Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday July 28,2010

Humilating Colby to prove a point is low twisted and cruel and not something Damon would ever do .because of you Damon thinks I don't believe him says Tad to Liza.Liza says don't you dare walk awa from me.Damon says he just ants to move away with Colby .she asks what happened did you fight with Tad .Thy make palns to leave.
Frankie asks Ryan how's he' feeling? He says he feels like brain needs to catch up Frankie says that's temprarily he asks if anyone came to vivit him Frankie says like who?
Greenlee says so if I walk away like you've told me millions of times I'm free to do you will got to polce with evidence and make them think I'm the one who sabotoged plane and Fusion's books?I didn't even know about plane until long after you did it.Ilove you says David.Blackmail and love do not go hand in hand David!What ever problems are temporay it will pass think before you act good to know says Greenlee.
Madiosn is on her way says Frankie that's who you were expecting right? Madiosn comes in with surprise Emma who hugs him.He says he's all better.she asksif it hurts he says not anymore.
David tells Greenlee to sit down (as the singer behind sings "Betrayed betrayed!)'she does!more wine you're kidding right.He syas h's sorry he didn't ant it to be about threats.She said you have to be kidding.He says that's what Ilove about you you allways says what's on your mind .and afork in your chest she says
.iknow you're angry but you will see that i'm doing this for us for you.Our agreement was that I could leave anytime I wanted.You're confused you are not thinking straight or in your best interests this is the time to stay and work on your marriage.A marriage I jumped into for thewrong reasons Greenlee says.But you said you lovedme Counters David.For that I feel ourmarriage is worth saving (as the singer sings true lies)Greenlee looks dumfounded!
Is this abluff your bluffing you're hurt nad angry but you wouldn't go this far. You'd rather see me in prison that not with you.Don't try my bluff says DAvid.You are either insane or stupid and you're not stupid.I am confident in our marriage that you will make the right choice .do you really think I could love you after this? You just need some tie David says to clear Your head and time with me not by yourself and by your husband the love is there Al we have to do is find it again i have complete faith in you Greenlee.and faith in us.
Are you and having a ood time Ryan asks Emma .emme says thye heard about Erica .Madiosn apprently he needs more then speed dials on his phone becasue they heard from afolower on twitter about Erica's blog!
Venic is spectacular says Emaa
Frnkie gets snuck up on by Randi who kisses him wildly and he says he thought she wouldn't be back until tomorrow .She wants to go home.
Colby and damon leave she says it would be great toleave before questions.Damon says in someways your mom is right about me.
Liza says i desrve to explain.Tad says why so you can come up with anpther nagel another spin to mkae you look better?Youlike the injured arty.I'll do both you bet your ass I'll listen but on the condition you tll me the truth.
Okay says Liza all right it's true all Damon says was true.I had ben warning coly for so long and hse wouldn't listen so you thought you would set up this whole eelaborate paln to prove apoint.I set it up but he would have gone through with it if you hadn't come.TAd:You don't know that.Of all the nights for you to do something so jckass stupid the night I come and tell you I want to be with you!that we have afuture together you decide to get naked with my son.
Liza:to protect my daughter .I am sorry on so many levels
Tad:I don't care I don't give a damn. so what your sorry that makes everything okay.
Liza :we are good we are working...Tad:It isn't good you've been lying to my face for weeks Liza:you are making this out to be that it is all balck and white
TAd(incredulously)it is all black and white Liza:Damon is not blameless and niether are youLiza: i did what I had to do because you would never step up TAD:Fro Damon that's all I have done
Liza: no you've been making the same mistake over and over excuses for him you refuse to see who he is and what he's capable of and you never reined him in.And you know why becasue you felt guiltybecasue you weeern't therre for his first 19 years forget hat it wasn't your fault you made it your life's mission to atone for not being there.No matter what crime he commits you rationalize it. Tad:Do you hear yourself?You make him sound like aserial killer Liza: no you make him sound like he a couple of pats on the back from you and he's a saint. Tad"all I'm trying to do is give the boy chance Liza:you think adopting him is going to make him a human being so while he's in training to become a human being he's working out the kinks with my daughter.Liza:yes I did I set him up but he'st he one who took those pictures and taunted me!for weeksTad:because you didn't give him achoice.Liza:Oh please
Tad"the only choice youleft him was to the choice he knew to protect himself.Liza:thee you go again turnin him into a victimTAD: he is a victim you're the lunatic!
