Ryan asks why he is in room Ryan says asks wife treat her better.David asks her what happened she asks what do you think happened?
Frankie tells Madison he thinks Ryan isn't coming as there is knock on door.Ryan says they are good to go.Frankie gives Ryan the cold shoulder.Ryan says cool about Randi.Frnakie warns don't hurt her Ryan.Ryan says lets's get dinner before we go to Madison who's excited.
David says you've been drinking.Greenlee says just one or maybe three or two!She says you think I was drinking with Ryan?Greenlee says she was drinking with client she's light weight.She fell off stool Ryan picked her up!David says having someone drive you home was smart!She says you don't beleive me so terrible when trust goes out of relationship.
Erica says she was discussing business with Caleb as she talks to Jack on phone.Caleb says put up company to Jack no Chandler's need apply a condition.Caleb says he is leaving town tonight take finders fee unload company.Erica says what just happened he says he doesn't belong there!
Ryan and Madison have a nice dinner as he tells her they are taking private plane.Ryan wants to know why Frnakie's ticked at him.She says Frank is understress at work becasue of David.He says David will get what's coming to him.Madison asks if errand was Greenlee.He says yes she was drunk so he drove her home to David.
Rynassys from now on ask me anything I should have told you.
Greenlee says David does beleive her,he doesn't trust her with Ryan.David says he trusts her he wants her to be happy is she?
she says she wants to sleep and have it be tomorrow.David won't let her slip away he says !
Jesse and Angie go to Frankie's He offers do take out menus as Angie offers to cook mash potatoes broccoli and meat loaf! Angie bumped into something as her sight goes again
Jack is getting notes on Paris honeymoon sees Erica's computer open to Caleb!
Erica asks if Caleb is going to run again.He says he has no reason to be there ,she says she's doing this because of Palmer you have same fight he would want you to
fight!Caleb says are you kidding you are the one who doesn't want me to leave!
Angie claims she hasn't had a problem ,drugs are working Jake shadows her!
Ryan tries to get Greenlee to go home she claims she tripped .He grabs her she says she wil scream until cops come if he doesn't let go in three seconds. Ryan takes keys!.Says h will drive her home to yacht cub!Frankie has cereal for dinner
.Madison thought Ryan would be here by now before they went to NYC! Madison says Randi misses him.Madison offers to clean as the phone rings.Ryan says he will be late he has errand to run.she hears Greenlee in background saying she's his his date.
Jack says Erica is safe and sound but Erica needs to settle Cortland.Jack says he will make calls have nice night.
Jesse wants to know what secrets he stumbled into.Jake says Angie is plotting decorating tips.David comes says they have too much time to gossip.Angie calls him on next staff cuts why is Frankie on top of the list.
Jesse asks Jake to keep an eye on Angie make sure she's okay . He's worried she's under to much stress..Angie says the only reason you are cutting Frankie is he's a Hubbard.She says she can think of many ways to save money looks at paper can't see!
David calls her on moneies to cut .Angie still can't see.Jake asks if they are having fun with numbers.Jake covers for her. He says weren't you talking about rotation schedule and health and pension costs. David looks surprised says if you can save money go ahead.He wants to know why Angie isn't on the ball as she usually is?Angie says he harrasses her.
Greenlee tries key can't open she asks why Ryan is still here while he helps open.Greenlee says hubby is probably out trying to find more ways to be saviour.
Erica comes to Caleb's calls him fraud says college ring is his Stanford he grdauated law magna cum lauda Worked for top law firm in LA! You are just hiding out in that flannel shirt she says!
Angie says she will drop proposal by end of day is that on the ball enough for you.Angie thanks Jake for saving her.Angie says it was too close.She says all will suffer if David finds out.
David tells Jesse he needs to find free time.Jesse says it gives him time to focus on nailing David he will prove it.
You won't find something you can show for your efforts.There is nothing to find Enjoy your susspension says David
Madison is making excuses why Greenlee was there but is worried she asks Frankie if she should be worried!Frnakie says Greenlee crisis takes precedence.
Frankie says he can't give advice he's doctor not advice colmnist!
Madison says Ryan get's her to spend time with daughter ,dates her wants to take her on trip out of town what advice do you have for friend!I would tell friend to be careful says Frankie
Ryan tells Greenlee she shouldn't have to put up with pain David dishes out.Greenlee says sometimes in the morning before she opens her eyes she expects to open them and see Ryan she admits then passes out.
David asks Ryan what he is doing in his room.
Erica says he was star in courtroom why did you walk away from what most people dream of.
