Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday July 21,2010

Tad answers the door to Jake while yelling on the phone about the cake the Martin cake he spells.Amanda says we now have time to get a better gift then money. Krystal got a gaming system.
Tad says he had to order another cake as Krystal says she could have baked one.Damon steels from Lrystal as Liza catches him!
Annie stares at pictures of Jr and Scott.Jr is trying to manipulate with scott the buy of Cortlandt.Jr says it doesn't matter thatCaleb doesn't want to sell they'll get it.Scott says focus on Marissa until at least her bar exam is over. Scott says press release has to be canclled they don't have courtlandt. Annie asks if he has answr to her question.
Marissa is tired and doesn't know her lawastuff.Jr says he was trying to get Cortlandt.Marissa says he allways wants more,Scott says annie caught him off guard as she pressures him to say yes.He says they have problems she's still legally married to adam.He says there is till JR!
Jr says tht the company is his mom's leagacy she says she's not sure of his priorities thesse days.colby offers to help if Marissa needs it.She assures Marissa that Jr is making Family apriority.Colby is goin to welcome to family party for damon.Jr says he can't make it.Jr wants to get a bite to eat.she sys that's fabulous idea you can show me the room you busted in to save Annie
Anni says he was so good with emma.Scott says he is worried she popped the question becasue she's insecure dn't want me to be your wife,He says it's instinct I love you.annie says you don't love me?He says he does we don't have to prove selves!
Scott goes to office.
Annie is worried!
Tad's wearing a blue lei and his package is amess Tad tied it himself.Jake gave damon asavings bond and something else that he says he doesn't have!Colby coems and says Damon is answering texts
Damon says money is adavance Liza says she will call Krystal.He says he will tell Krystal.Liza says youknow she's at your party.Liza says whoops you forgot as he says he forgot.Lizas being really mean!!!
Tad says he needs to get Damons cake.Colby says he should be here ready to party.Tad says he is probably freaked out his not used to unconditional love Colby sys you keep thinking that.
Marissa says thats digusting but you should have been honest dont lie.Jr says he didnèt want her tostress Jr says Annie is sore spot he doesnèt want to hurt her.If she was the one in the room he wouldnt breathing.Liza says you will tell Krystal. You are athief of hearts and stole Colbys heart.Tad comes in says guess you two decide to have own party mind if I crash.Tad complains party started hour ago.Liza says he stole cash from krystal.He asks if tad will unadopt him.You want me to be new guy I dont roll that way Damon says stalking off.what was that asks Damon.Jake got guitar for Damon!Jake has to go to work but he says he wants tostay.
Marissa sys she knows Jr rescued her donèt freak out the wife with small deatails.annie says sheès sorry she didnèt say so .Marissa sks what hse would have done if Jr wasnèt here.Annie says Tucker was strong determined and insuates she would hav been raped
Scott comes in and propses on bended knee offering her a ring.He asks her to do the great honor of being his wife.Annie is shcoked.Annie says she thought he was interestd he says he has been thinking about this for awhile but he wanted to be the one to propose.From the moment he met her he kneww all were wrong she ws deep loving and he prmises her alife of joy na love and surprises as she says yes.
sh says put on ring make offical.colby comes in frowns looks mad.
Colby s told that they ae getting amrrie dJr toasts annie and scott may you have all the happiness you deserve he says
Jake looks at phone ignores it.
amanda asks what he thinks of Damon he says he has ADD if it wasnt for tad he would be in prison.Amnda asks if Liza is coming she says Liza hates Damon.
Amanda tells him what Liza did Damon had pics of liza and that she set up Damon what if pics got out Jake says.Amanda tells him that she got him to erase.Jake says Tad deserves to know.Krystal says any sign of TAd cake.Jake says he foregot credit card at Stire amnda goes with him
Td begs Liza to be nice to Damon.Liza claims he dosenèt want to be apart of family.she says he is adu making wrong decsions.he calls her on pot shots on Damon.Tad blames himeself for stressing Damon with big party.Nothing you can says about Damon will surprise me.Liza says he is really like Tad at that age and it isnt a good thing.Colby begs on answering machine to see daddy.she says she cant handle it.As Damon overhears!
Colby tells him toget lost sheès busy Damon offers solice.she says she needs her dad to fix all!Scott is amrrying annie why is it that Im the only one that sees .she is taking everyone dwn sheès playing jR.What do you care.Damon says he cares.Damon says he was in middle of something.Mabe momès right you arenèt dependable.I have too much going on he says.
she says she need to go see her dad in NYc when can you leave ièll get you there!
Tad you didnèt think before you did things Tad says I was ajerk becasue I enjoyed it.Maybe his dosage is off says tad.Td sys if you have soemthing to says spit it out.Liza says he kissed me!Tad says wow that happened weeks ago and now you rtell me.she says he reaches into register doesnèt come to party.He doesnèt care who he hurts he only cares about self.Liza is a total BITCH!!!!!
Scott thanks Jr for toast!Jtr hugs congrats !Marissa says she needs to go studying .Good luck tomorrow says Scott as they leave.
Colby yells at Damon you ar not going to ditch me at the alst minurte.Damon says she should dela with annie stuff on own he has her back.Damon do not let me down she says.Damon says he wonèt
Tad asks what happened did you hit him stamp on his foot.ti doesnèt make sesnse tad wants to find out whats going on.He thanks her good or bad.she says shes in Colby an Tads corner.Jake debates telling Tad goes away.
Jr offers to help Marissa. Marissa says I wonder if scott and annie will have big wedding.Jr hopes they will elope
Scott is questioning whether shes marrying him for prestige power.She says Jr is over thats what this ring means!He says he beleives that Scott says he can give her everything she ever wanted.He knows who she is and he loves her step up and prove that his faith is justified.She says she will spend life making him proud! He dances with no music .she laughs jr sees walks away out of house as Marissa sees how upset Jr is!

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