Liza:He enjoyed it he knew at any given moment he could take those pictures and blow up my life.TAD: I'm sorry sweetheart but if you found yourself in atricky situation yu have no one to blame but yourself.
Damon says your mom has had it in for methat doesn't mena she was totlly off base about me I have let you down but the past few months have been crazy I'm afther I'm not afther Paul's my Dad no Tad's my DAD.Now i'm adopted and amartin i don't know
what that means.Colby says Tad loves you!Tad tries so hard to be the perefct Dad there's no way I'll be the perfect son.colby:Tad doesn't expect that.Damon:while Tad has me there you're mom has me in this box failure for life. so while I'm deling with them and trying to figure out who the hell I am there's you and I'm crazy about you.Colby smiles.Damon:But you also know that you wanted things that scare the crap out of me.Colby:Iknow I did talk about commitment after Amanda and Jake's wedding you did start sweating there.
Damon so with Tad expecting the best and Liza expecting the worse it was too much but you helpeed me with that to hell with what people think i never used t care bout that!from now on I will be me
Colby;who is this guyDamon:he is the guy ho wants to run away with you and never ccome back
Emma is playing cards with Ryan go fish.Emma won 3rd time.Ryna says unbeleiveable he lets her go to vnding machine by self even though Madison offers to take her.Madiosn says she loves her.Ryan says this isn't helping.Ryna thinks it thursday not wednesday.
He was worried about Emma's dance class.
Greenlee says if you love me why won't youlet us have time apartDavid:becasue you're not being honest you'll use time apart to leave marriage and leave for good.Greenlee :would you rather i chose to stay with you becasue I wanted to
David do you remember the day when I was in jail I said Iloved you and don't use those words unless you meant them that we would be committed forever.
Greenlee: feelings change Iam not the same woman who said that or the same woman when we got married.David you meant those words you wanted you were unstoppable the two of us togther we unstoppable I'm going toget you back to that place.
Greenlee:(sad dejected)I don't want to be that woman anymore
David :that's what make syou so amazing that's who you are.You've tken afew hits recently you are unsure of yoreself you've let Ryan get to you
.He's made you doubt your chices our love
Greenlee bits lip loks angry'He sure isn't blackmailing blackmailed Amanda why not me?
David:Totally differnt thing youlove me
Greenlee:you saved my life you were the one person I could count on but then you manipulated David:you're absolutely right I get carrried away I go to far.I don't want to ruin this one.If I take blackmail off table will you stay?
Liza:Okay You want aconcrete reason.acoupl eof weeks my daughter was going to run off with your son highschool drop outprobation waht did you said kids will be kids and shrugged your shouldersTad:Kids are kidsYou can't tie them down remember us so busy trying to be his best friend be his father Liza:guidance Tad Tad:you have the gall to lecture me on my parenting skills when youtried to seduce your daughter's you think colby would have forgiven you the way you forgave Marion? did you ever stop to think she might not?
Liza:it was extreme yes it was extreme butrather deal with my daughtr hating me in the short term then having the biggest mistake of her life.running away with damon throwing away her life nad potential for some kid with apolice record who can't make a decsion and keep it for two minutes.Really come on do you think my daughter could possibly be happy with somoen like that?
TAD:If you gve her half a chnce that's what I think.
TAD:That someone is my sonLiza:TAD!! TAD: I told yu once beforedon't ever crew with my children I meant it your done.
Randi and frankie are making out phone rngs frankie says let it ring we ares ill saying or hellos
Randi says she needs alittle time(to do what make out with your hubby you idiot!)Phone rngs again Randi says it could be her agent she's offered another shoot. Frnakie sees box he opens coffe maker.Colin can I call you back!says Randi
Randi says coffemaker is sublime creme is to die for.hey make out
Ryna really thought it was thrurs day Madison is worried.Ryna sys he lsot 4 straight hands it was three! Ryan says Bianca was here she said some things he wants out .