Your boyfriend was here and warned me not to see you go away before he does alpha wolf thing.says Caleb
Erica sees pic of dog asks about him! She says she wants to know about Caleb was it scandal or pressure that brought him to this?She thinks it was woman in locket and the story gave her idea.She was real.
Caleb says she was his wife and Adam Chandler stoled her away Caleb says!
Adam stoled the woman you loved?
Sonya! says Caleb the non mentioned Sonia Reyes ,Miguels's mom?
He says Sonya is dead!He thought someday he and Sonya would be together on mountain.Erica says heartfelt symapthy as Caleb cries.Caleb says he lost job.He tried to burn down Adam's house!Erica says we're not meant to be alone there's more to life then booze.To feel someones arms, laughter, light, love she wants to lead him out.Erica's phone rings he says its her boyfriend.
Angie sight comes back.Jesse is worried about her he asks if he threatened to fire Frankie he wants to bring sparkle back to her.
Ryan asks why he is in room Ryan says asks wife treat her better.David asks her what happened she asks what do you think happened?
Frankie tells Madison he thinks Ryan isn't coming as there is knock on door.Ryan says they are good to go.Frankie gives Ryan the cold shoulder.Ryan says cool about Randi.Frnakie warns don't hurt her Ryan.Ryan says lets's get dinner before we go to Madison who's excited.
David says you've been drinking.Greenlee says just one or maybe three or two!She says you think I was drinking with Ryan?Greenlee says she was drinking with client she's light weight.She fell off stool Ryan picked her up!David says having someone drive you home was smart!She says you don't beleive me so terrible when trust goes out of relationship.
Erica says she was discussing business with Caleb as she talks to Jack on phone.Caleb says put up company to Jack no Chandler's need apply a condition.Caleb says he is leaving town tonight take finders fee unload company.Erica says what just happened he says he doesn't belong there!
Ryan and Madison have a nice dinner as he tells her they are taking private plane.Ryan wants to know why Frnakie's ticked at him.She says Frank is understress at work becasue of David.He says David will get what's coming to him.Madison asks if errand was Greenlee.He says yes she was drunk so he drove her home to David.
Rynassys from now on ask me anything I should have told you.
Greenlee says David does beleive her,he doesn't trust her with Ryan.David says he trusts her he wants her to be happy is she?
she says she wants to sleep and have it be tomorrow.David won't let her slip away he says !
Jesse and Angie go to Frankie's He offers do take out menus as Angie offers to cook mash potatoes broccoli and meat loaf! Angie bumped into something as her sight goes again
Jack is getting notes on Paris honeymoon sees Erica's computer open to Caleb!
Erica asks if Caleb is going to run again.He says he has no reason to be there ,she says she's doing this because of Palmer you have same fight he would want you to
fight!Caleb says are you kidding you are the one who doesn't want me to leave!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Tuesday July 13,2010
Greenlee seems upset.David wants to go upstairs and makeout.Greenlee doesn't want to.Greenlee syas I said I forgave you.Greenlee is worried about the plane crash coming back to bit.He says he hasn' let her down yet.DAvid massages Greenlee 's shoulders his worried about her ssays she coud jeopardize work they've done.Greenlee doubts him he doesn't like that.Says nothing he won't do for her.Greenlee says she wants to pick up work without him.Frankie stops David says why is he at top of list to get rid of?
Madison is looking at NYc brochures Ryan says they may not go Emma is not hapy about the trip.Madison is worried about Emma too! Ryan says his daughter comes first about time!
Caleb says he brought Erica to room to end this.Erica wants to stop wondering why he behaves that way she wants him out of mind and shewants to stop caring about him!
Madison says there is magic there toy shops, museums I bet if you asked Daddy he would bring you back stuff.Madison tells her the story of Eloise!she says the little girls parents were never around she says that what she wanted when she was a little girl what Emma has a mommy that loves her and a Dad that comes back to her.Ryan says next time she can come with them.Emma likes Madison as she agrees her Dad can go!
Bianca is on the no fly list Jack is trying to fix it!Bianca is worried about promises to daughters Reese!
Jack hugs her.Bianca wants to know if he needs help with wedding he tells her about yacht!Bianca looks at list and says he needs bigger boat!
Greenlee fnds out she's not invited to wedding!She looks hurt!
Caleb insult me says Erica he says nope! Caleb says he doesn't owe her explanation of anything just because....
Erica says just because what show some guts!
Emma is happy that she will get new doll from Nyc and tells Annie on the phone.Ryan says he sounded boring he's side splittingly funny and devstatingly handsome.He says he's looking forward to time with her to Madison.
Jack says this list is a list in progress for wedding.Greenlee says life is what Erica wants.Jack says he didn't succeed in stopping David and her wedding.Jack says he would love to believe that she didn't sabotoge plane with David but Greenlee he knew wouldn't have doing lots of things that she's done including marrying Hayward!She doesn't care she wouldn't want to go anyway Greenlee says once was enough.
Erica begs Caleb to talk to her.Caleb says he is in suburban nightmare running company with Erica.
Erica says she is getting head messed up with Caleb.Caleb says you are afraid I'm going to mess up life with perfect guy with perfect hair but you're the one who's messing up!
Randi is excited isgetting readty to go kisses Frankie takes pic of him says she'll miss him.He sighs! He tells her he might lose his job! David is messing me to get parents says Frankie.Randi says she'll stay.Frankie says go we need cash!
David calls Greenlee doesn't reach leaves message.Ryan walks up says he has better things to do then listen into conversations.David says give it rest working so hard to prove that he is wrecking Greenlee's life.David says you just to need to make something up to wreck our marriage!Ryan taunts that their marrige is biggest lie of all when Greenlee promised to love forever.Greenlee ignores David's calls and drinks scotch at bar.
Jack walks in his room and asks caleb and Erica what is going on?Erica says just let Caleb go!Jack wants to know from Erica what he walked in on?
JAck says he's ready to listen.She says they got in to fight with Chandler's.Jr made Caleb offer.Caleb has problem with Chandler's.Caleb brought her back to Jacks' room!
Erica says why are you looking at me like that? Jack gets call about Fusion!
Randi says she will cancel.Frankie says go you are next big thing you'll blow them out of water.He'll get to projects his been put off last year.
Bianca says to David she doesn't keep tabs on Greenlee.
Why are you here your mother is recovered why are you here where is your wife and you judge my marriage?Greenlee says to Binky!
Ryan finds Greenlee drunk
Bianca complains she is on no fly list!They say it will take weeks
Erica comes to see Bianca and comfort Bianca!Jack says he had something he needed to take care of he has solution. The girls Miranda and Gabrielle come in.Reese is working on building in France!Jack leaves without a word!
Erica says she never want to be with anyone but Jack and after they are married she never will be!
Ryan asks why Greenlee is drunk she says she is forgetting not worry about anything he wants her to do it at home in bed.She tells him to go he ignores her .
Madison says David is tusnami to Frankie!Frankie says he has voodoo dolls of parents nad no respect for Frankie's skills.She says she's been through David hell.David has to know you are a good doc the board won't let him fire you.Madison says if that happens she will protest with signs.
Erica asks if Jack is upset she tells him he is wonderful for arranging reunion.Bianca wants to know if they are okay!What is that about you and Caleb?Is he angry about Caleb!Caleb flusters me says Erica rush hour traffic bad hair days fluster me.Does he do more than fluster you asks Bianca?Caleb gets pic of dog.Kisses it says Greedy is looking after he says aloud.Jack knocks and says Mr.Cooney do you have a minute?
Bianca says you have feelings for Caleb?He infuriates me that's one
Bianca:And ends with?
It's a version of Stockholm syndrome says Erica! don't break Jack's heart again says Binca be 100% certain that this marriage will be last because he is the man you should truly be with.
He's my destiny says Erica
Jack wants to know what Caleb wanted from Erica.Erica has made it clear she wants nothing to do with you.Caleb says then you better make sure she stays away from me then that's why i brought her back to you.
Erica says she's going to look into Caleb's background.Erica says take nanny kids back to her place as she cleans out office see you in a few minutes.
Erica googles Caleb Cooney!
Frankie says if he gests cut he has to hope soehting better is aound corner .Madison recommends pizza and beer! Her place is almost ready good job .Trip to nyc!She's excited Franie says she deserves all!Ryan made clear seperate rooms!Frankie says you can make up your mind if you want to share his,Ryan and her might take relationship to new level says Madison.
Ryan advises Greenlee to go home to bed she says she's happy there.Falls down drunk Ryan catches her!
Madison is looking at NYc brochures Ryan says they may not go Emma is not hapy about the trip.Madison is worried about Emma too! Ryan says his daughter comes first about time!
Caleb says he brought Erica to room to end this.Erica wants to stop wondering why he behaves that way she wants him out of mind and shewants to stop caring about him!
Madison says there is magic there toy shops, museums I bet if you asked Daddy he would bring you back stuff.Madison tells her the story of Eloise!she says the little girls parents were never around she says that what she wanted when she was a little girl what Emma has a mommy that loves her and a Dad that comes back to her.Ryan says next time she can come with them.Emma likes Madison as she agrees her Dad can go!