Emme asks if they can paly agin.Madison says ryan needs rest.
Greenlee says you blackmail me then you say it goes way if I come've kiled any chance of me ever coming back.Dvid;Marriage is much too important for you to walk away so easily Greenlee: Thre is nothing easy about this.I did love you I trusted you.We wer equals respected each other,then youlied to meDavid:oh please your not taking off becasue of some lie.It's Ryan and everyone esle in this town got to you.Greenee:who the hell are you to tell me what to think I'm not Gayle or Krystal or Amanda.That you would dare force me into this marriage makes me sick.David:see you back a the roomGreenlee:excuse me David you need sometime to digest you have it take awalk clear your head I do love you more than youknow but I meant every word I said.Greenlee: You son of a bitch!runs away
Greenlee comes into their room looks around for evidence? She sess her efelection hates it.David sits nursing his drink downstairs looks at pic of greenlee
Ryan lloks at magazine throws it. bored .Greenlee stares a ring takes them off
Madison walks in on Randi and frankie is emabarrassed!oops
Liza looks for Colby can't find her. worries hse'slost her too.Tad can't find damon. Damon and colby are in restaurnat looking at map. David finds rings.
Greenlee comes to Ryan
Madison apologises Randi says your stills staying didn't work out.Madiosn offers to stay at ahotel.andi says all is okay.Randi ahd fun almost Frankie sys yes to almostoffes keep coming in.Madiso says that is serious smart doctor like you wil figure out coffee maker .It willnever turn out like yours says frankie as enadi looks jealous of banter,baby you should taste coffee she amkes talent.Nothing like perfect cup of coffe in morning.Once you have mine ... says rndi suggestively a Frankie kisses her.
Damon talks about stopover in chicago!music there like afunky mount rushmoreDamon says Colby talk to me why aen't you taking Tad's calls.Damon: if I pick up phone I'll just get earful I don't want to hear nobody will talk me out of thi trip
Colby :so you guys are cool Damon:I'll send him postcard's
Kathy comes to him says she was helping Krystal make Muffins for him .He says no peanuts though.Kathy are you going somewhere?
Damon says they are just goofing around Kathy:good cause youpromised you'd go to my swim meet so I could introduce my friends to my new big brother you crossed your heart
Damon:I did promise that i wouldn't miss it for the world
Liza finds David asks if he's seen Colby.she says she has bigger problems then Colby shacking up with you need more sugar pills al ready he asks.she says no
David:if you have problems don't drag me down with you
Liza says everything is fine me not so much it was extreme I admit that but I blew it up in my face.David that the difference between us Liza I never back down and I neve apologise!I do whatever it takes to get waht I want and I always get what I want.
Ryan is sleeping as greenlee stres he calls toher as he stirs.She sys she wants to amke sure he's okay.She wants toknow when he gets out.He says bianca was here she told me you were leaving david.she shouldn't of.RYAN:So it's true
Colby: So we don't go we stay and you do Damon;says nothing wills top us we will leive the way we want
Tad calls Jesse he's worried.Liza come Tad asks what do you wanton second thought go away.Liza says mybe they should team up Liza: says you want to be mad at me go ahead but we are parents...
Tad: says don't say that to meLiza:thye ned our hlp
Tad I don't wnat your help goodbye.Ransi says they want her to work at motini
Frankie says if you are still embarrassed about walking in on us don't be'Madiosnis RyanFrankie you okay? Madison: today he thought it was thursday.should I be worried
Frankie sys it's noraml but he'll kep eye out
Greenlee'Seems like lifetime since she came back she was nagry something you feel so strong about can be soo...We make choices good or bad we have to live with thm.Ryan: you meanDavidGreenlee: I mean life maybe RYan: are you leaving him Greenlee:I wish I'd never let myself fall for him

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