Bianca is on the no fly list Jack is trying to fix it!Bianca is worried about promises to daughters Reese!
Jack hugs her.Bianca wants to know if he needs help with wedding he tells her about yacht!Bianca looks at list and says he needs bigger boat!
Greenlee fnds out she's not invited to wedding!She looks hurt!
Caleb insult me says Erica he says nope! Caleb says he doesn't owe her explanation of anything just because....
Erica says just because what show some guts!
Emma is happy that she will get new doll from Nyc and tells Annie on the phone.Ryan says he sounded boring he's side splittingly funny and devstatingly handsome.He says he's looking forward to time with her to Madison.
Jack says this list is a list in progress for wedding.Greenlee says life is what Erica wants.Jack says he didn't succeed in stopping David and her wedding.Jack says he would love to believe that she didn't sabotoge plane with David but Greenlee he knew wouldn't have doing lots of things that she's done including marrying Hayward!She doesn't care she wouldn't want to go anyway Greenlee says once was enough.
Erica begs Caleb to talk to her.Caleb says he is in suburban nightmare running company with Erica.
Erica says she is getting head messed up with Caleb.Caleb says you are afraid I'm going to mess up life with perfect guy with perfect hair but you're the one who's messing up!
Randi is excited isgetting readty to go kisses Frankie takes pic of him says she'll miss him.He sighs! He tells her he might lose his job! David is messing me to get parents says Frankie.Randi says she'll stay.Frankie says go we need cash!
David calls Greenlee doesn't reach leaves message.Ryan walks up says he has better things to do then listen into conversations.David says give it rest working so hard to prove that he is wrecking Greenlee's life.David says you just to need to make something up to wreck our marriage!Ryan taunts that their marrige is biggest lie of all when Greenlee promised to love forever.Greenlee ignores David's calls and drinks scotch at bar.
Jack walks in his room and asks caleb and Erica what is going on?Erica says just let Caleb go!Jack wants to know from Erica what he walked in on?
JAck says he's ready to listen.She says they got in to fight with Chandler's.Jr made Caleb offer.Caleb has problem with Chandler's.Caleb brought her back to Jacks' room!
Erica says why are you looking at me like that? Jack gets call about Fusion!
Randi says she will cancel.Frankie says go you are next big thing you'll blow them out of water.He'll get to projects his been put off last year.
Bianca says to David she doesn't keep tabs on Greenlee.
Why are you here your mother is recovered why are you here where is your wife and you judge my marriage?Greenlee says to Binky!
Ryan finds Greenlee drunk
Bianca complains she is on no fly list!They say it will take weeks
Erica comes to see Bianca and comfort Bianca!Jack says he had something he needed to take care of he has solution. The girls Miranda and Gabrielle come in.Reese is working on building in France!Jack leaves without a word!
Erica says she never want to be with anyone but Jack and after they are married she never will be!
Ryan asks why Greenlee is drunk she says she is forgetting not worry about anything he wants her to do it at home in bed.She tells him to go he ignores her .
Madison says David is tusnami to Frankie!Frankie says he has voodoo dolls of parents nad no respect for Frankie's skills.She says she's been through David hell.David has to know you are a good doc the board won't let him fire you.Madison says if that happens she will protest with signs.
Erica asks if Jack is upset she tells him he is wonderful for arranging reunion.Bianca wants to know if they are okay!What is that about you and Caleb?Is he angry about Caleb!Caleb flusters me says Erica rush hour traffic bad hair days fluster me.Does he do more than fluster you asks Bianca?Caleb gets pic of dog.Kisses it says Greedy is looking after he says aloud.Jack knocks and says Mr.Cooney do you have a minute?
Bianca says you have feelings for Caleb?He infuriates me that's one
Bianca:And ends with?
It's a version of Stockholm syndrome says Erica! don't break Jack's heart again says Binca be 100% certain that this marriage will be last because he is the man you should truly be with.
He's my destiny says Erica
Jack wants to know what Caleb wanted from Erica.Erica has made it clear she wants nothing to do with you.Caleb says then you better make sure she stays away from me then that's why i brought her back to you.
Erica says she's going to look into Caleb's background.Erica says take nanny kids back to her place as she cleans out office see you in a few minutes.
Erica googles Caleb Cooney!
Frankie says if he gests cut he has to hope soehting better is aound corner .Madison recommends pizza and beer! Her place is almost ready good job .Trip to nyc!She's excited Franie says she deserves all!Ryan made clear seperate rooms!Frankie says you can make up your mind if you want to share his,Ryan and her might take relationship to new level says Madison.
Ryan advises Greenlee to go home to bed she says she's happy there.Falls down drunk Ryan catches her!
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